Why does a baby, a baby pressing his feet on his feet when walking? Why does the child push his toes when walking, what to do?

Why does a baby, a baby pressing his feet on his feet when walking? Why does the child push his toes when walking, what to do?

The reasons why the child packs his fingers on his feet and treatment methods.

Young mothers are the most restless category of the population and worry about their kids in every possible way. This is especially often observed if this is the first child with whom the woman has no idea what to do, does not know how he is developing. In this case, frequent visits to the pediatrician and other specialists are possible. In this article, we will tell you why the child is running out to his feet. 

Why does the child squeeze his fingers on his feet?

Basically, such a situation is first marked by the parents of the child or on a planned examination, at the age of six months. It was then that the baby for the first time begins to try to put on their legs to check muscle tone and the ability to learn walking.

Why is the child pushing his fingers on his feet:

  • Indeed, some babies, when carrying out supports on the legs, can squeeze their fingers. This situation causes a lot of concern and not in vain. The fact is that this may indicate an increased muscle tone.
  • Very often, along with this symptom, there are others, indicating that not everything is in order with the muscle system of the child. It can be thrown back back, constantly clamped fists that almost never unbend, frequent regurgitation, moodiness, poor sleep.
  • All this indicates the presence of some neurological problems. However, it is not necessary that something is wrong with your child. The fact is that for children up to 1 year old, an immature nervous system, which does not work like in adults. That is why a variety of muscle dystonia can be observed. In this case, the pediatrician usually directs the baby to the neurologist. 
Running fingers
Running fingers

The baby presses the fingers on the legs, what to do?

Do not be afraid to go to the doctor, as it will not necessarily prescribe medications. In most cases, if there are no complaints, except that the child is bending his fingers, then medicines are not prescribed.

The baby presses the fingers on the legs, what to do:

  • Usually a direction for massage is given by a specialist, or recommendations for independent massage.
  • Many mothers note that during a campaign for massage, the child screams very much.
  • Indeed, this can cause a lot of anxiety, if the massage is performed by a stranger.
  • Therefore, if there are no complaints, except for the tightening of the fingers, perform massage at home yourself, in a calm environment.
  • Since a continuous scream for 15 minutes will harm the child than holding the fingers. 
Stop massage
Stop massage

Feet massage with fingers

How to perform massage? There is a certain technique, quite simple, any woman is able to master it. Usually massage is carried out early in the morning after waking up, and an hour after feeding.

Feet massage with tidied fingers:

  • The child should be full, in a good mood. It is necessary to put the baby on his back, take ankle -deep palm in the left palm, and perform massage right. To do this, the fingers with the palm of the palm are bent and extended in one direction or the other.
  • It is necessary to take each finger with the index and thumb and turn from side to side. Next, stroking movements in the foot area in the shape of the letter “C” are performed, where bending is usually formed when walking.
  • This is a kind of prophylaxis of flat feet. Be sure to massage the outer side of the foot, that is, the area is slightly above the fingers. Please note that in this area you can by no means press, since with strong presses you risk aggravating the situation, and vice versa to strengthen muscle tone, instead of weakening it.
  • It is necessary to perform circular movements with four fingers, or take the foot in two palms and massage with two thumbs, as if directing them from the inside. Thus, it will be possible to relax the area that is responsible for fingering. 
  • Try to massage not only the fingers of the foot, but also the entire leg. The fact is that muscle tension may be associated with increased muscle tone in the ankle area.
  • Therefore, you can massage the outer and inner surface of the lower leg, as well as in the area that are near the bone. In this zone, stroking should be very tender, careful and soft.
  • Please note that the area near the knee is under it, in no case is massaged. There are a large number of ligaments, tendons, as well as nerve endings, which can be damaged by severely pressing.
  • It is also recommended to massage in the thighs, their front. Please note that massage in this area should also not be warming up, but relaxing. That is, it is mainly stroking, light movements.  
Running fingers
Running fingers

The child pushes his fingers on his feet, how to fix it?

Doctors often recommend making soothing baths for such children. Usually they are carried out using chamomile, nettles, as well as lavender.

The child pushes his fingers on his feet, how to fix it:

  • These herbs calm the baby and help calm the nervous system.Usually They are held in the evening, before bedtime. Make sure that the water temperature is not hot.
  • Please note that massage and gymnastics are best done early in the morning, after waking up, and soothing baths before bedtime.
  • Try not to postpone the implementation of gymnastics for the evening, as this can excite the child, and make him restless, thereby worsening the quality of sleep or make falling asleep very long.
  • Often for restless kids, glycine is prescribed, which allows you to calm down and relax. Do not use sedatives if the neurologist has not prescribed them. 
Special shoes
Special shoes

Why does the child pour his toes when walking?

A child can start squeezing his fingers in more adulthood, which also requires attention. Most often, this happens due to uncomfortable shoes. Perhaps you do not follow the child’s pedicure, and rarely cut your nails on your legs.

Why does the child push his fingers when walking:

  • If they grow enough, they can rest against the sock of closed shoes, thereby causing discomfort. Thus, the child will try to reduce pain, squeezing his fingers.
  • If this happens in sandals, it is also necessary to make sure that they are in size to him. This also happens in open and small shoes, as the fingers begin to get out, they can catch on asphalt.
  • In this case, the child reflexively presses his fingers to protect them from damage. However, in some cases, this may also indicate nervous tension and muscle tone.
  • In children Up to 1 year, an immature nervous system, and for children of preschool or school, everything should be in order with nerves, so almost all problems are due to a psychological mood in the family.
  • This often happens with first -graders for whom stress, a new situation, and the educational process. Therefore, during the period of adaptation, give the child sedatives based on herbs. 
Small legs
Small legs

The schoolboy presses his fingers when he thinks about something not very good, he tries to protect himself from this, relieve nervous tension. In this case, it is necessary to talk with the child, spend more free time, and normalize the situation in the family.

Video: fingering massage

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