How to clean gold at home? How to clean gold with soda, peroxide, ammonia, foil right?

How to clean gold at home? How to clean gold with soda, peroxide, ammonia, foil right?

Have your gold jewelry lost their attractive shine? No problem. Our article will tell you how to return the perfect view with the help of simple home remedies to the rings and chains.

Absolutely all gold jewelry will fade over time and are covered with an ugly raid. This is due to the fact that in gold to give it stiffness, various metals are added, which inevitably oxidize and begin to paint jewelry in a darker color. In addition, the appearance of the rings and chains runs quite strongly decorative cosmetics and the environment.

Without proper care, all these negative factors can ruin the appearance of the jewelry so much that they will have to be cleaned with ultrasound. If you want to avoid unnecessary expenses and worries, then periodically clean the surface of the decoration with home products.

How to clean white gold at home?

Clean gold with dishes

Although white gold is made a little by another technology than usual (nickel, palladium or platinum are added to its alloy), it also fades and is covered with dirt. Moreover, due to the fact that it is quite bright, negative changes begin to manifest themselves much earlier than in yellow gold.

In addition to the fact that such jewelry is covered with an ugly plaque, they are still getting dark enough. And if all this dirt will accumulate for years, then over time it will already be impossible to return the previous brilliance to the decoration. The proper care and regular cleaning of products will help you to avoid such problems.

Cleaning white gold products with dishes:
• Take carbonated water (demineralized) and add any organic detergent to it
• A little foam the liquid and lower the white gold jewelry into it
• Leave them there for 15-25 minutes
• After time, take them out of the solution and gently rub them with a toothbrush
• Rinse rings in clean water and dry with a soft cloth

Ways to clean gold

Clean gold vinegar

If you like gold jewelry, then you probably know how difficult it is to return the former brilliance to them and save them from dirt. Low -grade gold is especially difficult to clean. Usually it includes a rather large percentage of zinc, nickel and copper.

These metals stain gold in greenish, which it will not be possible to remove ordinary water. Most often, such products are cleaned in two stages. To begin with, soaked in a solution of washing powder and water, and when the dirt is slightly softened, they begin to remove it.

Gold purification methods:
• You can wipe the rings with a mixture of beer and egg protein
• Put the gold chains for 2-3 minutes in a solution of vinegar and water
• Soak jewelry in freshly squeezed onion juice for 1.5-2 hours
• You can try to return the splendor of gold with ordinary lipstick
• Prepare a solution of drill with water, moisten a rag in it and wipe your jewelry

How to clean gold with ammonia?

Ammonia must be diluted with water

Ammonia is considered a fairly effective means for cleaning zealous products, but because of the unpleasant odor of a woman, they use it last. But still, if you use an ordinary medical mask, then you can clean your favorite rings without any problems.

Another disadvantage of this method is the ability of ammonia to negatively affect some metals that are part of jewelry. Therefore, this substance can be used literally 2-3 times a year. If you regularly use ammonia "for deep purges", then your rings and chains will be quickly worn out.

• Pour ammonia and water into the capacity of 1: 6 into the container
• Carefully mix to make a uniform solution
• Lower your jewelry into it (no more than 2 minutes)
• Using a manual driver, take out the rings from the water and rinse them thoroughly under running water
• Wipe all the products with a soft rag

How to clean gold with ammonia?

Clean gold with ammonia

Although ammonia removes the plaque quite well from the surface of jewelry, such inaccessible places as stone inserts, ornaments and patterns will still require mechanical cleaning. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that after you get rings from ammonia, you will have to additionally walk along them with a soft toothbrush.

Recommendations for gold cleaning by ammonia:
• Take a hermetically closing jar, pour 150 ml of hot water into it
• Add two ampoules of ammonia and 2 tbsp to the water. l. washing powder
• Mix the solution thoroughly until smooth
• Put jewelry in a jewel and close everything with a lid
• Shake the jar for 5 minutes
• Drain the solution through a sieve, rinse the jewelry with running water and polish them with a woolen cloth

How to clean gold with soda?

