Corella parrot: care and maintenance at home, names, illness, treatment. How many Corella parrots live, what are they fed?

Corella parrot: care and maintenance at home, names, illness, treatment. How many Corella parrots live, what are they fed?

The funny and inquisitive parrot Corella can become a faithful friend and favorite of the family. But before purchasing Corella, you need to find out everything about the features of the content of these parrots in the house.

It remains only to guess which of the wild animals in the future will be domesticated and tamed by the king of nature - man. But we can say with one hundred percent confidence that the parrots will not cease to be one of the favorite pets.

Along with the wavy, the Corella or Nymph’s parrotes are especially popular - funny birds from Australia with bright feathers of yellow, white or gray and very pretty faces, if I may say about the parrots.

Photo of Corella Parrots and Parrot of Nymphs Corella

When they talk about Corella or nymphs, they mean the same parrots.

Corella parrot or nymph
Yellow parrot of Corella or nymph
Gray parrots of Corella
Corella gray parrots with yellow heads and orange cheeks
Completely gray parrot of Corella
Completely gray parrot of Corella

How many Corella parrots live at home?

Planning to purchase this cute and not particularly whimsical pet, the future owner is primarily interested in how many years a new member of the family will stay with him.

In natural conditions, Corella live no more than ten years, since they need to get their own food, which becomes difficult with age, to escape from predators, which also does not always succeed.

In natural conditions, Corella live about 10 years
In natural conditions, Corella live about 10 years

And in captivity, these birds feel quite comfortable and with proper care can live up to 18 years. There were cases when Corella, thanks to the tireless care of their owners, lived up to 30 years.

At home, Corella lives about 18 years old
At home, Corella live about 18 years

What needs to be done that this pretty bird pleased with its chirping for a very long time?

  1. Ensure the right, high -quality and good nutrition. Despite the fact that Corella is not at all demanding food, the grain should be of good quality, which can be checked by germinating it. In addition to grain, the diet must be present greens. Also, in a considerable number, you need to give fruit. And sweet, salty, fried and butt should be prohibited and inaccessible to a parrot, as he can use your inattention and harm even a small piece of buns. Thus, the nutrition of Corella should be as natural as possible
  2. The place where the cage of the pet is located, you need fence from drafts and cold, since in these tropical birds the love of heat is laid at the genetic level. The most suitable temperature for them will be 20-25 degrees
  3. You can’t take risks, placing Corella even for a few minutes in a draft, arguing that you are tempering a parrot, as this will greatly affect his health and, accordingly, on the life expectancy
  4. In the winter, when the central heating dries the air, you need provide the optimal moisture for the pet-55-60%which, by the way, is very useful for the owner himself
  5. Corella is also very sensitive to various extraneous smells: tobacco, perfumes, fresheners, disinfection should be used away from the place of the bird deployment, since they can cause irreparable harm to the health of the pet
  6. Corella must not be allowed to fall into stressful situations. These parrots are very sociable and are happy to communicate with people, but at the same time they cannot stand sharp and loud sounds. You need to talk with them sincerely, the appeal by name and frequent praises will positively affect his well-being, and loneliness and inattention are like death for them
  7. The same if the birds have narrow cage, or there will be a shortage of toys, this can also lead to stress
  8. If in the house small child, you need to keep his communication with a pet under control, since the baby can involuntarily scare the parrot with loud sounds
Always keep under control the communication of the child and the Corella
Always keep under control the communication of the child and the Corella

So, if the Corella parrot falls into caring hands, a long and happy life is provided to him.

How to find out how old is the Corella parrot?

Experts say that it is better to start Corella aged two to three monthsbecause it is then that they adapt the fastest in a new environment.

