Why does the child have circles under the eyes: possible reasons? What to do if the child has dark circles under the eyes?

Why does the child have circles under the eyes: possible reasons? What to do if the child has dark circles under the eyes?

The article describes in detail the possible reasons for the appearance of circles under the eyes of various colors.

Sometimes, on the face of the child, parents note the presence of circles under the eyes. Given that children have young, healthy skin, circles under the eyes can indicate internal problems in the body. However, you do not need to panic in advance. If, circles under the eyes appeared once, try to analyze the actual reasons.

Perhaps the daily routine was lost, the baby did not get enough sleep. Another reason is a long watching TV or computer games. If the possible reasons are eliminated, and bruises do not pass, you should consult a doctor. There are several serious reasons why circles arise under the eyes.

Circles under the eyes of a child: Reasons

To deal with the cause of the appearance of circles under the eyes, you need to pay attention to their color. The color scheme of unhealthy dark circles fluctuates from red to purple. Doctors call several causes of bruises under the eyes of children.

  • The presence of parasites. Worms in the child’s body can weaken the body as a whole. One of the signs of parasites is circles under the eyes. Also, the presence of worms is evidenced by abdominal pain, nausea and impaired appetite
  • If circles under the eyes are accompanied by swelling of the tissues, this may indicate a kidney dysfunction. With such a problem, the child may have lower back pain, temperature and problems when urinating
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia. Up to 80% of modern children suffer from this disease. Vegeto-vascular dystonia is accompanied by headaches, dizziness and rapid fatigue. One of the visible signs is the presence of circles under the eyes
  • Redness under the eyes can also occur due to allergic reactions. An allergy can be seasonal or constant. It is necessary to find out the cause of the allergy and eliminate it. Otherwise, the disease can develop into asthma.
  • Anemia and lack of hemoglobin. When the baby’s diet is not enough iron, hemoglobin deficiency may be observed. This protein is responsible for the transfer of oxygen to tissue and is vital
  • Injury. Sometimes, darkening under the eyes indicate a bruise of the face.
  • Heart problems. If bruises under the eyes are accompanied by shortness of breath and tingling in the chest, then most likely the child has problems with the heart muscle

If the circles under the eyes are accompanied by the appearance of additional symptoms, then this is a signal that you need to immediately go to the hospital.

The child has purple circles under the eyes

Dark purple circles under the eyes indicate problems with the circulatory system. Perhaps the child has dehydration. Another option for the problem is the lack of iron. It is necessary to reconsider the diet and the diet of the baby. It is necessary to give products rich in iron: grenades, red meat, liver and seafood.

Yellow and brown circles under the eyes of a child

Yellow under the eyes may indicate problems with the liver. In blood plasma, the amount of bilirubin pigment increases sharply, which stains the skin in yellow. Circles under the eyes, with problems with the liver, can be yellow or yellow-brown. Sometimes, such symptoms may indicate more serious diseases:

  • the presence of a cyst in the liver
  • viral hepatitis (jaundice)

Red circles under the eyes of a child

Red circles under the eyes, very often accompanied by swelling of the lower eyelids, tearsiness. In this case, these are symptoms of allergies. Allergy can be caused by many stimuli:

  • pollen of plants
  • pets wool
  • food products (especially citrus, honey or chocolate)
  • dust mite

So that the allergy does not grow into more serious diseases, the allergen should be eliminated if possible. Special tests in the hospital will help you find out the cause of the allergy.

Blue circles under the eyes of a child

Blue circles under the eyes may indicate several problems:

  • general overwork. Sometimes, blue circles under the eyes, they say that the child does not get enough sleep, spends too much time at the computer or lessons. A lack of physical activity and a rare stay in the fresh air affects
  • heart disease. Blue circles under the eyes, along with shortness of breath and pain, can talk about serious diseases of the cardiovascular system

Red-blue and pink circles under the eyes of a child

As a rule, pinkish and slightly bluish circles under the eyes do not indicate the presence of diseases. This may look like a capillary grid that is located too close to the surface of the skin. Perhaps this problem will disappear with age.

Dark circles under the eyes of a child

Dark circles under the eyes may indicate a number of diseases:

  • sinusitis
  • tanzilit
  • sinusitis
  • inflammation of the nasophy system

Black circles under the eyes of a child

Black circles under the eyes, as a rule, indicate kidney problems. There are additional symptoms: swelling of the eyelids and general swelling of the body after sleep, problematic urination and lower back pain.

How is the diagnosis of the disease, in the presence of circles under the eyes

It is impossible to start the treatment of circles under the eyes without an accurate diagnosis. Visually it is impossible to establish the exact cause of the disease. Therefore, the doctor prescribes a number of necessary tests, ultrasound and chest x -rays. Also, the pediatrician is studied by the history of diseases of the child and his parents.

Some diseases can be hereditary. Often, consultation of narrow -profile doctors is required: cardiologists, neuropathologists or nephrologists. Only after a thorough examination and diagnosis, treatment is attributed.

It is not permissible to find out the reasons for the appearance of circles under the eyes. This can be dangerous, both for health and for the life of the child.

Dr. Komarovsky about circles under the eyes of a child

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky reassures the parents who panic in the event of uniform cases of circles under the eyes. A child, the same person, he can overwork for various reasons. If parents are very worried, you do not need to wind up both yourself and the baby. To calm down, you need to contact the local clinic, where the doctor will help to deal with the symptoms.

Video: Why are dark circles under the eyes?










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  1. Well, apparently sleeps badly, this happens, at one time we also had a daughter did not sleep well, there was now a lot of energy and there was nowhere to put it, in general, we decided to give my husband to dancing and she was happy with this, and I began to give her a Baby formula of Mishka Calm, sleeping now Great and no circles under the eyes and generally looks very fresh)

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