Crafts Caterpillar to a kindergarten school from a cocktail tube, vegetables, fruits, leaves, papers, cones, chestnuts, kinder of a surprise, cotton pads, plasticine, buttons, salt dough, felt, balloons, threads, tights, beads, socks, pompons , packets for garbage, beads, acorns: ideas, step -by -step instructions, photos

Crafts Caterpillar to a kindergarten school from a cocktail tube, vegetables, fruits, leaves, papers, cones, chestnuts, kinder of a surprise, cotton pads, plasticine, buttons, salt dough, felt, balloons, threads, tights, beads, socks, pompons , packets for garbage, beads, acorns: ideas, step -by -step instructions, photos

How to make a caterpillar for a school exhibition from natural and waste material.

A funny caterpillar made of material, which is always at hand is a great craft for a school or garden. Some caterpillars are so easy to perform that even a three -year -old baby can make them on their own. Only parents are more difficult to fulfill copies, but they are so spectacular that the time and effort will turn out to be quite justified.

How to make an application with a caterpillar, a caterpillar from cotton pads

An application with a caterpillar from cotton pads can do even young children. To do this, the same equal even circles-disks you only need to glue on a sheet of paper and painted in bright colors.

To make an application with a caterpillar will need:

  • a4 paper sheet
  • pencil
  • cotton wheels (5-8 pieces)
  • gouache paint
  • brush
  • a glass-nonsense with water
  • PVA


  1. Help the child indicate exactly where the caterpillar will be located on the sheet.
  2. Draw a simple pencil on the sheet and the sun with a simple pencil, so that the baby is easier to navigate.
  3. Start sticking cotton wheels, starting from the “head” of the caterpillar, so that each next disc slightly overlaps the previous one.
  4. When all the discs are glued, let the applications dry.
  5. Help your child paint a caterpillar, grass and sun.
  6. On a circle indicating the head, draw eyes, nose and smile.
  7. Do not forget about the antennae and legs of the caterpillars.

Important: instead of cotton pads, you can use pre -prepared circles from colored paper.

How to make an application with a caterpillar from cotton pads
How to make an application with a caterpillar from cotton pads
Caterpillar from cotton pads
Caterpillar from cotton pads

Video: caterpillar from circles. Applications from colored paper and plasticine.

Criminal caterpillar from a cocktail tube

A caterpillar, very similar to the real one, can be made from an ordinary tube. It will require:

  • corrugated part
  • scissors
  • black marker


  1. Make an incision on a tube about 8 - 10 cm long. It begins 1 - 1.5 cm from the beginning of the tube and end in 0.3 - 0.5 cm to the corrugated part.
  2. Cut 2 thin “antennae” in the place where the corrugated part is connected to the non -corrugated.
  3. On the corrugated part, make the same incisions in such a way that the half rings are obtained. Cut very carefully so as not to accidentally cut the tube.
  4. Cut every second half -ring in the middle.
  5. Put the thin long side of the tube inward so that it appears from the opposite side.
  6. Draw the eyes and legs of the caterpillar with a marker.

Everything, the work is over. Pulling the tail, you can make the caterpillar bend and “crawl”. In order to give the caterpillar more plausible appearance, you can plant it on a leaf carved from colored paper.

Important: make sure that the antennae and legs of the caterpillar are not on one side.

Criminal caterpillar from a cocktail tube
Criminal caterpillar from a cocktail tube
A caterpillar from a tube
A caterpillar from a tube

Video: how to make a straw caterpillar

Caterpillar from leaves

Of the fallen autumn leaves, you can also make a funny caterpillar with children. This will need:

  • many multi -colored leaves
  • cardboard
  • "Eyes" and "Abytik"
  • needle
  • scissors
  • bead
  • a thread
  • cardboard circle (for template)
  • PVA
  • pencil
Material for crafts
Material for crafts


  1. The leaves, piercing in the middle, string on the thread with a needle. The end of the thread must be securely fixed so that the leaves do not crumble.
  2. Circle a circle-flush circle on color cardboard. It will be the head of the caterpillar.
  3. Glue the antennae and eyes, draw your mouth.
  4. Make the nose from the bead. It should be sewn with a needle with a thread on which the leaves are already strung. Thus, the bead will not only become a “nose”, but will also serve as a combination of the caterpillar head to her body.
  5. Fasten the thread and remove its excess part.

