Mexol tablets and injections: composition, active substance, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews. Mexidol: What does this drug help from, what is prescribed for, is it possible to use children?

Mexol tablets and injections: composition, active substance, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews. Mexidol: What does this drug help from, what is prescribed for, is it possible to use children?

Methods of application and dosage of Mexidol.

Now a lot of diseases are associated with stress and malfunctions in the work of the nervous system. Because of this, internal organs often suffer. Due to stress, the state of the whole organism worsens. Therefore, you have to help your body and restore it after stress, it is for this purpose that Mexidol is used.

Mexidol: What does this drug help from, what is prescribed for?

The drug is prescribed both for the purpose of prevention and for treatment. The drug is prescribed to improve metabolism. In addition, the medicine saturates tissues with oxygen. Promotes proteins, improves the transmission of nerve impulses through fibers. The medicine will help to establish the functioning of the brain, improve memory.

Mexidol tablets and injections: composition, active substance, indications for use, contraindications, side effects

The active substance is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate. The drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy or as an independent medicine.

Indications for use:

  • Stress
  • Bad memory
  • Disruption of blood circulation
  • Ailments of the central nervous system
  • Lack of oxygen
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain
  • Poisoning pills


  • Low pressure
  • Renal failure in the acute phase
  • Allergy
  • Liver diseases

Side effects:

  • Dry mouth
  • Constant drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
Mexidol tablets and injections
Mexidol tablets and injections

Mexidol tablets - Instructions for use

Concentration of the active substance in tablets of 125 mg. It is recommended to start taking with 125 mg once or twice a day. Gradually, the daily dose is increased to 500 mg, these are 4 tablets. The maximum dose is 800 mg per day. The duration of treatment is 8 days. Two days before the cessation of admission, the dosage is reduced.

Mexidol injections - Instructions for use

The drug in injections is administered with a stroke or necrotic processes in the abdominal cavity. The drug is administered into a vein or muscle. The drug is also administered in a dropper, it is inserted into the bottle with saline and dripped 60 drops per minute. The daily dose of the drug is 200-500 mg and is introduced into 2-4 doses. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Mexidol injections
Mexidol injections

Mexidol: Is it possible to use children?

The drug in tablets for children is extremely rare. Mexidol is mainly used for traumatic brain injuries and congenital encephalopathy. In such cases, the concentration of the drug is 100 mg. Entered one -time. If necessary, the medicine is administered once a day.

Mexidol: Is it possible to use children?
Mexidol: Is it possible to use children?

How to take Mexidol in prevention and after a stroke?

A stroke can provoke a number of complications. Mexidol helps improve the nutrition of the brain. Mexol was appointed on the 1st, 6th and 12th months of stroke.

Reception scheme:

  • 1st month-400 mg intravenously drip daily for 15 days
  • 6th month-200 mg intravenously drip daily for 10 days
  • 12th month-200 mg intravenously drip daily for 10 days

How to take Mexidol with diabetes?

In this ailment, the medicine is prescribed orally in the amount of 1-2 tablets. Reception should be carried out only once a day.

How to take Mexidol with diabetes?
How to take Mexidol with diabetes?

How to take Mexidol with alcoholism?

Initially, if treatment is carried out in a hospital, then the patient is administered in the form of a dropper. 300-400 mg of drugs are driven into the bottle with saline and drip. The speed of administration is 40-60 drops per minute. The course of treatment is 8 days. After that, the drug is prescribed in tablets for another 8 days. The daily norm is 1-2 tablets. The drug helps to establish brain activity and remove the intoxication of the body.

How to take Mexidol with alcoholism?
How to take Mexidol with alcoholism?

How to take Mexidol under stress?

With anxiety and stress, 1-2 tablets per day are prescribed. The course of treatment can vary within 8-14 days. Often the drug is combined with glycine.

Mexidol in violation of cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis

In a hospital with atherosclerosis, Mexidol is introduced in droppers. To do this, 300-400 mg is inserted into the bottle with saline and dripped twice a day. At home, the drug is administered 2 ml intramuscularly in the morning and evening.

Mexidol in violation of cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis
Mexidol in violation of cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis

Compatibility of Mexidol with Actovegin, Piracetam, Mildronate, Cavinton, Combiliphen, Corvalol, Fenibut, Cerebrolysin

O compatibility Besza:

  • Mexidol and piracetam. These drugs are used jointly in the treatment of atherosclerosis and binge.
  • Mexidol and Actovegin. The drugs are used together for the treatment of traumatic brain injuries, for disorders in the brain. The medicines are chopped separately, they cannot be mixed in one syringe.
  • Mexidol and piracetam. Medicines are prescribed as part of complex therapy for encephalopathy in children and oxygen starvation. Often combined in the treatment of ICD.
  • Mexidol and Mildronate. Preparations can be used simultaneously in the treatment of chronic pathologies of the brain.
  • Mexidol and Caviton. Used jointly for hypertension.
  • Mexidol and Combilipen. The second drug contains vitamins, so you can take Mexidol and Combilipen together.
  • Mexidol and Corvalol. Drugs are not prescribed together.
  • Mexidol and Fenibut. They are used in complex therapy, but are accepted at different times.
  • Mexidol and Cerebrodizin are used together for violations in the brain and traumatic brain injuries.
Compatibility of Mexidol
Compatibility of Mexidol

