Why and when does the fontanel in the child overgrown? The dimensions of the fontanel in children at 2, 3, 4 and 5 months

Why and when does the fontanel in the child overgrown? The dimensions of the fontanel in children at 2, 3, 4 and 5 months

A delicate pulsating area on the head of a newborn, called a fontanel, not only an object of increased anxiety of parents, but also an important indicator of the state of the child's body.

Most of primary women are very closely follow the fontanel On the head of the baby. And this is not surprising, because this delicate area on the child’s head requires special attention.

So, the condition of the fontanel It can indicate a pathology of development and even a life -threatening disease. What can the fontanel of the newborn say, when he should close And what kind to have - read in this article.

Where does the child have a fontanel?

Rodnichok - The soft space between the bones of the skull, filled with connective tissue, which in the process of growth and development of the child ossifies.

In addition to a large fontanel, there are 5 more smaller ones, but they, as a rule, are closed in childbirth
In addition to a large fontanel, there are 5 more smaller ones, but they, as a rule, are closed in childbirth

Not many people know that in fact the baby's skull was initially it has 6 fontances, not one. By the time of birth, all 5 (or 4, not including the rear), except for the large one, can be overgrowing, but they may remain a small size. Rodniki, like everything in the human body, are not at all accidental - they they play an important role.

During the birth, thanks to the fontances, the skull of the baby is shrinking And passes along the birth canal. After that, already in an extra -war life, fontanels who have not been overgrown, they play the role of shock absorbers When impacts, avoiding brain damage.

In addition, fontanels do not allow the bones of the skull squeeze the fast -growing brain A child, and at elevated temperatures, the role of thermostats play, preventing the brain from overheating.

The child’s brain is actively growing and the okrugable cranial box prevents its squeezing
The child’s brain is actively growing and the okrugable cranial box prevents its squeezing

The newly made mothers without extraneous tips know where the notorious large fontanel is located. It is difficult not to notice him on the baby’s head, because he occupies the area 3 by 3 cm in the very center of the crown. The small rear fontanel is on the back of the head, but due to small sizes, it often remains unnoticed.

Appearance of a large fontanel can tell about a lot:

  • a hollow fontanel In the first weeks of life, the crumbs speaks of its tolerance, and subsequently - a disturbing signal of dehydration
  • turning with pulsation Talks about increased intracranial pressure. If this happens during crying, then this type of fontanel should be, if at rest - contact the neurologist
  • too much slow closure may indicate the development of rickets or hydrocephalous syndrome

Be sure to tell about your observations at the baby’s fontanel at the reception of a local pediatrician, because mother is with the child 24 hours a day And he notices what escapes the doctor's eyes.

Video: Rodnik in a child

When should a child be overgrown with a fontanel?

The timing of overgrowing a large fontanel individual enough. There are no strict criteria for when exactly the fontanel should become around, but most pediatricians are inclined to the idea that this should happen during the period from 6 to 18 months. As statistics show, most often the closure of the fontanel comes from six months up to a yearBut there are cases when this happens earlier or later - at 3 months or up to two years.

Fontanels most often close from six months to a year
Rodniki most often close from six months to a year, but can be ossified and much later

Do not worry if the fontanel not closed In this most common period. Each child is individual and, if the neighbor's baby has already closed, but yours, then this only speaks of his individual development.

The dimensions of the fontanel in the child by month

At each examination of the child, from the moment of his birth to completely closing, the pediatrician will measure the fontanel. This is necessary in order to have an idea of the rate of growth and development of the brain and improving the baby's skull. There are certain norms that show what should be the size of the fontanel for months.

The size of a large fontanel by month
The size of a large fontanel by month

At birth, the size of a large fontanel, as a rule, is 3 by 3 cm, But it can be a little less or more, which is not considered a deviation from the norm. For a month, the size of the fontanel can increase a littleBut this should not be scared. Similar is observed for the reason that during childbirth the skull of the child was very compressed, and after a while, due to tissue elasticity, returns his former form.

Also increase the fontanel In the first month of life, crumbs are facilitated by rapid brain growth.

After the first month, the size of the fontanel should gradually decrease, until complete ossification occurs and the fontanel is completely closed.

Video: When should fontances close?

Rodnichka in a child at 2 months

By the end the second month of life The fontanel can decrease slightly. For parents, these changes can go through completely imperceptibly, but the doctor will definitely pay attention to how the fontanel has changed. Say exactly what should be rodnichka of a two -month -old child It is difficult - after all, it is important to consider what it was at birth.

On average, by two months, the fontanel can become the size 22-25 mm. Usually so early closing a fontanel It should not happen, and if this happens, it is better to consult a pediatrician, because the crumb is still very small, his brain is actively developing and growing, and previously an overgrowing of a fontanel can be extremely undesirable at this age.

If the fontanel closes by two months, then they talk about its early closure
If the fontanel closes by two months, then they talk about its early closure

Early overgrowing of a fontanel (up to 3 months) is considered pathological only if the dimensions are atypical for this age circles of the head. If the circumference of the head corresponds to the norms and deadlines, then the child is considered healthy, and earlier the closure of the fontanel is a feature of the individual development of the bone system.

Reasons for early overgrowth by a fontanel:

  • excess calcium that enters the body
  • underdevelopment of the brain
  • craniosynostosis is a specific disease that occurs against the background of endocrine diseases or rickets, which is characterized by previously closing the sutures of the skull and multiple concomitant symptoms (very rarely found)
  • brain anomalies (extremely rarely the cause of an overgrowing of a fontanel)

Talk about early overgrowing of a fontanel Due to any disease, only a qualified neurologist. And only after making a specific diagnosis can any measures to stop the ossification of the fontanel.

