Why does the dog have wool with foci, on the back, head? What to do if the dog has wool?

Why does the dog have wool with foci, on the back, head? What to do if the dog has wool?

The causes and methods of treating wool loss in the dog.

We are responsible for those who have tamed, and are obliged to take care of pets. Depending on the season, dogs may occur in dogs, which is a natural process. This is nothing more than a way to adapt to weather conditions. However, what to do if the coat falls regardless of the time of year, and the dog bald just like that? In this article we will tell you why the dog has wool. 

Why does the dog itch and the wool falls out?

Pathology is called alopecia, can occur both in small breeds and German shepherds. Most anxiety occurs if the dog itself is very fluffy, so the shreds of wool can be found at home on carpet, upholstered furniture, which causes a lot of inconvenience. After all, you have to often clean the paths, combing the dogs so that the wool is not on almost all the clothes of the owners. 

Why the dog itches and the wool falls out:

  • Very often, along with the loss of wool, other symptoms that disturb the dog may be present. The main reason is hormonal disbalance. Among them can be distinguished hypothyroidism. This is a thyroid disease, which is suffered by fairly dense dogs, as well as elderly pets. It is worth noting that such breeds as Cocker Spaniel, Doberman, Dachine and retrievers suffer mainly with hypothyroidism. At the same time, the dog does not have wool in any particular area, but almost over the entire surface. Together with the loss of wool with hypothyroidism, the pulse slows down, darkening or darkening or can be observedlightening skin under wool. Treat the disease with hormones. 
  • Allergy. Please note that most often it is associated with food, the food may not be suitable. Therefore, wool falls out in pieces, whole shreds. Itching may occur in these places, as well as rashes. Please note that if it is food allergy, then problems with stools, lacrimation and signs of conjunctivitis can be observed. In the same way as in people, in dogs, allergies are treated with the administration of antihistamines. Wounds smear healing ointments, can be prescribedglucocorticosteroids. Antibiotics are prescribed only if a secondary infection is connected. 

Why does the dog have wool on the back?

If the wool grows normally in other areas, bald patches are observed on the back, it is worth suspecting the following ailments.

Why does the dog have wool on the back:

  • Playing dwarf. This is a lack of growth hormone, it is quite rare and most often among German shepherds. With this ailment, the wool does not fall everywhere, but only on the tummy and back. However, with a lack of growth hormone, you can notice that the growth of the dog stopped at 3-4 months, the teeth and very thin skin, which are covered with dermatitis, do not climb. It is also treated by the introduction of hormones. 
  • Kushing Syndrome. This is a pathology in the kidney area, since the cortisol hormone is produced in the adrenal glands. At the same time, along with the loss of wool, the dog drinks a lot, often asks to the toilet in a small way, it can not behave quite adequately. Under the hair on the skin there are cracks, inflammation, ulcer. Boxers, as well as dachshunds, are subject to this ailment. It is also treated with hormones. 
Halls on the back
Halls on the back

Why does the dog have wool?

Hormones are not the only reason that the dogs may fall out in dogs. The reasons can be very banal, including stress. This is usually due to the change of place of residence, the death of the owner or his departure to another family.

At the same time, the dog looks lifeless, he has apathy, depression, there is no reason for joy or, on the contrary, he is overly excited, behaves inadequately, jumps on strangers. Together with the loss of wool, the dog can chew completely inedible products, the owners sometimes find excrement in the wrong places, as well as puddles, despite the fact that before that the dog always asked for the street and did not guess in the house.

Why does the dog have wool:

  • Hyperestrogeenia. This is an excess of estrogen, which is found not only in females, but also in males. Wool falls mainly not over the entire surface of the body, but on the sides and on the stomach. In females, you can find the swelling of the loop and nipples, regardless of the period of estrus. It is treated with operations or hormone therapy. 
  • Disadvantage of estrogen production - this is The reverse disease, which is found mainly in females suffering from gynecology diseases. It is usually found among bitches that were not subjected to bunch. In this case, the wool falls out in the groin, that is, loops. The skin becomes very soft, dermatitis may appear. 

Why can a dog fall out with foci?

Typically, home dogs are often deprived of fleas for the reason that the owners use special shampoos. But there may be a random shade of parasites in the event that the dog walked on the street and contacted the homeless dogs.

