Why dream the same person - possible reasons

Why dream the same person - possible reasons

The same person dreams - how do psychologists and mysticism interpret such a dream?

When the same dream is dreaming several times, anyone will begin to think: what can this mean? In this article, we will try to look at the dream in which a person comes to us from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of mysticism.

Why dream the same person: 9 reasons

1. If the person you see in a dream really close, and the plots are always different, then such dreams do not mean anything. In addition to the fact that the character from sleep is very important for you.

2. If a person who dreams all the time - close, but dreams are always scary, - then night visions reflect that you are worried about the one who dreams. And, most likely, you have a reason for this.

3. If in your dream the same unpleasant situation is repeated, then probably she is “sketched” from some problem in life. And in reality, you cannot solve the issue yet. Our subconscious, thus, gives us the necessary tips so that we can do everything right.

4. A dream in which dead relative - It is considered one of the most important, much attention is paid to what a person who has already gone into another world says or does. It is bad if the deceased leads you to the forest or along the bridge over the river, such a dream is considered a harbinger of death, but if you do not go with him, then the sad fate will be avoided. Bad if the deceased calls you with him, this may mean that you are yearning for him, so that you do not want to live. Such an emotional state really does not affect health, and in Orthodoxy it is believed that sin is very grieve for the deceased.

You should not go for the dead in the forest
Dreaming a man

5. A dream in which dreaming dead - It does not always warn of big shocks or changes. Sometimes in our dreams, we just travel through the maze of memory. And not the one who dreams is important, but the situation and the feeling from it. For example, if in reality you are very tired, then a trip to your beloved grandmother saw in a dream - perhaps just an image that the brain chose so that you could relax, at least in a dream.

6. Repeated dreams that dream strangers, you can try to interpret from the perspective of Jung's archetypes. The founder of psychoanalysis believed that many archetypes live in every person. Perhaps in your dreams, you communicate, with an unconscious part of your “I”, which appears in a dream in the guise of a person, with some pronounced qualities.

7. People who believe in magic and esoterics believe that if the same person is constantly dreaming, then there exists between you and him energy connection. Perhaps the one who dreams of you thinks a lot about you.

8. Some ordinary people and famous personalities talked about what they saw in dreams stranger, and then they met him in reality.

9. One of the most magical and terrible options: a person from sleep - clinging to a sleeping spirit or another the lower essencePowering living in human energy. It is believed that evil spirits can hide and appear in a dream in the form of a friend or stranger, as well as deceive the sleeping person.

Trickster is one of the archetypes described by Jung. The shadow side of the hero. One of the images in dreams.
Trickster is one of the archetypes described by Jung. The shadow side of the hero. One of the images in dreams

Why often dream of the same person: the stories of famous personalities

Some dreams in which people came to famous dreamers turned out to be broadcast. We have collected stories that seemed to us the most interesting. Perhaps they will promp the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to correctly explain their dream.

Man from the dreams of Elena Blavatsky

Elena Blavatsky is one of the most mysterious and disgraced women in world history. She traveled half the world, collecting knowledge from areas of religion, spiritual practices and practical magic, and then created its teaching, called theosophy. One of the main ideas of Theosophy - all world religions and beliefs have a common root, ancient secret teaching, which as if a gold thread permeates the Scriptures. Sometimes this primordial teaching is manifested in the form of secret brotherhoods that arise under different names, at different times, in different parts of the world.

In her youth, the girl did not differ in any superpowers, but in his dreams a certain man with the appearance of the Asian, in white clothes and turbans on her head came to her. He was her teacher. It is amazing that after many years, Blavatsky really met him in one of the parks of London.

Elena Blavatsky met in reality a person from dreams
Elena Blavatsky met in reality a person from dreams

Why did Dante dream of his son?

When the famous poet and thinker died, it turned out that his “Divine Comedy” was not over. But after some time, Dante's son saw a dream in which his father showed him a place where another manuscript was lying.

A man with a coffin from a dream of an English lord

Maybe this story is just a legend, or maybe not. Once the English ambassador Lord Duffring had a dream in which he looked out the street from the window of his Parisian apartment. A man walked along the street and carried ... a coffin. The man caught up with the window of the Lord, looked into him and smiled mysteriously.

The dream broke off on this, and the next day the lord went to meet with diplomats in one of the Parisian restaurants. Duffering went to the elevator and saw in front of him the face of the elevator, who invited him to the cabin with a smile. He was the same person from sleep! The lord went on the steps and, bypassing the second floor, heard a terrible roar: the elevator broke off, and everyone who was in it died.

The prophetic dream of the Lord
Lord's prophetic dream - why often dream of the same person

Napoleon sleep

Once, even in those days when Napoleon was not a ruler, he had a dream. The future emperor saw a woman, she was unearthly beauty, but was disheveled in a torn dress. The beauty begged him about something and fell at her feet. Napoleon was sorry for the unfortunate, and he comforted her. Leaving, the woman gave him a ring.

The commander, was from Corsica, where they really believed in prophetic dreams, and he was able to explain his night vision himself. He was destined to become the ruler of France, and the presented ring - the magical artifact of the authorities.

Video: Repeating dreams - what are somnologists think of this?

Video: prophetic dreams, the opinion of the psychic Alena Kurilova

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