The caterpillar is ready. It can be glued to colored cardboard.

Caterpillar from leaves
Caterpillar from leaves

Video: Autumn craft "Caterpillar from leaves"

Craft caterpillar

An unusual voluminous bright caterpillar can be made with a child for 5-7 years from colored paper ovals. For work you will need:

  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • cardboard oval-flower
  • PVA


  1. Circle the template 12 - 16 times on the sheets of paper of different colors.
  2. Cut multi -colored ovals.
  3. Bend the edge of each oval (the distance to the bend should be the same on each oval).
  4. Bent edges glue all ovals among themselves.
  5. On the first oval, draw eyes, nose and mouth, glue colored antennae. It will be a caterpillar head.

The caterpillar is ready. It remains to let her dry properly.

Craft caterpillar
Craft caterpillar

Craft caterpillar from cones, chestnuts, acorns

Very quickly you can make a caterpillar from cones, chestnuts or acorns. The meaning of the work is to combine the fruits with each other with plasticine in such a way that it seems that each fruit is a separate segment of the insect body.

Caterpillar from chestnuts
Caterpillar from chestnuts

This simple work will appeal to babies 2 to 4 years old. Would need:

  • 6-8 small cones (chestnuts, acorns)
  • multi -colored plasticine
  • cardboard for a stand
  • autumn leaves for decoration
  • matches - 2pcs


  1. Prepare the segments of the body - cones, chestnuts or acorns.
  2. Make multi -colored plasticine balls that will serve for connection.
  3. With the help of plasticine, fix the bump (chestnut, acorn) on a cardboard stand.
  4. To the first bump and with plasticine balls, attach the second.
  5. Continue to connect the elements one to another using plasticine different colors.
  6. From small pieces of plasticine, make eyes, mouth and nose of the caterpillar, from matches - antennae.

Important: Connect your imagination. Use cones and chestnuts of different sizes and shapes in your work, place them in random order, make a color caterpillar, give it a character by giving a smile or a sad grimace.

Craft caterpillar from cones, chestnuts, acorns
Craft caterpillar from cones, chestnuts, acorns

Video: Crafts from chestnuts. Mobile caterpillar

Craft caterpillar from Kinder Surprise

Empty capsules from kinders can also be put into business, and make a cute caterpillar out of them. For this you will need:

  • empty plastic "yolks" (6-10 pieces)
  • large beads (but it is possible without them)
  • ribbon
  • marker or plasticine


  1. Make holes on both sides of all the "yolks", except for two. In the first and last, which will become “head” and “tail”, make one hole.
  2. Through the hole in the half of the open first capsule, take the tape. At the end of the tape, tie the knot so that it reliably fixes all the links and is hidden inside the capsule.
  3. Close the first kinder.
  4. String the bead to the free end of the ribbon.
  5. After beads on the tape, string the next yolk in which there are holes on both sides.
  6. Then put on the capsule again.
  7. Alternate beads with capsules until you get the necessary length of the caterpillar body.
  8. You can fix the tape at the end of the body in the same way as in the head. A reliable connection can also be obtained if two holes are made nearby in the last yolk, instead of one. Then the free end of the tape can be passed through the first hole and as if returning inside the capsule, passing it to the neighboring free hole and then fix it, tied with the tape next to the bead.
  9. Using a marker, draw an eye, mouth and nose with a caterpillar. These elements can also be released from plasticine.

Important: mothers who know how to crochet can improve the caterpillar from the kinders. To do this, each capsule needs to be tied with multi -colored yarn, and the head should be tied separately. When all the elements are ready, they will only have to be interconnected using a needle with a thread.

How to make a caterpillar from Kinder Surprise
How to make a caterpillar from Kinder Surprise
Craft caterpillar from Kinder Surprise
Craft caterpillar from Kinder Surprise

Video: caterpillar from capsules Kinder Surprise

Caterpillar from plasticine, salty dough

In order to introduce two -year -old babies to the creativity, you should begin with the joint manufacture of simple crafts from plasticine or puff pastry. One of these crafts is a caterpillar. To roll the ball and attach it to the same is all that will be required of the child to make it. Undoubtedly, such a simple, but “responsible” work will captivate him.

