Why doesn't the guy give flowers and romantic gifts to a girl: what does this mean? Is it possible to accustom a guy to give flowers and gifts if he does not like to do it?

Why doesn't the guy give flowers and romantic gifts to a girl: what does this mean? Is it possible to accustom a guy to give flowers and gifts if he does not like to do it?

The guy does not give flowers - this is not a problem if you know the reason. Why does he do this, described in the article.

Despite the constant cries of equal rights between the sexes and the growing popularity of feminism, most women are still characterized by a love of flowers and gifts. However, representatives of the stronger sex are not always prone to such a manifestation of love and care.

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Some men give gifts to women only on big holidays, while others completely ignore this process. Why is this happening and what to do to a woman, in a situation where a man avoids gift gifts? We will talk about this in detail in this article below. Read further.

Reasons why the guy does not want to give flowers and romantic gifts to the girl

The guy does not want to give flowers and romantic gifts to the girl
The guy does not want to give flowers and romantic gifts to the girl

It is no secret that many men begin to think about a gift and flowers for a girl only in a very limited list of reasons, for example: February 14, birthday and March 8. So why, after all, do some men try to ignore such attention for their women?

There may be a lot of reasons why the guy does not want to give the girl flowers and romantic gifts. Consider the main ones:


  • The first and most banal reason. Determining this line in a man is very simple.
  • A greedy gentleman constantly and at any, convenient case, begins to complain about the severity of making money.
  • At the same time, any attempts by the girl to hint at the gift, perceived by a man as a mercantile of a chosen one.


  • Flowers do not live long, the bouquet will soon wipe and go to the trash, maybe it is better to buy something more useful? These and other similar phrases can often hear a girl expecting a gift from her chosen one.
  • Men with such an attitude, alien to romance in any of its manifestations, and they always try to spend money only on real and useful things. This must be understood.

Inability to give gifts:

  • Another reason for the unwillingness of the guy to give a girl gifts may be that he simply does not know how to do it.
  • This also happens and most often this problem is associated with childhood. If the boy’s father does not give his mother flowers and gifts, then in the future the guy may become characteristic of the same attitude towards girls. He will always feel uncertain and be afraid of the reaction of the chosen one.

Fear of demonstrating your feelings:

  • Many men perceive the gift of flowers to the girl as a demonstration of their feelings.
  • But if the girl feels the weakness of the chosen one, then he instantly drives him under the heel - according to men.
  • So, no colors, at best - a pan.

In addition to these reasons, do not discount the fact that the guy may not have money, even for inexpensive flowers. Therefore, like any other problem in relationships, the lack of gifts from a man, a couple must first be discussed with each other in order to find out all possible reasons.

The guy does not give flowers at the beginning of the relationship: what does this mean?

Each girl, starting a new relationship, subconsciously expects romance, flowers and gifts from her chosen one. However, female expectations do not always coincide with reality and often happens that at the beginning of the relationship does not give his girlfriend anything at all. Why is this happening? What does it mean? Consider the main reasons.

  • Ignorance of the tastes of the girl

The first reason for the lack of gifts from the guy at the beginning of the relationship may be that he simply does not know the tastes of his chosen one and is afraid to disappoint her. In this case, she herself can tell a man about her preferences.

  • External self -sufficiency of the girl

It happens that the lady at the beginning of the relationship tries to look in the eyes of her chosen one, as self -sufficient as possible. In this case, a man can refuse to give gifts to her, as he believes that she will perceive the souvenir as a demonstration of her weakness and will be offended.

  • Uncertainty in relationships

Another reason for the lack of gifts may be that the man is not sure of the seriousness of the relationship with the woman. Indeed, according to many men, flowers and gifts are a sign of strong feelings and plans. Therefore, many men first try to make sure the seriousness of the relationship and only then give flowers.

It is worth noting that in addition to the already listed factors, another reason for the lack of surprises for a girl from the side of the guy may be that the latter does not have serious intentions, and relationships are only flirting that does not imply money expenses.

The main mistakes of girls to which guys do not give flowers and gifts

The main mistakes of girls to which guys do not give flowers and gifts
The main mistakes of girls to which guys do not give flowers and gifts

Since ancient times, a woman was considered a keeper of the hearth, while a man has always been a mining and a hunter. This distribution of roles is also relevant for such a sphere of life as a romantic relationship. Therefore, it is customary in society that a man should take care of a woman, giving her flowers and gifts. In the event of a lack of courtship and gifts, it is accepted to see the problem precisely in the stronger sex. However, the girls themselves are often the reason. Let's look at the main mistakes of women to whom guys do not give them gifts and flowers.

There are two most serious mistakes made by girls who are not given gifts by their lovers:

  • Demonstrative purchase of gifts to itself

Some girls, having not received a gift from their guys, begin to buy souvenirs on their own, so that it is striking. For example, a guy sees a girl with a beautiful bouquet, and she, in turn, declares that she bought the flowers herself because she wanted to.

Men are simple creatures. If the guy sees that the girl can buy herself what she wants, he will remember this and will never think about spending her money on the chosen one.

