Gifts for newborns from diapers. How to make a cake from diapers?

Gifts for newborns from diapers. How to make a cake from diapers?

In this article, I would like to talk about such a rather interesting and unusual gift to a young mother as a cake from diapers. It turns out that such beauty can be made independently.

Surely you heard about such a recent popular gift for a newborn as a cake from diapers. What could be better than a useful gift?

And better than useful and at the same time beautiful, unusually designed, all the more there is nothing. You may be surprised, but such a cake can be done independently. It will take a little time, and the process of creating such a beauty is very fascinating.

Diapers for girls

What are the features of such a gift for a girl?

  • As for the color scheme, it is worth choosing delicate shades that are also called pastel. These include pink, green, yellow, purple
  • The contrast can be brought with ruffles and turnips, which, despite their airiness, will make a gift bright and interesting
  • Paints can also bring jewelry in the form of dragonflies, butterflies, flowers. If you want something more moderate, then limit yourself to small beads and satin ribbons of restrained colors

Important: the brightness is especially appropriate if the baby was born in summer or spring - in this case, juicy colors are simply necessary.

Brightness is what is needed in the summer
Brightness is what is needed in summer or spring
  • Jewelry should not necessarily be limited to ribbons, beads, and flowers or dragonflies
  • You can add dolls, bunnies or cubs, elegant elves - in general, any toys to your taste. If you want to come on the practical side, then decorate the cake with socks, booties, use combs, creams, clothes as filler - young mother will certainly appreciate such assistance
Pink beauty
Pink beauty
Cake of delicate pastel shades
Cake of delicate pastel shades
Without a mass of jewelry, but no less beautiful
Without a mass of jewelry, but no less beautiful
Unusual delicate light green cake
Unusual delicate light green cake
Restraint in paints is also beautiful
Restraint in paints is also beautiful
What is needed if you want something motley
What is needed if you want something motley
Air gift
Air gift
Beauty with booties
Beauty with booties
White-turquoise cake for princess
White-turquoise cake for princess
Small but elegant castle
Small but elegant castle

Diapers for a boy

  • As for the boys, for them the best color scheme are blue, beige, and light green. The brightness here should not be the same as in the case of a gift for girls. However, even this can be created an amazing gift, which will definitely be remembered
  • Something decor, then it can be the most diverse - for the future football player, sailor, scientist, pilot, astronaut. The toys are also appropriate here, only adjusted for "boyish" addictions. You can even make the shape of a cake in the form of a machine, a steam locomotive or ship itself. Fans of a practical approach in everything will show their approach in decorating a gift with sliders, hats, swings, combs, booties, lotions and creams, towels
Future motorist
Future motorist
Option with toys and children's cosmetics
Option with toys and children's cosmetics
Concise and pretty
Concise and pretty
Such a toy can show off at the very top of the cake
Such a toy can show off at the very top of the cake
Here is such a means of transportation from diapers
Here is such a means of transportation from diapers
A mass of utility in one gift
A mass of utility in one gift
A train from diapers
A train from diapers
Toy is a wonderful bright accent
Toy is a wonderful bright accent
Salad cake, but in the option for boys
Salad cake, but in the option for boys
Shoes and children's cosmetics - what could be better for a practical gift?
Shoes and children's cosmetics - what could be better for a practical gift?
Future sailor
Future sailor
Sunny cake
Sunny cake

Cake from diapers step by step - master class

Such beauty can be made independently, anyone can do it. Let's see what will be required for this:

  • Diapers-it is recommended to purchase 1st or 2nd size depending on the age of the baby. In general, it is better to take the diapers for growth if you are afraid to lose. The amount of this material depends on which size of the cake you plan to make
  • So, for a large product of three tiers, an average of 80 to 90 diapers will be needed. In some cases, even about a hundred. It is recommended to purchase three types of products - thus it will be possible to achieve visually smooth transitions between layers

Important: as for the brand of diapers, it is best to ask the parents what brand they prefer to buy - so you will definitely not be mistaken.