Young Corella will quickly get used to a new environment
Young Corella will quickly get used to a new environment

To purchase a young parrot, you need to pay attention not to the size when determining the age of Corella, because both young birds and adults are the same, but on the color of feathers, eyes, beak and behavior in general:

  • At a young age, the color of these parrots do not very bright, even slightly dull, feathers on the tail are short, tousled And not the first freshness, since young birds still do not know how to “bring beauty” correctly: they sit during cleaning not on the pole, but at the bottom of the cage and cleaning themselves immediately get in their litter. Also, young animals are observed on the crown of Zalysinwhich passes after the first molting
  • If a feathered pet is gray, then Young animals have a pink pink and paws, and in adults they have a darker and saturated color
  • You should also pay attention to claws that young birds have light and soft
  • Corell has a different color smooth, without refusion, the beak talks about their youth
  • The eyes of adults Corell, unlike the paws and beaks, much lighter than young parrots: At first, the iris of the eye is almost black, over time it acquires a light brown color, that is, as if fades to old age
  • You still can't boast of young animals chic crest, as young birds can be counted in it only a few feathers, moreover, they are not bent forward, like seasoned birds, but grow straight
  • If you pay attention to the behavior of birds, you can notice that young animals are characteristic closer and slowness
Chick Corella
Chick Corella

Video: How to determine the age of the Corella parrot?

Coreell Parrot Care, which cage needs a Corella parrot?

Nymphs love space, so the cage needs to be acquired quite large.

Corella love to move freely around the rooms
Corella love to move freely around the rooms

Important: if there is no way to buy a spacious cage for Corella, then every day, so as not to harm the health of the pet, you need to let it fly.

The basic requirements for Corell:

  • the rods on should be metal and are located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm
  • the door is spacious so that when pulling out, not to injure the pet
  • wooden elements in the dwelling of Corella should be as few as possible, since they madly like something to bite all the time
  • the cage must have poles, swing, feeder and drinking
  • for entertainment, it is necessary to put a mirror in a cage, a bell or another toy
  • these parrots monitor their hygiene, so at least once a week (in the summer - every other day) you need to put a swimsuit, which must be removed immediately after the completion of the bathing procedure.

Important: you need to clean the cage every day, so for your convenience and calm the pet it is better to choose a dwelling with a retractable pallet. The poles need to be cleaned with a brush or sandpaper. Water needs to be changed every day, after washing the drinker.

To keep the Corell, you will need a spacious equipped cell
To keep the Corell, you will need a spacious equipped cell

How to feed the Corella parrot?

The food of a feathered pet should consist of high -quality herbal seeds and grains of sowing plants, fresh fruits and vegetables, you can give dandelion and celery leaves.

Welcome cottage cheese, egg and nuts In small quantities. It is advisable to put fresh twigs, mountain ash, cherries in a cage. The food of the parrot should be rich in proteins and amino acids.

Important: the daily rate of food consumption is from 40 to 50 g, depending on the age and size of the Corella.

It is necessary to provide the Corell with full -fledged nutrition
It is necessary to provide Corelle with full nutrition

Do Corella say and how to teach Corella to speak, sing songs?

As the heroine of Leah Ahijakova said in the “official novel” “You can teach a hare to smoke”, and to teach a smart Corella to talk and is easier.

The main thing is to start as soon as possible and not buy a couple for him, because then they will speak with each other “in their own language”.

So that Corella speaks, you can’t buy a couple to him
So that Corella speaks, you can’t buy a couple to him

First you need to let the bird get used to the owner and his hands, while talking to her all the time. The teacher should be one, so you need to lay 40-45 minutes of daily training on your schedule, you can intermittently.

Corella should get used to the owner's hands
Corella should get used to the owner's hands

Classes should take place in a calm atmosphere where there are no extraneous sounds. The pet during the lessons should be in the cage.

You need to start with light phrases, like “Kesha is good”, “Kesha beautiful”, “Hello”, “How are you.” The abundance of sonor and hissing consonants, as well as vowels “A” and “O” facilitates the task, because the parrot is easier to pronounce them.

The phrase must be constantly repeated, turning directly to the pet until the result is achieved.

Before talking, Corella carefully listens to the words of the owner
Before talking, Corella carefully listens to the words of the owner

Intonation with multiple repetition should not change. You can constantly accompany the actions performed by the parrot, such as " Kesha eats "," Kesha bathes ", then the conversation will seem meaningful. After the transition to the next phrase, you need to regularly repeat the already learned.

