Beilite 96 - Utility capsules: composition, principle of action, instructions, opinions of doctors, reviews of losing weight

Beilite 96 - Utility capsules: composition, principle of action, instructions, opinions of doctors, reviews of losing weight

The problem of excess weight today is more relevant than ever, because with a modern pace of life it is quite difficult to maintain a beautiful figure. The reason for all this is a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and, of course, a lack of time to make yourself.

Based on the above, many people who are overweight give preference to a “easy” method of losing weight - tablets and capsules that help reduce body weight. Today we suggest talking about such a drug as Beilite.

Beilite 96 Utility Capsules - Instructions

Before moving on to the instructions of this drug, let's say a few words about it.

  • Capsules "Beilite 96" They are capsules for rapid weight loss, which have proven themselves as a fairly effective means in the fight not only with fat deposits, but also by the manifestations of cellulite.
  • Capsules quickly and effectively affect the body, splitting fats, removing the final products of metabolism and stimulating the work of many organs systems.
  • This tool also provides direct effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, Namely, it improves metabolic processes, intestinal function.
  • The advantage of these capsules is that during their use there is no need to starve and exhaust yourself with difficult training.
A drug
A drug

Take Beilite 96 must follow the instructions:

  • You can initially be consumed 1 PC. additives before the first meal. After that, for several days it is necessary to monitor the reaction of your body and continue to take the drug according to the same scheme.
  • After a few days, you can increase the dosage of the product and add another 1 capsule, which should be taken before the second meal.
  • After another week, the dosage increases again - 2 pcs. Before the first and second meals.
  • It is also necessary to stop taking the drug in stages. Initially, reduce the number of capsules to 1, then begin to take 1 pc. every other day, because 1 pc. per week and complete the course.
  • Pay your attention to the fact that this food supplement is not completely compatible with food. You can take the drug 1 hour before or 1 hour after eating.
  • At the same time, the supplement is best consumed long before bedtime, because it can affect sleep and cause insomnia
  • Also consider the fact that during the use of the Bilight 96 food supplement, the body needs a large amount of water, Therefore, drink capsules at least 1 cup of water and do not forget to drink it throughout the day.
  • Remember, lose weight with this tool gradually. It is strictly forbidden to take more capsules than written above, as this can lead to serious disorders in the body.

The course of taking the drug is 1.5 months.

Beilite 96 Utility capsules: Price

Beilite 96 is a highly effective and popular drug that helps to get good results in a short time and get rid of extra pounds. Despite its effectiveness, the product does not differ in high cost. On average, the price of the drug "Beilite 96" is 2000-2500 p.

  • It should be noted that the price of the product can differ significantly depending on many factors.
  • For example, where exactly you buy capsules, whether there is a promotion or a markdown on them

Beilite 96 - Composition


Affect the digestive tract due to its composition
Affect the digestive tract due to its composition

“Beilite 96” refers to anorexiginal agents, that is, those tools that reduce or suppress appetite. This effect is due to the components that are part of the tool:

  • Ganoderma varnished or "mushroom of immortality." This mushroom has anti -inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial and even antitumor property. The mushroom has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory system, and also strengthens human immunity, breaks down fat deposits.
  • Poria Coconut or White Tower Mushroom. This mushroom has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, as well as the urinary system, and this, in turn, leads to the rapid excretion of excess fluid from the body and toxins.
  • Chicken stomach (inner shell). This component strengthens the immunity.
  • Lotus sheet. It helps to remove the final products of metabolism from the body, reduce weight due to lipolysis of subcutaneous fat.
  • The fruits of hawthorn Improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and have a slight sedative effect on the body.
  • The rhizome of the opposite discore reduces the deposition of lipids in arterial vessels, dissolves microtrombi.

Royal Beilite 96 capsules

This food supplement will help get rid of extra pounds not only quickly, but also effective. The manufacturer claims that the Royal Beilite 96 does not cause side effects, promotes rapid weight loss, “destroys” up to 20 kg per 1 course.

  • Moreover, the product is not easy quenches the feeling of hunger, but also has a beneficial effect on the body and the immune system, After all, the composition of the fruits of the hartsinia and many other useful substances in the composition.

