Rules of etiquette for children: visiting, at the table, in the family, at school, in the theater, behavior on the street, in public places. At what age should I start learning to speech etiquette, telephone, rules of good tone, communication, politeness?

Rules of etiquette for children: visiting, at the table, in the family, at school, in the theater, behavior on the street, in public places. At what age should I start learning to speech etiquette, telephone, rules of good tone, communication, politeness?

The article talks about what types of etiquette rules exist, as well as what rules of etiquette should be known to children from a very young age.

It is customary to call the norms and rules of behavior in a certain place and in certain situations. It is very important to teach the child these rules, then parents will not have to feel awkward for their child, but rather and more than once they will have to hear the words of gratitude for the good manners of the person they brought up.


Types of children's etiquette

There are a large number of types of etiquette. However, varieties of etiquette for children are slightly less than for adults, they include:

  • A day off (this type of etiquette includes the rules of conduct in public places, such as cinema, theater, museum, etc.)
  • Guest (norms of behavior at a party)

Important: to instill good manners to the child, to make him a well -educated person can only be for those parents who themselves observe the rules of etiquette. After all, absolutely all children study, first of all, with personal examples of adults.

  • Passenger (rules of conduct in public transport)
  • Speech (verbal communication rules)
  • Family (rules of communication in the family)

Important: in addition to parents, his environment is also an example to follow a child, so you should pay attention to who your child communicates with.

Good company for each of the children
Good company for each of the children
  • Dining room (rules of conduct at the table)
  • Telephone (communication rules by phone, including through messages and emails)
  • Educational (rules of conduct in preschool institutions, schools, etc.)

By the way, for adults, in addition to the above types of etiquette, the following also exist:

  • Military
  • Diplomatic
  • Corporate
  • Professional
  • Religious
  • Wedding
  • Sports
  • Mourning
Types of etiquette (picture)
Types of etiquette (picture)

At what age should the etiquette start?

Many parents may be surprised if they find out that the rules of etiquette need to start teaching the child from birth.

  • You can easily begin to accustom a look at good manners, intonation, certain phrases to good manners. For example, you should wish the baby a pleasant appetite, thank him if he handed you a rattle, etc.

Important: already at the very early age, the child should praise for good manners, as well as showing the voice of voice when he does not act correctly.

  • From two to four years old, parents should begin the active education of the child with the rules of etiquette. He should tell him what to do, but how not, to motivate the child and not forget about a personal example

Important: at this age it is worth using the game forms of teaching a child to etiquette. You can already stage situations, use plot games, do not forget about funny verses and fairy tales on the topic of etiquette.

  • From four to six years old, the child should realize the need to teach good manners - this will help him in communicating with peers and with adults. An important role in learning is given not only to parents, but also to educators of children's preschool institutions
  • Essential training is also carried out in schools, but by this age the child should already have certain knowledge in this matter
The rules of etiquette should be taught from a very early age
The rules of etiquette should be taught from a very early age

Etiquette of politeness of children: lessons

To teach the rules of the child’s etiquette on an ongoing basis, using game forms, reminders, examples, etc. - It should be a continuous process. Constant pronouncing, demonstration by adults of good behavior without fail will be successful.

As for the teaching of children of politeness in kindergartens, schools, there are specially developed programs and lessons for teachers. The necessary materials and video tutorials will not be difficult to find on the Internet.

Politability lessons for children
Politability lessons for children

Etiquette at a table for children and schoolchildren: Rules

To teach a child how to behave at the table should start from an early age. Being still very tiny, the child should understand that food should be in a strictly designated place - in the dining room, in the kitchen.

The rules of etiquette at the table, which should be taught very completely babies, can also be attributed to the following:

  • To eat special cutlery should be used, food should be put on plates
  • When eating, as necessary, you should use a napkin

In the future, as they grow older, the child must remember the following rules of etiquette at the table:

  • Sit down at the table and start eating along with everyone
  • At the beginning of the meal, everyone present at the table of pleasant appetite
  • It should be eaten in silence, it is forbidden to indulge at the table
  • Should eat with an mouth closed
  • At the table, it is forbidden to champ, loudly crunch, take out food stuck in the teeth with your fingers
  • Large pieces of food should be divided using cutlery, smaller - do not fill with food a full mouth
  • It is forbidden to lick a plate, even if it was very tasty
  • It is forbidden to put the elbow on the table
  • If the desired dish is located at a distance from the child, then he should ask the dish to be handed over to him - it is forbidden to stretch through the entire table
  • At the end of the meal, say "Thank you!"
A rug with a scheme will help children quickly deal with the table setting and not get confused in the cutlery
A rug with a scheme will help children quickly deal with the table setting and not get confused in the cutlery