Mexidol compatibility with alcohol

In general, Mexidol is often used to treat alcohol intoxication. The drug allows you to restore the brain and quickly remove the decay products of alcohol. At the same time, do not use Mexidol simultaneously with alcohol, there will be no effect. The drug will not help get rid of a hangover syndrome in the morning.

Mexidol compatibility with alcohol
Mexidol compatibility with alcohol

Mexidol: Analogs

The drug has a number of analogues that contain the same active substance as Mexidol.

List of analogues:

  • Mexidant
  • Mexicop
  • Mexor
  • Mexifin
  • Medecxi
  • Neurox
Mexidol: Analogs
Mexidol: Analogs

Mexidol: reviews

Reviews about the drug are positive. The medicine really helps to quickly recover after a stroke and traumatic brain injuries.


  • Veronica, Stavropol. Appointed son in the hospital. Born from the ICD. The drug was administered in a dropper. The neurologist noted improvements. Then they pricked the drug intramuscularly at home. The child develops by age, there are no visible deviations.
  • Svetlana, Moscow. Father was appointed after a car accident. The drug helped to quickly recover and get rid of headaches.
  • Andrey, Yekaterinburg. The drug was prescribed after a stroke. It is really effective, since there are no consequences. The medicine helped to recover quickly.
  • Albina, Surgut. The husband periodically goes into a binge. That is why the doctor prescribed Mexidol in droppers. The drug helped to recover faster and reduced the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.
Mexidol: reviews
Mexidol: reviews

As you can see, Mexidol is an effective medicine for the treatment of illnesses of the central nervous system and alcoholism. Helps to restore the brain.

Video: Using Mexidol

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Comments K. article

  1. The husband got into an accident, received a head injury. Doctors prescribed tomography of the head, after which they prescribed a course of injections of Mexidol. I read the instructions, it turns out - this is a tested domestic drug that has long been used by practices. After 10 injections, stabilization occurred, headaches, nausea, and dizziness passed. The doctor recommended that the Mexidol be consolidated in the tablets.

  2. This is not the first time Mexidol is prescribed, I have atherosclerosis. Increased blood pressure, problems with memory are my eternal companions. After the first year, improvements began, after the second it became even better. The effect of the drug is obvious, but you need to take only a whole course, without passes.

  3. I accept Mexidol in order to be in tone during periods of increased loads at work. The effect is better if you first put injections, and then take it in tablets. I become more energetic, more positive, I get less tired.

  4. Before passing annual reports and not only to recover and be in good shape, plus to withstand an unrealistic load, I accept Mexidol. Faster the effect after the course of injections, then I take pills. With such support, no stress and load are afraid to me.

  5. Mexol was appointed grandmother after a stroke for recovery. And I remember, I was very worried whether there would be an effect from him. Because after the stroke, my grandmother began problems with speech, the hand and the entire left side did not work properly. But the doctor said that the correct Mexidol course would help. At first, injections were pricked for two weeks, then drink tablets for 2 months, 3 times a day. Next, a break and again repeat the course. After the first year, a more understandable speech became and sensitivity in the hand appeared. Now there are already two courses of treatment behind and I have no longer doubts about the effectiveness of the drug, the result is certainly.

  6. I regularly buy Mexidol with dad, because three times a year he undergoes treatment after a stroke. The best scheme is on this drug. Father calmly endures the course of injections and pills, there are no adverse reactions. And after the treatment, he feels well, he normalizes pressure, improves memory, general condition.

  7. And the doctor prescribed me the course of Mexidol Forte, menopause began and I felt not at all good. Fragmentation, nervousness, tides, a complete set, as they say. So the correctly prescribed therapy works miracles, now it is much easier for me.

  8. And our grandfather just prescribed injections. He was diagnosed with chronic brain ischemia and the doctor recommended Mexidol’s injections at first, and then take Mexidol tablets for two more months. The blood supply to the brain improved, the grandfather became much more cheerful and more fun, well -being improved unequivocally!

  9. Guys, there is information that the consistent course of Mexidol with chronic brain ischemia is confirmed by a serious source of the Russian medical journal

  10. With my chronic brain ischemia, Mexidol helps me a lot. I do a couple of times a year, I do the courses of this product: two weeks of injection of Mexidol, and then I take Mexidol Forte for two months. Stable - autumn and spring fall on such courses. The well -being thanks to this is very good, there are practically no complaints, if just trifles and short -term.

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