Why can't you have sex after childbirth, miscarriage, spirals and during treatment? How much can you have sex after a biopsy and surgery and why?

Why can't you have sex after childbirth, miscarriage, spirals and during treatment? How much can you have sex after a biopsy and surgery and why?

The article will describe the reasons for various restrictions on an intimate life.

In intimate life, some restrictions are needed if the female body undergoes changes. Again from sex should be at:

  • menstruation
  • pregnancy (at a certain time or individual inadmissibility)
  • after abortion
  • after a miscarriage
  • after surgery
  • after a spiral
  • after cauterization of erosion or biopsy
  • in a course of special treatment

Each type of restrictions has its own terms. The best option will be if the gynecologist himself gives recommendations on the terms of abstinence from intimate life.

How long can you have sex?

  • With normal pregnancy, sex is not an obstacle
  • Moreover, as experts say, sperm positively affects the condition of the uterus, preparing it for childbirth
  • Naturally, sometimes a personal condition (dizziness, toxicosis, pain in the body) do not make it possible to have sex. In this case, it is not worth living for an intimate life forcibly
  • Contraindications in sex do not always depend on the deadline. It all depends on the state of health of the mother and the position of the fetus
  • Sex is prohibited in the threat of miscarriage in the early stages
  • With the prevalence of the placenta, cervical insufficiency, it is also not permissible to lead an intimate life
  • If during sex a woman feels pain, blood discharge occurs, sex must be stopped and consult with a gynecologist
  • During pregnancy for sex, it is better to choose such poses in which pressure on the stomach does not go. The poses on the back are also not desirable
Sex and pregnancy
Sex and pregnancy

Why can't you have sex with menstruation?

  • Categorical conclusions of doctors that having sex with menstruation cannot exist
  • The most common argument is the opportunity to bring an infection into the female reproductive system. But if you follow personal hygiene and use a condom, then the risk is minimal
  • Another aspect is aesthetic. A woman cannot be liberated during menstruation, and blood discharge can be unpleasant to a partner
  • Also, with menstruation in many women, the stomach hurts, weakness and dizziness are felt. Naturally, with this state, not at all to sex
  • But if there are no unpleasant sensations, then there are no objective reasons to abandon an intimate life during menstruation

Why can't you have sex after an abortion?

  • Abortion is medication and surgical. In any case, this is a serious load on the reproductive system of a woman
  • Medication abortion is the effect of special drugs on the woman’s hormonal system, which due to which the fetus occurs. In this case, the uterus is injured, as after surgical abortion. The cervix remains open for some more time
  • Surgical abortion is surgery in the body of a woman. With him, the uterus, the walls of the vagina also get a serious injury
  • With early sex, after an abortion, you can cause severe injury to the uterus. Bleeding may open, infection will be
  • Doctors recommend having sex no earlier than 1 month after abortion, if there are no complications
Sex after abortion
Sex after abortion

How much can you have sex after a spiral?

  • The intrauterine spiral is installed in the uterus, preventing the penetration of sperm into its cavity
  • Typically, this procedure occurs using a gynecologist and it gives accurate recommendations for its operation
  • After installing a spiral, it is not recommended to have sex for at least a week. This one is due to the fact that a spiral is a foreign object. It takes time to take her place in the body of a woman
  • If, when having sex, a woman or partner feel discomfort, you need to see a doctor. He will conduct an examination and correct the spiral, if necessary
  • After removing the spiral, it is also necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for some time
  • When removing, the uterus is injured and a minimum week is required for its healing

How much can you have sex after a miscarriage?

  • A miscarriage is usually accompanied by moral and physical trauma. Therefore, you should not rush with the resumption of sexual life with a miscarriage
  • After a miscarriage, the uterus is cleaned, due to which it is greatly injured. For some time, bloody discharge is observed
  • Doctors do not recommend sex before the next menstruation. This occurs in about a month
  • After a miscarriage, you do not need to choose such poses in which the penis penetrates deep into the body of a woman. It should not be felt discomfort
  • For 3 months after a miscarriage, you should not have sex more often than a couple times a week

How much can you have sex after cauterization of erosion?

  • Cauterization of erosion is the healing of the wound (erosion) on the cervix. It is carried out with liquid nitrogen, laser, current, or chemicals
  • In any case, the wound is delayed, but it takes some time for full healing
  • At the same time, the doctor prescribes additional treatment with special tampons, ointments and herbs
  • Doing sex after cauterization is not worth it until the cessation of treatment
  • After all the procedures are completed, you need to appear to the doctor so that he assesses the condition of the cervix. After that, he will be able to say whether sex is possible or not
Sex after cauterization of erosion
Sex after cauterization of erosion

How much can you have sex after childbirth?

  • It is impossible to have sex immediately after the birth for a number of reasons: the uterine healing has not yet passed after the placenta exfoliation, the vagina has not narrowed, the woman feels weak
  • Doctors recommend sex no earlier than a month after childbirth
  • Even if a cesarean section was made, you should not rush to sex. The uterus and seams also heal. How, after any surgical intervention, physical loads are contraindicated
  • If after childbirth it was necessary to sew up, with an intimate life, you need to wait even longer. The doctor will be able to say the exact time, depending on the state of health
  • Many women after childbirth are faced with the problem of relaxing the vaginal muscles. Usually they return to normal for a month. But in order to return their previous state, you need to do special exercises

Why can't you have sex after surgery?

  • Restrictions in the intimate life after surgery depend directly on the severity of surgical intervention
  • Usually sex is physical activity. When applying seams, any physical activity is contraindicated. Therefore, with sex, you will have to wait until the seams are removed
  • Another NYUVNS is anesthesia and its perforative with the body. There are local and general anesthesia. Typically, local is easier to transfer with a human body. But the general has a serious effect on the nervous system. The body may need some time to restore
  • So, if the operation is serious, then you will have to refrain from sex for about a month. If the surgery is superficial and healing occurs quickly, then the restriction will be removed much earlier
Sex after surgery
Sex after surgery

Why can't you have sex during treatment?

  • It all depends on what a person is being treated on. But with any disease, the body feels weakness and libido weakens
  • If treatment comes from infectious diseases, then not only from sex, but IT of other physical contacts with a partner (kisses, hugs) should refrain. The attending physician will say that the danger of infecting another person will pass
  • Particular attention should be paid to sex restriction during sexually transmitted diseases. Many mistakenly laid down that only when they started treatment, the danger of infecting a partner disappears. But this is not so. To completely avoid infection, you need to bring treatment to the end
  • After a series of diseases of the dimensional-vascular system, physical activity is tribe for a long time. That is why you need to consult your doctor about the ability to have sex
  • In any case, when prescribing treatment, the doctor will say what restrictions in life need to be introduced

How much can you have sex after a biopsy?

  • To understand the restrictions on sex, you need to find out what is the percentage of the biopsy. Biopsy is the capture of the elements of the braid in order to find out the presence of cancer cells in it
  • There are several types of biopsy. Usually, a wound remains on the uterus after this procedure that bleeds some time
  • Sometimes a biopsy is carried out by a laser. There is no blood at the same time, but there is still a wound. It takes time for its healing
  • Doctors advise not to have sex after a biopsy within two weeks. And if the healing passes poorly, then within a month
  • With the early having sex (even in a condom) there is a Bolsherisk infection. In addition, the uterus is injured and healing occurs extremely long

Video: sex after childbirth




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