"Beilite Golden Strengthened" fights overweight much more efficiently and faster than other means. The manufacturer claims that this tool not only helps to reduce volumes and weight loss, but also eliminates the “orange peel”, swelling.

  • During the first 5 days, it is allowed to take only 1 pc. funds. Exclusively for 40 min. Before meals and drinking 0.5 l of pure water.
  • After add 1 more. drug. In general, you can take no more than 2 pcs per day.
  • It is allowed to drink one capsule in the morning, the second - at lunch.
  • This drug is suitable only for those people whose weight exceeds 85 kg.
  • The contraindications of the product are the same as the previously described drugs.

How to drink Beilite 96?

The correctness of taking Bilight 96 is the key to a good result. It is important to understand that by violating recommendations during the receipt of this tool, you will definitely reduce its effectiveness.

So, this technique of Bilight 96 capsules will be correct:

  • You need to start and finish the reception of capsules in stages (as it was indicated earlier).
  • Every morning before meals, drink 1 cup of warm water, you can with lemon. Such a ritual favorably affects the digestive tract. Drink at least 2-3 liters of pure water daily.
  • In no case do not drink tablets during meals, immediately after it.

Do not take capsules simultaneously with alcohol. That is, you need to choose either today you drink alcohol or a remedy. If the choice is made in favor of alcohol, then the tablet should be accepted and starting from the next day

  • During the course, you need to take vitamins. The thing is that this tool “kills” the appetite and as a result of this we eat much less than usual. Consequently, we also get much less nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Vitamin complexes will make up for a deficiency of beneficial substances in our body.
Take correctly
Take correctly
  • In no case do not start a hunger strike. Yes, appetite can decrease significantly significantlyHowever, you still need to eat. If your appetite is not at all and you can’t eat at all, reduce the dosage of the drug or completely stop taking it and consult a specialist.
  • Eat 3-5 times a day, but little by little. That is, you should have 3 main and 2 additional meals. At the same time, you must eat such food that would be It is rich in proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Add to your life sport. This will accelerate the process of losing weight. Moreover, the body will become more fit, and the skin is elastic.
  • Do not forget about the daily routine. You must give your body the opportunity to recover normally. Does this our body during sleep. Therefore, every day you must sleep at least 7-8 hours.
  • Massage, wraps are welcome. In combination with sports, proper nutrition and capsules of Beilite 96, these procedures will bring you the desired result.

Where can you buy Beilite 96?

Buy Bilight 96 is quite simple. That is why anyone can test this drug on itself.

  • You can purchase a tool for weight loss in the pharmacy.
  • Also, the drug is on sale in the Internet at various trading floors.

How to take Beilite 96 New Burgundy?

The Beilite 96 New Burgundy tool is characterized by an improved composition and a powerful effect.

  • The product reduces the content of lipids in the blood.
  • Eliminates metabolic disorders.
  • Helps to eliminate fat on the stomach, buttocks and sides.

Take the drug according to this scheme:

  • First week 1 pc. 1 hour before meals.
  • Second week - add another 1 pc.
  • Third week - you can take 2 pcs. Before breakfast and lunch.
  • During the reception of the supplement, it is mandatory drink a lot of water And control the reaction of the body.
Drink a lot of water
Drink a lot of water

Beilite 96: What can not be eaten from products and drink?

As mentioned earlier, without adhering to certain recommendations, it is possible to significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Therefore, pay attention to products and drinks that should not be consumed during the use of Beilite 96:

  • Alcohol. And in any quantity, no kind.
  • Coffee, Since this drink almost completely “kills” the effectiveness of this tool.
  • It is also worth refraining completely or at least reduce to minimum use strong tea and carbonated drinks.
  • It is not recommended during the use of the drug "Beilite 96" to eat smoked meats, canned foods, flour products, fat, fried and sweet, Since these products contribute to the set of fat mass, and accordingly will reduce the effectiveness of the means of weight loss.

Beilite 96 - What are the results?

The manufacturer declares several actions of this drug, all of them are aimed at improving the general condition of the body, its cleansing and, of course, weight loss.