In order for the parrot to sing, you can write down the songs to the disk and let it listen to it several times a day. This will soon bear fruit and Corella will give small concerts.

Corella happily make contact and learn poems and songs with the owner
Corella happily make contact and learn poems and songs with the owner

Video: Talking Parrot Corella

Video: Corella's parrot sings funny

Why does the Corella parrot scream, tremble, hiss, plucks feathers?

Such actions of a parrot are characteristic if he experiences stress. It often happens that having acquired a pet, the owners do not allow the bird to get used to a new environment, the environment, but begin to poke their hand in the cage, thinking that it is so quickly adapted.

However, Corella perceives these actions as a threat and begins to scream and hiss, hoping to frighten an uninvited guest, while trembling and plucking the feathers indicates an extreme form of excitement.

Therefore, in order not to bring the parrot to a heart attack, you need to gradually tame it: first to your presence next to the cage, then to your voice, to let it out and talk all the time.

In a state of stress, Corella can tremble, hiss or pull feathers on itself
In a state of stress, Corella can tremble, hiss or pull feathers on itself

How to determine the floor of the Corella parrot, how to distinguish a male from a female?

For such a subtle case, for starters, you need to classify Corell according to the color scheme and conditionally divide into two groups:

  • to the first to attribute the parrots of gray or close to it, that is, natural
  • to the second - everyone else
Rella of natural color
Females Corella of natural color

Now you can engage in classification of gender.

In the first group:

  • The heads of males have a fairly saturated yellow color and bright orange cheeks, And the female has a more modest color of the head, in which the gray color dominates still
  • The tip of the tail in the female has shovel -rounded shape, and for the male he thin and sharp
  • If you carefully consider the inside of the wings of a bird's favorite, then you can find there in a female light oval spots, and dark stripes that have a dark color flaunt on the inner tail feathers

But all these differences will be visible only after the first molting that occurs after 6 months of life, and before that, boys and girls are painted exactly the same.

Paul Corell belonging to the second color group, can only be determined by behavior, although the patterns described above on the inside of the tail and wings with a very careful examination are slightly noticeable.

True, there are several more external signs that can help in determining the floor of the parrot:

  • a females are a little larger than males
  • the crest of the female is less thick at the base, and the sparkle is narrower
  • the female is more restrained in behavior, and the male often frolic and jumps on two paws
  • the male chirms a lot and sings
  • if the Corella parrot demolishes an egg, then this is naturally a female
Males of Corella are more active, curious and sociable than females
Males of Corella are more active, curious and sociable than females

Important: of all the rules, there are exceptions and it is better to provide a specialist to determine the floor, having previously passed the appropriate analyzes: feather, washing off the cloaks or DNA test.

Video: Content of Corell in the aviary and a way to distinguish a female from a male

Features of the content of the Corella parrots boy and girl

By acquiring a heterogeneous couple, it is important to understand that this will over time lead to the appearance of chicks. Therefore, for starters, you need to correctly equip the location of the parrots.

To begin with, you need to purchase not an ordinary cage, but the so -called cage, having a flat roof and a hole on one of the walls, except for the front, so that it is possible to hang a nesting device when it comes.

In the dwelling, the nymph is two times higher than the width, so that, flying from the pole to the pole, the muscles are strengthened and metabolism improves, which will positively affect the health of the offspring.

Vykopolite pair of Corell will quickly acquire offspring
Vykopolite pair of Corell will quickly acquire offspring

What to call Corella parrots, how to come up with names?

If you plan to find the interlocutor in the future in the future, then his name should be short, concise, contain hissing sounds and sonor “p”: Kesha, Gosha, Petrusha, Bisha, Shura, Rashik, Lusha, Krosh, Glasha.

If problems have arisen with the definition of the floor, then the nickname should be from the category of “unisex”: Chucha, Eshka, Roni.

Also, the chosen name should not be consonant with the names of other pets or family members.

