Why the child does not want to sleep during the day, at night: reasons. What to do if the child does not sleep during the day - how to normalize a dream?

Why the child does not want to sleep during the day, at night: reasons. What to do if the child does not sleep during the day - how to normalize a dream?

In this article we will tell you why children refuse to sleep during the day and what to do in such a situation.

Children do not always agree to sleep during the day or fall asleep well in the evening. This behavior causes anxiety in parents, especially if the entire laying process is accompanied by hysteria. In any case, there are reasons for that and you need to figure it out. This will make it possible to figure out how to solve the problem and lay the child calmly and without tantrums.

Why does the child refuse to fall asleep during the day, in the evening: reasons

The child does not want to sleep during the day
The child does not want to sleep during the day

When the child does not want to go to bed, then this situation makes you think. It's okay if this happened only once. In children, the regime is sometimes lost, but with constant observance it quickly returns to normal. If the situation is repeated constantly, then you need to look for reasons. Most likely, something is wrong and the child needs to help.

So, the reasons when the child does not want to go to bed, the following:

  • Too low wakeful time. If the child wakes up after a daytime sleep later than usual, then you have to shift the time of falling asleep. Of course, the regime must be observed, but after all, it is not always possible to observe the schedule for sure. Your child is also a person and he cannot do everything strictly for a minute.
  • It is difficult to switch to sleep. If the child danced five minutes ago, and now you are sharply laid it, then he will hardly actually do it. Even in adults it doesn’t work out. Give a little time to go to bed.
  • I want an adult. Children always want to be like parents. They know that they do not sleep longer and also continue to go about their business. Because of this, the child may not go to bed. In this case, it is worth showing that you will sleep too. Set aside your affairs and pretend that you are going to sleep.
  • Stressful situations. In this case, there are new conditions of sleep. To get used to the new place, for example, when traveling, the child needs some time. Even adults often cannot sleep in a new place, to say about children.
  • External irritants. Turn off the light, TV and so on. The child should be comfortable.
  • Overexcitation. If some too joyful event has occurred, then the child may be overexcited. In this case, he will take time to relax.
  • Anxiety. Children also sometimes dream of nightmares. Talk about it.

The child does not want to sleep in the evening - what to do?

How to lay a child to sleep?
How to lay a child to sleep?

All adults love to sleep, but if the child does not want to sleep in the evening, then no one loves to lay it. In addition, children can wake up at night or very early in the morning. At the same time, the children themselves want to jump, run, play and so on. And it does not matter to them what time of day is now. And when it is time to sleep, persuasion begins to sit a little more. How to be in such a situation? There really are ways to solve the problem, you just need to use them.

  • Mode. It is important for children to live by watch. As we have already said, everything cannot be done up to a second, but at least it is better to follow the schedule. This will reduce the biological clock of the child in the right direction. By the way, even adults will be useful.
  • Food. You may be surprised, but even a dream depends on food. For example, you can not give anything sweet before going to bed, because it gives more strength, and this is not at all necessary. Better give a little warm milk, kefir or yogurt. If the child wants to eat, then feed him with porridge. You can add honey, nuts or dried fruits to it.
  • Rituals. Every child likes to repeat. Maybe he likes the same game, cartoon and so on. These actions soothe the child and relieve emotional stress. The same applies to sleep, for example, washed, drank milk and sleep. This will allow the child to relax and develop the habit of falling asleep after the rituals.
  • Evening leisure. Do not let play too actively a couple of hours before bedtime, watch some films with a sharp plot, as well as play the phone. Better give preference to calm games, for example, put toys together to sleep together.
  • Bed and pajamas. To make the dream calm, it is important to choose the right clothes and bedding. Consider not only the temperature in the room, but also the habits of the child, for example, someone does not like to hide, and someone turns tossing.
  • Mood. The child may have stress and from here there are problems with sleep. Perhaps you moved to a new place, you have problems in your family and so on. In any case, you must protect from the stress of the child and do not show anything in his presence.
  • Story. If you don’t want to read fairy tales until the morning, then think about how to tell them correctly. If you tell with all emotions, then this will not euthanize the baby. But the fairy tale, told by a monotonous voice, can remain incorrect, because the baby will fall asleep.
  • Music. Perhaps you will be able to lay the child with calm music. This will calm the child and hide extraneous noise.
  • Toys. If you spend the night in a new place, then make sure that the child takes some favorite thing. At night, the child will wake up, see his thing and fall asleep again.
  • Sunday. If you want to sleep a little longer on the weekend, then leave something interesting in front of the bed. While the child will deal with this and play, you will have time to sleep a little more.

The child does not want to sleep under the blanket - is it normal: what to do?

The child does not sleep under the blanket
The child does not sleep under the blanket

Today on the Internet, the problem often raises when the child does not want to fall asleep under the blanket in the evening, and even if this happens, then during sleep he is still revealed. Moms are worried that the children will freeze. Let's think about whether this is really a problem and is it worth worrying so much about this?

