Increased cholesterol: how to reduce, remove cholesterol from the blood: drugs, products, tips. What is the dangerous level of cholesterol dangerous? What products cannot be consumed with increased cholesterol?

Increased cholesterol: how to reduce, remove cholesterol from the blood: drugs, products, tips. What is the dangerous level of cholesterol dangerous? What products cannot be consumed with increased cholesterol?

“Cholesterol” is a word that today, thanks to the media, can be thrown into everyone. Especially if you put the word "increased" next to it. But, nature was not in vain provided with our body with this substance. It turns out and it can be beneficial. But first things first.

What is cholesterol?


The fat -like substance in question is formed in the liver. Another source of cholesterol is the food that make up our diet. The body produces this substance for the goals he needs. It is used:

  • As part of cell membranes
  • In the process of digestion
  • With the synthesis of hormones and acids

Important: among other things, this fat -like substance is an active fighter with free radicals that cause aging and various diseases. Cholesterol is part of the fats necessary for proper assimilation of vitamins A, E, D and K.

Cholesterol in the blood

The norm of this substance in the body should not exceed 5.18 mmol/l. “Alarm” must be sounded if the tests showed above 6.2 mmol/l.

Important: an increased cholesterol level does not cause any symptoms. Therefore, very often people whose number of this substance is exceeded do not suspect their problem. For prevention, it is desirable to take a blood test every five years. He can show how much the level of this substance deviated from the norm.

The benefits of cholesterol


In many of us, the name of this substance is associated with something bad. But it can be beneficial. Today, more and more experts are trying to change the reputation of this substance. More and more modern studies show that cholesterol is not always an enemy of the heart.

Probably, everyone remembers the myth that you can’t eat more than 2-3 eggs per week. Now he is debunked. Firstly, egg cholesterol does not increase the overall level of this substance in the body. And secondly, it is useful.

Today, experts divided cholesterol into “bad” and “good”. At the same time, “good” not only does not harm health, but on the contrary, it is necessary for the body. And if its level were zero, then the body simply could not work further.

  1. The benefits of this substance are that it is one of the components that make up the walls of living tissue cells.
  2. It is impossible to provide bone tissue without cholesterol and health. The liver, nervous system and even the brain also could not perform its functions without this substance.
  3. In addition, this fat -like substance is a natural steroid. It helps to build muscle.
  4. Cholesterol adrenal glands produce sex hormones. These hormones, in turn, have anti -inflammatory properties, are a transport system for potassium and sodium electrolytes, and also regulate the level of calcium in the blood.

IMPORTANT: in men who eat only non -folteric foods, sexual activity may decrease. In women who actively reduce the level of this substance in the body, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed.

Cholesterol harm

Of course, this substance can be dangerous. Especially if its level will greatly “pass” for a normal mark. The main conviction to cholesterol was carried out when this substance was found as part of atherosclerotic plaques. These formations are the cause of such terrible health problems as heart attacks and strokes. In addition, clogging of blood vessels with such plaques harms the brain.

Important: in order to avoid problems associated with the described substance, it is important not only to reduce the level of poor cholesterol, but also to increase the level of good.

Diseases caused by high cholesterol

Lipid exchangeCholesterol plaques, which can lead to the occurrence of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, is not the only problem that is associated with the amount of this substance in the body. After all, its clots can form not only in the vessels, but also in the gall bladder, causing the formation of stones. Of course, this is not such a serious problem as the one described above. But, can cause significant discomfort.

Communication of cholesterol and diabetes mellitus

An increase in this substance in the blood is a dangerous signal. But, this especially negatively affects the body in diabetes. After all, “bad” cholesterol reduces the presence of “good”. Namely, the “good” is the main defender of the blood vessels that destroy with this disease.

In addition, you need to understand that the increase in the described substance negatively affects metabolic processes. Which leads to the development of diabetes. It turns out a vicious circle. Therefore, it is important for diabetics to keep cholesterol normally and, when you first detect an increase in the level of this substance, pay attention to this.

How to reduce cholesterol?

Solving a problem with high cholesterol must be approached comprehensively. First of all, you need to find out the reason for the increase in the level of this substance. Increased cholesterol can be a symptom of various diseases.

  • To reduce the level of this substance in the body, it is important to increase physical activity. Due to which you can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good”. In addition, physical activity will help lose excess weight, which is also the cause of violation in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Running, bicycle, swimming and other aerobic loads on the body help to reduce the level of this fat -like substance. It is advisable to use them at least three times a week. 30 minute classes are enough to reduce cholesterol. But, it is important to increase the load smoothly. Do warm -up before physical exercises and a hitch after them.
  • With increased cholesterol, it is important to reconsider your food diet in favor of healthy food. You need to abandon fried dishes. Animal products are better reduced. To reduce cholesterol, the amount of plant products and fish should be increased in its food diet.

What products cannot be consumed with increased cholesterol?


