Proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for children?

Proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for children?

In this article, we will consider proverbs about the Motherland. We hope that they will be very useful for your children.

It is very important to educate a patriot in your child, especially if a boy grows. Girls should turn into caring mothers and faithful keepers of the hearth, but the guys should be able to stand not only for their family, but for the homeland. Although girls need to tie a love for the native land since childhood. The allegorical meaning of folklore forms, which have been gathered, will help with this.

Explanation of proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for preschool age, kindergarten

Such short phrases are easily remembered by kids. About the importance of the native land for a person and his duty to the Motherland must be told already at preschool age. But help to deal with some difficult phrases, giving a detailed explanation.

  • "Where not to live - to serve the homeland" - Even if I had to leave for another country, about the country in which I could not be born. You need to be a wall to the end for your country.
  • "Where the pine tree has grown, there it is red" - And this proverb teaches us that they do not choose their land. You need to live and work in your native place. Then you will reach the heights.
  • "Hero - for the homeland by mountain" - A real hero for the homeland in any situation will stand to the last, despite the uncomfortable situation or time.
  • "The main thing in life is to serve the Fatherland"- Previously, patriotism was valued and manifested above. Yes, today the living conditions have changed. Fight for their lands and defend their honor, now not in such a need. But you must always be ready to stand up for yourself, family, your land!
  • "Behind the sea, the fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own."No matter how beautiful it is in other countries, but it is not native, which means that it has not yet shown all its minuses.
  • "And the forest is noisy friendly when there are a lot of trees" - This is an instruction that the people should be friendly and look in one direction, then it will become invincible.
  • "And the dog knows his side"- Take a dog or cat in the forest, at least a few kilometers, but the animal will definitely find the way home. As if on the way, he did not have to difficult him.
  • "Who is fighting for the homeland, the strength of the double is given" - In his native land, confidence in his abilities appears, he receives additional protection and support, therefore, he becomes more strongly than his enemy.
  • "Mila is the side where the navel is cut" - This side will always be the best, since it was there that the best years of our lives passed.
About the homeland
About your native place
  • "In one place and the stone is growing with moss" - If the stone lies in one place for a long time, then it covers moss. That is, a person who stopped in one edge “lets the root”, “overwhelms” all domestic benefits, builds a family and starts children.
  • "In a foreign land and sweet in mustard, and in their homeland and hell for a lollipop" - Another confirmation that even bread will be tastier than any other people's sweetness.
  • "Do not renounce Russian land - it will not renounce and it is from you" - A foreign land will not give that support, albeit 10 years live. And the Motherland will always give strength and support in any situation, if a person himself does not turn away from it.
  • "In his swamp and the frog sings, but in a foreign land and nightingale is silent" - At home you can relax and feel free. But in distant countries, even birds cannot sing.
  • “Where the deer has passed, there the Russian soldier will pass, and where the deer will not pass, and there the Russian soldier will pass” - shows what kind of courage the Russian people are. After all, he can go even where animals do not happen if this is required for the homeland.
  • "The hero will never die - he always lives among the people" - All the heroes who gave their life to their land will never be forgotten by descendants.
  • "The warmth of the Motherland feels the whole heart" - When it returns to the native lands, the village is or the city, then in the chest, it becomes a little warmer and more joyful on the heart.
  • "The victim for the homeland is the highest victim"- This victim concerns not only one person or even his family, this is a victim for the sake of the whole people! For the sake of all their friends, relatives and friends, so it is the most important.
  • "The people have one house - homeland" - And absolutely true. There is no explanation.
  • "From the native land it blows warm, and from someone else's land - cold" - Another confirmation that in the native land is warmer and more comfortable.

Explanation of the best proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for primary and secondary school age

It is important for the child to give an example, because children nourish all their knowledge initially from parents, and only then from the surrounding world and friends. Therefore, even in the little things, express patriotism and love for the homeland. The topic of environmental pollution will also be very useful. By accustoming the child to throw garbage, emphasize the importance of his share for the homeland.