So, from the means of Beilite 96 it is worth expecting the following results:

  • Improvement metabolic processes.
  • Improving work gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improving work cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Acceleration of the process deriving the final products of metabolism.
  • Decrease fat layer, swelling.
  • Improving the condition of the skin.
Losing weight and excellent condition
Losing weight and excellent condition

Beilite 90 and 96 - what is the difference, which is better?

Beilite 90 and 96 - what is the difference, which is better? Both means in their composition have the same biologically active components. Therefore, there is no difference in their composition. And then what is the difference and which tool is better?

  • The difference is in the number of active components in one capsule.
  • None of the funds are no worse and no better. It is necessary to select them based on their goals and characteristics of the body.

Beilite 96: The opinion of doctors

Beilite 96 is not a drug, however, it has a strong effect on the human body. And for the sake of justice it is worth saying that it is not always positive.

  • How many people are so many opinions. The same expression can be applied to doctors. The opinions of experts regarding the drug "Beilite 96" and food additives were generally divided.
  • Most doctors insist that Such drugs cannot be taken, since the benefits of them are much less than the harm that they can cause.
  • In general, there is logic in this, because the product has a lot of contraindications and side effects.
  • Other experts are inclined to the fact that there is nothing wrong with food additives, and they rarely cause harm to the body.
  • Based on this, it is worth saying that you yourself must take care of your health, and only you can decide whether you should lose weight by taking Bilight 96 or it’s better to try to achieve a result in other ways.
  • In any case, you need to remember that the intake of this food supplement is carried out strictly according to the instructions.
The opinion of the doctors was divided
The opinion of the doctors was divided

Beilite 96 Capsules for weight loss contraindications, side effects

Beilite 96 is not a medicine. It belongs to the category of food additives, which contains only natural components that contribute to the burning of fat deposits.

Based on this, many people think that the drug is completely safe and you can take it without adhering to the instructions. In fact, this is not so. This tool has contraindications, it can cause side effects, so before you start taking it, you need to consult a specialist without fail and determine the optimal dose for yourself.

Contraindications of the drug are the following:

  • The period of bearing a child.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Childhood up to 18 years old.
  • With allergies to at least 1 component from the composition.
  • With ailments hearts and blood vessels.
  • Benign/malignant formations.
  • Ailments of the urinary system, endocrine, digestive.

Among the side effects are the following:

  • The complete lack of appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Increasing blood pressure.
  • Problems with a chair (constipation).
A dream may be disturbed
A dream may be disturbed

If you are not sure that you can take food additives, be sure to contact a specialist. Otherwise, you will not only not become slimmer, but also get new ailments, aggravating the old ones.

If you have side effects From this drug, it means that you need to consult a specialist and decide whether to take Beilite 96 further, you may need to adjust the dosage of the product.

Beilite 96: Does it affect menstruation?

In general, the drug should not affect the operation of the reproductive system, however, sometimes taking the drug still affects the menstrual cycle.

  • There is information that this food supplement can provoke delayed menstruation by a few days.
  • Some indicate that menstruation, on the contrary, began earlier for several days than they should have been.
  • If you have a menstrual cycle, be sure to go to the gynecologist and find out the situation due to taking the Bilight 96 drug, and find out the situation.

It is also worth noting that you should not accept the product during menstruation, since you will not get almost no result from this. The thing is that during menstruation the fluid in the body is delayed, swelling appears and because of this weight is “worth”.

Beilite 96, capsules: how much is the beginning of the action?

  • Bilight 96 gained its popularity precisely because its action is visible almost immediately. There is no need to "sit" on a diet, exhaust yourself with training. The course is designed for several months, for which, as a rule, many people manage to solve their problems with excess weight.
  • The drug begins to act immediately after it enters the body.
  • Immediately after the start of taking, the funds in the body begin to change. For several days they can be visually invisible, since internal work occurs - improvement of metabolic processes, improving the work of our organs.
  • After a few days, the result becomes visible - extra pounds and volumes begin to leave.
The result is visible very quickly
The result is visible very quickly
  • Remember, you should not expect that after a week you will get rid of all the accumulated kilograms. You need to lose weight in such a way as not to harm your body and not overstrain it. And this is possible only if the weight will decrease gradually. Normally, you need to get rid of 5-7 kg per month, depending on the initial weight.
  • The manufacturer claims that the weight goes faster than those who initially have a lot of fat.

