The benefits and harm of onions are for the health of the body of men, women, children. What are the vitamins and trace elements in the bow?

The benefits and harm of onions are for the health of the body of men, women, children. What are the vitamins and trace elements in the bow?

If you do not like onions and try not to use it in cooking home dishes, then be sure to read our article. From it you will learn everything about the useful properties of this product and its calorie content.

  • Such a vegetable as onions can be found in the house of every person. The housewives are added to it in the first, second dishes and to the filling for pies. Due to the fact that the onion is well stored for a long time, we can use all year round to cook delicious and original dishes
  • But in addition to excellent taste, this unique vegetable also has therapeutic. If you know how to use it, then you can not only improve health, but also restore beauty to hair and skin. But good results can be achieved only if you are not contraindicated for the products prepared on the basis of onions
  • Therefore, let's figure out in what cases this vegetable will bring benefits to your body, and under what circumstances it can categorically cannot be used either in food or for the preparation of cosmetic and medicines

What are the vitamins and trace elements in the bow?

In the bow there are almost all vitamins and microelements necessary for a person

Onions are a champion in the content of beneficial substances. Most of all contains zinc. Therefore, if you want your hair not to fall out, your nails do not lay down and your teeth are healthy, then eat 20-30 g of raw onion every day. In addition, useful trace elements that are in onions help to increase the body's defenses and resist viral diseases.

It also has beneficial salts, acids, proteins and sugar that will not contribute to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Also in the fresh vegetable in huge quantities contain essential oils with high antimicrobial effects.

The vitamin composition of onions:
• Vitamin A. Prevents premature aging of the body and contributes to cleansing from toxins and toxins. Improves vision well, helps fight skin problems
• Vitami S. Helps to increase immunity, helps normalize blood pressure and lowers blood glucose levels
• Tiamine. Establishes the work of the gastrointestinal treatise, increases appetite and intensifies the work of the brain
• Riboflavin. Normalizes the nutrition of the internal organs of a person, improves blood formation and helps to break down fat cells, preventing them from departing in problem areas
• Folic acid. Increases mood, strengthens the cardiovascular system and helps the liver heal
• Tokaferol. Cleans the vessels, veins and capillaries of plaques and cholesterol, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Fighting quite effectively with edema and allergic reactions

What is the benefit of onions for women and men?

Onions will help strengthen hair

• Our mothers from childhood have taught us to think that onions are the most effective tool for combating seasonal viral diseases. It is this stereotype that does not allow us to look at this vegetable, on the other hand. After all, scientists have long proved that in the composition of this product there are substances that can cope with both male and female problems

• If it speaks of properties that equally support both the body and weak and strong, then in this case it is necessary to say about the ability of Luke to establish metabolic processes. Sometimes people fight with excess weight or dermatological problems (and do it for quite some time and persistently), but they cannot achieve a positive result. Most often the cause of failure is precisely in metabolic processes

• If they are disturbed or slowed down, then the internal organs of a person will not receive the useful substances they need and be cleaned from toxins in time. Almost always, this leads to the fact that the body is poisoned from the inside. Of course, this affects both well -being and appearance. But if you use fresh onion every day, then men and women will be able to get rid of these problems quickly

Useful properties of onions:

• For women: Zinc and iron that are in the bow help the woman’s reproductive system to work correctly. In addition, he is able to establish the functioning of the nervous system. For this reason, girls are shown to use this vegetable in the period before menstruation.

If you eat onions regularly, then the manifestations of the PMS will be minimal. He also helps women influence beauty. Probably, you should not even talk from how useful masks for curls made based on onions are. They are able to get rid of dandruff, stop hair loss and return the natural shine and silkiness of the most groomed hairstyle

• For men: The stronger sex in the same way as lady on Luke helps to maintain a reproductive system normally. Therefore, if you have problems with potency or in insufficient quantities, sperm is produced, then you definitely need to introduce this vegetable into your diet.

Also, onions are quite effectively fighting male baldness. Substances that are in this product strengthen hair follicles, stop hair loss and stimulate their intense growth

What is the benefit of onions for children?

Luke will increase the immunity of the child
  • Onions are quite useful not only for adults, but also for children. We all know that the green feathers of this vegetable are a storehouse of vitamin C. Therefore, if you let the baby eat them regularly, then this will minimize the probability of infection with the flu.
  • But keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to give fresh onions to very young children. Since their gastrointestinal tract has not yet been fully formed, it may not quite adequately respond to this product
  • For children under 1 year, it is best to give a thermally processed product. Although this will reduce the amount of useful substances in its composition, but it will not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach
  • After a year, children can be given a small amount of green feathers. And after three years, you can already introduce on the baby’s diet a more familiar on onions for adults

Useful qualities of onions for the child's body:
• helps improve appetite
• Helps fight viruses and bacteria
• enriches the child's body with useful vitamins and minerals
• helps to calm down the nervous system of a small person
• Relieves constipation

Red onions: healing properties, benefits and harm to health

Useful red onion
  • Red onions refers to the onion family and differs from its other relatives only in color and taste. It has a fairly rich red-lilac shade and a pronounced sweet taste
  • It is this variety that is most often used fresh. Sweetness makes it much more tender and softer, which allows you to give it even to small children
  • It is believed that in red onions in huge quantities there is sulfur that helps to establish digestion and promotes the breakdown of fats. Therefore, if you need to lose weight, then cook dietary dishes with this onion variety

The benefits of red onions
• blocks the development of osteoporosis
• Helps to restore health to hair
• Reduces the risk of rectal cancer
• Helps keep blood pressure under control
• normalizes blood sugar levels

