Why the button does not work now on Aliexpress: Reasons

Why the button does not work now on Aliexpress: Reasons

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Every day active system users Aliexpress face a very important problem that prevents them from ordering the desired product. Some skip stunning shares, others lose goods from categories " Lightning" and " Burning goods" - this is undoubtedly very bad. There are several of the most important reasons because of which the “Buying now” button can become inactive.

The order template for Aliexpress is not filled

Recently, the system Aliexpress It has become so popular that giant wholesale sales passes through it and even despite this, some users still do not have time to purchase the desired “limited” product in a short time due to the fact that they simply miss the moment due to problems with filling out the order template.

Before hurrying, click the button " Buy now»Do not forget that each product has an option to choose from characteristics, such as: size, color, model, equipmentand otherwise, depending on what you are buying.

  • For example, if you order clothes or shoes, it will be color and size;
  • If you order a computer or mobile phone, it will be a complete set, design and size of built -in memory;
  • By purchasing kitchen accessories, for example, a kettle - it will be a volume (litting) and color.

It is quite possible that the main problem may be ordinary inattention. Be sure to check, maybe the problem was precisely in this. Himself Aliexpress Creates small windows with a mistake “Please, select the color/capacity” which are near the order button/.

As for the button " Add to Basket" - using this service there is no need to indicate the color or size of the product, this is due to the fact that the product is not registered in your name and is not booking for the subsequent order.

Sale: The goods were sold on Aliexpress

The problem is massive - it is no exception that any user of the network and you, including it can be pushed with it. The fact is that the goods put up by the seller on Aliexpress It may be in limited quantities and, accordingly, at the moment when you fill out an application for the purchase, it will be completely sold out. After you click " Move to the basket" or " Buy now»The buttons will become gray and inactive.

If you order a certain batch of goods, for example, 2000 units of the existing 1990 units and at this moment another user will buy 4 units of goods, the site will give a small dialog box with an error as shown in the screenshot below - “Purchasses are limited to 1986” (Buying is limited by the amount of 1986 pcs.)

The sales system on the site is specially arranged so that none of the three sides (seller/intermediary/buyer) fails at the time of sale of goods. The buyer, paying the commission for the order, automatically submits a request to the system to reduce the amount of goods due to sale, the system, in turn, displays in statistics on the product page, how many units are available.

What to do if the product is over for Aliexpress?

You can find a way out only by a few methods: find other sellers, which replicate their goods in volumes by at least several units more than you need or add goods to the category "My desires" on the Aliexpress And then the site will automatically notify you of updating and the availability of goods with a trusted seller.

Outdated browser

Some problems are sometimes absurd to the point of absurdity and are solved instantly. Most of the old versions of browsers, for example, Internet Explorer 8 or Mozilla Firefox 3.5 have old Cook settings, and also do not support new versions Flash Player and JavaScript - This may well be a problem so that the site constantly freezes, does not transmit data, stop the work or simply does not accept information from the site.

Solution: Try to install a new version of the browser. Most modern browsers have a powerful platform for working with any amount of information.

Problem with cookie files

Cookies are special data transfer files between the user and the site for active work on the site. In the case when the COOKIE file is disabled, the actions performed on the site are not remembered by the computer, because of which some functionality can be inactive, for example, “ a wish list" on the Aliexes.

Solution: It is recommended to periodically cleanse the cookies inside the browser settings either using a special menu, or using special computer cleaning programs.

Settings > Story > Clear the history > Clean cookies

Video: How to buy goods on AliExpress?

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