You can select the name, given the character traits and the manner of behavior of a feathered friend: RURSHIK, varnishes, neck.

Corella parrot loves to pronounce his name
Corella parrot loves to pronounce his name

Corella Parrot Disease Treatment

There is a lot of diseases of Corell, in fact, like other pets.

Important: when the parrot is disturbed by the respiratory process, there are signs of disorder, lack of appetite, the loss of feathers, this is an occasion to immediately seek help from a veterinarian, which will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Let us dwell on the most common types of ailments of Corell:

  1. Various eye diseasescharacterized by inflammatory processes of near -eyed space. It can be conjunctivitis, entering a foreign body or some kind of infection. Treatment of these diseases consists in washing the eye either with a solution of boric acid (one teaspoon per glass of water), or furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of water)
  2. Diverse diseases of the goiterarising as a result of poor -quality nutrition. Symptoms are manifested in the form liquid stool and inflammation of the goiter. For recovery, it is urgent to remove toxins from the body by erupting the parrot with activated coal
  3. Feature loss It is associated, in most cases, with a planned molting that occurs every six months. In this case, feathers fall out unevenly, bald patches can form. This process is characteristic improving body temperature. If the temperature regime is normal, and the feathers are especially abundantly out of the tail, then this may indicate a stressful situation in which Corella is located. When the molting is accompanied by wounds and the restless behavior of a parrot, this is a clear sign of parasites or bacteria, which must be treated with special ointments
  4. It happens that the parrot, very active and independent, hit for some time into the zone of drafts, and, as a result, I caught a cold. Symptoms, in this case, are very pronounced: there is no appetite, the eyelids are red, the voice has flows from the nose, the voice has changed, in general, everything is like people. For treatment, you need to be patient, since only good care and enhanced vitaminization will help the pet to recover
Eye infection in Corella
Eye infection in Corella

The Corella parrot demolished the egg: what to do?

First of all, to rejoice, because the Corelles think about offspring when everything is fine with them: food, water, air, the sun - everything is and there is nothing to worry about.

But it is still important to understand:

  1. The bird has reached reproductive age and is ready to reproduce offspring. If an increase in the number of birds is not interested in you, it is better to immediately pick up this egg, like all subsequent ones. The young mother, of course, will not like this, but, as they say, time heals and puts everything in its place. The masonry will stop over time
  2. If you plan to breed, then the female should sit on the eggs the set for 2.5-3 weeks to practice. If you are afraid that they will deteriorate, then you can replace them with plastic imitators. As a result of this, the female will be mentally calm and will acquire the skills that subsequently necessary
Corella demolished eggs
Corella demolished eggs

How to tame a Corell parrot to your hands?

To tame Corella, with an outstanding mind and ingenuity, is very simple if you adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Train you need a young individual, because the more difficult the parrot, the more complicated, and with older birds it is completely meaningless
  2. It is necessary to install trusting relationship with a pet that ensures a lack of fear of a parrot
  3. Often for a long time be near himwithout claiming its territory
  4. Use permissible hand feeding goodies
  5. Resort to toy help: curious Corella will not be able to resist the thread with beads or a brilliant ringing bell
Corella quickly get used to the hands of the owner
Corella quickly get used to the hands of the owner

The main thing is desire and patience, and then everything will work out.

When purchasing a Corella parrot, remember that these are very sociable birds. Waking up at dawn, they wake up all the households with their loud demanding cry, calling for communication.

If you are a lover of sleep longer, think well whether you are ready for changes in your life and graphics, which will definitely happen as soon as a small feathered miracle with a crest appears in the house.

Video: About plants and animals. Corella parrots

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Comments K. article

  1. good afternoon. Tell me, if you often talk with the Corel parish, then how quickly it will repeat the words? How long does it wait? Thanks.

    1. My husband spoke a lot with our parrot, clearly began to pronounce words after 2 months. In general, these parrots are very friendly. They like it when they pay attention. Birds are happy to listen and try to repeat. The most important thing is not to abandon classes and release from the cage as often as possible, otherwise the parrot will begin to bite.

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