Why doesn’t music play in VK - what to do? Audio recordings in VK do not open - what to do?

Why doesn’t music play in VK - what to do? Audio recordings in VK do not open - what to do?

Sometimes VKontakte users are faced with different problems related to the use of the service. We will tell in our article about why music may not work.

Each user has problems with VKontakte, because this is the largest social network. Due to the fact that problems arise infrequently, many users do not know how they can be solved. Recently, many users are faced with the fact that music stops working and audio recordings are not reproduced. Let's find out why this happens and what to do with it.

Why doesn't VKontakte music work - what to do?

Yes, indeed, sometimes problems are not related to something serious. It happens that the site is simply for some reason to fail and a mistake appears when playing music. You definitely can’t do anything with this, you just have to wait. However, if this problem appears regularly, then you need to think about its solution. This is clearly not the site.

An error in music
An error in music

There are many ways to solve the problem and each of them should try sequentially. This is the only way to get a good result and understand what was the reason.

  • First, try to leave your page and go back. Only to get started, make sure you know what data to go back. As a rule, this helps to solve the problem and everything starts to work again.
  • To leave the page at the right, press the corresponding button and then enter the data for the entrance on the new page.
  • If suddenly the problem arose in the VKontakte application and during the reproduction of music you are highlighted by different errors, then most likely the application cache is filled. By the way, sometimes an appropriate error is sometimes displayed that says that there is not enough memory in the cache.
  • Another error can be revealed in the fact that all the music disappears and even in the tab "Recommendations" An error is displayed.
  • In this case, it is recommended to clean the audio cache. We will consider cleaning with the example of Android.

So, the cache is a memory on the phone where the music that you play is preserved. Gradually, it is filled and an error appears. We immediately want to warn that such a setting is not in every version of the application.

  • Open the application settings in the menu and click on the gear at the top
  • Then go to "Basic" And choose "Clean the cache of music"
Cleaning the cache
Cleaning the cache
  • Still turn off the switch opposite "Catch music" And turn it on again

If you do not have such a settings, then you can go the other way:

  • Open the smartphone settings and then go to "Applications"
  • Here in the list we select VKontakte and clean it with the corresponding button

As a rule, this helps, but in some cases the problem is still preserved. You can try a few more options:

  • Change the cache preservation to the memory card. To do this, in the application settings, select "Basic"-"location"
Clean the cache and data
Clean the cache and data
  • Where the cache is removed in the settings, you can erase all the data
  • Reload the smartphone so that all extra background programs are closed
  • Try to reinstall the application

By the way, you can solve the problem with the reproduction of VKontakte music on a computer in this way. To do this, clean the browser cache. Usually, regardless of the browser used, the process does not differ, so we are stories on the example of Yandex.Mrauzer.

  • To clean the cache in the browser, go to the settings and select "Clear the history"
Cleaning history
Cleaning history
  • Here, put the boxes opposite the cleaning of Coockie and the cache. Additionally it is fashionable to delete other data, but it is advisable to leave logins and passwords

As a rule, these methods allow you to get rid of the problem, but if nothing saves, then try to contact the technical support, the phenomenon is massive and from this you suffer not only you.

What to do if VK writes that reproduction is impossible due to the requirements of the copyright holder?

Reproduction is impossible
Reproduction is impossible

Each song, as you know, has its author, that is, the copyright holder, who disposes of the rights to copy the reproduction of his track. So, if someone outsider puts this song on the site and they will listen to it for free, and this will not suit the copyright holder, then he can agree with the VKontakte administration on its removal from free access.

You may ask why this is done? In fact, everything is very simple - for the distribution of his music, the copyright holder receives money, and if the song is free, then they will not buy it. Moreover, such actions violate copyright. So if before you played the song without problems, but now I suddenly stopped, then this just speaks of removing it from access. But, you should not be upset. You can find it again, because someone has it left for someone. The administration also cannot track absolutely all the downloads.

Why does VKontakte write that “background listening to music is limited”?

Background listening to music is limited
Background listening to music is limited

Relatively recently, about a year ago, VKontakte has a restriction on listening to music. So, for mobile applications, half an hour a day is now available. Then it is already proposed to pay for the subscription and remove restrictions. Its cost is 149 rubles per month. To do this, you need to download the Boom application, pay for the subscription and listen to music without restrictions.

It is important to note that this restriction will not work out, unless you open the full version of the site on your mobile browser, but it is not always convenient.

Video: Why is the music not played in VK. Why doesn't music play in VK?

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