The rules of friendship for preschoolers, first -graders and primary school schoolchildren: Rainbow of friendship and 25 rules of friendship and partnership. What are the rules of friendship? Composition on the topic - “Three Rules of Friendship”: Description, photo

The rules of friendship for preschoolers, first -graders and primary school schoolchildren: Rainbow of friendship and 25 rules of friendship and partnership. What are the rules of friendship? Composition on the topic - “Three Rules of Friendship”: Description, photo

The rules of friendship must observe both children and adults if they want to have real and faithful friends.

When a kind person - he is handsome when he is kind and handsome - they love him when they love him - he is happy. If a person is kind, then there are always many kind, beautiful and loving people or friends next to him. This is a well -known pattern, and the life experience of many of us shows that such a statement is an accurate one hundred percent.

  • Teach your children to be friends and be kind. So it will be easier for them to live.
  • Read this article, what kind of rules of friendship children should know.
  • Tell the child about these rules.
  • Let him know that only kindness and mutual assistance are the main components of good relations between people.

Friendship rules for preschoolers, first -graders and primary school schoolchildren: Rainbow of friendship - 7 basic rules

In Russia, the rainbow has always been considered a symbol of friendship between heaven and earth. Modern psychologists deduced the main rules, and so that the children remember them well, associate each of them with rainbow colors.

The rules of friendship for preschoolers, first -graders and primary school schoolchildren are easier to remember if you draw a rainbow of friendship and hang this poster on the wall. This is how 7 basic rainbow rules of friendship look like:

Seven secrets of friendly relations presented with the help of rainbow flowers
Seven secrets of friendly relations presented with the help of rainbow flowers
  • Know how to forgive. If a friend acted poorly in relation to you, do not hold offense at him and forgive him. Explain to him what his mistake is.
  • Be friendly. If you have unique games, share them with comrades who do not have them. Do not take the best games for yourself, give it better to a friend.
  • Help others. If you know how to do something, help a friend, teach him this. If a friend is in trouble, urgently hurry to his aid.
  • Be fun. Do not be gloomy and tearful and then everyone around will also be funny and friendly.
  • Love not only yourself. Treat a friend respectfully. Know how to accept help if you really need it.
  • Appreciate friendship. Do not quarrel with your comrades, do not follow the disputes, do not “lift your nose”, do not envy. If you did something bad in relation to a friend, admit it and apologize to your friend.
  • Smile more often. The smile makes everything bright around: people, nature, our life.

To make many friends:

  • do not be rude
  • do not call on
  • do not forget to say hello
  • if a friend asks for a thing, do not refuse him and do not greedy
  • if you took something from a friend, treat this thing neatly

Important: Parents! Tell your children about these rules. Show on your example how to be friends and follow the rules of friendship. Thanks to this, we will be able to grow a new generation of people - good and friendly.

In addition, exists 5 lawsthat each person should adhere to. Thanks to this, the relationship between young children and adults will always be friendly, and people will become friendly and philanthropic.

Five laws of good friendship and relations between people
Five laws of good friendship and relations between people

Several rules to make it easier for people to live in a team:

Rules for relations in the team
Rules for relations in the team

What are the rules of friendship: 25 rules of friendship and partnership

Three little friends
Three little friends

We are often visited by thoughts about whether we are doing everything right in relation to a friend or girlfriend. Any person can be mistaken, but it is important to see their mistake and fix it in a timely manner. The rules of friendship will help to see your wrong actions. They need to be followed, and then a friend will always be near, making life simple, happy and joyful. The main 25 rules of friendship and partnership:

  1. Smile more often. Learn to change the gloomy expression on a smile, because no one will like to see a always displeased friend next to him.
  2. Know how to listen. Listen carefully to your friend. Find out during the conversation about the details, use facial expressions and look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  3. Bring a friend if he is sick. Friends need each other not only during fun, but also in trouble.
  4. Give me advice, but do not belong to the personal. You can give some tips, but you do not need to intervene during the life of a friend. Let him come to one or another decision on his own.
  5. Keep secrets. Do not tell other people the secrets entrusted to a friend, because a friend must share his secrets with someone, and this should be a close friend.
  6. Do not meet your friends' former partners. If the ex -boyfriend or girlfriend of your friend pay attention to you, then it is better to refuse such communication. Otherwise, this will poorly affect friendship. But, if it is love, then for the sake of it people can sacrifice friendship.
  7. Tell a friend when he makes a mistake. It is better to learn about a miss from a friend than from another person. Explain why the comrade is wrong.
  8. Sincerely rejoice in the victory of a friend. Thanks to this, a comrade will understand how dear he is to you.
  9. Trust a friend. Trust is one of the most important qualities of good friendship.
  10. Help a friend when he needs it. If a comrade is in trouble, you need to help him get out of an unpleasant situation.
  11. Friend praises and compliment. Recognition is important for each person. It is always necessary for someone to praise for success.
  12. Do not be jealous of a friend. A friend has the right to have other friends, except you.
  13. Do not be touchy. A person may be wrong. Know how to forgive and do not keep the insult.
  14. Do not be intrusive. It is better to meet once a month, but so that it was a mutual desire for both friends. After all, one of the friends can be too busy and will not be able to see you every day.
  15. Mance your promises. This strengthens trust, and therefore friendship.
  16. Do not change behavior in relation to a friend in the presence of other people. People can communicate well together, but in the company one of them changes dramatically to impress. Friends do not do this.
  17. Be sincere. Do not pretend, stay yourself.
  18. Do not refuse the request. If a friend asked for something, then you need to do it if possible. Comrade will definitely appreciate this.
  19. Spend as much time together as both need it. To do something together is always interesting. For example, go to a movie session or in a cafe.
  20. Do not betray a friend. This is the worst that a person can do in relation to another, even if he does not know about it.
  21. Substitute your shoulder so that a friend cries. If he has trouble, let him tell, and you support him in this difficult moment. After all, it is important for any person to speak out.
  22. Change your plans if a friend needs help, after all, friendship first of all.
  23. If a friend is bad, offer him your help, even if he did not ask about it.
  24. Respect the freedom of a friend. The inner world of a person is important for him and this must be remembered.
  25. Defend a friend if they are discussed, but he is not nearby. A friend should always remain a friend and it is important to protect a comrade, even if at this moment there is no in the company.

At a young age there are more friends than in an older one, since friends are checked by time. Only the most faithful, friendly and sincere people are always next to us for many years.

Composition on the topic - “Three Rules of Friendship”: Description, photo

It will be better to understand the rules of friendship if you look at them clearly. The compositions will help to do this. Three basic rules of friendship are compositions in the photo with a description:

Trust is one of the basic rules of friends. If you cannot trust a person with your secrets, then your relationship cannot be called friendship. A deer in the arms of a wolf - this composition shows a feeling of trust best of all.

Composition on the topic
Composition on the topic "Trust between friends"

Help a friend. A true friend is the person who will always be near and come to the rescue. This is well shown by the picture "Two friends with a dog." One boy collects apples from a tree, and the other substitutes a basket. Even the dog is ready for help, and these animals are considered the best friends of a person.

Composition on the topic
Composition on the topic "Help to a friend"

The composition on the topic "Know how to listen." A true friend will always listen to his friend, because this is important to him.

Composition on the topic
Composition on the topic "Know how to listen to a friend"

A reliable foundation of friendship is mutual assistance. This feeling originated in ancient people when they needed it to survive and overcome hunger, cold and illness.

Video: The strongest stories of friendship in the world!

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