Rodnichok in a child at 3 months

Only 1% of children A large fontanel is overgrown at 3 months, and in the average crumbs by this age it becomes the size 23-24 mm. If your baby refers to this insignificant percentage of children with by 3 months A closed fontanel, then do not raise the alarm and carry a child around hospitals.

In 1% of children, the fontanel closes at three months
In 1% of children, the fontanel closes at three months

If big the fontanel closed, but the child develops in terms of terms, you do not observe any pathologies and oddities in behavior, and the circumference of the head of the crumbs corresponds to the age, then such a closure of the fontanel It is considered physiological phenomenon.

Rodnichok in a child at 4 months

From 3 to 4 months the child’s fontanel continues to overgrow and its size is about 2 cm. The complete closure of the fontanel at this age is the same rare phenomenon as in the previous month, but individual cases are still found. In general complete ossification of the skull For a 4-month-old child, it is uncharacteristic.

Parents should not worry - if the fontanel is overgrowing occurs not out of terms, then the pediatrician at the next appointment will definitely say this. If necessary, the crumbs will be prescribed vitamin D Or they will recommend increasing the content of calcium in the diet of a nursing mother.

Rodnichok in a child at 5 months

From 5 months The size of a large fontanel becomes about 17 mm. Most likely, over the next two to three months, it will remain unchanged, but quite often By 6-7 months The fontanel is completely closed. The closure of the fontanel in the next months is not considered a pathology - this is a completely normal phenomenon.

In terms of average indicators, the fontanel has such approximate dimensions up to a year:

  • 8-9 months-1.4-1.5 cm
  • 9-10 months-1.2-1.4 cm
  • 10-11 months-0.9-1.2 cm
  • 11 months-year-0.5-0.8 cm
If the circumference of the head corresponds to the timing, then the closure of the fontanel is considered physiological
If the circumference of the head corresponds to the timing, then the closure of the fontanel is considered physiological

Usually, By age of age The fontanel of the crumbs closes, and in many cases this happens earlier.

A fontanel in a premature baby

In premature children At birth, there are large -sized fontanels and, in addition to the front and rear, there are also side fontances. So, as premature crumbs are born earlier terms, their development is largely different from the development of peers and the overgrowing of fontances also happens differently.

The closure of the fontanel in premature children occurs somewhat later than is considered the norm, but this is not an concern for anxiety. Even if a child in development is significantly lags behind peers, his pace of development will come to normal by three years and relates to the same days.

The fontanel in premature babies closes later than that of peers
The fontanel in premature babies closes later than that of peers

As a rule, a large fontanel in premature children closes in one and a half to two years. In rare cases, ossification occurs later - at 2.5 years old.

A premature children are under special control among pediatricians and, at the slightest suspicion of any pathology, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate examination to exclude possible development of pathology. Nevertheless, if any changes in the fontanel in the child are disturbed by you, then be sure to contact a specialist.

Why does the fontanel in a child do not care well?

As already mentioned, the ossification of the skull and the tightening of a large fontanel in each child are different. On how quickly the fontanel is dragged, The following factors influence:

  • aTM - If the child was born ahead of schedule, then he will lag behind in development from his peers and the closure of the fontanel will happen much later than that of full -term children
  • food - In children who are breastfeeding, the fontanel is ossified earlier than in artificials. This is due to the fact that the mother’s milk contains a sufficient amount of calcium necessary for the formation and strengthening of the skeleton. An important role in the closure of the fontanel is played by the intake of vitamin D, which helps calcium to digest
At an early closure of the spring, the doctor may prescribe vitamin D
With a slow closure of the fontanel, the doctor may prescribe vitamin D
  • development intensity - If the child grows slowly, then the fontanel will overgrow at this pace
  • heredity
  • the presence of endocrine, neurological, genetic diseases

What to do if the child’s fontanel closed early?

Recently, cases have become more frequent in pediatric practice early closure of the fontanel. Pediatricians associate this primarily with the fact that during pregnancy the future mothers of the crumbs accepted complex vitamin preparations. As a result of this, an excess of calcium is observed in the child’s body, which leads to the early closure of the fontanel.

If the ossification occurs too early, then many experts say about multiple negative consequences, After all, the fast -growing brain slows down its development, stifled by a cranium. In fact, scientific research on this score was not carried out and say that it is really dangerous to close the fontanel - it is forbidden.

A frequent cause of early closure of the fontanel is a violation of the exchange
A frequent cause of early closure of the fontanel is a violation of the exchange

Therefore, if your pediatrician, after measuring the circumference of the head and other parameters, does not see any deviations from the norm in the child, then any actions on your part to prevent closing the fontanel are not required.

If the doctor considers that the rapid closure of the fontanel is due to violations of metabolic processes, namely, due to an excess of calcium, it will recommend reducing the consumption of food containing calcium and Vitamin D. It is not worth it to limit the child in such important substances.

Rodnichok plays an important role Both in the process of the birth of a child, and after the birth of him. This delicate part of the child’s body needs special control and reverent attitude, because he can say a lot about the condition of the child and his development.If you are worried about the appearance of the fontanel or its closure, then you must definitely consult a pediatrician.

Video: Rodnichka in a newborn. Komarovsky



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