Why do the child’s eyes fester: how to treat at home? The eyes of a child are festering: treatment with folk remedies

Why do the child’s eyes fester: how to treat at home? The eyes of a child are festering: treatment with folk remedies

The reasons for the release of pus from the eyes in children and methods of treatment.

The appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes in children is associated with conjunctivitis. This is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the eye and conjunctiva is affected. Most often, the disease is provoked by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

Why does the child fester his eyes in the morning after sleep?

There are many reasons why pus stands out from the baby's eyes after sleep. Most often, the disease is caused by an infection. Especially often conjunctivitis occurs in newborns. This is due to the non -treated infection of the genital tract in the mother. In such babies, already on the 3rd day after childbirth, the release of pus is observed. In this case, it is necessary to find out the pathogen of conjunctivitis.

The main causes of suppuration of the eyes after sleep:

  • Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. These are ordinary staphylococci or streptococci, which are available on everyone's skin. But the immune system should fight this microorganisms perfectly. When the immunity is weakened, conjunctivitis appears.
  • Mushrooms. Most often, this is a well -known candidiasis (thrush).
  • Non -compliance with hygiene rules. The newborn must be washed correctly, using a separate wet cotton wool for eye processing.
  • Viruses. With viral damage in children, a runny nose is often observed. In children under 6 years of age, the duct between the nose and eyes is very short, so the appearance of snot often leads to conjunctivitis.
  • Violation of the patency of the lacrimal canal. This is often observed in newborns. To restore patency, massage and whether the operation is prescribed.
Why does the child fester his eyes in the morning after sleep?
Why does the child fester his eyes in the morning after sleep?

The child blushed his eyes, swelling and fester: reasons

There may be several reasons for redness of the eyes. Most often, redness is observed with SARS and when a foreign body enters the eye. If the baby began to suddenly complain about pain in his eyes, examine carefully the mucous membrane for the presence of foreign bodies. Do not rub and climb there with dirty hands. Rinse your eyes with cool water and treat furatsilin with a solution of furatsilin.

The child blushed his eyes, swelling and fester: reasons
The child blushed his eyes, swelling and fester: reasons

A child with colds, acute respiratory viral infections of green snot and his eyes fester: what to do?

With acute respiratory viral infections, conjunctivitis is often observed. This is due to the fact that part of the discharge from the nose falls through the ducts. There are many ways to get rid of such conjunctivitis.

Ways will get rid of discharge from the eyes with SARS:

  • Rinse your nose with saline every hour
  • Instill in the eyes a solution of furatsilin
  • Drip vasoconstrictor drops in your nose
A child with colds, acute respiratory viral infections of green snot and his eyes fester: what to do?
A child with colds, acute respiratory viral infections of green snot and his eyes fester: what to do?

Temperature and the child’s eyes fester: how to treat?

The appearance of pus from the eyes and an increase in temperature are the first signs of the virus. Most likely, the child fell ill with SARS. In this case, it is worth increasing the protective functions of the child's body. To do this, purchase vitamins, fish oil and do not ignore folk methods.


  • As soon as the child had a temperature, and they began to wate, to sour eyes, use antiviral candles. Now in the pharmacy you can buy Anashaer, Interferon, Laferobion.
  • Rinse the eyes of the baby with a solution of chamomile and furatsilin.
  • Lubricate with tetracycline or nitroxoline ointment in the inner corner of the eye.
  • Be sure to rinse the child’s nose with saline. You can instill a few drops of AKK or Decessan. These liquids kill viruses, bacteria and mushrooms. This will impede the further spread of infection.
Temperature and the child’s eyes fester: how to treat?
Temperature and the child’s eyes fester: how to treat?

The child has an ear and fester his eyes: what to do?

This is one of the options for complication after SARS. In children, ears, eyes, nose and throat are closely connected. Therefore, if a lot of mucus forms in the nose, it can flow into the eyes or ear. In this case, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Most often, the pain in the ear speaks of otitis media, and if there are purulent discharge from the eyes, then there is a risk of otitis media. This is a fairly insidious and dangerous disease. With these symptoms, you should not hope for a chance. Visit an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe antibiotics, drops and physiotherapy.

The child has an ear and fester his eyes: what to do?
The child has an ear and fester his eyes: what to do?

From birth, the child is festering the eye: why, what to treat?

Most often, newborns are festering eyes for two reasons:

  • Infection that caught the eye when passing through the mother paths of the mother
  • Clogged lacrimal duct

Pediatricians and neonatologists recommend massage the lacrimal bag. In addition, three times a day you need to wash the eyes of the crumbs with a solution of furatsilin. The pediatrician can assign drops. Albucid, Okuloheel helps to cope with the infection.

From birth, the child is festering the eye: why, what to treat?
From birth, the child is festering the eye: why, what to treat?

The eyes of a child are festering: treatment with folk remedies

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, decoctions of medicinal herbs are often used. They differ in bactericidal and healing effects, relieve inflammation.

Herbs for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

  • Chamomile. Pour a spoonful of dry grass with boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and moisten cotton wool. Rinse the eye with liquid.
  • A series. This plant also copes with pus in the eyes. It is necessary to pour 10 g of grass with boiling water and darken on fire for 2 minutes. With a warm decoction, wash their eyes.
  • Celandine. To prepare a decoction, the leaves and flowers of the plant are used. It is necessary to pour 5 g of raw materials with boiling water and freeze on fire for 2-3 minutes. Strain and cool. Wipe your eyes moistened with cotton pads in a decoction.
The eyes of a child are festering: treatment with folk remedies
The eyes of a child are festering: treatment with folk remedies

Can the child's eyes be fester when teeth teething?

Conjunctivitis against the background of teething is a common problem. Typically, children at the age of 1-1.6 years are faced with her. It is at this age that fangs are cut. In this case, parents are recommended to instill a furatsilin solution in the eyes or rinse with a decoction of chamomile. Ibufen, Nuprofen is also shown.

Can the child's eyes be fester when teeth teething?
Can the child's eyes be fester when teeth teething?

Why do the child’s eyes fester at sea?

Many parents often encounter conjunctivitis in babies while resting at sea. This is quite normal, since bacteria also live in sea water. After bathing, they often fall into the eyes and provoke inflammation of the conjunctiva.


  • Rinse your eyes with a warm chamomile decoction
  • Run your eyes with drops of oculohel or zipropharm. These drops cope with bacteria perfectly
  • You can wash the mucous membrane with a solution of furatsilin
  • Try to choose a place where there are not a lot of vacationers for relaxation
Why do the child’s eyes fester at sea?
Why do the child’s eyes fester at sea?

As you can see, conjunctivitis in children is a common ailment. Do not treat the disease yourself, this can cause complications.

Video: pus from the eyes of children

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