Portfolio of primary and senior schoolchildren: ready -made title sheets and sheets templates for boys and girls

Portfolio of primary and senior schoolchildren: ready -made title sheets and sheets templates for boys and girls

How to make a portfolio for younger and senior schoolchildren?

The purpose of creating a portfolio for schoolchildren is to identify the main abilities and collect information about the achievements of the child.
Creative work, in this regard, should be carried out together with parents. Not every parent, starting to create a resume for his child, knows how beautifully and correctly to arrange it. Consider this issue on the examples of the presented article.

The best portfolio for younger schoolchildren for girls: example, sample, photo

The portfolio is issued in free form.

But the basic rules are desirable to observe:

  • We start with the design of the title sheet. We give a schoolgirl the opportunity to choose your favorite photo for the most important part of the document. Together with the child, we make beautifully: surname, name, patronymic, and all the necessary additional contact information.
The first sheet of the portfolio
  • We move on to the section »My world."This topic includes an extensive material about the personal life of a little student.

Name - its meaning and origin. Whose initiative was the child to call?
List the famous people having this name.

A family - Tell us a little about the composition of the family: brother, sister, mom, dad.

A small story about the family composition

Friends - Photo, name, how long have been familiar, their favorite classes.

Information about friends
Information about friends

Place of residence - name, main attractions (river, bridge, museum). A very important element in this place will be a drawn road scheme to school. Indicate the dangerous places of crossing the track, traffic lights.

I live here

Favorite classes - All hobbies of the girl: music school, sports circle, reading books, etc.

My home leisure

School - The narrative of teachers, the place of study. Describe the location, number of storeys of the building, trees flowers, a school town. Tell us briefly about the class teacher: age, name, work experience, which subject teaches.

All about school and teachers

School items- Favorite lessons. Why do some like, others are not very interesting?

The story of the best lessons
  • The next stage of design is my school success. Specifically stop at the most successful control work and completed tasks.
The best results during study
  • Next, we make a paragraph about extracurricular work.Describe everything that the child is doing in their free time: participation in school performances, concerts , sports competitions between classes, various olympiads.
School life outside the curriculum
  • Now let us dwell on creative successes and achievements. Any crafts, drawings everything that can be placed on the sheet is attached. Too big options - we photograph and apply. They will be appropriate, in this section: diplomas, awards, letters of thanks.
What can I do?
  • Reviews and wishes. In elementary grades, this item may contain reviews of teachers or parents.
Recommendations of parents and teachers
  • The final stage- content. This is a generalizing sheet with the name of each section. Over time, it may change.
Summarize at the end in one list all the portfolio items

Choose any subject to decorate the achievement diary.

Luntik on the portfolio of a little schoolgirl
Favorite heroes


Mickey and Minnie Mouse

The best portfolio for younger schoolchildren for boys: an example, sample, photo

With boys, a younger school age category, we prepare a creative model of a folder with documents in a similar way.

Only change:

  1. Portfolio design topics. Girls have some favorite heroes against the background of a document, the boys have others
  2. Individual features of the boy. The interests of the sexes, at this age, the kids also, as in any other, are very different. It is important to take this into account when designing a portfolio for boys. Mom should not do all the work for the child, based only on her emotions on the perception of the world.
The meaning of the name of the boy
Favourite hobby
I love to play sports
Sample of filling out a folder of documents for a younger student
Beautiful portfolio
Sample for filling out the folder of personal documents

The best portfolio for older schoolchildren for girls: an example, sample, photo

Going from class to class, a personal file acquires extensive sizes. You can create a new portfolio for a young lady. But it is better to add additional sheets with new information and photos to existing, additional sheets.

  • Rules of school etiquette, will not prevent the approval of a growing baby

  • New information about the preferred direction of fashion will be very interesting: romantic, casual, vamp, sports, marine, ethnic. Indeed, at this age, girls, they love to dress up.
  • Or maybe idols appeared: singers, actors and actresses. Reflect this in my world.
  • By this time, girls can acquire skills: modeling, sewing, cooking. About your successes, make a photo report with a description.
  • The existing supply of travel impressions can be added to the additional travel department. Here, tell us: about the most places you like, about the customs of this region, about nature, animals.
All about trips
  • The life of a teenager is filled with many new discoveries. Parents and teachers, preparing a portfolio along with a growing child, will be easier to understand and direct his main features in the right direction.
  • In reviews and suggestions, in this case, the opinions of friends and friends are added. They can leave advice about what positive aspects and achievements they like a portfolio in the mistress, and where she should pull up.

For example: “You are perfectly skating on rollers. But then, English should be tightened? "

The general design may depend on the taste of the owner:

  • Still cartoon heroes in the corners
  • Photos of adult idols
  • Modest decoration with flowers
Flower decoration

The best portfolio for senior schoolchildren for boys: example, sample, photo

  • All the same general principles of design remain, and in the personal file of a teenage boy.
  • The horizons are expanding, interests are changing. Along with this, the general view of the portfolio is changing.
  • The teenager tells in his diary about new favorite films with super heroes.
  • Opens knowledge in such sciences as physics, chemistry.
  • The study of historical moments of its country, with few people known, can make the content of the portfolio very interesting.
  • Add information about new hobbies.
We reflect all interesting news in our business diary
  • Do not forget to photograph the letters and rewards that have appeared

  • Get a photo of your class, with a description of the advantages of each of the students and teachers. This will serve as a good basis for establishing good relations, in the case of existing tense, with some of them.
General photo of senior schoolchildren
  • Use templates, fill in the pages with the most interesting and significant events of your life.
Approximate contents of the portfolio of a senior student

Not many children love the procedure for filling the portfolio. Several tips will be appropriate to read before starting this creative work:

  1. Notice any minor achievements. Add them to the portfolio. Enjoy them with pride!
  2. Fantasize, draw, add interesting photos-because your life path cannot be like someone else. Reflect this in his portfolio.
  3. Fill the pages of sections carefully and with great accuracy.
  4. A personal business is not a competition for large awards and diplomas. Participation itself is the most important aspect, although being the first is great.
  5. Start decorating with data about yourself and your family. Tell me briefly what you like, what you are interested in.

Video: Portfolio of a student

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