Bolgarian tomatoes for the winter: the best step-by-step recipe with detailed ingredients

Bolgarian tomatoes for the winter: the best step-by-step recipe with detailed ingredients

The Bulgarian recipe for tomato is very simple at home.

Bolgarian tomatoes are an incredibly exquisite snack for any dish. There are tomatoes on each table in winter. But Bolgarian tomatoes are just a wonderful snack for meat. If you want to set the solemn table, for example, for the New Year on the table you will definitely like everyone, wonderful pickled tomatoes in Bolgarian. Write down the recipe, the real Bulgarian shared this recipe with us.

Bolgarian tomatoes for the winter: useful recipe

At the rate on a three -liter bottle you will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Vinegar 9% - 40 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Fresh celery greens - 200 g
  • Garlic-1-2 cloves
  • Fragrant pepper with peas - 15 pcs.
  • Dried laurel sheet-1-2 pcs.

If desired, Bulgarian pepper and onions can be put in a bottle. Which greatly facilitates the life of the hostess in the kitchen is that in this case the bottle can not be sterilized in advance, it will be enough to wash it well. Well, if you are still afraid to sterilize the bottle over the steam of the teapot, or in the oven, you can also do it in a slow cooker.

  1. Tomatoes for harvesting for the winter are taken the same size. The tomato variety is very well suited - cream. The fruits should be completely clean without dents and traces of damage. Wash the tomatoes under water.
  2. Small the stalks of celery finely and lay them on the bottom of the banks. Put there fragrant pepper with peas and bay leaf and garlic cut into slices.
  3. Lay out tomatoes on a pillow of leaves and pepper alternately, but do not press much. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to get them in winter.
  4. Pour in vinegar on top and pour sugar and salt.
  5. You still need hot water. Pour everything in the neck with boiling water.
  6. Wipe the drying cover for blocking the jar and cover the bottle.
  7. Put it sterilized in a castral with water. At the bottom you need to substitute a wooden stand or kitchen towel. Put a bottle on top.
  8. Pour the water, not reaching three fingers to the edge of the bottle.
  9. Leave it to boil for 20-25 minutes. As soon as the bubbles begin to appear inside the bottle.
  10. Take out the bottle and cook it well. Check that the cover completely closes the bottle.
  11. Cool in the air. Pre -wrapping it in a warm litter.
It turns out excellent
It turns out excellent

All. In winter, you will have a wonderful snack on your table.

Video: pickling tomato in Bolgarian

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