Posum and Opissum: Is this the same animal? How the pussy differs from the OPSISUM: characteristics, description

Posum and Opissum: Is this the same animal? How the pussy differs from the OPSISUM: characteristics, description

Many of us know that there are such animals as opossoma, but if you lose the first letter, there will be another animal. You will learn about the difference between the harsums and opossumov from the article.

The name of these animals is almost the same. However, how do these babies differ from each other? What does an opossum look like, but what is a hassle? And why is the difference noticeable at first glance only in the name?

How does PSUM differ from the OPSISUM?

  • Posum is Sairy beast. This animal lives on the territory of Australia. Susumov was also noticed in New Guinea, on the Malaysian Islands.
  • Posum lives in deaf forests. He climbs trees, jumps on the branches. This animal feeds on leaflets, fruits, flowers. Posum also likes to eat insects. Animals belong to various species of animals. Many of the species are under guard.
  • Opossum - A small animal. His habitat is North America and South America. Opossum refers to the type of marsupial animals that live not in Australia, but outside this continent.
  • When the inhabitants of Europe began to examine Australia, they saw that the hassles had quite similar appearance features with the murmurs that lived in America.
  • Once in ancient times, even Cook in his own diary was described by Pusum, while specially lowering “o”. Thus, he emphasized that oposum is different from the pussy.

What does Pusum look like?

The appearance of the pusum resembles ordinary squirrel. The animal has very small sizes:

  • The body in length is a maximum of 21 cm.
  • The tail of the animal is the same as the body - at least 16 cm and a maximum of 21 cm.
  • The weight of the pussy is no more than 200 g.

The body at the Cossum is thin, but due to the aircraft membrane, a completely different impression can be created.

Large features
Large features

On the body of the animal there is a dense, velvety fur. The tail is also rather fluffy. The animal muzzle is acute, short. The eyes and ears are large. The ears are quite mobile.

The color of the animal is this:

  • The back is covered ashen fur.
  • There are present on the muzzle brown stripes.
  • The stomach of the hassum of a sand shade.

On the legs of the animal 5 fingers. On the front paws, 2 fingers look in one direction, 3 - in the opposite. On the paws of the rear, only one finger is opposed to another. We also note that on the hind legs, 2 fingers are fought according to the Center.

  • The main exocrine glands (with the help of the animal marking their own territory) are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, breast, anus.
  • The male has a bifurcated genital organ. The girl's hazel has a tummy bagin which the female bears the kids.

What does an opossum look like?

  • Opossum - Mammal animal of small size. Belongs to the marsupial group. For the first time, the animal was noticed a very long time ago, when there was still a chalk period. Since that time, the animal has not changed in appearance.
  • The size of the opossoma is very different - from 7 cm to 50 cm. The size of the animal depends on the species. The weight of the animal can also be different, but not more than 7 kg.
  • Muzzle Oposum pointed. At the base of the tail, the body thickens. In this place, the animal is deposited by fat until the "heavy" times.
  • There is practically no wool on the tail of the animal. The body of the animal is covered with thick fur, but it is short. There are 5 fingers on the legs, sharp claws on each finger.

Posum and Opissum: The difference in character

  • Posum is considered a secretive animal he is active at nightAnd sleeps in his own nest during the day.
  • He can build a nest in the hollow of a tree or on the grass. The animal lies its own house with foliage, dried grass, branches. When night comes, the animal behaves actively - jumps through trees, overcomes only one night long distances.

SOSUM is sociable, can make various sounds:

  • When the animal is excited, joyful, it is cracking.
  • To attract attention, he "yaps".
  • During fright or anger, Posum publishes Rock.
  • When Posum welcomes his comrade, he hisses, sometimes dances.

In general, the hassum has a flexible disposition, so the animal is often kept at home. The animal is very playful, can quickly get used to people.

  • Opossum the same odinchka animal. The animal finds a couple during the wedding period. Opissum actively behaves at night. In the afternoon, he hides in a mink or under the roots of trees. It can also hang on the branches, hooking its tail.
  • Opissum loves to sleep very much. This is a favorite thing for an animal. As a rule, the animal’s sleep lasts up to 19 hours a day.
  • The nature Opusum is shy, careful. He tries to avoid people, so catching an animal is very difficult. The animal is also considered a real quiet, since it does not make any sounds.
  • Shouts an opossum Not often, only in those situations when he is very painful. In general, the animal is calm by nature, the aggression from the Opeksum has not yet been observed.
  • Opossum - an experienced tree. He is ready to constantly hang on the trees, to sleep even up his paws. But in nature there are types that move only on the ground. There are also opossums who love to swim. On water, animals get their own food.
  • One important feature of the behavior of the opossoma - nomadic life. The animal is constantly moving from one habitat to another. Therefore, he does not have his own territory.