In general, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to choose safe clothes for the season and sleeping accessories. Then, even if it is cool at home, the child will not freeze. Moreover, try to choose such things so that the baby is not confused. For example, sheets. If the child he constantly turns, then it is better for him to choose sheets on elastic bands or a sleeping bag, especially for babies up to 1.5-2 years.

After two years, sleeping bags are not needed, but it is worth checking whether it is too hot to fall asleep for the child, maybe the humidity or a heavy blanket is increased in the room and the child under it is not very comfortable.

There are other reasons when a child may not love a blanket. For example, highly active and sensitive children can feel not free. Such children need more time to tune in to sleep. Perhaps the child simply requires your attention, then give him to fall asleep faster.

The child does not want to go to bed during the day - what to do?

For children, daytime sleep is very important. If the child does not want to go to bed, do not worry too much about this. The main thing is to understand the reasons and find a way to solve the problem. And we will help you with this.

So, there are several reasons when the child does not fit sleep during the day:

  • He does not need a daytime sleep. Such behavior is considered normal when a child is not prone to increased nervous excitability, whims and nervous breakdowns. If you have to face this, then the reason lies, most likely, in another. In this case, you should not raise a panic, you just need to take into account the characteristics of the child. Just keep in mind that at least a child should just relax, for example, simply lie down.
  • Temperament. It's about hyperactivity. Such children are impressionable, impulsive and very active. At the same time, they get tired quickly, but they completely do not know how to relax and fall asleep heavily. Usually such children most often have problems with sleep even in adulthood. In such a situation, the specialist will help the problem. In particular, you need to contact a neurologist. For such children, the daily routine should be established, and there should also be no stress.
  • Overexcitation. For example, you went to the circus. After him, the child is impressed. Or maybe you returned from a walk on which the baby is too tired. Or you had a fight with him and now he is upset. In any case, such shocks do not allow you to fall asleep normally. Try to put the child to sleep a little earlier than usual. In addition, after active actions, be sure to relax a little.
  • Energy is not waste. Until seven years old, children have a lot of energy and they do not always have time to discard it. In such a situation, let the child have a goal where you can direct energy, for example, write down in dancing, a sports section or play yourself.
  • There is no regime. If you do not follow a sleep mode for a child, then it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. Be sure to correct this and determine the time of falling asleep and awakening. The same applies to situations when the regime is lost.
  • Discomfort. Perhaps the child is too hot, the clothes are tight and so on. This will prevent him from sleeping. It may also be in bedding. Computer games and films are still bad on sleep. So that this does not bother to sleep, create comfortable conditions in the room for the child.
  • Disease. Perhaps the child hurts something. Such problems usually do not show themselves immediately. The kid can fall asleep for a while, and then wake up and cry. Be sure to find the cause of malaise and eliminate it.
  • Serious changes. Large changes in life, for example, the divorce of parents, moving and so on, cause stress and from here the child may stop sleeping during the day. In such a situation, you just need to give him time so that he is used to a new way.

The child does not want to sleep on the street - what to do?

The child does not sleep in a stroller
The child does not sleep in a stroller

Very often, parents complain that the child does not want to fall asleep on the street while in a stroller. In fact, this is the matter, this is when the child sleeps in motion, then his dream is poor -quality, that is, he cannot plunge into a deep sleep. Accordingly, it is impossible to rest normally.

At the same time, there are two reasons why children do not sleep in a stroller:

  • Features of the vestibular apparatus. When moving, the brain constantly receives signals that the position of the body changes, for example, you go down from a hill, ran into a bump. That is why the brain does not go into the deep phase.
  • Sleep conditions. The conditions for sleeping on the street are not the best - constant noise, light, temperature. It all prevents sleeping normally. So for daytime sleep, it is better to put a child in a crib.

It also happens that the child seemed to have slept earlier in a stroller, and then suddenly stopped. There may also be many reasons. First of all, the structure of sleep may change directly. And this already creates a problem for the child. Again, the conditions are important for children and even at an older age should not be forgotten. Moreover, the kids are already becoming more demanding on conditions. Perhaps the child does not like the pose for sleeping. Well, not everyone is convenient to sleep half -sitting or on their backs.

And it also happens that the baby is simply interesting to be awake. He simply studies the world around him and he is all interested. In this case, do not force him to sleep. The main thing is that you have a calm day sleep.

The child does not want to fall asleep - what to do: reviews

Many young mothers share their experience on the Internet. And to the question of what to do if the child does not want to fall asleep, they also give an answer. Someone solved the problem in their way, and someone believes that everything will fall into place itself. Keep in mind that not all tips are equally useful and not each of them must be used.

Reviews 1
Reviews 1
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Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
Reviews 4
Reviews 5
Reviews 5

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Comments K. article

  1. There was such a problem ... Baby was helped by Baby Formula Mishka Calm and Milk warm before bedtime. It took a certain time, of course, but gradually the dream was normalized. Now even without us sleeps calmly, the nightmares do not dream ... So they defeated this problem with joint efforts))

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