  • "Take care of the Motherland, like the Zenitsa Oka"- Zenitsa from the church Slavic dialect is an eye, a pupil. If it loses it, then the person will simply blindly blind. Therefore, without hometown, streets, at home, a person will become no one.
  • "Be not only the son of his father - be the son of his people" - Father is the second support of each child, especially the boy. But the guys should be given doubly for the support of the father and home of their homeland. This proverb also draws an analogy of the Motherland with parents who are so important in our lives.
  • "In the battle for the homeland and death is red" - If a person died, fighting for his homeland, then this is not in vain. This gesture of the right and beautiful act, which will continue to appreciate the descendants.
  • "What people will you come to, you will put on such a hat" - Each nation has its own customs, requirements or tastes. The headdress becomes a distinctive feature that is immediately striking.
  • "Nothing to exchange faith, homeland and mother!" - After all, these are the three main components of a person that he himself does not choose, cannot exchange or buy in a store. And they put almost everything into a person, making a person out of him.
  • "The hero dies once, a coward - a thousand times" - The hero goes to the end, even if death is ahead. And the coward can hide, betray or retreat in order to only survive. Therefore, he dies as many times as retreating.
  • "And the bones are crying for their homeland" - A person even wants to die on his native lands, so that the soul after death also finds peace. Moreover, even in such a situation I would like to be next to my relatives and friends.
  • "Pisces - the sea, birds - air, and man - Fatherland" - In this world, every living creature needs its own area of \u200b\u200bresidence, in which it will feel as comfortable as possible.
Proverbs about the homeland
Proverbs about the native country
  • "The bird is stupid with which his nest has not disbelieved" “She lives in this nest.” Therefore, it is stupid to sit and complain if you can make your housing more beautiful and rejoice.
  • "For your homeland, no strength or life spare." - This is a direct instruction, about the struggle to the last. Even if you have to give life. Remember how our ancestors fought. Only thanks to them do we have what we have today. Therefore, you can not retreat.
  • "If friendship is great, the homeland will be strong" - Patriotism should come not only from one person. For the homeland, you need to stand a wall with your compatriots, then there will be a prominent result.
  • "It’s good to sing songs outside the mountains, but living at home is better"- Away or in a foreign country is good to rest, but at home it is still more comfortable and more familiar.
  • "Fighting under the domestic sky acquires the courage of a lion"- You are gaining confidence in your native land.
  • "Who trades the homeland, that punishes that"- In life, everything has a relationship between actions and consequences, so the betrayal will necessarily come around in the future.
  • "Homeland is more expensive than any country" - A direct indication that everywhere is beautiful and good, because we do not know about all the negative sides of each country. And ours is our most native place on Earth.

Explanation of popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism

Proverbs and sayings help to develop and train memory. Yes, they also bear the instructive character, which has moved from their ancestors. But their main quality is that they remain in memory for a very long time. After all, a summary with a huge meaning is easily remembered and deposited in the subcortex of the brain.

  • "Take care of the land of the beloved land" - Another proverb that gives a direct instruction. There is a comparison of their native place with the mother, who gave the most valuable - life.
  • "In what people do you live, hold on the custom"- Folk wisdom that speaks of the differences in every people. And you should adhere to the rules in which you live. And do not focus on foreign priorities.
  • "It's good everywhere, but at home it is better" - No matter how good it was visiting, at sea or on vacation, but everything is native at home. Therefore, you can relax not only with the body, but also with the soul.
  • "Where someone is born, it will come in handy there" - Everyone has a purpose and everyone has their own duty. But it completely depends on what land a person is located. That is, a person must give his duty to his own country where he has grown.
  • "Homeland is mother, know how to stand up for her" - The homeland is equated with the mother. Therefore, for it you need to stand not only with deed, but also in a word. A little sharp example, but to offend the homeland is almost the same as its mother.
  • "A man without a homeland, that a nightingale without a song"- Everyone should have a native land, because without him a person loses part of himself.
  • "Where not to live - to serve the homeland" - Even in distant lands, one must not forget about the homeland.
For kids
Right words
  • "Where the pine tree has grown, there it is red" - Another multiple saying that teaches to value its native land. After all, exactly the place paints the person in which he was born.
  • "On the alien side, the homeland is doubly" - You understand all the value of their native places when the time comes to leave them. And then in the distance you begin to really miss them.
  • "If the people are one, they are invincible" - Another saying that indicates the incredible power of the people in unity. Here is a clear example when offenders can attack one. And if friends are connected, then these same offenders do not just get away and run away, but they will also receive hats.
  • "If in Russian is hidden, and one warrior in the field" - Here we are talking about the stamina and strength of the spirit of every Russian resident who will fight alone to victory.
  • "You live on the side, and your village is on your mind" - Wherever you are, and thoughts will return to the native lands, and their hearts will be bored with them.
  • “Once upon a time there was a well done; I did not see fun in my village, I went out on a foreign land - cried ” - This saying has a very deep meaning. In your region you do not value that there is and you complain about everything. And, having left for someone else's land, you understand that it was better at home.
  • "Live - to serve the homeland" - This is the most famous instruction that was very popular in the post -war years. Previously, life revolved around the struggle for its lands. Therefore, the main and direct duties was to serve its homeland, protect it and benefit.