Beilite 96 - Utility capsules: Reviews of losing weight

It would be unfair not to say that the reviews about this drug are completely different. Remember that you need to start taking the Beilite 96 tool not only based on the reviews, but also on what the specialist will tell you, because this is the only way you can get the desired result without negative consequences.

  • Many note that extra pounds literally hide before our eyes, every day the weight goes faster.
  • There are also those who claim that no side effects felt on themselves.
  • Of the advantages, many distinguish that after taking the drug The weight is "standing" and the discarded kilograms do not return.
  • However, there are those who complain that during the administration of the drug "Beilite 96" they have Health worsened sharply. There was shortness of breath, a rapid heartbeat.
  • Many also note that there was insomnia, general weakness.
  • Some even complained about unpleasant The smell from the mouth and constipation.
The results are excellent
The results are excellent

Also useful articles about health:

Video: Review of Capsules Beilite

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Comments K. article

  1. billite 96 burgundy drank almost 2 months dropped weight 6 kg

  2. I order only through the Valdburis website, because FIG knows that these resellers and left -wing stamps are selling. The delivery is fast, the packaging is whole, not opened, all capsules are in place. The effect of taking capsules is felt from almost the first trick. Capsules interrupt the desire to eat, especially well that I stopped pulling me on sweet and fat. With this dietary supplement, the weight goes much more and without breakdowns. No side effects were found. Passed the course and got rid of 9.2 kg! So I can safely recommend, the original goods are verified !!!

  3. i found the original Bilith capsules. I ordered them on the VB website. I started reception, the appetite immediately subsided, I eat only when I really want it. The reception has almost graduated, the weight is reduced by 7.5 kg! I'm very happy. By the way, inside the package there was a code for checking originality,

  4. Bilight with WB is the most effective of what I tried. And I tried a lot, believe me. Problems with weight have been superfluous for many years. The effect began to appear very quickly. The most important thing is a decrease in appetite. He was just completely repulsed. There was no feeling of hunger from the word at all. Now it is very easy to observe a diet, which I before could not achieve in any way. But there is no Appatia, but on the contrary, a huge surge of energy. For 30 days I dropped 10 kg. For me, this is a huge result, and without tormenting or exhausting myself. I reconcile to buy.

  5. I liked the naturalness of the composition and ease of admission. I appreciated the service - delivered to the house. The first week of admission showed a decrease in appetite. I easily endure the time between meals and a fairly small portion. At the same time, I do not feel any discomfort, but, on the contrary, a cheerful state. From the second week, swelling decreased and the weight of 4 kg began to decrease. This was already visually felt in the abdomen (my problem area). I threw 8 kg for the course and I am very pleased with the result. I ordered Beilite capsules on the Valdburis website, I did not regret it, in the nurseries of the boxes I basted the code for verification of originality- lifted products!

  6. Healthy capsules of Beilite are simply, the appetite is beaten off for a long time! For a long time, she could not overcome the attacks of overeating, and Beelight personally beat off my appetite for half a day, and when I want to eat, I eat a maximum of half a portion and no longer pull! I drank them a month ago, and now I don’t overeat because it just doesn’t fit into me now. Threw 6 kilos! I ordered on WB/

  7. Bilight capsules purchased on the ozone were workers, I have a good exchange by nature, but in the last year I was lazy and scored 7 kg, and it is too difficult for me to drop PP, I can not pull myself together. So for me this is the best option, while I drank capsules threw 7.5 kg. The appetite was shutting down, he just disappeared, but the charge of energy has driven this, the mass of affairs could redo it ...

  8. Bilight capsules are effective. In the morning I accept and there is no special appetite throughout the day, I force myself to eat, because I need to think that this was possible) before the appetite was brutal) but now I go calmly, I don’t think about food, I feel energetic, and most importantly, I lost weight ! I take the capsules for almost a month and have already left 7 kil. I am so glad that I found this tool! By the way, I ordered on WB.