Foods themselves do not contain poor or good substances. They become such after getting into food and in the process of metabolism. However, some products can increase cholesterol. This is, first of all:

  • SDBA and some bakery products
  • Desserts and sweets
  • Mayonnaise and salads seasoned by him
  • Fat sour cream
  • Fatty meat, lard and meat semi -finished products
  • Margarine and butter
  • Alcohol

Cholesterol levels

Many products can regulate lipid processes in the body. These include:

  • Prunes and other dried fruits
  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, etc.)
  • Oatmeal and buckwheat
  • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.)
  • Sea fish
  • Sea cabbage
  • Vegetables and fruits (apples, kiwi, grapefruit, beets, avocados, carrots, etc.)
  • Garlic (isolated by a separate graph. Many call this root crop "ruff" for blood vessels)
  • Low -fat species of cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt
  • Turkey meat, rabbit and chicken
  • Crubless flour bread
  • Vegetable fats (olive, cotton, corn and sunflower oil)
  • Spices and spices (mustard, pepper, cinnamon, etc.)
  • Pineapple and lemon juices
  • Green tea and rosehip decoction
  • Red dry wine no more than 50 g

Important: with the problem described, it is important to increase the products rich in fiber in your diet. Insoluble fibers are sorbated and removed all excess from the body. In addition, such products as the rules are rich in various vitamins, useful minerals and antioxidants.

Diet with increased cholesterol


In order to reduce the amount of this substance in the blood, it is necessary to reduce (or exclude) harmful products and increase the content of beneficial. An approximate diet menu with such a problem may look as follows:

Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge cooked without oil. Green tea.

Lunch: Apple or other fruit

Dinner. Vegetable vegetable soup with vegetable oil. Cutlets cooked in a double boiler. Vegetable stew. Rosehip decoction.

Afternoon snack. Green tea. A slice of bread made of coarse flour with honey.

Dinner. Vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil or apple cider vinegar. Fish baked in foil. Boiled potatoes. Tea.

Before bedtime: A glass of kefir or yogurt.

Cholesterol reduction drugs

There are several groups of drugs that are fighting an increased cholesterol level. The most popular of them are statins. These include:

  • simvastatin ( "Vasilip", "Zorok" and etc.)
  • atorvastatin ( "Lipimar", "Atoris", "Torvard" and etc.)
  • rosuvastatin ( "Cross", "Akort", "Roxer" and etc.)

Today, most often doctors to combat an increased cholesterol level are prescribed atorvastatin and rosuvastatin.
The maximum dosage of Autovastatin is 80 mg per day, and rosuvastatin - 40 mg per day. Such drugs must be taken no more than once a day. Since the liver synthesizes the enzyme activating cholesterol production at night, it is better to take the drugs described above before bedtime.

The second group of drugs to reduce cholesterol after statins is fibrates. These drugs affect lipid metabolism in the body. The most popular fibrat in our country is "Traikor". It is taken one tablet once a day throughout the course of treatment.


The third group of drugs used to solve such a problem is absorption inhibitors. The most popular drug of this group in our country is "Ezetrol". It is taken 10 mg once a day.

Also, to adjust lipid processes, it is used a nicotinic acid. It is taken 3-4 g per day. After several tricks, the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases, and the “good” increases.

Reviews about methods for reducing cholesterol

Victor. Do not be afraid of high cholesterol. For many, the level of 8-9 is completely harmless. Father lived up to 80 years and his level was constantly from 7.4 to 9.3. I have a little less. I went to the doctor. Prescribed statins. He went through the course, nothing helped. Only the intestines planted. Now I go in for sports three times a day, drink green tea and feel great. At the same time, the level remained higher than the nationwide norm.

Olga. And how recently they scared eggs? Recently I watched the program how some journalist eat 4 eggs every day and after two weeks I passed a blood test for cholesterol. So he, on the contrary, fell with him compared to what he was before the beginning of the "egg" course.

Video: About the most important thing. How to reduce the level of substance that leads to atherosclerosis.

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Comments K. article

  1. You can bring cholesterol to normal without drugs and other physical intervention. Healers can completely normalize cholesterol without consequences. With this method of treatment, the effect is at the energy level both at the cholesterol itself and the cause of the violation. Support of a balanced level of cholesterol in the body and its adjustment.

  2. Oh, increased cholesterol, will not lead to anything good. He should be normal in a person. My mother took tests, and he has an overstated. So now I am following that the diet adheres to the diet, which the doctor prescribed to her, plus applied the tioktacide BV. It is based on alpha-lipoic acid, known for its ability to reduce the overall level of cholesterol. Mom has not yet finished the course, but already passed the tests, the doctor noted positive dynamics, cholesterol is reduced.

  3. He never believed in all healers. There are medicine, there are medicines that become better and better every year, why turn to all sorts of healers? I could perfectly lower cholesterol helped the doctor’s advice to switch to a healthy lifestyle, to eat and play sports, additionally, the tribulus accepted the effect. As a result, the cholesterol has returned to normal, now there are no problems, and no healers have been needed.

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