Important: Explain to the child that serving the Motherland is not always to run with an automaton and shoot at visitors. You can, for example, affect the global problem with garbage. After all, it is not customary to litter in his house, because it will need to be cleaned in it. So the homeland is a house that you need to take care of.

  • "Houses and walls help" - This proverb emphasizes that the native land is sick and helps. Direct and accurate analogy - if a person is sick. When he lies in the hospital, and although doctors care about him, the patient does not become easier. But at home after 1-2 you already get on your feet and instantly feel a surge of strength and energy.
  • "Without root and wormwood does not grow" - Not only wormwood, but also any plant. Man and even representatives of the animal world cannot exist without homeland. Wormwood in this example uses because this weed grows anywhere and in any condition. But even he needs a root.
  • "On the native side and pebble is familiar" - No matter how at home, but really even a pebble on the road or a tree in the field will be familiar.
  • "In a foreign land and kalach is not a joy, but in his homeland and black bread in sweetness" - No matter how beautiful someone else's place, but it will not give that mental warmth and life comfort as their home and edge.

Explanation of interesting proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism for children

Proverbs may contain already outdated words or turns. Therefore, proverbs can sound interesting. But such unusual pronunciation is sometimes difficult for perception. Therefore, explain incomprehensible words to the baby and ask how he understands this or that proverb.

  • "It is better to lie down on your side with bones than in a foreign land to acquire fame" - The betrayal is not just bad, but still low and mean. And the native land must be defended not only by word, but also by business.
  • "Native country is a cradle, a stranger - a holey trough" - The Tatar proverb that reveals the meaning of relatives and foreign lands. In his homeland, a person is born and spends the best time of his life, and a stranger country is only visually beautiful. In fact, it does not stand out anything special.
  • "Let the spoon of someone who does not pull to his boiler break" - In this saying, an allegory of a boiler with a homeland is held, for which life is not a pity.
  • "Sacrifice yourself for the sake of their homeland, and for your sake people will sacrifice themselves"- Another proverb that teaches us to give and receive. After all, even after the death of the heroes, his family is supported and helped with any valuable.
  • "He did not die whom the Motherland remembers as a friend"- That is, a person lives in the memory of the following generations, so he remains alive, even when he is not nearby.
Teach children to proverbs
Teach children to proverbs
  • "You will get lost gold, you will get the lost homeland with blood." - Gold can really be obtained in the ground. Yes, this is not an easy job. But you can only return the homeland by fighting.
  • "Homeland - mother, stranger - stepmother" - A saying that is accurately brought by the association. Any country (that is, its inhabitants) will be treated like a stepmother.
  • "You will not find the homeland, like parents, in a foreign land" - None of us choose these things. And even a change of residence will not make you a resident of another nation and country. Like parents, no guardian can replace. You can draw an analogy with parents and uncles - aunts. It will be easier for the child to understand the comparison.
  • "Well, where we do not" - There is no perfect place. There will always be some disadvantages that can only be seen under the nose.
  • "The thin bird that becomes a nest" - Another example is that you need to care for your housing and your homeland. After all, cleanliness begins with everyone.
  • "In a foreign land, as if in a house, and lonely, and Nemo" - Not only the problem is that you don’t know the language, but there are no old friends with whom you can talk. And there are no relatives who will always support.
  • "On the alien side, the homeland is doubly"- You begin to value your own only when it is not nearby.
  • "On the alien side, the dogs will sray for three years and for three years people go ahead" - It will take about so much time to get used to new housing, new life and new conditions.
  • "Our strength is one of the family" - A brief saying that you need to be friendly and one, then you can become invincible.

