Reduced temperature in a child: causes. What to do if a child has a temperature 35?

Reduced temperature in a child: causes. What to do if a child has a temperature 35?

The reasons for reducing temperature in children.

Many parents are very careful about the health of their children. Not only an increase, but also a decrease in the baby’s body temperature requires attention. In this article we will tell you why the child’s low temperature, and how to deal with it.

Reduced temperature in a child: Reasons

When the child gets sick, he has the first symptoms of colds or other ailment. Parents immediately measure the temperature and most often find increased values \u200b\u200bon thermometers. After that, they give antipyretic. This is a completely normal practice among parents of young children. But there are also situations in which the temperature does not rise, but decreases, it is also worth paying attention to. In no case should you ignore this situation. There are a lot of reasons why a temperature decrease can be observed.

Causes of low temperature:

  • Infectious diseases, colds, acute respiratory viral infections or flu
  • Oncological diseases
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Low hemoglobin level
  • Neurological disorders
  • Hypothermia
  • Prostration
  • Stress, lack of vitamins
The kid is sick
The kid is sick

The child has a temperature 35 after hypothermia: what to do?

As you can see, almost all ailments are very dangerous and require treatment. The situation is quite standard when, after you gave the child an antipyretic, the temperature drops below this norm. For children age 6 years, this norm is approximately 36.0. With a decrease in temperature, reaching the level of 35.2-35.3, it requires an appeal to the pediatrician. If this happened after the use of an antipyretic product, it is enough to wrap the child with a blanket, and give him a drink of hot tea, and with sugar or jam. The fact is that sugar increases glucose levels, and hotly helps to increase pressure.

Accordingly, the child’s temperature will increase by several marks. If this happened as a result of hypothermia, then the child must be put in warm clothes and transferred to the room. Please note that it is not necessary to hypothermia of the child if he is stripped, ran out into the street in the winter. Very often, hypothermia happens to children in kindergarten, especially after active games. Because after physical exertion, the child can sweat, his body becomes wet, respectively very cold.

Therefore, a decrease in temperature is observed. The body is not enough for its own strength and energy in order to restore body temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to get the child into the group, take off wet clothes, put on dry, drink warm tea. No drugs should be given.

Temperature norms
Temperature norms

Very often there is a decrease in temperature after some serious illness, for example, after SARS and influenza, tonsillitis. It is also a normal reaction of the body to the disease. Immunity is now weakened, there are not enough vitamins, beneficial substances and energy, so during this period it is necessary to give children general strengthening drugs, as well as vitamins, and feed the child with food, with a higher content of carbohydrates and fats. Such food will be useful to restore the child’s strength. Accordingly, if such a temperature lasts a couple of days after the illness, you should not worry. This is not a reason to contact the pediatrician.

The temperature of the child is 35: when to see a doctor?

When is it worth sounding the alarm, go to the doctor? There are a lot of states that require the intervention of doctors, or even an ambulance. If such a temperature of the child lasts for 4-5 days, and does not increase, despite the fact that you make all the necessary manipulations. That is, wear the child heat, feed carbohydrate food, and also give vitamins. It is urgent to check the blood sugar level in the child and take him to the pediatrician.

The fact is that the pediatrician may not see the reasons for such a decrease in temperature on his own. Additional research and consultation of narrow specialists may be needed. Perhaps they will go to the oncologist, an endocrinologist or a neuropathologist. Quite often in preschool children, temperature drops due to neurological ailments. Perhaps this is due to premature births, prematureism of the child, or due to injuries that were obtained during childbirth.

The child does not greet
The child does not greet


  • Please note that to increase temperature, children should not give any drugs. You are not a doctor, so you do not know what has entailed a decrease in temperature. Accordingly, you are not able to treat the disease. In no case should you give people, glycine and other sedatives that increase the temperature. Yes, indeed, such drugs are prescribed for adults, but the treatment of children is significantly different.
  • Urgently contact an ambulance when a child’s temperature is reduced below 33 degrees. The fact is that at this temperature, all processes in the body slow down. Accordingly, the baby can fall into a coma. Therefore, if you observe that the child is very pale, cold, poorly eats, he has shortness of breath, or even convulsions, urgently call an ambulance. This is not a normal situation, it can cause the death of the child.
  • In no case, when the temperature is reduced, the child should be immersed in a cold bath. This method is allowed only to adults. A fragile nervous system in the baby can fail, and the child simply dies due to a sharp decrease in temperature.
  • To avoid reduction in temperature, if the child is sick, be sure to, together with the drugs, vitamin C. He significantly accelerates recovery. In addition, you need to temper a child and stimulate sports. This will significantly reduce the number of diseases and diseases of SARS, which the baby will hurt. Be sure to give drugs to increase immunity, but not those that contain interferon, but on the contrary, drugs that stimulate the production of their own immunity.
  • Please note that when a temperature decreases below 33 degrees, you should not give the child candles or drugs based on interferon. The fact is that such a decrease in temperature can be the reason for the development of serious pathology. Interferon can accelerate the progression of the disease, and this will only aggravate the situation.

Accordingly, the maximum of what you can do is drink a child with hot tea with jam, honey or sugar. It is necessary to rub limbs, legs and cold body, wrap the child with a warm blanket and let it relax. Follow the full meals. If with this departure the temperature does not increase for more than 3 days, be sure to contact the pediatrician.

Video: Reducing temperature in children

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