The beneficial and therapeutic properties of baking soda for the human body. How does the baking soda work on the human body, how does cancer cure?

The beneficial and therapeutic properties of baking soda for the human body. How does the baking soda work on the human body, how does cancer cure?

Find out from the article how the usual soda affects the human body, what diseases can be cured with this product.

Ordinary baking soda is used not only for the preparation of pastries and other dishes, it has a beneficial effect on the whole on the human body. He plays an important role in maintaining acid-base balance in the circulatory system and intercellular fluid. A solution of soda is used in medicine to treat various ailments. Further in more detail.

Drinking soda: Formula

Sodium bicarbonate (Nahco3) - is an acidic sodium salt H2CO3 (carbon acid). For the first time, the German pharmacist Rosa wrote about this substance.

Coal acid is able to form 2 rows of salts:

  • Sour - bicarbonates with HCO3. Aqueous solutions that give a slightly alkaline reaction.
  • Medium - carbonates with CO3. There are aqueous solutions of which give a stronger reaction.
Food soda - formula
Food soda - formula

The temperature regime acts differently on Nahco3. If you dissolve soda in hot water (80-120º), you get Na2CO3. If you dissolve the soda powder in warm water, then hydrolysis will occur and there will be a weak electrolyte at the output.

How to prepare a solution of soda for alkalizing the body?

In the normal condition of a person, PH Blood Balance should be in the range of 7.34-7.46. With the deviation of the PH balance from the norm, a dangerous pathology of acidosis develops in a smaller way - blood acidification. If this indicator is violated to 6.7-6.8, then even a fatal outcome may occur.

The primordials of this disease are:

  • Accumulation of poisons in the body due to malnutrition
  • The accumulation of poisons due to negative energy (stress, anger, hatred, etc.)
How to prepare a soda solution for alkalizing the human body systems?
How to prepare a soda solution for alkalizing the human body systems?

This disease will save you daily consumption before eating a soda powder solution. Soda use scheme:

  • Start the consumption of the solution with small doses - 0.5 tsp. 200 ml of boiling water
  • Over time, you can bring the amount of Nahco3 to 1-1.5 tsp.
  • Drink soda solution on an empty stomach in 30 minutes. To the meal.
  • The needs of drinking soda for the body for each person are different (it is enough to drink once a day, twice a week, the other daily before each eating). Therefore, determine the norm by feeling.
  • The soda solution is prepared as follows: take 7-15 g of soda, pour boiling water (hot) when it stops hissing, add cold boiling water and drink this warm solution.

Beneficial and therapeutic properties of baking soda for the human body

A healthy human body has an alkaline environment. If pH shifts towards an acidic environment, then acidosis occurs (it has already been mentioned above). If the patient has such a pathology, then the work of the digestive organs is disturbed: bile, pancreas, stomach, liver. The acidic environment favors the prosperity of parasites.

Useful properties of soda powder
Useful properties of soda powder

The alkalization of the body normalizes PH balance and helps to cope with the next list of diseases:

  1. Oncosaurium - and soda is effective not only for their healing, this panacea prevents them from developing them.
  2. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Heals diseases of the throat and cough.
  4. Using a solution of soda, you can get rid of kidneys, urinary and gall bladder.

How does food soda work on the human body?

If you drink soda solution, then in the body there is a neutralization of excess acid. In turn, urine becomes alkaline - this greatly facilitates the work of the kidneys, which contributes to the balance of inner harmony, glutamine amino acid is not consumed in excess, there are no risks of deposit of kidney stones.

Exposure to soda solution on the body
Exposure to soda solution on the body

IMPORTANT: Soda powder is easily excreted from all body systems with kidneys.

With a normal pH balance, a person’s beneficial vitamins of group B are normally absorbed. So that soda powder is better absorbed into the digestive tract, it is advisable to dissolve it in hot milk.

How does the baking soda cure cancer?

The manifestation of cancer tumors is provoked by ordinary fungi called - candidates, which, with normal immunity, cannot cause any harm to a person. But if the immunity is weakened, then they begin to grow, and they choose the acid “soil” for their habitat. Therefore, soda is an excellent preventive tool from all kinds of neoplasms. In addition, cases of cure for cancer with soda solution and diets are known.

Ordinary baking soda against cancer diseases
Ordinary baking soda against cancer diseases

Important: oncology occurs not only due to the weakening of immunity, the patient’s psychoemotional state has an even greater role in the development of pathology. Therefore, one treatment with soda will not help if you do not believe in recovery and then “poison” your body with a bad mood. Therefore, before starting the treatment of the disease, change your inner world, direct your thoughts in a positive direction.

Video: How to use soda correctly?

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