Why should you refuse sugar? How to refuse sugar correctly - sugar detox in 10 days: Methodology

Why should you refuse sugar? How to refuse sugar correctly - sugar detox in 10 days: Methodology

Many heard that sugar is dangerous for the body and even there is a special technique that allows it to be abandoned. Why is this necessary and how to reduce sugar consumption? Our article will tell.

Many refuse sugar or at least limit it for various reasons. And the desire to drop a couple of kilograms is not the most important reason.

Sugar is considered one of the most harmful products. It is one thing if it is contained in fruits and vegetables, and another - the habit is sweets, flour and so on. And here it does not even matter how much this or that product was eaten or even drunk. Sugar always falls into our food.

Many try to abandon sugar. Of course, the very first thing that can come to mind is weight loss. In fact, the rejection of sweets is much better affecting the body and allows not only to lose weight, but also to become healthier. Let's figure out why it is still worth it to refuse sugar, as well as how to do it.

Why refuse sugar?

Why refuse sugar?
Why refuse sugar?

1. Sugar is useless for the body

There is no adequate reason why you should put sugar in drinks. This is just a bad habit that is very difficult to quit. Try to replace sugar with stevia, honey or reed sugar. White sugar has nothing useful. It is very calorie and harmful to the body. No wonder he is called a white death.

2. Bones and teeth are destroyed

Many believe that if you brush your teeth after sweets, then everything will be fine. That's just this. What is its harm to bones? Sugar by the body is absorbed by the use of calcium. And since the body has no superfluous, then he begins to take it from the bones. The very first sign of the active process is the strong sensitivity of the teeth.

3. More wrinkles appear

Sugar molecules attract free radicals. This is something like “asteroids” that move under the skin in a random order, and in a collision with cells, they make exactly the same “asteroids” from them. In addition, collagen attracts sugar and therefore it becomes tough and not very elastic. The ability to stretch and reduction is lost and therefore the upper layers of the skin are not properly supported. From this, wrinkles arise.

4. It arises avitaminosis


Even despite full nutrition, vitamin deficiency can still develop. This can be high nervous excitability, digestive disorder, constant fatigue, as well as visual impairment. This is due to the fact that the body for sugar processing uses vitamins into groups. So, if you do not get them from the outside, then sugar will definitely take them from the body.

5. An immunodication occurs

Still do not believe that sugar is harmful? So, if you abuse sugar, then the quality of the immunity becomes worse than 17 times. So, immunity, instead of protection against diseases, you have to work on the restoration of the body. To process 4 small spoons of sugar, the body has to spend 6 hours. During this period, it reduces immunity and therefore is more likely to become infected with any infection.

6. Sugar is addicted

Scientists have proved that the dependence on sugar is so strong that only drug addiction can be compared with it. Therefore, do not abruptly abandon him, because you will experience such a breakdown that you yourself will not be happy.

7. Sugar interferes with healthy sleep

After all, it is a strong power engineer, a quick carbohydrate, which, although it breaks down quickly, remains in the body in the form of energy. When sugar is always increased in the body, it has to work more actively than usual. Therefore, you should not be surprised that you fall asleep for a long time, sleep badly, and the sutra is pouring sweet tea or coffee to wake up.

8. Sugar can provoke appendicitis

Although indirectly, it can. This is due to the fact that sugar reduces intestinal immunity. So, small inflammations can lead to appendicitis, because the body's protection is reduced and it cannot resist even simple diseases.

Sugar detox in 10 days - how to refuse sugar?

How to refuse sugar?
How to refuse sugar?

Sugar causes extremely strong addiction and a sharp refusal can provoke a strong breakdown. Many people do not even understand that they are slowly killing themselves.

To date, there is one very interesting technique that allows you to make sugar consumption controlled so as not to harm your body. For its implementation, the rules of detoxification should be fulfilled within 10 days. During this time, the body will have time to cleanse.

  • A sharp refusal of sugar

There is still no such method that allows you to cope with strong addiction. Therefore, only a sharp refusal can be used. So stop eating everything where sugar may be contained. This applies even to the sweeteners, because they only increase traction, and also slow down metabolism as a result of which fat accumulates in the body.

In addition, it is important to refuse products with the content of trans fats or hydrogenized fats, as well as sodium glutamate. Still abandoning cereals during detoxification.

  • Do not drink sweets
Do not drink sweets
Do not drink sweets

The liquid shape of sugar, offered to us in drinks is even worse. The problem is that sugar comes from drinks directly to the liver. Feelings of saturation do not arise, on the contrary, hunger intensifies during the day and you eat more familiar. This is due to the fact that the body actively requires sugar.