The number of diapers depends on the idea
The number of diapers depends on the idea
  • A cake stand - a piece of a square -fiber canvas of a square shape, the sides of which will be approximately 37 centimeters, is ideal. It is worth picking up a slightly larger packaging for it. Refuse from ordinary cardboard immediately, as it will certainly bend under the weight of the finished gift
  • Food film
  • Polyethylene for packaging
  • Disposable gloves
  • Take care of the material with which everything will be fastened - these are tapes, bilateral tape, elastic bands, clothespins, wire. As for the ribbons, it is better to take at least 3 meters, but it is advisable to have a reserve. Stock up also with threads, stationery elastic bands or narrow ribbons in order to fix the diapers directly among themselves
Fixing funds must be mandatory
Fixing funds must be mandatory
  • Scissors
  • Children's things for decoration and filling, if you like a practical approach. These are booties, vests, diapers, nipples, teething, children's cosmetics, anti -ticaras. Well, of course, toys are only welcome
Items for decoration can be whatever
Items for decoration can be whatever

Now let's start the process of creating a cake:

  • Hygiene - first of all, therefore twist each diaper into the food film. In no case do not put this subject of hygiene on the table, even if the table seems clean. Twisting in gloves. How to make a wrap
  • You can thus process each diaper individually, or several pieces can be at once. Small advice: start folding with an elastic band - in this case, the side bend will be neat
  • And if you also refuel the elastic itself, it will come out remarkably, since nothing will stick out. Make sure that the pipe twists tightly. Fight each tube with an elastic band or temporarily clothespin

Important: be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and the materials with which you are going to work with.

Neat tubes
Neat tubes
  • Now place the diapers of the tier. As for the quantity, you can not wait for clear recommendations, because only you decide what size there will be a cake - maybe it will consist of one tier generally
  • One tube can be inserted into the middle, or you can leave the middle for something else-things, for example, or even a bottle of champagne to the delight of parents. You can twist both one tier and several, each of which will be less than the previous
This is what the tier is - the preparatory stage
This is what the tier is - the preparatory stage
  • Now wrap the tiers - the coating can both partially close the tier and completely. Even the partial will already look quite festive, in addition, the elastic bands with which the diapers are tied, you will hide
  • The ribbons here will be very appropriate. If you want to completely wrap the diapers, it is recommended to use special wrapping paper for this purpose or, even better, diaper
  • Flow the edges of the diaper with pins. Special pins for diapers are recommended - they are more and more elegant. Now take off the clothespins from diapers if you catch them

Important: in the event that you liked the option with a diaper most, fold it diagonally - so the edges for fixing will be thinner and it will be much easier to fasten them.

Diaper or blanket - ideal for wrapping tiers
Diaper or blanket - ideal for wrapping tiers
  • When all the so -called floors of the cake are ready, you can start collecting it in a single composition. If you did not put anything inside, except for rolns from diapers, it is advisable to insert a thin stick there. Without anything in the center, the whole composition risks falling apart
  • Do not forget that the cake should be assembled on a solid basis, as which the stand is useful to us. Just wrap it in gift paper - this will turn out much more aesthetically
  • Make toys and clothing items as your fantasy prompts. Things can be interestingly designed - for example, socks are strung on the rectangles of cardboard, as a result of which you get candles for the cake
  • If it embarrasses diapers peeping on top, you can disguise them with something-special decorative grass is great for this for this
Tiers are collected in a single composition
Tiers are collected in a single composition
So you can make candles for the cake
So you can make candles for the cake
So the cake may look in the end
So the cake may look in the end
  • Now you can, if you have a desire, pack the entire cake into a transparent film, tightening it with a beautiful bow on top - this is convenient, and hygienic and practical
This is how cakes look completely packed
This is how cakes look completely packed

Cake from diapers: tips and reviews

Reviews about such a gift are the most positive - both beautiful, and you can put into practice. As many women note, the cake can be presented both in addition to something and as a completely independent thing.

As for the size, the opinions diverge here - one seems to be bulky multi -tier, but for others this is an excellent opportunity to present as many necessary things as possible.

Be that as it may, but it is worth listening to the following tips:

  • Follow the purity of not only hands, tools, materials and table. It is necessary that the whole room be clean, without dust. Pets during the needlework process should definitely not be present nearby
  • You can argue about the number of diapers for a long time, because it all depends on the individual idea, but stock up on at least 60 diapers
  • In no case do not turn the diapers in the inside - this is very non -hygienic. If you are not satisfied with excessively motley coloring, it can always be masked with improvised materials
  • As for sterility, be sure to rand things with which decorate the cake. If something from the glass is present in the jewelry, treat this thing with an antiseptic
  • Choose toys exclusively high -quality, without extraneous smell
  • The diapers should be tied with an elastic band carefully - it should not squeeze the ranks, but at the same time the roll should not fall apart either
Here is such a beautiful gift, if you do everything right
Here is such a beautiful gift, if you do everything right

From the side it seems that it is very difficult to create such beauty, but in the presence of appropriate knowledge this is completely not monitimate. In addition, the process is so delayed that it is a great way to spend leisure time. And what is worth the gratitude of the parents! For the sake of such moments, you should work.

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