Rommberg's pose - what is it, which shows in children and adults, how to perform correctly? Is it possible to conduct Romberg’s test on your own? Can I train in the Romberg position?

Rommberg's pose - what is it, which shows in children and adults, how to perform correctly? Is it possible to conduct Romberg’s test on your own? Can I train in the Romberg position?

In this article you will learn about what is used for and how the romberg pose is used.

This is a well -known medical term, which many have heard more than once. If we are talking about how the nervous system works (as, in fact, other organs), is everything all right with it, whether individual functions are disrupted - doctors often resort to such a simple, but very indicative test, like a romberg pose.

What is Rommberg's pose?

  • When the patient passes the examination, the doctor may include in him romberg test. This is one of the simplest diagnostic methods that can indicate the risks of certain neurological diseases.
  • Romberg's pose is a fairly long -standing method, still popular, because It does not require costly tests, the use of expensive equipment and other points, and at the same time accurately indicates possible problems.

How to perform Romberg's pose correctly?

  • In order to most accurately determine which violations are observed in the work of the body systems, the doctor can offer the patient several options romberg poses. So, going from a simple test to a complicated option, the doctor receives more and more information and, accordingly, with a greater degree of probability, will establish the correct diagnosis.
  • The correct position of the body to perform the test is even, straight, with legs tightly pressed to each other. Further actions: the subject stretches his hands in front of himself and closes his eyes. A pose option is also possible with hands lowered along the body, and with open eyes.
  • In general, offering the patient to close his eyes when performing the test, the doctor determines how significant the vision at holding equilibrium This patient, and also, whether (and to what extent) other systems of the body cope with this task.

What does the Romberg test show?

  • Conducting such testing is aimed at determining the quality and correctness of the organs, providing a state of equilibrium for humans. These are, first of all, the vestibular apparatus, the ability to feel its body as a whole and each of the organs and parts - relative to others, full -fledged and uninterrupted brain function.
  • Such testing helps a lot in the diagnosis of many diseases, associated with the nervous system. The doctor takes into account any staggering, determining the degree of stability, also takes into account the intervals of the time in which the patient holds, or does not hold balance.
  • Usually, romberg's pose Doctors offer to fulfill if there are suspicions that the functions of the cerebellum or central nervous system are impaired if the spinal cord is affected. In addition, such testing is used in case of suspicion of pathology of the inner ear; on the inflammatory intracranial process and in some other cases.
  • Romberg test It can identify diseases such as neurosis or hysteria, indicate the presence of a head injury or ataxia. It is effective for meningitis and encephalitis, as well as for Meniere's disease.
  • The patient is proposed to become in the pose of Romberg, If there are suspicions of static or vestibular ataxia, neurosis, when the work is impaired or there are diseases of the cerebellum, the departments of the nervous system or the hemisphere of the brain are affected. Such a test is also carried out in the presence of impaired coordination of movements and obvious instability of the patient.
  • Applied rommberg's pose and when identifying the state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication.

Instability in the pose of Romberg

  • Any loss of balance, shake of body, staggering In one direction or another, a neurological disease may indicate a disease. For example, the loss of equilibrium and slope in a certain direction does not exclude damage to the cerebellum, and it is from the side where the body is tending.
  • Deviation back Or even a fall may talk about the disease of the psyche. At the same time, the doctor should clearly distinguish whether the fall is indeed provoked by a progressive disease, or there is a simulation. This can be determined by observing the patient’s knees: if the stubborn muscles tense, thereby raising the knee cups, it means that the patient tries to maintain balance. Otherwise, most likely, simulative behavior takes place.

Tremor in the Pose of Romberg

  • In the pose of Romberg The test is considered successful if the hands remain motionless. If involuntary trembling is observed, this may indicate certain disorders in the nervous system, in particular, the development of Parkinson's disease.
  • It can also be about cerebellar pathologies, essential tremor.
With tremor
With tremor

Complicated or sensitized pose of Rommberg

  • The legs in this case should be located in one line, i.e. one by one, so that the heel and fingers of the left and right legs (or vice versa) came into contact with each other.
  • As in the usual pose of Romberg, the patient closes his eyes and extends his arms forward right in front of him.
  • The results of the sensitized test are evaluated by the same parameters as the usual one.

How much do you need to survive in the Romberg position?

  • Here an important role is played by the age of the person. For young people, the norm is half a minute, especially if the patient leads an active lifestyle, which includes physical education and sports. If a person is inactive, the time frame can be reduced.
  • The older the patient, the less time he is given to him to complete the task. So, adult a man who has survived in pose of Romberg About 9 seconds, can be proud of this.
  • On average, stability In the pose of Romberg over 15 seconds Despite the fact that there is no tremor, it is considered a good result. A satisfactory indicator is one in which a person sets this time, but with a swaying.

If Rommberg's pose is held less than the allotted time, this indicates unsatisfactory stability, and with tremor of the hands - about disturbances in the body.

Rommberg pose in children

  • Romberg test For children, it is carried out in the same way as for adults, and this can do this as a doctor and parents in a home environment. Such testing is especially relevant for easy excitable children, since it is already capable of determining the problem at an early stage and starting to solve it as quickly as possible.
  • In no case should the child be allowed to conduct such a test himself - there must be an adult who will support the child if he will be there unstable in the pose of Romberg, His head will spin or pressure will increase.
  • The norm for the child is considered Romberg pose stability at least 15 seconds.

Romberg pose with multiple sclerosis

  • Testing by a pose of Romberg It is one of the methods of examining and diagnosis in case of suspicion of multiple sclerosis. It is used in combination with the testing of reflexes, the assessment of the movements of the limbs and muscle tone, sensitivity.
  • If a static pose of Rommberg It reveals precariousness, this is one of the confirmation of the diagnosis.

Is it possible to conduct Romberg’s test on your own?

  • Of course, it is possible, and many turn to this method. True, in this case, the diagnosis does not establish, but only gaining confidence (or denial) that a person has a stable coordination of movements.
  • This method is also good in that in the case obvious instability A person can consult a doctor in time to make a diagnosis and timely treatment of a beginning disease.
  • A prerequisite when conducting independent testing The presence of an assistant is, who, in the case of an unsuccessful test, will suffer and will not allow to fall. If the usual test is successful, you can try a more complex option.

Can I train in the Romberg position?

  • According to doctors, similar training In the pose of Romberg affect the body from the positive side. They are not contraindicated to anyone, the only reservation, should carefully approach the exercises for those people who have revealed a positive reaction to the test.
  • They need mandatory The presence of an assistant for safety and consent of the attending physician to perform the exercise.
  • For training, you need to connect the heels, standing evenly, and put socks apart. The knees are not compressed, the shoulders are deployed, the spine is straightened. When taking a breath, raise your arms to the shoulders with your palms up, and exhaling - lower it.
  • Repeat so 5-7 times, making sure that the spine remains even, and the body weight is evenly distributed to both soles.

Video: Diagnostics of the house in the Pose of Romberg

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