Why the dog can fall out of the wool with foci:

  • It is worth noting that infection with parasites immediately affects the condition of the wool, it becomes dull, devoid of shine, can fall out with snouts.
  • In general, with severe infection with parasites, the dog does not have wool on the hips and in the tail.
  • In addition, in areas where there is no wool, the skin is covered with bites, sores. Please note that parasites- this is Not only fleas andvlavoedybut also worms.
  • In this case, along with the loss of wool in the dog, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting can be observed. Please note that in excrement or vomiting, worms, worms can be. 
Wool falls out
Wool falls out

Why does the hair of the dog have the eye?

With fungal lesions, wool also falls. These include all types of lichen, such as microsporia or stripping lichen. Together with the loss of wool, the skin is inflamed in the areas, the skin of the wound can appear.

The wool becomes brittle and can fall out of the whole tunes. Most often, puppies suffer from fungal lesions up to one year. It is treated by the introduction of antibacterial and antifungal agents, and also not to forget to vaccinate dogs against fungal lesions. 

Why is the wool of the dog at the eye:

  • Bacterial ailments. Oddly enough, but dermatitis happens not only in people, but also dogs. It can be pyoderma, abscesses, papules. Wool falls in these places. With bacterial infections, antibiotics and antifungal agents are prescribed, as well as antiseptics that treat the affected areas. 
  • Lack of vitamins. Wool can fall mainly in the spring, when the dog lacks vitamins. Typically, baldness occurs due to a lack of vitamin A, B2, B6, and B12. With a lack of these substances, the wool does not fall everywhere, but on the neck, muzzle, as well as paws. The mucous membranes may become light, body temperature decreases. The problem is treated by introducing vitamins in the form of injections, or give special products that are mixed in food. It is also necessary during this period to give dogs food, saturated with vitamins, or introduce them separately into food. 
The dogs of the dog
The dogs of the dog

The dog has dandruff and wool falls - what to do?

Adenitis of the sebaceous glands. This disease is rare, mainly found in puppies that do not reach puberty. Usually, wool in the ears, on the head and back falls. At the same time, plaque on the wool can be observed, and in general the hairs look sticky and oily. For the treatment of the disease, corticosteroids, vitamins are used. 

The dog has dandruff and the wool falls out, what to do:

  • What to do if the dog has wool? In this case, most owners seek to visit a pharmacy, and buy a whole bag of various therapeutic shampoos to improve the condition of the wool. Such therapy not only does not give results, but the state of wool can also worsen. 
  • The reasons for the loss of wool are a huge amount, and the specialist is not always able to accurately determine the disease that the pet suffers from the first time. Therefore, nevertheless we recommend contacting the doctor and undergo diagnostics.
  • Independently, the owner will be able to determine only the presence of fleas, and only if there are a lot of them. In other cases, such as food allergies, or hormonal failure, it is quite difficult to determine the causes on your own.
No wool
No wool

How to treat if the dog has wool?

To do this, it is necessary to additionally take tests for hormones and undergo examination. The coat will stop falling only if you eliminate the cause of the disease, and you can eliminate it.

How to treat if the dog has wool:

  • Of course, if you changed the food not so long ago, or transferred the dog to natural nutrition, then it makes sense to suspect allergies, or helminthic invasion. However, experienced dog owners usually carry out glide therapy every 3 months, so worms are excluded.
  • Also, in the presence of vaccinations, you can delete certain ailments from the list, such as lichen and some others against which vaccinations are made. In other cases, a veterinarian consultation is needed. 
  • In stressful situations, dogs are often prescribed soothing drugs. This usually happens on time, or change the place of residence, a change in the composition of the family. Perhaps a new member appeared in the family, so the dog is not used to it, experiences stress about this. In this case, decoctions of herbs are usually given, and sedatives. Most often they are sold in drops. 
No wool
No wool

Diseases that are associated with a deficiency or excess hormones are not able to determine without passing the tests. In no case are hormonal drugs that are not prescribed by a doctor. They can contribute to the growth of tumors, or even cause the death of a pet. 

Video: Wool falls out in a dog


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  1. In our family, 2 shaggy live and almost the whole year they cover with a layer of wool everything around. On the advice of the veterinarian, she added to the diet vitamins from the loss of the Beaphar wool. The effect is noticeable immediately, literally after a couple of weeks, the amount of wool fits on the palm of your hand, after the course there is already enough good combing. Dogs eat with pleasure, and we eat without wool on the table!

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