Why doesn’t Lizun work at home: what to do, what to add?

Why doesn’t Lizun work at home: what to do, what to add?

Unfortunately, home "lizun" do not always come out as we would like - as in the saying that the first pancake is always lumpy. In today's material, we will consider the main mistakes in the manufacture of “lizun” and find out how they can be avoided so that your baby is not upset.

The Lizuna gained particular popularity in Russia in the 90s of the last century, when the multi-part cartoon “Hunters for Provisions” came to our screens, and one of its heroes-a green ghost, became the prototype of “Lizun” or “Slime” (from English . Slime). It is remarkable that Lizuna, which will be no worse than the purchased, can be made with your own hands (together with the child) at home, for which there is a wide range of improvised materials.

Factors on which the quality of home lizun depends

  • Similar toys invented back in the 70s and made them from guar copper, minerals, boura. Both then and now, Lizuna are mucous membrane and viscous jelly -like substance, Bright and pleasant to the touch, which does not dirty items and really like children (unlike most parents).

In order to make a beautiful, safe and attractive toy to the baby as a result of the manufacture of a “slice, it follows:

  1. Choose only quality materials (Based on the selected recipe).
  2. Clearly observe proportions (Regarding all the ingredients prescribed in the recipe).
  3. Perform all the algorithm of actions step by step, without violating the technology of the process.

If all these points are performed correctly, then the “lizun” will be homogeneous, without lumps and interspersed, it will easily separate from the container in which it was kneaded, will not stick to his hands or spread.


Otherwise, you can get a comk -shaped sticky mass - too tight or vice versa, thinned, with excess fluid. If Lizun does not work, do not rush to throw it away, perhaps it can still be saved. Let's look at more.

What to do if Lizun turned out to be liquid, what to add?

Sometimes, due to the “slime” error, the mass is made in the process of manufacturing with liquid or sticky. How to thicken it? What to do if Lizun turned out to be liquid, what to add? And in general - why does it happen, why doesn’t Lizun work?

Among the reasons for insufficient thickening:

  1. The lack of the thickener - In each recipe it is its own (for example, glue or Tetrable sodium). This is noticeable during mixing, which lasts several minutes, and Lizun does not set.
  2. Thickener who has the expiration date has come out - For example, such a disaster is often with glue, which eventually loses its thickening properties.
  3. Excess fluid - Water or, for example, shampoo. Be careful, the amount of fluid should not generally exceed half of the entire mass of the toy.

If you understand that Lizun does not thicken, then you can try to correct the situation by trying one of the following life hacks:

  1. Add glue. It happens that in the manufacture of a “slime” based on PVA, we forget that the glue itself is quite liquid and pour over the mass of too much water. Try adding glue and again cross the mass thoroughly.
  2. Cool the mass. For coldly, it is enough to place Lizun in a tightly closing container and leave in a refrigerator (But not in the freezer!) For about an hour, then knead again.
  3. Knead thoroughly. Sometimes the cause of insufficient thickening is insufficient mixing of mucus. It is better if this process lasts five minutes.
  4. Add the thickener. With this method, you need to be careful so that the “slime” does not turn into stone.
Liquid Lizun
Liquid Lizun

Among popular thickeners use:

  • sodium tetraberate (an additional dose should not exceed a few drops);
  • air freshener (alternating fragrant jets with intensive stirring, you can achieve an amazing result);
  • storage for storage of eye lenses (up to three drops as an additive);
  • starch (Your “slime” will definitely thicken, but, unfortunately, his “life” will not be long).

How and from what to make the thickener for Lizun?

We have already mentioned that for the correct consistency of the “slime” it is necessary to use the correct dosage of a high -quality thickener. Otherwise you will face the situation that you have lizun will not work at home.

As a rule, as a thickener for "lizun" at home, they use:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide (can be bought at any pharmacy).
  2. Food soda with water.
  3. Liquid powder for washing machines (for example, "person").
  4. Sodium tetraberate.
  5. Just baking soda (without water).
  6. Boric acid (from the same pharmacy).
  7. Starch (we advise you to find it in the form of a liquid - it will be easier to work with it).
  8. Medical fluid for storing eye lenses.
  9. Ordinary food gelatin.
  10. Drops for the eyes (for example, "Vizin").
  11. Alcohol (not necessarily food).
  12. Lacques for fixing and hair styling (any brand).
Use high -quality thickeners
Use high -quality thickeners

Why doesn’t Lizun from PVA: what to add?

