Polisatin or satin: pros and cons - which is better?

Polisatin or satin: pros and cons - which is better?

What is this Polisatin fabric? Which bedding is better, satin or polysatin: tissue features, comparison.

Which fabric is better than satin or a bed polisatin, what material is more pleasant to the touch, more beautiful and more convenient for sleeping? We will talk about all this in this article. Looking in advance, let's say that of these two options, the best bedding made of satin is one hundred percent natural cotton. But there are exceptions, we will talk about this below.

Polisatin and satin - what kind of fabric is this?

Satin - This is always one hundred percent natural cotton. No other fabric, interspersed with synthetics, has the right to be called satin. It is considered the "king" of cotton fabrics. If you choose bedding from satin - this is a great option, it is dense, it is brilliant, and it is natural, which is also important. Minus of fabric is a high price compared to other cotton, for example, with whip or a sod.

Polisatin - what kind of fabric is this?

Polisatin - This is a hundred percent polyester. All that has common satin and polysatin is the same weaving of threads. Polysatin is inexpensive, beautiful and wear -resistant, but this is where its advantages end. If polysatin is chosen as the material, bedding does not absorb moisture, does not pass air and seems paper to the touch.

Satin and polyester mixture

There is another third type of fabric - this mixed fabric. It has cotton threads, as in satin. And at the same time, synthetic fibers are added to such fabric. The proportions can be different. It is difficult to unambiguously assess such a fabric, for different manufacturers it can be both low and high quality. We will talk about its features in more detail.

Inexpensive bedding from synthetics from the site Aliexpress
Inexpensive bedding from synthetics from the site Aliexpress

Polisatin - bedding of synthetics?

Polisatin - bedding, which can be misleading. It contains the word "satin" that it would seem, should mean that linen from cotton. But in fact, such a fabric of synthetics. For the sake of justice, I must say that buying high -quality bedding can be difficult. Because there are sellers who mislead customers regarding the composition of fabric.

The 3D drawing can be applied to any fabric on Polisatin, and on the calico, and on the stump. But on the mesh beazing, it does not look as spectacular as on synthetics and satin.

3D drawing on satin
3D drawing on satin
  • It happens that the description is written "Polisatin." And after that there is still an inscription "Composition: cotton." In fact, this is bedding of synthetics. And the manufacturer, it seems, did not lie, because a very small amount of cotton fibers really added to the fabric. As a rule, such bedding sets are very bright and very inexpensive.
  • Sometimes the label indicates that inside "satin bed sheets". But over time, spools appear on the fabric, and this means that there is not only cotton, but also synthetics in the fabric.

On bedding made of satin, and in general of cotton, rolos never appear. These are his physical properties. If the spools appeared, then the composition contains both cotton and synthetics.

  • Instead of the name "Polisatin" In the description you can find other words. Found and "Neo-Satin", and "Microsatin" And so on. Sometimes foreign manufacturers write that their bedding sets from fabric "Microfiber"microfibers, which also means synthetics.
  • On Chinese sites, sometimes the composition of the fabric of bed sets is not indicated at all. And sometimes silk and flax are indicated for the set of the kit for $ 8. Nevertheless, this does not mean that in China there are no worthy manufacturers of bedding. They are.
Polisatine bed kit
Polisatine bed kit

In defense of synthetic fabric, it must be said that far not always about Polysatin reviews are negative. The fact is that different people have a different degree of sensitivity to synthetics. For some, polysatin is quite acceptable fabric for bedding, it is inexpensive, it is often bright. Yes, it is somewhat slippery and cold to the touch, but if the house is warm, then it may not be fundamentally. On the other hand, there are people for whom a polysatin bed can even cause insomnia.

To check what kind of fabric, polysatin or satin in front of you, you need to set it on fire. Cotton will burn like ordinary natural material, white smoke and a light dry ash, which will be assembled in flakes. If you set fire to polysatin, then the smoke will be black, the fabric will melt, turning into a black viscous mass. As you know, a test with fire is carried out in a store, and even more so in the online store, is difficult. It remains only to focus on the reputation of the manufacturer and reviews.

There are bed sets in which pieces of different fabrics are combined, For example, cotton and polysatin. From synthetics, the upper part of the duvetail and pillowcases on small decorative pillows are sewn. And from cotton fabric - all parts of the bed that come into contact with the body of a person during sleep. Such sets are very beautiful, and the duvetings can be used instead of a bedspread.