The harm of red onions:
• can cause heartburn
• Promote the development of diarrhea
• can aggravate kidney and liver diseases

White onions: therapeutic properties, benefits and harms

Useful white onion
  • For us, the onion in the golden peel is more familiar to us. But unfortunately, this variety has a fairly greater acuity and not very pleasant bitterness. This does not allow you to eat it fresh
  • If you are looking for an alternative to him, then pay your attention to the white onion. This variety has a softer taste and a sufficiently delicate and crispy structure.
    It is the composition of white onion contains substances that can fight purulent wounds and abscesses
  • The main advantage of such treatment is that the product prepared on the basis of this product will not only kill pathogens, but also contribute to a faster regeneration of dermatological integument

The benefits of white onion:
• Helps to fight an anemia
• Makes more elastic vessels and capillaries
• cleans the body of harmful substances
• is considered a fairly strong natural antibiotic
• can slightly reduce the pain with a burn or frostbite
• effectively fights freckles, pigment spots, warts and corns

The harm of white onion:
• increases acidity
• annoying gastrointestinal mucous membranes
• increases blood pressure
• large quantities of the product can contribute to the overexcitation of the nervous system

Green onions: therapeutic properties, benefits and harm to the body

Healthy green onions

Perhaps the green and fresh feathers of onions are the most delicious part of this vegetable. They do not have excess acuity, bitterness and not quite pleasant smell. But unfortunately, we cannot eat it all year round. You can please yourself with useful dishes with this product only in spring and summer.

And since in the spring our body is in dire need of vitamins and trace elements, green onions can help us to replenish the reserves of useful substances. It is he who can saturate the body with vitamin C and iron that our immunity is needed. In addition, substances that are in feathers participate in the production of collagen responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

The benefits of green onions:
• normalizes renal epithelium
• increases blood coagulation
• contributes to the correct absorption of food
• cleanses the liver and participates in bile formation
• accelerates metabolism
• establish a menstrual cycle

The harm of green onions is that it can provoke:
• Gastritis is more developed
• heart rhythm failure
• Asthma attack
• diarrhea (in young children)

Therapeutic properties, benefits and harm of onion on health

Useful onions of tears

This variety of onions is less popular among our housewives, although those who have at least once tried dishes prepared with this product are trying to use it as often as possible to prepare healthy food. Due to the fact that in large quantities it contains sulfur, it has a rather specific smell, which in most cases repels people.

But despite the unpleasant aroma (if desired, it can be easily removed), as in any other vegetable contains a large number of substances needed by the human body.

The benefits of the fuck:
• Stabilizes metabolism in the body
• can help get rid of gout, urolithiasis and atherosclerosis
• Cleans the blood
• Strengthens vision
• sets the operation of the respiratory system

Harm harm:
• You can not eat people who have duodenal diseases
• contraindicated to people with reduced glucose in the blood
• can provoke excessive sweating

Batun Luke: therapeutic properties, benefits and harm to health

Useful onion BUTAN

The bow of Batun or as it is also called dudchnaya is even less popular with us than the breaks. In this variety, the upper part of the plant is very well developed. With proper care, it can grow to a meter.

But unfortunately, this product has quite poor taste, so it is most often used to make drugs that improve blood vessels and lower pressure. But still, if you give the onion to heat treatment, you will get dishes that have anti -inflammatory and diuretic properties.

The benefits of Batun:
• Domes blood
• increases the overall tone of the body
• stimulates the production of gastric juice
• smoothes wrinkles
• Disinfect open wounds
• stimulates hair growth

Damage to Batun:
• is able to exacerbate diseases of the abdominal cavity
• can contribute to excessive blood thinning
• Sleep disturbances are possible

Slimming onions properties

Onions helps to reduce weight

It is probably difficult to find a person who would completely arrange his weight. Therefore, most of us are trying to fight this problem and do this, of course, with the help of strict diets. Ultimately, as soon as the losing weight returns to the usual image of his life, some time ago, weight increases.

And the most unpleasant thing is that such strict diets not only do not make the waist thinner, but also save our body from the vitamins and trace elements he needs. Therefore, if you want to lose weight with the benefit of your body, then eat as much fresh onion as possible.

Useful properties of onion for weight loss:
• Normalizes the work of the stomach
• blocks the development of fat cells
• accelerates metabolism
• stimulates insulin synthesis
• removes excess water from the body
• quickly gives a feeling of satiety enough

Lucky onion soup

Onion soup for weight loss

This useful and dietary soup contributes to a rapid and proper weight loss. If you eat it at least 3 times a week, then in a month you can lose 2-3 kilograms. At the initial stage, you can arrange fasting days on this soup, and when the weight leaves, you will eat it to maintain weight in normal.

LUK soup recipe:
• Wash under running water onions, tears, tomatoes, bell pepper and herbs
• All the ingredients gently chop and lay them in boiling water
• if desired, can slightly salt the soup
• When the vegetables are prepared, add greens to the pan, wait a minute and turn off the plate
• let the soup brew for 15 minutes and proceed to the meal

Calorie content of onions

If we talk about the calorie content of the bow, then he has exactly everything with this. In whatever form you use it for food, he will definitely not add extra pounds to you. Therefore, you can safely use in your diet a stewed, boiled and baked product.

The main thing is that when cooking, do not flare it with vegetable or butter. These two products will make a real cholesterol bomb out of low -calorie onions.

• raw onions. 40 kcal per 100 g of product
• boiled onions. 35 kcal per 100 g of product
• baked onions. 30 kcal per 100 g of product
• Fried onion. 200 kcal per 100 g of product

Video: harvest and benefits of onions

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