Explanation of the meaning of small, short proverbs and sayings for children about their homeland, patriotism

In order for the child to learn the material faster, it is necessary to teach sayings gradually and constantly. That is, start with small and short proverbs. Do not overload the baby, learn 1 proverb per day. And so that she is well remembered, and he managed to understand her, stretch learning to a certain period of time.

  • "At his nest and raven an eagle beats"- Even birds drive strangers from their home, protecting it at all costs. Even if the raven is weaker than the eagle, but it is on its territory.
  • "In the native nest and sparrow is strong"- Another bird that is clearly not famous for the great power. But in the native land, incredible courage is gaining.
  • "You can leave the house, but not your homeland" - The house is changing in our life repeatedly. But the homeland cannot be built or buy, since it is one and for life.
  • "Give your head for your native land" - The Belarusian proverb, which shows the importance of the native land. It is for him that you should stand to the victorious end.
  • "Who loves homeland, he hates the enemy" - You cannot love another country and call yourself a patriot. If a person really loves his country, then he will make every effort to make it better than any other nation or country.
  • "On the native side, every bush is familiar" - Again, this is a confirmation that in the years you have used to get used to each pebble, a bush and surrounding people. And this creates the very warm atmosphere, which can only be at home.
  • "Native land, what a tired bed" - Not only the body, but also the soul rests in the native land. Yes, for your home it is necessary not to regret labor in order to create only the best conditions, but the soul will only rejoice more.
  • "In the native land, as in paradise"- This saying accurately conveys the state of a person who is overwhelmed by feelings after a long separation from his native lands.
  • "Fatherland from the enemy defend" - The saying teaches the future generation to protect their land at all costs. After all, our ancestors, who had folded more than one head on the battlefield, did this.
  • "The best friend is mother, the best sister is homeland" “This is an Azerbaijani proverb that makes it clear that the mother will always support, but the Motherland will always“ substitute her shoulder. ”
  • "In its side and winter is nicer"- Indeed, even winter is not so harsh in its region, and the sun in the summer is not so scorching in its homeland.
Says about the homeland
Interesting knowledge for your children
  • "Homeland, as a mother: always protect"- You can even recall the laws that have its own in every country. And not a single stranger country will take care of visiting residents as the homeland will do.
  • "Maybe yes at the front throw"- This proverb teaches not so much to patriotism, but indicates unnecessary words in our speech. This is perhaps and I suppose, because they cannot be counted on them.
  • "Automat and shovel - friends of a soldier"- The machine is the main weapon to protect and attack, and the shovel is necessary for digging trenches to hide from enemies.
  • "The hero will die - the name will remain" - This proverb indicates the eternal memory of the great heroes who were not afraid to stand and die for their homeland.
  • "The fight loves the courage" - A real patriot will not hide from the enemy. And it will boldly defend his country.
  • "For the homeland, for honor - at least to take your head" - That is, it’s not scary to die for the homeland. And honor is expressed by the ability to defend your land and not to run away at the first threats.
  • "There is no old age, homeland - no price" - Such metal as gold does not deteriorate over the years and does not disappear. Therefore, there is nothing more important than the homeland.
  • "And the crane searches for heat" -That is, he is looking for his house, something native and warm, like a homeland.

Proverbs and sayings about the homeland, patriotism with drawings for children: photo

The child is always visually easier and more interesting to perceive any material. Therefore, while learning sayings and proverbs with the baby, show him colorful pictures. You can even come up with your drawing that it will convey the meaning of some saying.

Proverbs about the homeland
Proverbs about the homeland
Learning with children
  • "The smoke of the fatherland is brighter than someone else's fire."
  • "The homeland entrusts the homeland and helps out."
  • "Love for the homeland on fire does not burn and does not sink in the water."
  • "It is better to be a shepherd in homeland than in a foreign land Sultan."
  • "The native land is softer than someone else's feather bed."

Video: Proverbs and sayings about the homeland

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