  9. Beilite passed me in a neat form, ordered on ozone, for its price, the effect is worth it. I threw 8.9 kg for the course. It can not be compared with any other pharmacy dietary supplement. I did not remove the appetite at all, but I ate moderately. I definitely advise those who cannot independently lose weight !!! By the way, by the way, she did not abuse neither sports nor nutrition))

  10. My review of capsules for weight loss Beilight. I ordered them on the VB website, there are original because there is a flyer for checking the authenticity of the goods. Cherry capsules in the amount of 90 pcs. Now about the effect: during the day I don’t want to have dinner with one casserole - I had enough. By the way, usually in the evening I eat tightly so as not to run to the refrigerator at night. This time she did not force herself, she could not eat something else. I eat a little bit, while I felt in good shape, I felt vigor and freshness. At the moment, 19 days have passed, I feel great, I get into old jeans. Threw off 4 kg. The effect of these capsules is still wow! I would never have thought that I would lose 4 kg for 19 days! In general, I am impressed. I will take further and recommend everyone.

  11. I ordered it on ozone, brought quickly, I checked the code - the original original products. There is nothing to be angry! My appetite was extinguished for 4 days. I eat literally in a spoon, but often. I divide my usual portions by 4 times. He did not call any side effects, she threw off 8,800 for the course. I think these capsules are much more effective than ordinary pharmacy products! It is definitely worth a try.

  12. I ordered Bilight capsules on VB, they are definitely original- cherry in the amount of 90 pcs. I have been taking capsules for a month now. There is definitely an effect. Losing weight. There is no appetite. Everything was chopped off. I don’t pull to the refrigerator anymore, I don’t wait for dinner, I wear it like a bitter one. Energy over the edge. I recently noticed that the swelling on the legs disappeared. And in general, I had a figure. Stru after the drug, I not only lost weight and became more mobile, but I got self -confidence, and this is worth a lot. In general, girls, I recommend.

  13. During the time when I drank capsules for weight loss Beelight with Ozon, it was possible to reduce the weight to a record number for me, I threw as many as 8 kg 400 g! For me, this is a real achievement, even the most exhausting diets did not give such a result, the maximum dropped 3-3,500 kg, but for a week again gained them. My new result is stably holding on for the third week, I don’t gain weight, I eat little, I don’t feel hunger, I feel great.

  14. i threw 8.750 for the course. Rala on the Valdburis website, the volumes also decreased well. 4cm from the chest, 5- cm waist and 7cm from the hips. Swelling and shortness of breath passed. I highly advise taking Valdburis on the website, only there the original

  15. With appetite, everything is in order with me and even more, it constantly pulls something to eat and as a result serious problems with excess weight. I tried to drink these capsules and my wild appetite was tamed after 2 days. It has become 3 times a day and the portions became much smaller, it began to feel much better, the dream normalized, removed 3,800 in a week. The capsules are definitely suitable for me. Found them on WB/

  16. The issue of losing weight always bypassed me, but even two years after giving birth, I could not lose weight. Sports and diets were not for me, I decided to order tablets for weight loss. I am only in the middle of the course of the use of dietary supplements, but I already see the result for myself. And this is without exhausting training and painful diets! In addition to the lack of appetite, I got a very impressive “side” effect - my face and hands no longer swell. For a long time I have not seen myself in the mirror, in two weeks a plumb line is 4.7 kilograms. Even my husband said that I lost weight and became more energetic, and this is a significant argument to praise this product. I continue the reception. Thanks to the manufacturer! I took Ozon on the site.

