Why do crusts appear in the nose yellow, green, blood? Yellow, blood crusts in the nose during pregnancy: treatment. Brows in the nose: how to smear, how to remove after surgery? Review of drops and ointments for the treatment of crusts in the nose

Why do crusts appear in the nose yellow, green, blood? Yellow, blood crusts in the nose during pregnancy: treatment. Brows in the nose: how to smear, how to remove after surgery? Review of drops and ointments for the treatment of crusts in the nose

Causes, symptoms and methods of treating crust in the nose.

Boxes in the nose are a fairly common problem, especially during the off -season or winter. In this article, we will tell you why the crusts arise in the nose and what needs to be done to get rid of them.  

Where do the crusts come from in the nose, yellow crusts in the nose?

If you have never encountered such a problem, and after another disease or some virus, dry crusts in the nose were found, then this is a consequence of the ailment. The fact is that the virus can significantly weaken the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx.


  • After all, the first of all the virus is just faced with the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasopharynx, which performs a peculiar function of the filter and tries to extinguish the infection so as not to let it into the body. If after the influenza or SARS you found crusts in the nose, then this suggests that you need to help your mucous membrane will restore.
  • It is not for nothing that many doctors, in particular Dr. Komarovsky, recommend that during the disease open the windows, often ventilate the room, and be sure to moisturize the air in it. To do this, you can purchase a regular humidifier. He will become a real salvation during the period when you are sick.
  • Indeed, due to dry air, the problem exacerbates, and dry crust in the nose becomes even larger. From time to time, during the period of the disease and after its transfer, when dry crusts are formed in the nose, it is necessary to irrigate the surface of the mucosa using saline.
  • It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it costs a penny. For instillation, you can use a regular syringe without a needle, or a pipette. A few drops are enough to moisten the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. But what if the problem is constant and is in no way connected with the ARVI or influenza? In this case, the cause must be sought in chronic diseases or hormonal changes in the body.  
Cleaning the nasal sinuses
Cleaning the nasal sinuses

Why do yellow crusts appear in the nose?  

The reasons for the appearance of crusts in the nose:

  • Hormonal changes. Most often this occurs during pregnancy or as a result of hormonal failures, menopause. The most interesting thing is that the drying of the mucous membranes contributes to the increased content of progesterone in the blood. This is a female hormone that helps to bear pregnancy and preserve the fetus. However, there are negative consequences of the influence of this hormone on the body. Indeed, during the period of menopause, as well as during pregnancy, the mucous membranes of not only the genital organs, but also the eyes, as well as the nose and nasopharynx, dry out. This is a temporary phenomenon, so it is necessary to irrigate the surface of the nose with saline.
  • Atrophic changes in the nasal mucosa. Most often they are accompanied by frequent respiratory diseases. This is usually characteristic of children who were not treated with acute respiratory infections, as well as flu. As a result of untimely therapy, the lack of moisturizing the nasal passages, the mucous membrane is atrophied, and does not perform its transporting functions. That is why crusts are formed in the nose.  
  • Rebirth of the mucous membrane. Many doctors are of the opinion that really dry crusts can cause the restoration and rebirth of the nasal mucosa. At the moment, this problem has not been fully studied until the end, there is no way to reliably understand the causes of the appearance of the crusts. Very often, along with the degeneration of the mucosa and the formation of a large amount of crusts in the nose, an unpleasant putrid smell is observed. This is not the norm and requires inspection and treatment at the otolaryngologist. To identify the problem, rhinoscopy is carried out, with which the doctor examines the nasal passages, as well as the nasopharynx. When the nasal mucosa dries and the appearance of the crust, the doctor will most likely take a smear in order to determine whether some pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora is present in the discharge. Very often the cause of green and yellow crust in the nose with an unpleasant odor is Klebsiella, and a golden staphylococcus. These are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which, with weakened immunity, can affect the mucous membranes, causing inflammation, as well as infections.  
Dry crusts
Dry crusts

Drops to eliminate crust in the nose

Quite good drugs that contain purified sea or ordinary sodium salt are Aquamaris, Aqualor and Huger. A rather cheap drug is Nosol. This is an ordinary saline solution that is cleaned.  

If pathogenic microflora is found in the nose, antibiotics treatment are used. In the case of golden staphylococcus, these are cephalosporins, as well as bacteriophage. Very often used for the treatment of nasal crusts solution Chlorophyllipta. To do this, prepare a ten percent solution of alcohol tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy. Rocks are carried out, as well as washing the nose.

To do this, you can use a special washing or simply dial the prepared solution into a regular rubber sprint, enter into one nostril and remove it through another. As a result of such treatment, you can get rid of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, as well as forget about the problem of dry crusts.  

Nasal drops
Nasal drops

Nose crusts - how to smear?

