Why a man does not kiss the lips: psychology, reasons. The man stopped kissing the lips: reason

Why a man does not kiss the lips: psychology, reasons. The man stopped kissing the lips: reason

The man does not kiss the lips - why is this happening? The reasons can be different.

There are people who do not like to kiss at all. But there are others: they can kiss a loved one on the cheek, and then this does not go. Both women and men can behave similarly.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The guy kisses the girl in the neck". You will find out what this means why he loves to do so.

From this article you will find out why some men do not kiss on the lips, and how to do this correctly. Read further.

Do men love to kiss on the lips?

Men love to kiss on the lips
Men love to kiss on the lips

Most men - yes, love to kiss on the lips. Most often this is because they want to quickly excite a girl. Indeed, by nature, a man is a hunter. Mostly men prefer the following types of kisses on the lips:

  • Ordinary

The case when partners simply touch their lips. There are no sucking here. It is equally pleasant to representatives of both sexes, since it can be performed spontaneously: there is no need to invent something. A separate pleasant moment for a man is the opportunity to enjoy the hair and the smell of a woman’s body.

  • French

This kiss with the language. It is intimate. An interesting fact: sometimes during this kiss is stronger than in the process of sex. It is no coincidence that the French call him "miniature sex."

This does not mean that men do not like other types of kisses. Moreover, male representatives usually love when as much variety as possible.

Why do some men do not kiss on the lips?

Despite all their "hunting" essence, some guys do not like to kiss on the lips. Let's talk about the reasons.

  • The first experience was not as romantic as expected

Especially when the man was a teenager and looked around “dirty” films. The fact is that in such a “movie” all scenes look more beautiful than in real life. In reality - saliva, or even the smell from the mouth or unpleasant biting. And if the tongue is pushed deep into the throat, then it canal.

  • Ridicule

If the young man was teased to kiss for the inability to kiss, in the future he may be afraid that his kisses will be pushed away by the girl.

  • Kisses from the woman who was unpleasant

It would seem that it was possible to refuse. But everything happens. For example, what if a guy has a psychological dependence on the girl, and he was her slave so as not to lose her?

  • A man does not yet have a strong emotional closeness with a girl

The case when he believes that kisses on the lips are too intimate for the current period of relations.

However, there are completely different cases. For example, when a refusal to kisses the lips is due to cultural factors. Below is one example. Read further.

Why is a Muslim man not kissing the lips?

In fact, it is impossible to say that a Muslim man does not kiss at all. If he marries you, it is possible that he will shower you with kisses. True, only in private with you, since for Muslims any manifestation of flirting (including kisses and even hugs) has a voluptuous connotation. In Islam, it is believed that kisses lead to the emergence of adultery.

Of course, it is not a fact that those who will kiss on the lips will run to bed before marriage, however, according to religion, the manifestations of proximity between a man and a woman are a slippery path to this sin. These manifestations include even modest embrace, to say about kisses on the lips. But there is good news: the Islamic religion allows kisses after the wedding and even welcomes them.

Why doesn’t a man kiss the lips with the tongue, does not love, does not want, refuses?

As we have already mentioned, a French kiss is a kiss of an intimate nature. Therefore, it is not surprising if, in the first stages of relations, a man does not burn with the desire to touch you with your tongue, and says that he does not want or does not like to kiss. By the way, many men do not do this or refuse to do it. But after some time, he will have a desire, especially if he likes a woman. The cause may also be banal disgust.

The man stopped kissing the lips: reasons

The man stopped kissing the lips
The man stopped kissing the lips

But it also happens that before the partner did this, and then suddenly stopped, stopped kissing on the lips. Let's tell you why this happens in men. These are the reasons:

  • Perhaps you had the idea: "A man does not love me anymore." Unfortunately, sometimes feelings really cool to such an extent that partners have to part.
  • However, it happens that people live together for many years and love each other, but the kisses from life have disappeared. Fortunately, love will never cease. Only passion can fade away.

Why is she fading? The fact is that spouses can combine many roles - friends, lovers, associates, employees, relatives, etc. All this happens unnoticed, and, depending on lifestyle, partners can begin to perceive each other as a brother with a sister.

How to hint the guy on a kiss?

Hints are important in order not to look intrusive in the guy's eyes. Here are what steps should be taken to hint at the kiss:

Eye contact:

  • Be sure to look in the guy’s eyes, especially when you talk about something.
  • If you are not looking at him all the time, he might think that you are not interesting to you.
  • And do not forget to support the conversation.