So, soda, tea, coffee and many juices are high -calorie. For example, in half a liter of soda contains 15 tablespoons of sugar.

  • More protein

Try to eat as much protein write as possible, especially in the morning. So you will ensure the balance of sugar in the body and the craving for it will decrease all day. Eat more nuts, seeds, eggs and fish. If you decide not to refuse animal products, then control their quality.

  • Correct carbohydrates

Correct carbohydrates can not be limited at all and eat as much as you like. They are contained in any type of cabbage, herbs, zucchini, beans, asparagus and so on. For 10 days, it is worth removing from the diet completely potatoes, a potato, pumpkin and beets.

  • Use fat

Excess weight never appears due to fat. Sugar is guilty. Fat allows you to feel saturation, and also helps restore the balance of blood sugar. So useful fats should be present in your diet. It can be nuts or seeds, olive and coconut oil, as well as other products containing omega-3.

  • Get ready for the bad
Refusal of sugar
Refusal of sugar

It is important to always be prepared for the fact that sugar levels can sharply decrease in the blood, and next to you there is no place where a healthy diet can offer. To do this, you need to take with you, some snack. Different nuts and seeds are ideal for this.

  • Stop inflammation

Inflammatory processes may well lead to a violation of the balance of sugar. This is also facilitated by a pre -aable state. Most often, the sources of inflammation are hidden allergies to some products. So it is worth refusing 10 days from gluten and any dairy products. Yes, it is extremely difficult, but after a couple of days you will feel that you have more energy, have passed severity, and many symptoms disappeared.

  • Healthy sleep

When sleep is not enough, the body begins to experience acute craving for sweet and you feel hunger. Studies have shown that a lack of two hours of sleep increases hunger hormones and, accordingly, craving for sugar. When a person sleeps little, he lacks energy and he replenishes it with sugar. By the way, healthy sleep is an ideal way to overcome overeating.

Why is the refusal of sugar dangerous?

Cons of sugar rejection
Cons of sugar rejection

Despite the huge number of advantages that gives the refusal of sugar, there are certain disadvantages:

  • You lose the source of energy, and therefore you will experience some breakdown. There are carbohydrates in the sugar to increase energy.
  • The body will not receive amino acids. The point is that there are amino acids in fresh vegetables and fruits containing sugar. And if there is no sugar, then the amino acids disappear.
  • Clear sugar contains a lot of useful for the body and health. If you completely refuse sugar, then the body will receive less nutrients.
  • Products with sugar in the composition have a stimulating effect on the center of the brain, which is responsible for joy. Accordingly, without sugar, you will deprive yourself of a hormone of happiness. As a result, this can lead to an oppressed state, lethargy.
  • Sugar food will not be quite balanced, and therefore many important vitamins will not enter the body.

Why is the refusal of sugar useful for the figure?

The danger of sugar for a figure
The danger of sugar for a figure

A complete rejection of sugar is a fairly serious step and not everyone will last 10 days. However, the rejection of this product will be useful for the figure and there is numerous evidence for this:

  • Glucose, which gives sugar, quickly penetrates the blood and increases the level of insulin. This makes a person feel hunger. So, products with sugar are forced to eat even more.
  • This sweet product is a source of energy, but if you move little, then all glucose becomes fat, which leads to weight gain.
  • If there is too much sugar, then the metabolic processes in the body slows down and body weight increases.
  • If you competently approach the issue of refusal or at least sugar restrictions, then you can lose weight and very good. Nutritionists argue that in a month it is possible to lose 5-8 kg, but at the same time you also need to actively move.

Yes, you will not get fast and directly overwhelming effects of refusal from sugar, but at the same time the body will surprise you anyway and you will understand that you are getting healthier every day.

Video: how to overcome sugar dependence in 10 days and lose weight - results

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Comments K. article

  1. Not only is sugar considered one of the most harmful products, so it still spoils the figures terribly .. Everything goes to our sides and fat traps! I replaced it with a sugar -substiter of a chocrazite, this is an Israeli substitute, there are no calories in it, there is no harm to health and sweet, not bitter, unlike other deputy. Sahara..

  2. Thanks for the useful recommendations. But now I noticed that I don’t really want to. It simply normalized glucose in the blood, this positively affects increased thrust. I regularly take Olidim in tablets. The composition is completely natural, so no side effects. Everyone who constantly wants sweet, I recommend it.

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