Clean gold soda

Soda is an excellent alternative to domestic chemicals for cleaning dirt, so it can also be used to remove raids from jewelry.

The main advantage of this cleaning method is the absence of any aggressive substances in the soda. And this means that you can regularly use this tool and are not afraid that your gold will begin to wear prematurely.

• Pour 1 l of the water into the pan, add 2 member of soda and 2 member of the detergent to it
• Mix the soda mixture thoroughly
• Lower the jewelry into the pan and put it on the fire
• boil them for 5-10 minutes
• Turn off the fire and leave the jewelry to cool in soda solution
• When they completely cool down, rinse on them with a toothbrush and dry

How to clean gold with salt?

Cleaning gold with salt

Salt is considered a natural antibacterial abrasive agent. Therefore, the mixture prepared on its basis will not only remove the dirt and return the glitter with gold, but disinfect all your jewelry. If you decide to use salt to clean jewelry, then try to apply it in such a way that it does not damage the surface of the rings and chains.

In the case of saline, there is nothing to worry about. Salt will simply dissolve in water, and you can treat all your jewelry with a solution. But with the preparation of salt pasta will have to tinker. If you put ordinary salt in it, then it is 100% likely to scratch your gold. Therefore, before adding this component to the paste, thoroughly chop it in a mortar.

Salt cleaner recipe:
• Take 1 glass of water
• Add 5 tbsp to it. Salt
• Mix the salt solution thoroughly
• Put gold jewelry in it
• after 5-6 hours we take out their salt solution, wash and dry them

How to clean the gold with hydrogen peroxide?

Jewelry_kak_ clean
Gold purification with hydrogen peroxide

In itself, peroxide with raid and dirt cannot cope, but if it is mixed with several active substances, it will radically change its properties and will turn into a cleaning agent from a disinfectant. Moreover, this solution will help get rid of dirt even in hard -to -reach places.

• measure 40-50 ml of hydrogen peroxide
• Pour it into 250 ml of water
• Add ampoule of ammonia and 1 member here. liquid soap
• Heat the solution and lower the jewelry into it
• After 20 minutes, take them out and rinse thoroughly with clean water
• Dry and polish jewelry

How to clean gold with foil?

Cleaning gold with foil

If you do not have time to prepare home cleaners and pastes, then try to return the normal appearance to your jewelry using ordinary foil. No one can definitely say what its effect is, but its presence in a saline or soda solution contributes to a better removal of ugly raid.

  • Prepare a concentrated salt or soda solution
    • Bring it to a boil
    • Place a piece of food foil on the bottom of the glass
    • Put gold on top of it and fill it with a hot solution
    • Leave the products in the scan until the liquid cools completely
    • Drain the cleaning solution rinse the jewelry and blot them with a soft rag

How to clean gold toothpaste?

Gold paste cleaning

Probably, everyone knows that in toothpaste there are substances that gently polish enamel. It is this property of the paste that will help us return the former appearance to old jewelry. With proper use, it will not only save your rings from accumulated dirt, and will make small scratches less visible.

Due to the fact that toothpaste does not contain large abrasive substances, you can use it quite often. This cleaning method is ideal for removing dirt from rings and chains that you wear almost every day.

• Find the old toothbrush
• Squeeze a little toothpaste on it
• gently rub the decoration surface with a brush
• Wash off the rest of the toothpaste with running water and get wet the product with a soft cloth
• Wipe the ring with lemon juice

How to clean the gold with a soft remedy of Amvei?

In addition to all the products described above, you can also use the universal cleaning agent AMVei to remove dirt from jewelry. It contains a fairly large amount of active substances, which without much effort cope with the old mud. This tool can be used in the form of a soap solution or right in its pure form. In both cases, you will get a good result.

• Add AMVei to ordinary water
• Boil the washing solution and lower the gold jewelry into it
• Boil still 5 minutes
• Drain your liquid and walk on the surface of jewelry with soda paste and toothbrush
• Rinse and dry the products

Video: How to clean gold at home?

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