For work, you will need:

  • plasticine or salty dough
  • plastic board and knife for working with plasticine


  1. On the board with a knife, divide a piece of plasticine or dough into pieces. Each next piece should be slightly smaller than the previous one.
  2. Form a ball from each piece.
  3. Each ball, except the largest, flatten slightly to the board.
  4. To the largest ball-headed, attach the other elements of the caterpillar body.
  5. Blind the small cakes of a contrasting color and decorate the caterpillar body with them.
  6. On the head, indicate the eyes, nose, mouth.
  7. Give the caterpillar bend. It will seem that she is crawling.
  8. Roll out two thin flagella from plasticine, form and attach to the head of the caterpillar antennae.
  9. Place the finished caterpillar on a plasticine or paper leaf.
How to make a plasticine caterpillar. step 1
How to make a plasticine caterpillar. Step 1
How to make a plasticine caterpillar. Step 2
How to make a plasticine caterpillar. Step 2
How to make a plasticine caterpillar. The result of the work
How to make a plasticine caterpillar. The result of the work
Caterpillar from plasticine, salty dough
Caterpillar from plasticine, salty dough

Video: We sculpt a plasticine caterpillar

Caterpillar from beads

To weave a caterpillar from beads, you will need not only special material and tools, but also perseverance, patience, as well as some experience of such work. An unusual and practical caterpillar brush from beads will be. At any time, this craft can turn into an original decoration.

To weave a beads basswood bracelet would need:

  • brown beads of different shades and sizes
  • beads orange
  • green and light green beads
  • brown and light green beads 3-6 mm
  • field
  • button

Weaving scheme:

Caterpillar from beads, scheme
Caterpillar from beads, scheme


  1. Start weaving a bracelet with small beads of brown color.
  2. When 20 beads will be scored on the fishing line, turn the work in such a way as to pass from the end through the seventh bead.
  3. Dial 3 more beads, go through the fishing line through the bead, taking into account 3 previously strung beads.
  4. Thus approach the beginning of the weaving.
  5. Type 5 beads on the fishing line.
  6. Form the honeycomb so that each of them consists of 8 beads.
  7. After 3 brown rows, repeat the pattern with an orange bead, weaving large beads at the same distance.
  8. The next three rows are green. In small beads, also weave larger beads.
  9. Repeat until the bracelet reaches the necessary length.
  10. Sew a bead from one end of the bracelet, and on the other - a loop.

The bracelet is ready.

Caterpillar from beads
Caterpillar from beads

Caterpillar from buttons, beads

Large beads, as well as beads, can be used to make a decorative caterpillar. Moreover, it can be made both according to a complex scheme, and simply stringing the beads one after another.

Caterpillar from beads and beads
Caterpillar from beads and beads

From buttons to make a caterpillar even easier than from beads. This will need:

  • large flat buttons with two or four holes in the middle
  • dense thread or fishing line
  • zapelka for antennae
  • decorative eyes
  • colored paper circle
Large flat buttons for crafts
Large flat buttons for crafts


  1. On a thread or fishing line, string all the buttons alternately so that it passes through both holes of each button.
  2. Fasten the free ends of the thread.
  3. Glue a colored paper circle on the first button - it will be a head.
  4. Glue your eyes, antennae on a circle, draw a nose and a smile.

Important: you can make the legs of the caterpillar by tying small buttons on a thread or wire and fixing them on the body, but this will somewhat complicate the work.

Caterpillar from buttons
Caterpillar from buttons

Fetra caterpillar

A bright soft craft can be made of multi-colored felt. This work is not able to young children, so it will completely fall on the shoulders of parents. If you think about the idea well, you can get not just crafts in kindergarten or school, but also a magnificent developing toy for kids. For example, the body of the caterpillar can be done according to the principle of the pyramid, and the colors of the segments will repeat all the colors of the rainbow.

For work, you will need:

  • patterns (circles with a diameter of 2 to 10 cm)
  • fetr of different colors
  • a pen
  • filler (synthetic winterizer, rustling paper or millet)
  • fabric Velcro
  • elastic
  • needle
  • threads
  • pins for temporary fastening of parts
  • glue gun


  1. Attach patterns to the felt pins, circle them.
  2. Cut circles (2 pieces of each color) and legs (2 pieces of each color).
  3. Determine in what sequence circles in the finished product will be collected.
  4. Sew slices of Velcro in the center of each mug. In this case, the “soft” side of the Velcro on the first circle should correspond to the “hard” side on the second, and so on.
  5. Sew the circles of the same color with each other with a seam, laying a layer of filler between them. The diameter of the filler should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the circle. Sewed elements should be held one by one with Velcro. This will be a caterpillar body.
  6. Sew the legs to the elastic bands, fasten the elastic bands with free ends on the circles of the corresponding color.
  7. On the first circle, the miradeus with the help of an adhesive pistol glue the eye, a nose, cheeks, a smile and antennae cut out of a multi-colored felt.