Posum and Opissum: Differences in Accommodation

  • In wild nature posum (it is also called "sugar protein") is found mainly in Australia, as well as on the islands that adjust to the continent. The animal spends most of his own time on an eucalyptus tree. But sometimes the animal nevertheless falls to the ground.
  • The main feature of the pussy - The animal can adapt to any conditions of existence. In every place where there will be enough food, the animal wants to live. He especially likes to dwell near the home plantation and the garden. The main thing for the pussy is that there is food, shady plants grow.
  • As a rule, hassum it leads an active life only at night. Throughout the day the animal sleeps, only sometimes wakes up to eat. But, when twilight comes, Cossum wakes up, which means he goes for a walk. This time of the animal continues until the morning. After that, the animal goes to bed again.
  • Posum lives mainly in groups. In one group, there are up to 7 males. But the females have up to 30 pieces. Also in the group there is an alpha male. He can mark the territory, as well as every female. A strong smell that is released thanks to the glands of the alpha male scares away males of other groups.
  • Newborn babies of Posum remain to live with the rest of the groups. When they grow up, create their flocks, begin to divide the territories.
  • Cousams do not protect their own territory. But, in order to get food, if it becomes not enough, the entire group of animals begins to look for other places of residence.

Now let's talk about the OPSIMS:

  • Today oposums still live in the territory where they lived earlier-this New World. Although to this day animals have also been seen in the territory of European countries. They could prove it excavations of paleontologists.
  • Initially, the opossoma settled In North America and South America. But recently, scientists and zoologists have begun to notice that the murmurs began to greatly expand their own habitat. The animals began to gradually move to the north. They were already able to get to the eastern zone of Canada, also to the Antille Islands.
  • Oposums like it live in forests, in the steppes, in semi -desert zones. They like it too live on plains, small mountains, whose height is not more than 4000 m.
  • There are many species of murmurs. Each type chooses a separate habitat. Many people like to live where the pond is located. Others prefer to live simultaneously on water and land. They arrange their own houses in trees. But most of the murmurs still prefer to live on the branches of trees or just on the ground. There are also such opossoma that settled near the houses of people.

Cousams and opossoma: diet

The diet of the pussy is very diverse. However, it must have trace elements, products containing proteins, as well as carbohydrates. In summer and spring, when the animal feeds exclusively with protein food, it begins to hunt:

  • Grasshoppers.
  • Worms and other small insects.

When autumn and winter come, Cossum begins to eat eucalyptus leaflets, as well as greens acacia. Do not forget that Posum is a big lover of sweet food. He really likes it juice of trees, sugar fruits. Therefore, people who decide to start this animal at home will have a lot of costs to buy food to the halter.

  • A young mommy-poss feeds her own children until they turn 2 months old. After that, the kids begin to get food for themselves.
  • All in all the diet of the pussy The curl of exactly where exactly he lives. Australian Posum prefers to eat only fruits, herbs, insect larvae. The diet of animals living closer to the north is more diverse. It can be different Herbs, fruits, insects.

Opossums are omnivorous animals. They like to enjoy insects, different roots. Also adore the fruits, berries. Sometimes the opossoma go to a “big” hunt, but this, as a rule, is done only by large individuals.

They feed on leaflets
They feed on leaflets

Animals can hunt:

  • Rodents (mice, rabbits, rats).
  • Lizards.

In general, the rations of the opossoma depends on its type, conditions and habitat. There are animals living on the water. They like to eat Fish, frogs. They even sometimes hunt for small water snakes.

When a hungry time occurs, there are often cases when opossomes eat their own kind. These animals have excellent appetite. However, the point is not only in it. It’s just that animals are stored fat in case “heavy” times come.


If the opossom is contained at home, then he needs to often give:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Chicken meat.
  • Eggs.

Sometimes the animal can be allowed to enjoy the food, which is intended for cats. But abuse such nutrition is not recommended.

The main features of the pussy and opossums

  • Posum - This is an affectionate, kind animal.
  • The animal makes different sounds. Sometimes these sounds resemble the barking of a dog, a whistle.
  • Movies mainly at night, can clearly see the details in the dark.
  • Posum Pouring every six months. If the animal eats poorly, constantly worries, its wool may fall out.
  • When the animal soars, it can overcome a large distance. The direction of its own course changes with paws, tail.
  • The female is a parcel There is a bag on the stomach. Inside it is 4 nipples.
  • If the animal is little food, it falls into a sleepy state. So it can hold out until one day.
  • In the wild, Posum lives in groups where females are more.
  • The average duration of the animal - 6 years. At home, the animal can live a maximum of 13 years.
  • Due to the special structure of the body opossum It is well climbing trees. But at the same time, he does not know how to cling to the tail behind the branches. Although there are other erroneous opinions.
  • The main advantage of the animal - it has Sustainable immunity. Thanks to this feature, the animal can survive a snake bite.
  • Oposum - mammal animal. But despite this, his life is short -lived (on average 4 years).
  • A special character trait is timidity. Opissum does not like to contact people, pets. Sometimes, if the animal has no choice, he can kill a small pet, for example, a dog or a cat. When the animal attacks, he hisses and even screams.
  • Oposum is considered non -aggressive animal. But sometimes he can still threaten a person. Since often the opossum lives near the garbage heaps, it can be a carrier of dangerous diseases and parasites.
  • When the animal moves, it can develop speeds up to 5 km/h.
  • Opissum loves live alone, He finds a partner only in the wedding period.
  • The animal has well developed experience climber.
  • Opossum has a good sense of smell. If necessary, he quickly finds food to the touch.
  • At the animal 50 sufficiently sharp teeth. This is much more than many mammals.

As you noticed, the animals in appearance are very similar to each other. But they are still distinguished by the appearance, habitat and characteristics of character.

Video: Posum - not an opess

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