Video: Presentation etiquette and rules of conduct at the table

Etiquette for children visiting

It is very important to teach a child how to receive guests at home and how to behave from them. To do this, only some simple rules should be remembered:

  • Do not come to visit without an invitation, but, in case of urgent need, tell the owners about their visit. Unexpected guests almost always cause the owners of anxiety and troubles
  • You should not call or knock on the door insistently - no more than two times
  • When going to visit you should definitely take a hotel or gift with you - go to visit without a hotel impolite
  • Visiting you should behave calmly and restrained, it is forbidden to make noise and run
  • It is forbidden to touch the belongings of the owners without demand, look into the locked rooms, open cabinets, etc.
  • You can not give a poor assessment of the house of the owners, including the existing mess, an unpleasant odor, etc.
  • In the case of an invitation to the table, you should eat carefully
  • Do not stay away for a long time
  • Before leaving, it is worthwhile to thank the hosts for the warm welcome and treat
  • Guests should be invited to yourself in advance
  • Mandatory attention should be paid to each attached
  • Before leaving guests, you should thank them for the visit
Poor guest behavior
Poor guest behavior

Etiquette of children's behavior in public places

In order for parents to blush due to the lame behavior of the child outside the walls of the apartment, one should still tell him about the rules of behavior in public places.

I would like to pay special attention to the rules of etiquette in public transport:

  • Before entering transport, you should skip everyone who comes out of it
  • Men and boys should let women and girls forward, and only then go to the public transport salon
  • It is forbidden to push passengers with elbows, moving deep into the salon in order to take free space
  • Elderly people, disabled people, pregnant women and passengers with children should give way
  • Going into transport, you should remove the satchels and backpacks from the shoulders so as not to interfere with the rest of the passengers
  • Do not crowd at the entrance if there is no need to go out at the next stop
  • It is forbidden to eat in public transport, shaking dirt, drops of rain, snow from clothes
  • It is forbidden to run, talk loudly in the passenger compartment, dirty seats
  • It is forbidden to closely consider other passengers in the public transport salon
  • Animals should be transported in special bags or cells, and dogs in muzzles
  • In transport, you should prepare in advance for the exit
  • On the street standing transport should be bypassed from behind, only the tram - in front
Rules of conduct in transport (picture)
Rules of conduct in transport (picture)

Etiquette of children's behavior on the street

On the street, as at home, as at a party, certain norms of behavior should be observed. Parents should pay a lot of attention so that their child behaves well on the street.

The child must clearly learn that:

  • Garbage should be in the urn, not on earth
  • It is forbidden to walk on lawns
  • It is forbidden to make noise, run, touch others
  • You can not show people with a finger, indicate their shortcomings
  • In order to avoid clashes with passers -by, walking along the sidewalk, you should adhere to the right side
  • In case of stopping, you should go aside, so as not to interfere with passers -by
  • It is forbidden to eat on the go, it is better to stop or sit on a bench
  • It is worth remembering the rules of the road
  • You can’t leave the place where the parents asked to wait
  • You can’t report your address and phone to outsiders
  • You can not leave with strangers somewhere
It is better to eat not on the go, but sitting
It is better to eat not on the go, but sitting

Ethics of children's behavior in the theater

So good when the child has the opportunity to develop culturally. Therefore, parents should pay attention to this issue and at least occasionally take the child to theaters, cinemas, museums, to exhibitions, etc.

At the same time, parents should take care in advance about teaching a child to good manners. For example, in the theater:

  • You should look neat, unacceptable to come in dirty or torn clothes
  • You should come in advance so that there is time to put yourself in order, hand over outer clothing in a wardrobe
  • It is necessary to take a place, especially if it is located in the middle of the row, in advance, so that later the rest of the audience does not have to bother
  • To advance in a row to your place should only face the seated, apologizing for the inconvenience. Do not forget about the words of gratitude
  • During the performance, it is forbidden to make noise, share impressions, talk on the phone - this can be done during the intermission
  • During the performance, it is forbidden to eat and drink
  • During the performance, you should sit quietly so as not to interfere behind the sitting
Rules of etiquette in the theater
Rules of etiquette in the theater

Video: Rules of conduct in the theater

Etiquette of children with people

There are also rules of communication with people who should observe absolutely everyone.