Important: instead of Velcro for connecting the elements, you can use metal buttons. You can decorate the caterpillar at your own discretion, it is just enough to connect your imagination.

Fetra caterpillar
Fetra caterpillar

Video: Fetra caterpillar

Balloon caterpillar

A funny caterpillar from balloons made by yourself can decorate any children's holiday. Despite the simplicity of operations, you should not trust the work of the elements of a caterpillar to a young child so that the baby is not afraid of the sound of an accidentally bursting ball.

For work you will need:

  • the ball is long (1 pc.)
  • the largest ball that will serve the head of the caterpillar.
  • round balls large multi -colored (6 - 7 pcs.)
  • round shallow balls of the same color (12 - 14 pcs.)
  • threads
  • scissors
  • double sided tape

The simplest caterpillar can be made from one inflated long ball. To do this, just twist it several times at the same distances, and fix the folds of the bends with a thread.

Balloon caterpillar
Balloon caterpillar

A big funny caterpillar can be done in this way:

  1. Inflate a long ball and twist it as many times as you have prepared pairs of small balls, fix the bending of the bends with a thread.
  2. Inflate small balls and bind, leaving 15 - 20 cm with free threads on each ball.
  3. Firmly fix the small balls on the excesses of a long ball. It should turn out 2 balls at each excess - these are the "legs" of the caterpillar.
  4. Inflate a ball-headed ball and all big balls, leaving the free ends of the threads.
  5. Fix them tightly on the bends from the side opposite from the "legs".
  6. Draw your eyes, nose and smile on the largest ball.
  7. Between themselves, large balls can be stuck with bilateral tape.
Balloon caterpillar
Balloon caterpillar

Video: A balloon caterpillar

Little caterpillar, pompons

A caterpillar from threads can be made if there are remains of multi -colored fluffy yarn in the reserve. The craft will turn out surprisingly soft and fluffy, but to get a decent result, you will have to try. A caterpillar from homemade pompons can be done with a child for 6 - 12 years old.

You will need:

  • threads (several small glomeruli)
  • scissors
  • ready -made "eyes"
  • wire for antennae


  1. Determine how long the soft caterpillar from the threads will be.
  2. Drive the pass of existing threads 2 times longer than the estimated length of the caterpillar.
  3. At the same distance, bandage the pass in 8 - 12 places, securely fix the thread that serves for dressing.
  4. Cut across the longitudinal threads of the passes on both sides, at the same distance from the node. Thus, you will receive as many pompons from threads as times were bandaged.
  5. Sew or tie pompons together.
  6. On the pompon-head, fix your eyes and antennae.
Little caterpillar. Production of pompons
Little caterpillar. Production of pompons
Caterpillar from pompons
Caterpillar from pompons
Little caterpillar, pompons
Little caterpillar, pompons

Video: Pomponed Caterpillars

Caterpillar from tights, socks

Such, at first glance, a boring mundane thing, like a pair of socks or tights can be easily turned into a funny children's craft. It is very easy to make it, and this craft will not require special costs.

To turn unnecessary tights or socks into a couple of funny caterpillars, except for the socks themselves and tights it will be required:

  • scissors
  • needle
  • multi -colored threads or tapes
  • filler
  • two black beads or ready -made "eyes"


  1. Cut the leg from the tights. This is a Taurus of a future caterpillar. If socks are intended for work, they can be left in the form in which they are.
  2. Place the filler in the toe so that it is located evenly.
  3. Form segments on the caterpillar body, pulling it with threads in several places at equal distances.
  4. On the head of the caterpillars, sew your eyes, mouth and nose.
  5. If the caterpillar needs a couple, repeat the actions with the second toe or “foot” of tights.
Caterpillar from tights, socks
Caterpillar from tights, socks

An even more fun caterpillar can be obtained from a toe with your fingers. Make it according to the same principle.

