Why do bubbles arise on eyelids under eyelashes, on the eyeball: the causes of the appearance, methods of treatment, an overview of drugs and folk recipes

Why do bubbles arise on eyelids under eyelashes, on the eyeball: the causes of the appearance, methods of treatment, an overview of drugs and folk recipes

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating bubbles in the eyes and centuries.

Vision is one of the ways to know the world. Therefore, with its violation or the appearance of foreign bodies in the eyes, centuries, anxiety arises. After all, a person does not want to remain blind or provoke a deterioration in vision. Therefore, when any bubbles occur on the eyelids or on the mucous membrane of the eye, you should see a doctor. In this article, we will consider the reasons for the appearance and methods of treating bubbles in the eyes and centuries.

Bubbles on eyelids under eyelashes: causes

Most often, bubbles are not an independent disease, but only a symptom that indicates a disease. There are a lot of reasons why the bubbles occur in front of the eyes. It all depends on their size, as well as additional symptoms that occur when infected with a certain disease.

The causes of transparent bubbles on the eyelids:

  • Papilloma. Often arises in the form of one bubble. Most often, this is a layering of several bubbles that appear along the line of eyelash growth. They can be either from above and below, do not cause pain. Rarely disappear on their own. Provoked by the penetration of human papillomavirus into the body or its exacerbation. The fact is that with a decrease in immunity, a tear changes its composition, it contains less immunoglobulins that are able to fight viruses. Because of this, the occurrence of bubbles is possible.
  • Barley. It is observed along with a bubble on the eyelids of swelling and soreness, redness. Provoked by staphylococcus or streptococcus. Therefore, it is treated with antibiotics.
  • Mill cyst. It is a bubble, painless, with viscous, thick contents. This is not pus, but fat that appears on the eyelid as a result of improper operation of the sebaceous glands. Most often, such neoplasms are absorbed independently, but do not completely pass. When the immunity is weakened, such a wen appears again, but it already causes additional symptoms, such as pain, visual impairment, a feeling of a foreign body in the eyes.
  • Also, bubbles on the eyelids often appear from allergic reactions. They are observed on pollen, poplar fluff or cosmetics. Therefore, if you have acquired some new cosmetics, and noticed the appearance of bubbles on the eyelids, stop using it. Most likely, it was this cosmetic product that caused the appearance of bubbles on the eyelids.
Bubbles on the eyelids
Bubbles on the eyelids

Why did the bubble appear on the eyeball?

Most concerned arises if a transparent bubble occurs on the mucous membrane of the eye. This is true because such symptoms can be provoked by a very serious disease, as well as infection with some kind of virus. At the same time, visual acuity may decrease. Excessive lacrimation is formed, a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, redness and photophobia. It is necessary to carefully examine the bubble and urgently seek help from the doctor.

Causes of bubbles on the eyeball:

  • Herpes virus. This virus can sleep for a long time in the body and not show itself in any way, but with a decrease in immunity, such bubbles appear. They can be either in the corner of the eye, and directly on the eyeball. They cause pain and can cause vision of vision for a certain period of time, until the mucous membrane is completely restored.
  • Conjunctivitis. There is adenovirus conjunctivitis, which occurs after pharyngitis as a complication. Because of this, bubbles occur on the mucous membrane. They can be either barely noticeable or larger. Clushes of infiltrate are. It is quite difficult to treat.
  • Cyst. Often occurs after eye injuries or herpes infection or adenovirus. Often they are absorbed independently, but most often it is necessary to surgery. If a cyst is small in size, and does not cause inconvenience, while vision is preserved, there is no sensation of a foreign body, then surgical treatment is not necessary. Conservative therapy is carried out. If the cyst interferes with blinking, photophobia occurs, then surgical intervention is necessary.
Bubbles on the eyelids
Bubbles on the eyelids

How to treat bubbles in your eyes?

We do not recommend that you treat bubbles on the eyelids and eyes, contact an ophthalmologist. Perhaps a consultation of an endocrinologist, therapist, as well as an otolaryngologist will need. It all depends on the reasons for the appearance of bubbles. Depending on the disease, the treatment method is selected.

Review of treatment methods and drugs:

  • If the bubble is caused by herpes virus, Acyclovir is most often prescribed. This is an ointment that will have to lubricate the mucous membrane. They can also be appointed antiviral drops, such as SemiDan or antibioticsIn order not to connect a bacterial infection.
  • Mill cyst It passes on its own within 10 days. If this did not happen, and it increased in size, the doctor makes a puncture in order to extract the contents of the bubble.
  • Education that arose as a result of exposure papilloma virus, do not pass on their own, they must be removed with a laser or frost. Now in many clinics there are devices with which such neoplasms are removed. The manipulation is practically painless and the burden is very quickly healing, without causing any pain and side effects.
  • If the bubbles are triggered by allergies due to the use of a new cosmetic product, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with the help antihistamines. Diazolin, luratadine or cetrin are prescribed. A drops of an artificial tear can also be prescribed in order to restore washing the eyes and prevent the mucous membrane drying out.

Bubble of the century under eyelashes: Folk methods of treatment

Together with drugs, folk methods can be used, but only when approving an ophthalmologist. There are several ways to remove papilloma from the eye using folk methods:

  • It is necessary to tear off the leaf of aloe, which is more than two years old, cut it in half, remove the mucus, peel the peel of the thorns and attach this crust to the eye at night. Fixed with adhesive plasters. Such a compress must be left for 8 hours, therefore, the procedure is done mainly at night.
  • You can remove the bubbles that are caused by the papilloma virus using a banana peel. It is necessary to wipe the bubbles in the morning and evening. No need to wash off. At this time, it is advisable not to use cosmetics.
  • In order to reduce itching for conjunctivitis, you can use a decoction of oatmeal. They are washed their eyes twice a day, in the morning and evening, before bedtime.
Bubble on the century
Bubble on the century

Bubbles on the eyelids, as well as in the eyes are often the cause of dangerous diseases and viruses that need treatment. If such symptoms occur, see a doctor. Only he is able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

Video: Bubbles in the eyes

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