  • Scandals

There are many women who, having not received the expected gift from their man, arrange a scandal and begin to “saw” the chosen one. This behavior is wrong, since it leads to two consequences at once: the girl is a victim, and since she did not leave, not receiving a gift once, then she will not leave the next and the next time. A man will begin to relate to female complaints and whining as a background that should not be given much importance. After all, the resentment of the girl is only one of the ways to demonstrate the feelings that she herself likes - according to many men.

It remains to add that if the guy is not aware of the importance of the gift and does not think about giving something to his girlfriend, especially if she made it clear what she needs, then the best option for the latter would simply leave. Do not arrange scandals, deserve and beg. In the end, it is extremely humiliating for the girl.

Are love and gifts related, flowers?

So, we talked about the reasons why the guys do not give flowers with gifts and a little about how to relate to the girls to such a drawback of their lovers. But is real love connected with flowers and gifts, or maybe this exaggeration?

  • In fact, the lack of gifts for a woman from a man does not always indicate a lack of love, there can be many other reasons for this.
  • For example, a man could grow in a hard environment, where it was not customary to give gifts and demonstrate his feelings.
  • In addition, a guy may simply be shy to give the girl gifts because of ignorance of how to please her.

It is worth noting that the habit of giving gifts is basically characteristic only of those people who themselves experienced this feeling in childhood. Those who were deprived of surprises in childhood cannot know what feelings the other person makes at least a small souvenir. Therefore, they will never think about presenting a presentation to someone.

How to ask a guy about flowers: what if he never once gave gifts to a girl?

Girls are characterized by a love of gifts, flowers and courtship, and they want to receive it from men. But the stronger sex is not always inclined to manifestations of care and attention. How to be a girl if her young man does not even think about giving flowers to his chosen one? What to do if he never or never gave gifts to a girl? There are two exits here: you can come to terms, or you can take and ask the guy about flowers. About the second option, we will talk further.

There are several optimal ways to hint or ask a guy, give flowers:

  • A polite request

The first and easiest way to hint the guy about flowers is to politely ask. For example: “Dear, I am so pleased when you give me flowers. Can you do this more often? ” However, it must be remembered that the refusal in this case is not excluded.

  • Discussion and contract

Like other problems in the relationship, a situation where the guy does not give the girl flowers, you can simply discuss and come to any common denominator. For example, a man can take care of plants (at work or this hobby), and then a woman may agree to receive flowers in pots or just paintings with their image as a gift.

  • Seduction

Finally, we get to the "heavy artillery." The essence of this method is that the woman tells the man about how happy she becomes, receiving flowers as a gift and how she feels sexy. It is important to convey to a man the idea that flowers increase her female happiness, which, in general, has a positive effect on relationships in a couple.

Each person wants to experience positive emotions, and not feel a grudge. Therefore, always in all issues, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of both parties. The situation is also with requests for gifts. Any pressure in this matter will definitely be superfluous.

Is it possible to accustom a guy to give flowers and gifts if he does not like to do it?

It is almost impossible to teach a guy to give flowers and gifts if he does not like to do it
It is almost impossible to teach a guy to give flowers and gifts if he does not like to do it

With a problem when a man does not give gifts, many women face and each of them may ask the question: “Is it possible to teach a guy to give flowers and gifts if he does not want to do this?”

  • The answer to the above question will be negative - no.
  • Moreover, trying to accustom a man to something that he does not want to do is extremely not desirable.
  • If a man does not want and does not like to give gifts, then this will not work to change manipulation and deception.
  • Any attempts by a woman in any way to teach a man can translate relationships into the category of “mother and son” and make them toxic.

The only thing that can be advised is not to be attached to gifts and not to cake if a man categorically does not want to present them. In the end, you can look wider at the relationship themselves and try to figure it out.

We take the bouquet correctly if the guy gave flowers for no reason

We talked above about men who give nothing to women, as well as about the reasons for this behavior and the correct reaction to this. However, among the stronger sexes, there are enough and very generous gentlemen who can give flowers and gifts to girls not only on holidays, but just like that. But how to react to girls and take a bouquet correctly, donated for no reason? After all, it is important not to spoil the impression of yourself and not to frighten off the potential lover.

So, these are some tips and rules of how you can and cannot behave to a girl, getting from a guy just like that. How to react correctly:

  • Sincerely rejoice at the bouquet, even if the flowers are not loved
  • Do not perceive the situation for granted
  • Do not demonstrate arrogance and arrogance
  • Do not portray an overly stormy reaction;
  • Do not inflate and do not find fault with small errors
  • And of course, in no case can you give a presentation

Separately, it is worth saying that you should never give up a gift and say: “It is so expensive, there was no need to spend money” and the like phrases. In addition to the fact that such a reaction can offend, a man can perceive what was said seriously and will never buy presentations again. And as already written, the most important component of the reaction to the donated bouquet is sincere joy.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that many women really pay a lot of attention to this fact whether a man gives them flowers and gifts or not. Some behavior may seem mercantile and even stupid to someone, because the main thing is feelings. However, do not forget that a woman by nature is a guardian of the hearth and her desire to replenish her house with things is characteristic of her. Therefore, the love of women for gifts and colors is quite natural, as well as for men, it is natural to give flowers and gifts. But love and respect are the main thing that should be in pairs. In the presence of these qualities, you can always come to an agreement, not only in matters of flowers, but also more importantly.

Video: How to ask for gifts?

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