The benefits and harms of mushrooms

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

There are a huge number of mushrooms. The article will help to figure out which of them can eat than they are useful for the body and what is the harm.

About whether it is possible or not to eat mushrooms, there are still active disputes. Some consider them incredibly tasty and very useful, others are a source of poisons.

Experienced hostesses have their own position: they believe that any mushroom, if it is originally suitable for eating, will benefit and treat taste receptors, if you know how to cook it correctly.

Why is it worth eating mushrooms?

Mushrooms are unique living organisms related to a separate biological family. They have signs of both animals and plants.

Important: you do not need to think that mushrooms are useless food. They contain many useful substances.

Mushrooms are delicious and useful if you know how to cook them.
Mushrooms are delicious and useful if you know how to cook them.

The composition of the mushrooms includes:

  • proteins (including chitin, which is difficult to process the human digestive system)
  • amino acids (about 18 pieces)
  • fats (very few, only about 1-2%)
  • polysaccharides (beta-glucans)
  • vitamins (including group B, vitamins A, D, C and PP)
  • minerals (iodine, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, others)

Important: due to the content of chitin, mushrooms cannot be eaten up to children under 14 years of age. Due to the lack of special enzymes, this protein is not digested in them

The benefits of mushrooms for a person are as follows:

  • are a source of protein, which is necessary to build new cells
  • give rapid saturation, while they are low -fat and low -calorie, they can be for those who are on a diet
  • due to the content of vitamins, they have a beneficial effect on the work of the human body and its appearance-they improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth
  • contribute to hematopoiesis
  • improve the functioning of the heart due to the high potassium content
  • improve the work of the endocrine system
  • increase immunity due to the content of beta-glucans

Important: earlier, a person, engaged in collecting, consumed forest mushrooms. Later they began to cultivate. And if in Eastern and Central Europe the tradition of going to the forest for “quiet hunting” is preserved, only mushrooms grown, for the most part, champignons are eaten in Western Europe

What is the harm of mushrooms?

Like any other food, mushrooms have a certain harm:

  1. Mushrooms are poisonous, simply not intended for eating. People do not always know how to distinguish toxic mushrooms, so there are frequent cases of strong intoxication, the consequence of which can be a fatal outcome
  2. Mushrooms are able to accumulate harmful substances and compounds contained in the environment, if they are collected in contaminated areas or prepared in violation of technology, poisoning is also possible
  3. Vegetarians prefer to eat mushrooms instead of meat as a product containing protein. But they cannot become the main food because of the same chitin. Its excessive content in the body leads to pathologies of the pancreas, liver, stomach and intestines
Mushrooms must be collected with knowledge: not all of them are edible and useful.
Mushrooms must be collected with knowledge: not all of them are edible and useful.

Oyster mushrooms benefits and harms

Oyster mushrooms are one of those mushrooms that are cultivated by a person. With their conscientious cultivation, the harm from the oyster materials is minimal, they:

  • they can cause a sense of oversaturation or heaviness in the stomach, because, like other mushrooms, they are not fully absorbed by the body
  • can absorb harmful substances from the environment if they are grown in violation of technology

Important: you need to be able to buy fresh oyster mushrooms. These mushrooms spoil very quickly

Oyster mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms.

The benefits for the human body and its health are more than other mushrooms, if only because they contain a significant amount of polysaccharides and are a powerful natural anti -cancer.

Containing vitamins (C, D, E and group B), fatty acids, minerals, other, low -calorie oyster mushrooms are useful:

  • for immunity
  • for heart
  • for blood restoration
  • with obesity

Mushrooms chanterelles benefits and harms

In large quantities, red foxes contain ascorbic acid, vitamin D, selenium. Therefore, their benefits have been proved for:

  • immunity
  • nervous system
  • endocrine system
  • vision
  • bones and muscles
  • vessels
  • skin

Important: chanterelles also have antiparasitic and antimicrobial properties


So that the chanterelles do not harm the body, you must be able to:

  1. Collect them. Often inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse healthy chanterelles with false foxes-conditionally sedentary mushrooms with a dim taste and lack of beneficial properties
  2. Store them. If within 4-5 hours after cutting you do not place the chanterelles on the cold, harmful decay products will begin to accumulate in them
  3. Prepare them. Before cooking, they must be boiled for 15-20 minutes

White mushroom benefits and harms

White mushroom is the most beautiful and tasty, it is called the king of mushrooms. Unfortunately, its benefits are not as outstanding as external and taste. It consists in:

  • a profitable ratio of nutrition and calorie content (protein - as in meat, at the same time, in 100 g only 300 kcal)
  • the content of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids (there are 22 of them in a white fungus), fiber, and other substances necessary for a person
  • anti -cancer properties

There are also few arguments in favor of refrain from using white mushrooms, but they are significant:

  • they have a poisonous double - the gall mushroom, an inexperienced mushroom mushroom pipe will not distinguish them
  • they quickly absorb harmful compounds from the environment, for example, heavy metals

Smors are good and harmful. Lines of benefit and harm

As for the sunshots and lines, it is necessary to start with their harm.


Smors - mushrooms classified as conditionally - edible. To eat them, it is necessary to adhere to complex technology-soak them and boil in 2-3 waters. They also say that only drying can be completely removed from Smorses for 3 months.
The greatest value of Smors are that they improve vision and are a means of cataracts.


Important: the lines are generally poisonous. Many experts agree that even complex processing is not able to completely withdraw poisonous substances from them

Video: Smors Strike the benefits and harm of these mushrooms

The benefits and harms of champignons

In champignons, the benefits of all mushrooms for the human body are fully revealed, firstly, due to the fact that, cultivated, it is almost completely devoid of harm.


They are low -calorie, 27 kcal per 100 g, while rich:

  • protein
  • amino acids (biotin, leenoleic and panthenolic acid)
  • vitamins
  • micro- and macroelements

Therefore, champignons have a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole.
The only drawback of these fungi is the high chitin content.

Video: Champignons benefits

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

Nedata is a “fish” among mushrooms, they are champions on the content of phosphorus and calcium. This is due to their benefits for the bones. In addition, a cocktail of vitamins, amino acids, ash, and other minerals make them useful for organs:

  • of cardio-vascular system
  • nervous system
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • vision
  • endocrine system
Honey mushrooms.
Honey mushrooms.

Real mushrooms, especially grown artificially, are not more harmful than other edible mushrooms. But it is important not to confuse them with honey mushrooms false, not suitable for eating.

The benefits and harms of loads

In Eastern Europe, mushrooms are happy to collect and prepare delicious dishes with them. At the same time in the West, they are not considered edible mushrooms.


Before preparing the load, you need to soak two days. Then boil twice at least 20 minutes, only after that its harm is neutralized.

VIDEO: Mushrooms. The kingdom of mushrooms: the harm and benefits of mushrooms

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