Caterpillar from sock with fingers, materials
Caterpillar from sock with fingers, materials
Caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 1
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 1
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 2
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 2
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 3
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 3
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 4
Craft caterpillar from the sock with fingers, step 4
Craft caterpillar from sock with fingers
Craft caterpillar from sock with fingers

Caterpillar from garbage bags

From garbage bags, as well as from any other plastic bags, you can make a caterpillar of any size. It must be made on the same principle as the caterpillar from pompons. Only pompons in this case will not be made of threads, but from garbage bags.

Caterpillar from garbage bags
Caterpillar from garbage bags

The greatest difficulty is precisely their manufacture, for which it will be required:

  • new polyethylene garbage bags of one or different colors
  • sharp scissors
  • tape or durable thread


  1. Place 7-10 exactly folded packets on an even smooth surface.
  2. Exactly cut the upper sealed part from each package.
  3. Determine the size of future pompons and the number of lanes into which you want to divide the bags. Keep in mind that pompons will turn out to be the more fluffy, the thinner the stripes will be.
  4. Cut even vertical stripes on each side of the package (or part of it), moving from the edges to the center in such a way as not to cut it completely, but leave about 1 to 3 cm in the middle.
  5. Gently carefully fix with tape or durable thread.
  6. Frighten the pompom.
  7. Start the manufacture of the following.
  8. When the required number of pompons will be ready, connect them with each other with tape or threads. But indicate the eyes, mouth, mouth and nose.
Making pompons from garbage bags
Making pompons from garbage bags

Important: for the manufacture of a small caterpillar, each package can be divided into about 6 parts, or it is folded into the sophisticated for the manufacture of one pompon.

Caterpillar from apples, ranks, onions

The crafts of apples can be made quickly and easily, because the apples are very supple and soft in work, but at the same time they keep their shape well under a dense bright peel. Working with apples is very simple, so even the youngest family members can be attracted to it. Kids will be happy to take part in family creativity.

For work, you will need:

  • clean large dry apples without defects and peel damage
  • ranetki for ox
  • cleaned raw carrots for legs
  • cabbage leaves for stand
  • knife
  • toothpicks or matches
  • multi -colored plasticine


  1. Fix the apples with toothpicks with each other so that the caterpillar body turns out.
  2. Make your head out of the largest apple.
  3. Attach the legs of carrot rings to the sections of the body with toothpicks.
  4. Install the caterpillar on an inverted cabbage sheet.
  5. Make eyes and mouth from plasticine.
  6. Using toothpicks make horns made of wounds
  7. Having shown imagination, decorate the caterpillar to your own taste.

Important: it will not be possible to save such a caterpillar for a long time, because the apples will begin to deteriorate the very next day, and the craft will lose the look.

Caterpillar from apples, Ranettes
Caterpillar from apples, Ranettes

A similar caterpillar can be made of bulbs. But, starting to work with onions, keep in mind that this vegetable has a specific unpleasant odor. The legs and antennae of the onion caterpillar can be made of decorative soft wire.

Caterpillar from onions
Caterpillar from onions

Caterpillar from green and red tomatoes

For a competition of autumn crafts in a school or kindergarten, you can make a caterpillar from green and red tomatoes. Making this spectacular caterpillar is very simple. For this you will need:

  • dense fruits of medium -sized tomatoes
  • toothpicks or fastening matches
  • plasticine of different colors


  1. Determine in what order the tomatoes will be located.
  2. Observing the sequence, connect the tomatoes with each other with matches or toothpicks.
  3. Make a caterpillar antennae and legs from matches.
  4. Make eyes, mouth and nose from plasticine.

Important: it will not work for a long time to keep the caterpillar from tomatoes, especially if it is made of ripe fruits of red color.

Green tomatoes caterpillars
Green tomatoes caterpillars

Caterpillar from grapes, mountain ash

The child will be able to make small funny caterpillars to the contest of crafts in a school or garden from ripe grapes or mountain ash berries. Berries will act segments of a small caterpillar, so you should prepare them in advance taking into account the future length of the body.

You will need:

  • rowan fruits or grape brush of dense varieties
  • cherry tomato for head
  • dense thread or long "skewer"
  • needle
  • plasticine


  1. Prepare the required number of berries. They should be intact, dense, without damage to the peel.
  2. Gently string the berries one after another on a thread or skewer, the first should be a tomato.
  3. On the submiser head with plasticine, indicate the eyes, nose, smile.
  4. Place the caterpillar on a sheet of cabbage or salad. Choose a sheet of contrasting color.

