Why began to grow breasts? When does girls begin to grow in girls?

Why began to grow breasts? When does girls begin to grow in girls?

The puberty of the girl is a difficult period of growing up. And it is at this time that the figure is formed and the mammary glands are developing. When is it normal? What is a pathology? What happens to the breast during pregnancy? This is what we talk about.

When does girls begin to grow in girls?

  • The female breast begins its development and growth already in the period of embryonic development and grows throughout life. In childhood, this is less noticeable, and during sexual development in adolescence, its development goes into an active phase. Further until the moment pregnancy again activity falls
  • A number of studies were conducted and breast growth in the process of growing up and all life was divided into 5 stages
  • The first stage begins from birth and during this period the chest does not acquire volume and nothing It differs from the boy’s chest. However, if you look closely on the girl’s chest below the nipple, the so -called dairy line is visible, it is along this border that the mammary gland will develop in the future
  • In such an intermediate period from infancy to puberty, the development of mammary glands is practically not noticeable. During the ripening period, the glandular tissue begins the rapid development
  • The period of puberty is normal in girls aged 8 to 13 years on average
  • The female breast undergoes the greatest changes during pregnancy and feeding the baby with breast milk

Why did the breasts begin to grow sharply?

A sharp increase in the mammary gland is normal directly related to puberty of the girl. This period is characterized by a sharp jump in growth within -10 cm per year, the onset of the menstrual cycle and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. It is during this period that the chest of a little girl takes shape maiden, becomes rounded, glandular tissue is formed.

  • These changes are directly related to changes in the level of growth hormones and hormones responsible for puberty
  • Estrogens and progesterones begin to produce
  • The breast growth process begins with the “swelling” of the nipple and the areola and only then the surrounding glandular tissue begins to form
  • There are cases of early puberty and a girl at 8 and at 6 years old may notice the beginning of the formation of the gland, and this is not a pathology, but only a feature of development. However, if, after 14 years, there are no signs of puberty and growth of the mammary glands, then it is worth contacting specialists (gynecologist, endocrinologist)
  • If breast growth is the norm and occurs during puberty or pregnancy, then everything is in order. However, if an adult girl or woman has a breast sharply began to grow outside the intake of hormonal drugs or outside the state of pregnancy
  • This is an alarming signal, especially if this growth is accompanied by pain or swelling or in the case of only one gland. This moment is already pathology and requires special attention and careful examination

What diseases is the breasts from?

  • And again everything is connected with hormones. Dairy iron is The organ that depends on the level of sex hormones. One of the pathologies, which causes breast growth, this is a violation of the hormonal background, the causes of which there may be many, from the use of hormonal therapy to oncological processes
  • We will discuss oncology, since at this stage cases of cancer increase sharply. The most obvious manifestation can be oncology and mastopathy directly the chest itself
  • At the same time, the beginning of the tumor process can be little noticeable, but advanced cases can lead to an increase in the mammary gland several times and threatens it at best with disabilities. It is why doctors convincingly recommend that self-exploration and pay attention to changes in your body in time

Breast growth can also cause hormone-producing Tumors, pituitary tumors that make our brain give false signals to increase the level of sex hormones, which entails the corresponding changes in the body.
You can’t be silent about cases when the chest begins to grow in men.

Yes Yes This is not a typo. And this can also be associated with the tumor process or violations in hormone-producing organs, with a change in the normal level of testosterone and an increase in estrogen. D. la Men data of state cannot be the norm not In which of the cases and require an appeal to a specialist.

Why did the chest grow after menstruation? Hormonal causes of breast growth

  • We have already written about the hormones of puberty and breast growth in normal during this period of development, about the growth of the mammary gland during pregnancy, we will talk a little later
  • Have you felt chest pain during the period or before menstruation? She is it is poured, it becomes harder and painful when touching. This is also a period of breast growth. It is on these days that the level of sex hormones of estrogen and progesterones changes. During these periods, the female body is hormonally ready to take a fertilized egg, prepares for motherhood and prepares the body for changes
  • However, when pregnant, the level of hormones gradually changes its “scales” and all processes subside, the chest ceases to hurt, but its size does not decrease

  • That is why it is generally accepted that female breasts grow throughout life. And that is true. Let, after sharp growth during puberty, it slows down an increase in volumes, but does not stop
  • Moreover, the chest changes and can continue its growth and after the onset of menopause in a woman
  • The female breast is not only iron, it is adipose tissue and its volumes accordingly change in a set or loss of body weight by a woman. As soon as the girl or gains weight, volume her breasts, respectively, also increases
  • And, accordingly, pathological states in which a woman can gain a lot of excess, therefore, the causes of the growth of the mammary gland in this case are also a lot and hormonal imbalance plays an active role in these processes

At what period does the breast grow?

  • Pregnancy is a flimsy And the bright moment of the life of a woman. During this period, the female body and mammary glands undergo colossal changes. The body is preparing to feed the baby with mother's milk
  • During gestation of pregnancy, the female breast increases in volume already in the first trimester. Her blood supply also increases and veins can appear on the skin. At this time, breast size can increase by an average of 2 sizes and by 5 months of pregnancy from the ducts of the gland, which open on a nipple, colostrum may be released
  • At this time, it is necessary to especially care for your breasts. It is necessary to choose the right supporting bra, perform a number of exercises to strengthen the chest muscle and observe hygiene to prevent inflammatory processes in the ducts of the mammary gland
  • Period pregnancy is The period of sharp hormonal surge and sharp growth of the gland. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in self-exploration On the subject of determining unwanted seals and preventing the development of mastopathy

What needs to be done to begin to grow breasts?

Many girls experience discomfort in connection with small volumes of their chest. However, this is universal treatment-what Big breasts are good. And this does not mean at all that full -breasted Girls will have more opportunity to feed the baby.

The reasons are not big size There may be a lot of breasts:
• Heredity
• low estrogen levels during puberty
• Violation hormone-producing thyroid functions
• insufficient body weight

This position can be adjusted independently if the condition is not associated with hormonal disorders. Dramatically change the picture and give the chest to the volume of 2-3 sizes more, this will not help, but it can adjust the shape.

  • To do this, you need to perform exercises to strengthen the chest muscle, engage in self -massage and monitor the skin of the chest
  • But all kinds of supplements, tablets, vacuum masazhora They can cause great harm to your health and provoke the most unpredictable diseases and pathological changes in your mammary gland. And health is the most important thing we have
  • Be attentive to yourself and your health, in pursuit of beauty standards you can forever lose your health

Video: Girl. Young woman. Woman. Breast life cycle

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