Is it useful to cry with stress, depression? How can tears improve our condition?

Is it useful to cry with stress, depression? How can tears improve our condition?

The article talks about the causes of the defiant crying whether it is useful to cry, and how to get out of a depressive state.

The benefits and harms of tears

Why do people cry? You can conditionally divide the reasons because of which you want to cry into two categories.

The category is the first.Physical suffering that were obtained due to injuries or diseases.

Category second.Soul suffering that were obtained due to the experience of negative emotions. Call mental suffering can:

  • Resentment
  • Despair
  • Yearning
  • Anger
  • Disappointment

And if we accept the fact that the crying is usually preceded by suffering and pain, then tears will be the last in the chain pain → Suffering → Tears. Therefore, the question of the benefits and dangers of tears can be formulated as follows: is it harmful or useful to experience pain? Despite the apparent absurdity of the question, some people really need to feel pain. Pain of such people is in tandem with love. Such a mechanism is laid in early childhood, when the mother punished her child and immediately spared. That is, for the child, love and pain were identical.

All our habits come from childhood
All our habits come from childhood

It happens that a woman or a man consciously seeks a partner who is able to cause both physical and mental pain. And in Russian speech a saying even appeared: "Bezes - means loves." Do I need to somehow fight this phenomenon if it is steadily transmitted from generation to generation? Probably yes, because love and violence cannot be synonymous. And start fighting this distortion, you need to learn to separate these two concepts.

The benefits and harm of tears - a look from the side
The benefits and harms of tears are a view from the side

Why is it useful to cry for women, men, children?

It is probably impossible to find a person who would never cry in his life. And even if you meet a harsh man who will say that he never cries, do not believe him. He cried in childhood, if not from cooled knees, then from slaps of parents. And he definitely cries in critical situations. As for the crying of women, they can cry from the heartbreaking melodrama, a broken heel on shoes or from a broken nail.

Another reason to cry
Another reason to cry

Of course, such crying cannot be compared, and the crying that happens from the disaster that suddenly occurred in life. But the mechanism of action in the first and second cases is the same. After crying, discharge occurs because along with tears from the body, stress hormones are washed out. And this is his undoubted benefit. As for the harm, it is not harmful, but stress, physical or mental overload previous crying.

Sad mood

Some parents have a persistent conviction that the child’s crying is not only an ordinary phenomenon, but also benefits. This is not so because the cry of the baby is a distress signal and a call for help. Moreover, this applies to very young children, for whom crying is the only way to tell that they are painful, hungry or cold, and for older children.

Cry or not cry? That is the question

Is it useful for children to cry? Only in the case of infants, when a child, thus, can tell about discomfort. If a child can already describe his problem with words, crying will signal that the words were not heard. As a result, the child understands that his crying is a voice of a crying in the desert and can go into himself, become isolated and even depressed.

Experience pain and depression cannot be useful
Experience pain and depression cannot be useful

Is it useful to cry with stress, depression?

Life cannot be an eternal holiday and inevitably after success, joyful meetings and rise in mental strength, a black strip occurs. A person solves constantly accumulating problems, fights financial troubles, resolves conflicts and again enters the white strip of luck and joy. But, unfortunately, there are situations when people get stuck in the black strip.

When very sad
When very sad

Someone does not have the strength to come to terms with the loss of a loved one, someone lost faith in himself, someone undertook betrayal or illness. As a result, it seems that the white strip will never come and a person is constantly in a depressed mood. Is it useful to cry in this state? There is definitely not because the depressed mood can be replaced by even more severe depression. How to get out of depression?

Funny cartoons are the best remedy for depression
Funny cartoons are the best remedy for depression

You need to try to fill your head with bright thoughts. Thoughts about joy, laughter, health. Positive emotions will include the trigger mechanism for exit depression. Perhaps this method will seem impossible for someone. But imagine that you are going to drink tea. Your brain tells you what you need to dial in a kettle of water, turn on the stove, pour in a cup and so on.

Write your depression program
Write your depression program

That is, for each event there is a certain program of action. In case of exit depression, the brain should also receive a program of action. This program should be written in thoughts about joy and luck. Next, the brain will try to complete the task. And this will be the first step to the white lane.

Mountains are the best remedy for depression
Mountains are the best remedy for depression

Is it useful to cry for the eyes?

Our eyes constantly blink and thus continuously moisturize. If the sorinka enters the eye, tears begin to flow involuntarily, and thus an outsider is washed out of the eyes. Is it useful for the eyes to cry if there is no need to moisturize your eyes? Probably not, because when placing the eye tissue, the eyes become irritated, and the eyelids are swollen.

After crying, red irritable eyes
After crying, red irritable eyes

Crying from onions is it useful for the eyes?

Luke volatiles irritate their eyes and can cause burning and lacrimation. And this is not enough because after the fabric suffered irritation will need to restore their functions. How to avoid eye irritation when cutting onions? Here are several ways:

  • If the street is warm - cut the onion, opening the window
  • You can turn on the fan and direct the air stream to the kitchen table
  • The easiest way is to blow on a cutting board with onions
Luke is not so terrible as they write about it
Luke is not so terrible as they write about it

Do animals cry?

People often draw parallels between the world of animals and people and try to catch the difference and similarity. Thus cause the enthusiasm of the manifestations of attachment and tenderness between animals of one or even different species. Dogs can be friends with cats, cats with parrots, and in the wild, cases of reception of animals of other species in flocks are recorded.

There are cases of feeding other people's cubs. The affection of the affection and tenderness of animals during marriage games cause. But do they know how to cry or laugh? Unfortunately, or fortunately, such manifestations of the emotional state are inherent only to man.

They know how to smile, but do not know how to laugh and cry

Video: Why is it useful to cry?

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Comments K. article

  1. After you cry, it always becomes easier.

  2. You can't cry with depression? The article was clearly written by an amateur. Aleksandra Lowen, read a world -famous psychotherapist, the book is called “Depression”. And this is very psychotherapeutic - to cry with depression. The only problem is how to make a person cry, since the cause of this disease is a prolonged suppression of feelings.

  3. The author of the article was not in the skin of a clever psychotherapist, but in the skin of a person who survived depression and tears.

  4. In fact, it should be crushed as it should sometimes, it is very useful and helps .. I do so when I am very nervous x) but in general I try not to bring the situation to the extreme and during the stress I drink the glycine Forte Evalarovsky course to support the nervous system

  5. the son died, 52, secured, brought up alone, dressed, educated, raised a decent person. From the school he wrote loving letters. And then after marriage he hated, lived in different cities. Not to come, not to invite did not want to get married 6 times, traveled, drank, loved prostitutes. I did not believe my eyes that from such a child it would be a moral freak he did not see anything like this. Good knowledge of languages, physical mate school, accustomed to work. I humiliated me unthinkably, prayed for him all my life, but God did not want to hear a sudden stroke. Testament to whom? The prostitute with whom once again divorced his mother and daughter _____ nothing. I cried, screamed, for which God was punished with people of evil.

  6. Perhaps as a way out of emotions is really important. But still, if there are too many tears in life, there will be nothing good about it. I am just to strengthen the nervous system in a timely manner and not allow it. I take the Lady's formula more than polyvitamins. There are B vitamins and magnesium. And I like that there are also extracts of a thistle, a wild and a root of the root of the don ... Thus, female health is strengthened.

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