  • Why can't Lizun from PVA get? Making a "slime" using pVA glue - one of the simplest and cheapest ways, especially since this ingredient makes a toy soft and quite elastic.
  • “Lizun” on the basis of glue may not work, If you are incorrectly selecting the main component. As practice shows, the glue of PVA produced by Luch, which is easy to find in the stationery store, is best suited for this purpose.
  • It is very important that the glue is not only high -quality, but also fresh - not "older" two months on the day of manufacture.
  • If you involved Lizun based on PVA glue, and it came out not thick enough, then enter the mass a couple of drops of tetema sodium And again knead carefully - you may be able to save the toy.
From glue
From glue

If, after adding tetranet, the mucus does not thicken, then try to combine one of the following components into it:

  • washing gel - for example, "person".
  • starch (it is advisable to take in liquid form, but you can also prepare the necessary solution yourself).
  • fluid for storing eye lenses.
  • teimurov’s legs spray.

Another nuisance can happen to Lizun on the basis of PVA if you are overdue with the brown - then the glue turns into flakes, and the mucus hardens. An additional portion of glue, or the use of a film mask or a moisturizer, will help to cope with this trouble.

Why doesn’t Lizun from tetraborata: what to do?

  • One of the main reasons that lizun from the tetrable sodium did not workThis is the overdue of the main component. Carefully check the expiration date!
  • In addition, monitor the proportions and introduce tetraborates for a drop, constantly kneading the mass.
  • To save Lizuna, the concentration of which does not suit you, try adding a little glue to it and knead. If this is not enough, then a film mask and mixing more thoroughly can come to the rescue.
  • As a resuscitation action is suitable and bura - Even if this does not help Lizun to achieve the necessary concentration, then most likely he can’t help him.
With brown
With brown
  • If your “slime” turned out to be too “lipping”, then try to put it in the refrigerator for several hours - but this method, as practice shows, does not always help.

What glue is needed for Lizun?

We already know that Glue is one of the most common basic components for the manufacture of a “slime” at home. What glue is better to choose so that the toy turns out exactly the one that your baby dreams of?

So, the most suitable for the preparation of the slime are rightfully considered the following types and brands of glue:

  1. PVA and its foreign counterparts - White School Glue (Japan) and Elmer’s (USA).
  2. Adhesive products of domestic production "RAY" (it is this product that is the most popular for the manufacture of the toy) and "NAVIGATOR".
  3. Adhesive products of foreign production - "Brauberg", "Attomex", "Norman", "Staff", "OfficeSpase Attache" (ideal for the manufacture of transparent mucus).
  4. Varieties of building glue of the trading brands “Moment of the carpenter” (it should be half diluted with water and dominated the mucus of liquid soap), “Expert”, “Tex”, “Super-PVA” from “Moment”, “Alina”.

If you still doubt whether the selected glue is suitable for creating the perfect “lizun”, then conduct a small test by gluing two paper leaves, leave them for 10 minutes, and then check the fastening quality. If paper sheets are kept together, then everything is in order - the glue is suitable!

Attention: definitely lizun will not work out of glue "Cullinan" (too liquid); PVA "Berlingo" (when kneading with other components, it is curved, that is, it turns); PVA-M Extra "Lacra" (mucus is too tight); silicate glue "Hatber" (excessively liquid); construction PVA (for example, "Bolars"); PVA "Kalyaka-Malyak" and other adhesive substances similar in chemical composition.

What to do if Lizun does not thickening?

In the event that your lizun does not thickening, does not want to acquire the right consistency and remains too liquid, you can try to correct the situation using one of the following tips.

  1. The easiest method is to add glue-slightly introduce additional portions, without stopping the kneading.
  2. Cool the mucus in the refrigerator - Perhaps, looking after an hour in a container with mucus, you will be satisfied with the result.
  3. Well make Lizuna manually - Within a few minutes.
Not thickening
Not thickening

Use one of the thickeners: Sodium tetrabera, Borax, air freshener, medical fluid for storing lenses, starch, boric acid,

Video: We save the unwashed Lizun

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