These rules should be taught children from early childhood. The kids should also know that:

  • When meeting you should welcome friends
  • To adults should be contacted by "you"
  • It is forbidden to interrupt adults, intervene in their conversation and comment on what they heard
  • Before parting, you should say goodbye
  • You should thank for the service provided, the gift presented, etc.
  • In the case of a misconduct, forgiveness should be asked
  • It is forbidden to call, insult other children
  • It is forbidden to use parasitic words
  • It is forbidden to yabed
  • During the conversation, it is necessary to give the opportunity to speak out to all those present, not to interrupt them
  • If the interlocutor begins to behave inappropriately, he should make a remark to him, but not like him
  • In a conversation, it is forbidden to discuss other people, to criticize them
Good manners
Good manners

Speech etiquette for children: teaching younger students

Younger schoolchildren, like preschool children, should study the rules of communication with people, for this, if necessary, they should remind them of the rules of speech etiquette set forth in the section above, to fix them.

Etiquette rules for children at school

There are certain rules of conduct at school. These include the following:

  • Respect the teacher
  • You should come to school 10-15 minutes before classes
  • You should come to the school prepared - do all homework, not forget books and notebooks, do not forget the sports form
  • It is forbidden to leave school during classes
  • During classes, if there is a need to go out, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher's permission about it
  • Missing lessons is permissible only for good reason
  • During classes, you should turn off the sound of a mobile phone
  • At the beginning of the lesson you should welcome the teacher standing
  • If you have a question or want to answer the question posed, you should raise your hand and wait for the teacher to pay attention to you
  • Should follow the order at your workplace
  • During the lesson, it is forbidden to eat
  • The call at the end of the lesson is for the teacher. You should wait until the teacher finishes
  • At a break, it is forbidden to run, scream, swear, fight - violate order at school

Most schools have their additional rules, which must clearly be observed. Such rules can be found directly at school.

Good behavior at school
Good behavior at school

Family behavior etiquette

The rules of etiquette should be observed everywhere, and the family is no exception. Even the smallest baby should know:

  • With parents, grandparents, etc. should communicate respectfully, politely
  • You can’t bother with relatives, swear with them
  • Entering the room to parents, you should knock
  • It is forbidden to swear, fight with brothers and sisters, get on them
  • All the rules and traditions established directly in the family should adhere to

Important: it is best to teach a child the rules of conduct in the family with a personal example.

Obedient children help mom
Obedient children help mom

Telephone etiquette for children

Parents should explain to the child that during a telephone conversation you should use all the rules of speech etiquette. Along with these rules, the following can be attributed to telephone etiquette: the following:

  • Without any need, you should limit phone calls from 21.00 to 08.00 in the morning, and on weekends from 21.00 to 10.00 in the morning
  • A telephone conversation should start with a greeting, and at the end of the conversation you must definitely say goodbye
  • In places where the rules of etiquette do not allow you to talk on the phone, you should turn it off
  • If you told someone that you will call back, then you should do it without fail
  • Etiquette rules prohibit responding to calls from someone else's phone
  • With an incorrectly recruited room you should apologize
  • The rules of etiquette do not allow you to talk loudly on the phone in public places
  • It is forbidden to indulge in the phone
  • All messages should be well written
Children should learn to communicate by phone
Children should learn to communicate by phone

Essential training: conversation with children

In addition to gaming forms, you can teach children the etiquette in the form of targeted communication. There are a huge number of materials and lessons that will help both parents and teachers correctly build a conversation and easily convey the necessary information to children.

It is worth remembering that the conversation should be:

  • Not tiring for children, which means not long
  • Emotionally painted, not monotonous - children should be interested
  • Bilateral - children should take an active part in the conversation
  • Bright and memorable - you should use various visual examples in the form of pictures, audio materials, video materials

Important: training in the form of etiquette in the form of a conversation is better to use in relation to children of preschool age and schoolchildren.