The main task is to soften crusts and improve their excretion from the nasal passages. For these purposes, ointments are usually used, as well as oils. Well established itself apricot oil, as well as tea tree oil. With these means, cotton turundors are usually impregnated, they leave them for about 30 minutes in the nasal passages. You can also instill in these drugs nasal passages.

It is desirable that the oil does not fall on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, remaining only in the nasal passages. He also proven himself well to balm Rescuer, as well as Bepanten. These products contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane, and also facilitate the removal of crusts from the nose.  

Blood crusts in the nose can also talk about pathologies of nasal passages. Very often the problem is just with the mucous membrane and permeability of capillaries. As a result of this, some capillaries are damaged, due to which blood forms, which then merges with mucus. This usually happens after the diseases of the respiratory tract and influenza. But sometimes this is a fairly common problem that is in no way related to seasonal outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Crusts with colds
Crusts with colds

Blood crusts in the nose during pregnancy

Women are faced with such a problem during pregnancy. This is absolutely normal, and suggests that the body has a high concentration of prolactin, as well as the hormone that produces the placenta.


  • In order to alleviate the condition, you can use the usual salty solution or saline. They are irrigated, as well as buried nasal passages. This contributes to the better moisture of the mucous membrane, and prevents the appearance of new blood crusts in the nasal cavity.
  • If this is winter time, then the appearance of red blood crusts is quite determined. This is especially true for people who live in private houses. Heating, which is used in the house, dries the air, as a result of this, the humidity in the room is very low. Thanks to this, the mucous membrane simply does not cope with moisture and dries. In this case, the best option is the acquisition of an air humidifier.
  • If you do not have it, you need to hang wet towels in the room. In the summer, the situation improves significantly. Many people who suffer from chronic nose diseases note that after a trip to the sea, the situation with the nose is really improved and practically disappears. This is due to the fact that the air contains a lot of salt, and the air itself is very humid. Thus, the mucous membrane is moistened with sea pairs.
  • It helps to improve the situation in the sea when sea water enters the nose. Thanks to this, the mucous membrane is also washed and moistened. Therefore, if you suffer from the constant formation of red, yellow and green crusts in the nose, which are triggered by excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, it is more often necessary to irrigate the nasal cavity with sea water or ordinary salt solution.  
The child's nose is laid
The child's nose is laid

Folk methods of treating crusts in the nose  

There are folk methods with which you can get rid of dried crust in the nose. For these purposes, you can use onions, potatoes, as well as other methods.


  • Onion. To prepare drops, it is necessary to mix three tablespoons of chopped onions with 50 ml of water, as well as a tablespoon of honey. All this is crushed in a blender and filtered through several layers of gauze. It is necessary to get a homogeneous liquid. With this tool, nasal moves are buried, two drops into each cavity. Treatment is carried out throughout the week.
  • It also affects the state of the mucous membrane. To do this, you need to boil two potatoes, and while they are hot, put them on both sides of the nasal sinuses. Keep to cool completely. Compresses must be carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening. After you have done, for 1 hour it is advisable not to go outside and not hypothermia.  
  • You can cope with dry crusts with sea cabbage. It is necessary to chop dry leaves with a mortar to a state of powder. It is necessary to inhale a small amount of dust received into each nostril. Sea cabbage restores nasal passages and mucous membrane.  
The kid is sick
The kid is sick

How to remove crusts in the nose after surgery?

In addition to these options, you can use the methods that are common in medical institutions. The most radical method is surgical intervention, as a result of which the nasal passages and sinus sinuses are reduced. During the operation, sinuses are inflated with air sinuses, and thus fought with a nasal septum. Thus, the cavity decreases, which prevents the formation of a large number of crusts.

There are more conservative methods that will also help fight dry crusts in the nose. For these purposes, ionophores, a variety of washing and irrigation using fine particles are used. Unfortunately, at home there are no devices that can issue small -dispersed pairs.  

Goats in the nose
Goats in the nose

Now there are new methods that are often used to treat dry crusts in the nose. They are mainly aimed at improving the functioning of the mucous membrane and its restoration. Often for this purpose, a laser is used, as well as cryodestruction, that is, freezing. Thanks to such manipulations, it is possible to restore nasal breathing and eliminate dry crusts.  

Video: Polyps in the nose and crusts

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Comments K. article

  1. The mucous membrane of the nose is very dry out of the stove in the car, unpleasant crusts are formed. To eliminate them, and to moisturize the mucosa, I use the nasal spray Apicond Mint based on menthol and eucalyptus oil. Breathing immediately becomes easier.

  2. In the heating season, to avoid drying out the nasal mucosa, I use Fleming's ointment. It moisturizes well and does not allow crusts to form. It has a natural composition that helps to restore the normal work of the nose.

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