  17. Yes, this helps. Fire I am delighted with this dietary supplement, finally, my attempts to lose weight led to the results. In the morning I drink two capsules, and in the afternoon I have much less appetite than before. I completely abandoned flour and starch, and I don’t even want this. The most important thing is that I eat little, and I have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, even the mood is always on top. I have been drinking for two and a half weeks, but I already lost 4 kg. I will definitely advise you and even tell you where to buy at a big discount- in the online store Valdburis !!! I definitely advise. Great capsules, they cope with their task 100%

  18. Yes, this helps. Fire I am delighted with this dietary supplement, finally, my attempts to lose weight led to the results. In the morning I drink two capsules, and in the afternoon I have much less appetite than before. I completely abandoned flour and starch, and I don’t even want this. The most important thing is that I eat little, and I have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, even the mood is always on top. I have been drinking for two and a half weeks, but I already lost 4 kg. I will definitely advise you and even tell you where to buy at a big discount- in the online store Valdburis !!! I definitely advise. Great capsules, they cope with their task 100%

  19. Immediately and confidently declare the effect to eat and it will not force himself to wait, unless of course I buy the original, I bought them on Ozon. On the scales there was minus 1.200 in three days. No diets helped me achieve such results and diuretic saws, still the liquid stagnated. And the breakdowns took place on these diets. And then I drank the capsule and there is no appetite, the swelling went away, and the result is gorgeous. For the entire full course, I dropped 6.500 kilograms.

  20. Super remedy. I took it from a trusted seller. So she calculated the scheme for me and the reception of water. No general schemes. Everything is individual. I led throughout the weight loss rate.
    What is it to be fat, I already know. Therefore, I understand all the puffs to tears.

  21. As I like that now my rise in the morning is much easier. In the morning, vigor and energy overwhelm. At work, girls often arrange a tea break, and of course not without sweets. So I can’t lure me now. Previously, sitting on diets could have broken and eat chocolate. Now I drink tea with them, but there is no appetite to stress something. And all thanks to the original capsules from the ozone, she passed with them a full course of 45 days, sat down for 7.7 kilos.

  22. I never believed in losing weight, but after endless diets and unsuccessful attempts to lose weight (such as playing sports, walking in the fresh air, even in the sauna sat, I realized - I need to eat less)). The choice arose, either go and suture the stomach, or try to find drugs that suppress appetite. Lieving under the knife is scary, you understand). I decided to try to take capsules and - Oh a miracle! - Helped! Really helped! I still do not believe, to be honest, but the result is evident (literally, my "hamster" cheeks have almost gone), I now eat food now less. Most importantly, weight loss is not sharp, but gradual. Because I have already lost weight sharply, and I was typing just as abruptly. I don't want it anymore)). I ordered them on ozone, burgundy capsules in the amount of 90 pcs. The course of admission is 45 days. They came up to me, I recommend.

  23. It’s my turn to write a review about the capsules of Beilight. And shares his impressions. I ordered it for ozone, the package came quickly. Burgundy capsules in the amount of 90 pcs. For 45 days of use (full course), the result is simply chic, dropped 7.1 kilograms. They really work, there is a sharp shift in appetite, as if simply disappears. I drank capsules in the morning, and I had a surge of energy, although I became much less. I liked everything, I recommend all losing weight.

  24. And the capsules were really workers with VB. I don’t want to drink in the morning and I don’t want to eat at all, until 5 p.m. for sure. At work, everything is in shock, as I don’t eat anything like that, usually before dinner I managed to drink several cups of tea with flour and sweet. In general, buzz, the coolest thing is that there is no fatigue and bad mood, as when you sit on ordinary diets. I recommend the drug, dropped 7 kilos at all without tension.

  25. I decided to buy a losing vehicle. I really wanted to lose at least a little by summer weight. There is no way to visit the gym or pool yet. I download the press at home, but this is not enough. I decided to connect another drug.
    For myself, I chose the capsules of Beilite. I ordered them in the Valdburis online store, the order came quickly -burgundy capsules in a number of 90 pcs. Inside, a booklet with a code on which you can check the originality of the product. Everything coincided. She began to drink according to the instructions - 2 capsules 40 minutes before breakfast and drink a glass of water. After that, I don’t want to eat at all. Portions of food have become noticeably smaller. The mood is excellent, full of strength. I drank for three weeks. It took 4 kg. As for me, the result is good!