Thematic conversation with children
Thematic conversation with children

Etiquette games for children. Competitions, quizzes for children by etiquette

Expanded scenarios of games, contests and quiz, both parents and teachers can easily find in bookstores, libraries, the Internet, etc.

Teaching children to the rules of etiquette in a playful way
Teaching children to the rules of etiquette in a playful way

Books on etiquette for children

In all bookstores, as well as on the Internet, you can find a wide selection of etiquette for children. It can be both books as a manual for adults and books for reading directly older children.

Here is a list of only some of them:

  • Rules of conduct for educated children. Galina Shalaeva
  • The alphabet of politeness. Lyudmila Vasilyeva-Gangnus
  • Polite words. Olga Korneeva
  • Enjoy your meal! Lessons of politeness. For children from the 1st year. Sergey Savushkin
  • Etiquette for children of various years. Andrey Usachev
  • Cultural growing. For children 4-5 years old. Svetlana Pyatak, Natalya Tsarikova
  • Lessons of politeness and kindness. A manual for children's etiquette for educators of kindergartens and schools of early development. Elena Barinova
  • ABC of etiquette for kids. 33 Rules for a good tone. Natalia Ivanova
  • Etiquette for a future lady. Antonina Eliseeva
  • Sociable fairy tales. Conversations with children about the politeness and culture of communication. Tatyana Shorygina
  • 1000 etiquette lessons for the smartest kids. Valentina Dmitrieva
  • Tips for Fairies of Politance. Victor Kudlachev, Irina Fomenkova
  • Learning to be approximate. Vladimir Stepanov
  • The alphabet of politeness. Natalia Chub
Etiquette book for children
Etiquette book for children

Tales of etiquette for children

All in the same bookstores can also be found also fairy tales that are designed to teach children good manners.

Poems about the rules of etiquette of children

I say to a friend: “Hello!”
And he answered: "Great!"
There is nothing wrong here,
Both words are suitable.

The eldest, if we meet him,
The first "Hello!" We are speaking.

Clothing is in order - everything is clean, neat -
It's nice to communicate with such a person.
And a dirty, shaggy, ragged look -
To stay away to his acquaintances tells.

"Hello!" - When meeting, we say
All friends, acquaintances and relatives.
And when we leave: "Goodbye!" -
Let the parting be short.

Roughly talk
Mockingly teasing -
It's bad, ugly!
You need to apologize.

Mom has a lot of things in the house,
In the worries of dad day after day.
And we are ready to help our relatives
We will postpone the games for later.

If my grandmother gets tired -
Let her rest.
Well, the grandson will not make noise,
There will be silence in the house.

For help and support
We always thank.
And, having received a gift,
"Thanks!" We say.

Adults are talking.
An important conversation.
They should not interfere -
There is such an agreement.

In the yard we have trouble -
Yabeda appeared.
We do not offend her,
We just don't play with her.

There are such kids -
They praise themselves with the heart.
They say this usually:
“Blind to be indecent!
Be good not in words
And in actions and deeds. "

Laugh at friends,
Discuss them for the eyes
Only evil Byaks can.
People should not be offended!

On the bus old woman
Loy up the place.
Sensitivity and attention
Show the elders.

We go quietly to transport,
here we do not run, do not sleep.
Do not shout and do not sing -
We behave well!

Let someone like a thing-
To restrain your desires.
Forget, or turn to the owner,
But you do not dare take someone else's to take someone else's!

In public transport
Be calm, quiet.
Fucking yourself politely -
Respect others.

Do not lie and slander,
When you yourself are responsible.
Decide to admit your guilt -
There should be children honest!

Rhymed rules of conduct at the table
Rhymed rules of conduct at the table

Lessons of politeness and etiquette: cartoon for children

There is a huge selection of cartoons, both Soviet and modern, which are able to teach a childhood child, which clearly demonstrate the rules of etiquette. Separate series about politeness and about the rules of etiquette can be found among such modern cartoons as:

  • Kids
  • Smeshariki
  • Luntik
  • Aunt Owl lessons
A well -mannered child
A well -mannered child

Pay attention to your child, teach him the rules of etiquette, and then you will be able to raise a good person.

Video: The first lessons of politeness to children

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon! )) The author persistently violates the rule “not to use parasitic words”, in this case “parasitic expressions”. Mandatory. Mandatory, without fail)))

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