Important: the caterpillar should be made no earlier than 2-3 hours before the exhibition of crafts. Otherwise, traces of damage will become noticeable in the places of punctures in the berries.

Caterpillar from grapes
Caterpillar from grapes with a transverse arrangement of berries
Caterpillars from grapes with a longitudinal arrangement of berries
Caterpillars from grapes with a longitudinal arrangement of berries

Caterpillar from potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots

Caterpillars from vegetables are made according to the same principle: a whole vegetable or part of it imitates a fragment of an insect body. All elements are fastened together with matches or toothpicks. If desired, the vegetable caterpillar is decorated with decorative details.

Caterpillar from potatoes and carrots
Caterpillar from potatoes and carrots
Caterpillar from zucchini and carrots
Caterpillar from zucchini and carrots

Only caterpillar from whole pumpkinsPerhaps it is difficult to imagine an exhibit of the school exhibition, because its size is very impressive. Such a caterpillar is formed from entire pumpkins right in the garden and serves as a kind of autumn decor in the yard.

Pump track caterpillar
Pump track caterpillar

How to sew a caterpillar from Kapron with your own hands

The most original and naturally look caterpillars made of fabric. The fabric should be light enough, stretch freely and take various forms. The most successful option is nylon fabric, as it has all the necessary qualities, low cost and looks spectacular. Finding unnecessary Kapron at home is quite simple - any dimensionless tights can serve as a “body” of caterpillars. Therefore, we will dwell on Kapron. So, in order to sew a caterpillar from fabric with your own hands, you will need:

  • kapron (leg from dimensionless tights)
  • boa
  • decorative wire
  • syntephop
  • needle
  • threads
  • glue gun
  • decorative "eyes"


  1. Prepare 6 Syntipon balls of different sizes. The largest of them will serve as a head.
  2. Place the balls in the kapron, fix the "needle" with threads.
  3. Pull the threads between the balls.
  4. On the head with a needle with a thread, embroider the line of the face.
  5. Form small balls from synthetic winterizer, tighten them with a marshmallow, fix them at the edges of the wires-twisters. These will be paws.
  6. Sew BOA.
  7. Sew or glue all the paws to the caterpillar body in the fold area.
  8. With the help of an adhesive gun, fix the horns-oziki.
  9. Apply makeup on the face.
How to sew a caterpillar from fabric with your own hands
How to sew a caterpillar from fabric with your own hands, the necessary material
DIY caterpillar
DIY caterpillar

Caterpillar caterpillar

Cardboard is a dense material that cannot be bent without breaking. That is why it is necessary to work with cardboard carefully, trying to avoid the appearance of unnecessary bends. The best cardboard for the manufacture of a caterpillar is an egg tray. It already has the necessary shape, so the child has very little work to turn it into a caterpillar. For this you will need:

  • cardboard tray from under the eggs
  • scissors
  • "Eyes" decorative
  • furniture for your own taste
  • paints and felt -tip pens


  1. Using scissors, separate one section from the tray.
  2. Cut all the superfluous from her.
  3. Paint the future caterpillar in bright color with paints or felt -tip pens.
  4. Dry.
  5. Decorate with beads, decorative elements, ribbons, make eyes.
How to make a cardboard caterpillar
How to make a cardboard caterpillar
Criminal caterpillar from a tray
Criminal caterpillar from a tray
Caterpillar caterpillar
Caterpillar caterpillar

Origami caterpillar

Perhaps the easiest way to make origami is a caterpillar. In order for a sheet of paper to turn into a caterpillar in less than a minute, nothing will need anything except the scheme. It is enough just to repeat all the bends shown in the diagram, and the caterpillar is ready!

Origami caterpillar
Origami caterpillar

Video: Origami caterpillar

The best crafts of caterpillars, on the topic of autumn from natural and catchy material: photo

Paper caterpillar
Paper caterpillar
Caterpillar from disks
Caterpillar from disks
Eggshell caterpillar
Eggshell caterpillar
Felted caterpillar
Felted caterpillar
Caterpillar from stones
Caterpillar from stones

Video: caterpillar from wild apples. Children's craft from natural materials with your own hands.

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Comments K. article

  1. Cool article! The ideas of the caterpillars are interesting, but I also found an article with the cool ideas of the crafts of caterpillars and an understandable explanation, maybe to whom it will come in handy

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