Society and openness:

  • Let the guy feel more confident. To do this, choose pleasant words.
  • Not only women love compliments.
  • For example, why not praise his talent in creativity? What if you remind him that he is an excellent athlete, that is, it is not necessary to focus on romance.


  • If you touch the guy gently, it will not look vulgar.
  • For example, you can slightly touch his shoulder during a conversation or take a guy by the hand.

Lip views:

  • Having established eye contact, look at the guy’s lips, and then look into the eyes again.
  • A look at the lips should be fast, otherwise the hint will be too obvious.

Special farewell:

  • We advise you to linger a little and look at the guy once or twice.

"I'm cold":

  • Pretend to be frozen.
  • It is possible that the guy will try to hug you.
  • He did it? Excellent! Look into his eyes, thank and smile. Maybe at this moment a kiss will occur.

Touching your own lips:

  • As well as touching the guy, it should be easy.
  • You can, for example, gently touch them with a finger. So you will attract his attention.
  • By the way, the lips should look as natural as possible: too much lipstick or shine can push it away.

Important: Not all guys love hints. If a man made it clear about this, do not hesitate to be straightforward.

So that this is not defiant, there are the following ways:

  • Get close to the guy a little

The rapprochement helps to make it easier for him to decide on a kiss. Give him the opportunity to kiss you. For example, hug him for a long and sensually.

  • Make a conversation about kisses

Watch the movie where the heroes kiss? Tell me how romantic. You can discuss some other kisses.

  • Ask him to kiss you

The days have passed when self -confidence was considered vulgarity. Today, most guys love and appreciate brave girls. But even such partners may be awake to show the initiative. Recognized yourself? Ask if he wants to kiss. If the guy refuses you, do not be offended and do not despair: perhaps all kisses are still ahead.

  • Kiss your partner yourself

Do you want to kiss the guy to crazy? Try to take the first step. This is not ashamed: we are all equal. True, for starters, you should make sure that the partner really wants to kiss.

How to kiss a man on the lips correctly: instruction

Kiss with a man on the lips
Kiss with a man on the lips

An important stage in kisses is preparation. Breathing should be fresh. We think that you already know everything about hygiene, but there is another important point: do not eat garlic, onions and fish before the kiss. These products cause an unpleasant odor that does not disappear even after brushing the teeth or chewing gum. Here is the instruction how to kiss a man on the lips correctly:

  • First, make sure if the guy wants to kiss. If you are not sure of this, you should not climb with kisses: this will only push the man.
  • Look at the guy's lips. Here, unlike the hints, he must see that you are looking at them. This helps to incite passion between partners.
  • Relax and open your mouth. This is necessary so that you can breathe through it.
  • "Except". We offer to start with a kiss near the corner of the lips.
  • Make a compliment. Talk about what will be most pleasant for the guy. It is worth doing it quietly so that the man approaches you.
  • Say straight. Admit to the man out loud that more than anything you want to kiss him. If he really wants to kiss, there is nothing to fear.
  • Show the initiative. Not all guys are so confident in themselves to start. If the partner said that he did not mind, boldly hug him. Close your eyes and start a kiss.
  • Start small. You should not immediately “rush” with French kisses: it went more romantic and less when it all starts gently. Let the first kisses be slow and barely noticeable.
  • "Develop action." Try to kiss one of his lips with your lips. We advise you to alternate: kiss the upper or lower.
  • Pay attention to your hands. They should not hang. Hugs, touch - what is needed.
  • Suck one of the lips. Better lower, because it is convex than the upper.
  • Transition to French kiss. Sometimes this and further steps are optional: a classic kiss is enough. If both of you want to kiss more intimately, take your tongue in your partner’s mouth as in your mouth. It is important not to do anything that you yourself would not like.
  • Continue to move your tongue. Circle them the tip of the man's tongue.
  • Try to suck your tongue. It will be difficult at first, but then learn.
  • Observe normal breathing. We understand that sometimes it can go astray, but if you can, try not to breathe too hard. Simples in most cases are best avoided. But if you accidentally kissed, do not worry: what if it is, on the contrary, the partner will like it?

Feel free to ask if the guy likes how you kiss. Tell me, do not be offended if you didn't like something.

Video: Kisses. Sex. Why don't men kiss?

Video: Why doesn't a man like to kiss on the lips? 18+

Video: How to make a guy kiss you? A kiss with a guy

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