A set of two types of fabric: satin and polysatina
A set of two types of fabric: satin and polysatina

Satin bedding - high -quality cotton

From pure cotton, at least three different types of fabric are made, and all of them are used for bedding.

  • Coarse - The most inexpensive and simplest cotton fabric. But this does not mean at all that the calico is bad material. It is necessary to pay attention to the numbers indicating the density of the fabric. If the calico has a density of 112 grams per meter, then this is a very thin fabric. But if the density is 130 grams per meter, then this is a fairly good fabric.
  • Poplin - This is a fabric about which sometimes they say that this is the same calico, but of better quality. Subtle threads are used for tump, and weaving is denser. To the touch, such a fabric is more smooth and tender than the calico. You need to be careful with the wrap, we mainly make it made of cotton, but also is silk and synthetic.
  • Satin - This is a cotton fabric with special weaving. Firstly, before creating satin from threads, they are twisted. So the thread becomes more smooth, and the fabric from it is brilliant. Secondly, in order to get high-quality bedding, satin weave in a special way. The fabric is smooth, dense and wears out less. It is believed that bed linen from satin can withstand 150 to 200 washes.
Cotton kit for a boy
Cotton kit for a boy

Satin underwear - reviews

About linen from satin reviews are mostly positive. People write that 3D drawing looks beautiful from satin from satin, because it is a dense and shiny fabric. Satin holds the color well, and withstands multiple washing, without sticking.

Talking about linen from satin, they often compare it with other fabrics. And Satin earned a reputation as fabric of better quality than Byaz and Poplin.

Satin is denser than the whisper. The drawing on blankets and pillows is not shone through bedding from satin. Satin is a more wear -resistant fabric than other cotton materials. It is less common in washing machines and during operation. This is all thanks to the special satin weaving of threads.

Satin weaving
Satin weaving

Sometimes about linen from satin reviews say that the fabric did not justify the hopes of the buyer.

We bought bedding from thick satin, a density of 140 g per square meter. And they faced such a problem that it is difficult to iron it with an ordinary iron. Before that, we had a linen from satin slightly thinner with a density of 125 g per square meter, and it stroked without problems. If you do not have professional ironing equipment, do not buy satin with a density of more than 125 grams per meter.

Sometimes people in their reviews of satin complain that over time the fabric loses its shine. Indeed, if we are talking about ordinary satin, then it shines only as a relatively new one, over time, the fabric becomes velvety.

I work in a hotel. Sometimes, after washing on individual objects, “velvety” appears. And nothing can be done about it. Unless buy satin with special processing. And such a material is doubled, and sometimes three times more expensive than ordinary satin.

Strape-Satin fabric with shiny and matte strips
Strape-Satin fabric with shiny and matte strips

Satin Mercerization

If you want to choose the best bedding, satin can be merciful to him.

Mercerization - This is fast processing of fabric with caustic today. The canvases are pulled, poured with cold water, then they are doused with caustic braid, and then again washed with cold water. As a result, the threads swell. Nodes and small torn threads become invisible, satin is very smooth and brilliant. Such a fabric serves longer and retains its original appearance longer. In addition, on a mercerized satin, paint holds better.

Bed linen, Satin in which is a mercerialized, costs an order of magnitude more expensive than a bed from ordinary satin. Much depends on how much the new machine on which the fabric was produced. In Russia, weaving machines are now produced in Cheboksary. Since Soviet times, the enterprise has been producing machines under the stb brand (weaving bronnote). And these are high -quality machines operating on the same technologies that the whole world chooses.

Satin retains color longer, thanks to the caustic nature
Satin retains color longer, thanks to the caustic nature

Satin mixed fabrics

Polisatin is pure synthetics. Pure synthetics for bedding is always bad. But at the same time, there is a mixture of textiles, in which high -quality satin is mixed with a small amount of synthetics. Surprisingly, it is precisely such textiles that was chosen for the famous Marriott hotel network and some other respectable hotels.

Only on such mixed fabrics with satin can spine form.

Bed in the hotel Marriott
Bed in the hotel Marriott

The bedding with satin and polyester has its advantages:

  • Such a bed is more wear -resistant and withstands a larger number of washers.
  • If the underwear is colored, then it retains color longer.
  • Spots are easier to wash off such fabric.

But still, choosing bedding, you need to remember that if 30 percent of synthetics are added to the fabric, then it is felt as artificial. What to give preference to comfort or beauty and durability of fabric to you decide.

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Video: bedding fabrics

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