  26. Girls, good afternoon! I’m not so young, there are not so much strength in me, so they are playing sports, hunger strikes and diets for me). I decided to lose weight in my own way, taking capsules) I ordered on the VB website, the color of the original capsules is dark pink. I received a consultation by phone, they told me that you need to do it so that the Effet came faster and last longer. You need to drink 2 liters of water, do not eat carbohydrates, at least after 18:00 and move as much as possible, at least walk! A great dietary supplement that helps not to eat a lot (sorry for this expression), the appetite simply disappears, but it gives a lot of energy) I threw 7.5 kilograms, the volumes from the waist, hips and chest left very well. 3-4 cm.! And this is a whole size in clothes! I took the capsules for another course.

  27. Beilit capsules fit me perfectly. After checking the code, the brand representative calls and advises on all issues. I take caps strictly according to the instructions, sprinkled capsules with a glass of ordinary water. I force myself, also to drink more water during the day, well, what can you do. This is useful and the manufacturer recommends that the process goes faster. Today I weighed about the gods! Minus 9! I knew that I lost weight, but I decided that I would weigh at the very end so as not to torment myself. I recommend for sure! You drink as they say, not as it is convenient, but as it should, do not miss and you will also be happy. I ordered capsules from the ozone, came in perfect order, all 90 capsules are in place. Many thanks to the brand and the capsules themselves !!!

  28. Capsules for weight loss- top. I thought it was worth taking it for a long time, in the end I didn’t regret it)) I ordered delivery to the house, which is very convenient. I took Valdberis in the store. The capsules were not opened, the code for verification passed !!! Burgundy capsules! I take capsules for 21 days. The results are impressive, I noticeably lost 5 kg. Moreover, I began to drink more water and lead an active lifestyle. These capsules are the find for me. Thanks to them, I now do not sit all day in place and do not eat harmful foods, the appetite is beaten off from all nasty things)) Thank you.

  29. I bought capsules for weight loss in Bilight in the Valdburis online store. The order came literally the next day after the order. In perfect condition. Everything is as it should be red capsules in the amount of 90 pcs. The original packaging is large, and inside 3 are small. There was also a verification code. After entering the official website, the representative of the brand called and gave recommendations for reception, tested all the nuances in application, suggested how to accept the effect was more pronounced and the result was preserved longer. Well, so ... I started drinking them a week ago and for this short period of time I have a plumb line already 1.5 kg, although I have not even connected physical exercises yet. There is absolutely no appetite during the day, but is full of strength and energy. I really like the capsules affected my body. I am sure that I will achieve the desired result. I recommend an effective tool to everyone.

  30. The capsules ordered Ozone on the whole well -known website, they came in a sealed form, it is clear that the packaging was not opened to me. Before the reception I got acquainted with the instructions, checked the goods for originality- confirmed! There was also a call from the hot line, the manager politely and accessibly explained everything. I went completely at all 30 days. I never interrupted and did not miss the reception of capsules. Coffee and alcohol were strictly prohibited from its diet during the course! On the effect, my appetite decreased on the 2nd day of admission, to such an extent that it has become a childhood portion! Further, a week later, with a little, I completely got off all swelling on my face and legs. Moving has become much easier and freer, since there is a surge of energy and strength from capsules. According to my measurements, it took me 5 cm from the waist and 7cm from my hips, and my chest is minus 8cm. By weight, I have 9,600 for the course! I recommend the product, worker and original! P.S white capsules!

  31. I ordered on Wildberries. A packed box came, red capsules, inside a piece of paper with a check code for the original, all instructions for use, composition. There is a hot line for consultations.
    The composition is vegetable, nothing superfluous. The expiration dates are also good.

  32. After checking the code, the consultant called me, told me how to use it based on my lifestyle. Gave recommendations. The service is good, causes a trust.
    Now regarding the effect. I began to use capsules immediately after New Year's feasts. I drank 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast.
    I feel like that at first it was unusual - a wild rise in energy, I want to move. something to do. I consider an excellent engine for physical activity, not lying on the couch)
    The appetite really beat off. I could not look at food before lunch. By the hour, a small feeling of hunger arose, but it was literally a small portion of food. So, let's say, this condition provokes not to overtake. What else is needed for weight loss?))
    You need to want to eat less, this is just this Belaria and helps me

  33. Do not quite believe, well, check.

  34. Do not quite believe, well, check how the capsule works

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