Why does the child talk in a dream, with open eyes, walks, shouts: reasons, what to do? The child is talking in a dream - Komarovsky: Video

Why does the child talk in a dream, with open eyes, walks, shouts: reasons, what to do? The child is talking in a dream - Komarovsky: Video

In the article you will find useful information about why the child speaks in a dream.

Why is the child talking in a dream, screaming, crying with open eyes: Reasons

Surely, many parents faced such a phenomenon as the conversation of the child in a dream. Some heard obvious and fairly clear words, other babble or strange sounds resembling speech. Loving, young or worried parents are often worried about this issue, because few people know: is this normal or is the phenomenon indicate some deviations?

In fact, there are many reasons explaining this phenomenon. It should be focused on several factors, for example, the intensity of conversations, frequency, intonation, behavior of the baby. In any case, this is not worth it, because this is not a problem, but just a small “bell” or “signal” for reflection on the child's health.

Interesting: children in a dream speak much more often and more than adults.

The reason for the child’s conversations in a dream - instability and not finally formed nervous system. The next time you hear the babble of the child in a dream, remember that this is not a reason to worry, because approximately 80% of children at least once, but they certainly said something during sleep. This phenomenon is still studied by many scientists, but no one has yet given an unambiguous opinion.

Why do children speak in a dream?
Why do children speak in a dream?

Why does the child go in a dream: reasons

A dream is the time when any person (and the child in particular) rests and is in a calm state. However, if we talk about children, there is one significant difference - in a dream, children grow physically (baby 1, 2, 3, 4 years old and older)!

Main reasons:

  • The child lived too active day.And such a “restless” dream can be the consequences of the day. Perhaps the baby survived too much emotional, bright and rich events that impressed him so much. Thus, such actions in a dream can be a kind of “continuation” of a child at night during sleep. In adults, such manifestations can be found much less often only because they have a stronger and already formed nervous system. Pay attention to when exactly the child speaks and what events he “met” on this day: whether he cried too much, laughed, nervous, offended, ran before sleep. If you have “activity in a dream” after too “active day”, then you need to reduce the excessive activity of the child before bedtime: do not scream, do not play sports, do not dance, do not watch cartoons and not listen to loud music. 1 hour before the end, try to relax the baby, calm, read his books or sing a lullaby, do massage.
  • In this period of life, the baby actively forms speech skills.Its age should be taken into account, speaking skills are formed from about 5-6 months to 4-5 years (differently in different children, depending on the needs and characteristics of each baby). That is why a child can pronounce excerpts of words or walk among a calm or troubled sleep. Especially often, conversations in a dream are found in children who have reached the age of three (it is at this time that the baby replenishes his “dictionary”).
  • During speaking, the child is experiencing a change in the phases of sleep.We are talking about quick and slow phases that tend to change in each person. Phase duration can be from 1.5 to 6 hours. But, regardless of this, when the “active” phase changes with the “passive” “quick sleep” and it is at that moment that the children can say something (this dream is not deep, which means that consciousness works) and walk. Together with conversations, other related phenomena can be observed: the movements of the arms and legs, the movement of the eyes. This phenomenon should not bother parents, as this is quite normal and due to nature. You do not need to wake the child, you can only slightly stroke or hug him.
  • Problems with the work of the nervous system.This is a deviation. You can determine it by paying attention to the presence of other deviations: abundant salivation, suffocation, dentition, loud and restless screams, getting out of bed and walking around the room. If they are present, urgently contact a children's neurologist. It can be nightmares in dreams or other problems of the central nervous system.

Important: in order to know exactly what is happening with your child, you should carefully monitor his behavior and fix each deviation.

Follow the nature of the child’s sleep at night
Follow the nature of the child’s sleep at night

What to do if the child is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14 years old speaks and walks in a dream?

If the child often sleeps restlessly and walks to everything in a dream, you should worry about his condition. But remember that such a phenomenon is not a disease, but just a “symptom” of some disclosures of the central nervous system, which is called “somnambutulism”.

Important: be careful, this behavior in a dream can be a harbinger of epilepsy!

Analyze the child’s behavior before bedtime, whether he plays sports before bedtime, whether he watches cartoons, runs or jumps, arranges tantrums or not. If walking and conversations are repeated very often and the child is regularly in a very aggressive state, you should definitely contact a neurologist.

If the symptom manifests itself periodically, perhaps something should be changed:

  • Arrange relaxing therapy before bedtime: a bath or massage with oils.
  • Ventify the room before bedtime and arrange walks in the fresh air.
  • Remove bright and luminous objects from the room, loud sounds, hang tight curtains on the windows.
What to do if a child walks in a dream?
What to do if a child walks in a dream?

The child is talking in a dream - Komarovsky: Video

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky very accurately, in detail and intelligibly explains the reasons for the appearance of anxiety in babies during sleep. In the video you will find useful tips: how to make a baby’s sleep stronger and calmer, as well as explanations on the topic of conversations of children in a dream.

Video: "Rules for children's sleep"

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh yes too active day, this is about us) my daughter needs to know everything, this is my why. When we go on a bus or along the street. Mom and why is this so, and this ... Sometimes he tells me), this is how to sleep normally when they saw so much new?) I give soothing teas and bears a formula; calm. Currently need to help a little.

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