Why does the child speak the nose after illness? Nasal congestion without a runny nose, nasal: causes, treatment

Why does the child speak the nose after illness? Nasal congestion without a runny nose, nasal: causes, treatment

The reasons why the child speaks in the nose are methods of treatment.

Many heard children talk in the nose, but not everyone knows what this can be connected with. In this article we will talk about the main reasons for the nasalness and methods of its treatment.

Why does the child speak the nose?

Pronunciation in the nose is a violation of the resonator function of the nasal cavity. As a result of this, the soft sky is not mobile enough.  Very often nasal appears during illness. It can be viruses or bacterial infection. Then the nasal is quite justified, because a huge amount of mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx. It is she who contributes to the appearance of the problem what to do if the child does not get sick, but at the same time talking in the nose?  

The main causes of nasalness:  

  • Ear disease. Indeed, everything related to the ailments of the ears is just associated with nasal. Indeed, in the course of these diseases, inflammation is observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ear moves, as well as the formation of fluid, mucus. That is why the child can talk in the nose. If at the same time the child complains of pain in the ears, then you should definitely contact an otolaryngologist. After the treatment of otitis media, the nasal disappears.  
  • Adenoiditis. With constant inflammation of adenoids, and their growth, really the child begins to nascent. If there is a nasal congestion with this, it is urgent to contact an otolaryngologist. The fact is that constant nose conversations and nasal can provoke oxygen starvation. In chronic ailments of the respiratory tract and nasalness, the child can develop more slowly than peers. Speech worsens, as well as the development of the brain due to a lack of oxygen. At the same time, the child, due to the laid nose, constantly breathes his mouth, respectively, microorganisms, bacteria, which were supposed to linger in the nasal passages with villi and mucous membrane, fall into the throat. The child is more likely to suffer from sore throat, as well as diseases of the throat. He often has tonsillitis, as well as pharyngitis.  

    On the examination by the doctor
    On the examination by the doctor
  • Another reason for nasal can serve as the breakdown of the sky. This can be an innate pathology or acquired as a result of some kind of injury.  
  • Speech therapy disorders. In this case, diseases are treated using campaigns to a speech therapist who will teach the child to talk correctly.  
  • Very often the child speaks his nose, because curvature of the nasal septum. This often happens after fractures, not only in children, but also in adults. Active children who often fight are most prone to such injury, engage in contact sports, such as boxing and karate.  
  • The cause of nasalness becomes incorrect form of the language and the presence of a bridle. But such shortcomings are quickly resolved with the help of surgical intervention.  
  • Often the child speaks in the nose for the simple reason that he has rhinitis or sinusitis. It can be either an infectious and allergic nature.  

The child speaks in the nose after illness: causes, methods of treatment

Many mothers are concerned about the question that after the transfer of the disease, the child’s sarkeen remains nasal for some time. It is noted that the child has no snot, but he still talks in his nose. This indicates an unfinished disease, as well as the accumulation of mucus. Most likely, mucus accumulation in sinuses, as well as in the maxillary sinuses, can be observed.

The fact is that sinusitis usually manifests itself quite acutely, while the child may have a headache. The snot does not always flow, they may not be at all. Therefore, in any case, in this condition, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.  

On the inspection
On the inspection

The reasons:

  • Inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids. Mom can also find this condition on her own. It is enough to examine the child’s throat using a conventional spoon. Please note that the side arches that are near the throat are enlarged, can even be red. Very often, mucus can swear along the back wall. This suggests that the child has not completely recovered and begins to progress a bacterial infection.  
  • Quite often after the virus in a child can be found the development of bacterial flora. This is due to the fact that the child’s immunity is reduced during illness, so conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that live on mucous membranes begin to multiply. That is why an unpleasant odor may occur from the mouth, as well as nasal, despite the fact that a child may not have a snot.  
  • The most interesting thing is that the cause of nasal becomes often allergic reactionWhich parents do not even suspect. That is, in fact, the child can be healthy, and he does not have snot, but the child speaks the nose. Quite often, this happens in the summer when poplar fluff begins to fly. This is one of the strong allergens that can irritate the mucous membrane, and provoke swelling on it. In this case, really snot may not be, the child may even breathe mouth, but it is observed. At the same time, at night, when the child is in a horizontal position, snoring can be observed due to edema of the mucous membrane. In this case, it is necessary to contact an allergist.
  • Many parents, even with SARS, give children a small amount of antihistamines. Indeed, some pediatricians recommend this, because together with the virus, swelling of the mucous membranes is often observed, which can be removed using antihistamines. Loratadine, citrine, as well as Eden have established itself well. These drugs are sold in syrup, so you can give them even preschool children.  

Number, nasal congestion without a runny nose, what to do?

We independently do not recommend treating nasal, because there are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence. It is worth visiting an otolaryngologist who will determine the reason for the baby to speak in the nose. After all, the treatment of diseases of the throat, adenoids, as well as the ears, differ significantly. We do not recommend giving antibiotics if you are not sure of the diagnosis. These are not safe medicines that should not be given without a doctor’s prescription.  

Many mothers begin to warm his nose using salt heating pads or boiled hot egg. We do not recommend this, because when warming up, the viscosity of the connection decreases, it becomes more fluid. Accordingly, it penetrates thin auditory moves easier, so you may not improve the situation, but rather significantly worsen it. The same thing happens when warming up the nose.


Therefore, any warming up, physiotherapy, it is recommended to do only after the doctor’s appointment. To facilitate the condition and relieve the congestion, we recommend that inhalation with alkaline solutions. For these purposes, you can use Borjomi water, Essentuki, or prepare a weak solution of soda. Inhalations are carried out using conventional steam dummies, or using nebulizers.  

Inhalations significantly improve the condition of the mucous membrane, relieve swelling, and improve nasal breathing at night. Be sure to take care of moisturizing the air in the room. Even if the child has recovered, but he has nasal, we advise you to constantly ventilate the room, wash the floor in the evening, and turn on the humidifier at night. Quite often, nascent can also be observed from very dry air.  

Video: Gnusiness

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  1. Gundesit, most likely was not treated, or it was already a sinusitis, my child was also like this, but we were treated at home, I did inhalations and gave Savis Rino, so we got rid of it)

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