Why does the upper and lower eyelids twitch? What to do if a child is twitching?

Why does the upper and lower eyelids twitch? What to do if a child is twitching?

Causes and methods of treating the eyelids.

Many people have encountered nervous work or overwork. Often after this there are twitching of the eyelids or other parts of the body. Most often, doctors associate such a phenomenon with disorders in the work of the nervous system, but there are other reasons why the eyes twitch.

The eyelids are twitched, the reasons

There are a lot of reasons for spasms or seizures. According to popular signs, if the right eye twitches in women, then this is to tears, and if in men, then to joy. But in fact, it is necessary to carefully evaluate your condition, and in order not to miss alarming symptoms.

The reasons for the seizures of the century of the right eye:

  • Nervous tick. If you are often nervous recently, then this is a nervous tick. Due to overwork and overstrain, your nervous system failed. If this is repeated infrequently and passes after a full sleep and rest, you can not see a doctor. But if a nervous tick appears often and for no apparent reason, sign up for a consultation with a specialist
  • Overwork. Constant workload at work also promotes disorders in the nervous system. The connections between the nerve cells are weakening and the eyelid twitches
  • Avitaminosis. If you often notice twitching the eyes in the spring, then this may be a lack of vitamins. The deficiency of magnesium and calcium negatively affects the work of the nervous system. Cells receive insufficient nutrients

The eyelids are twitched, the reasons

Usually we pay attention to twitching the eyelids only if they are repeated regularly. If this happens, you need to worry and consult a doctor.

The reasons for the long twitching of the eyelid of the left eye:

  • Personal hemispasm. This is a condition in which the functioning of the muscles of the facial nerve is disturbed, which leads to visual impairment. In this state, the eyeball is constantly clamped. Due to excessive pressure, the eating of the eye is insufficient
  • Wearing lenses. If you have poor vision, and you wear contact lenses, then you are probably familiar with the condition in which the eyelids are twitched. This is due to the microtrauma of the eyelids and cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye
  • Dry eyes. It is usually found in older people. In this case, the lack of moisture provokes the jerking of the eyelids
  • Allergic reactions. With irritation of the eye, his edema occurs. Accordingly, the muscles and nerve endings do not receive a sufficient amount of blood and nutrition. It is because of this that a spasm occurs

Why often or constantly twitch the eyelid?

If twitching of the century is observed infrequently and passes after sleep and rest, you should not worry. But if the nervous tick does not pass after the rest, you must consult a doctor.

Reasons for constant twitching of the century:

  • Overwork
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Lack of sleep
  • Long work at a computer
  • Violations in the work of internal organs

Why is the eyelid twitched in the child?

Children always react more acutely to troubles than adults. The child’s nervous system is not like that of parents, respectively, so that the baby has a nervous tick and stress, it is necessary very little.

The reasons for twitching the eyes in children:

  • Overwork. Constant sitting at the lessons and strong loads at school lead to nervous tick
  • Misunderstanding from the parents. Perhaps you demand too much from your child. Someone can study well without prolonged cramming. But some children are difficult to perceive information. In this case, you do not need to insist on constant classes. Try to learn lessons with your child in a playful way
  • Eye fatigue. Do not allow your child to sit at the computer for a long time. Eye tension will lead to nervous tick and gradual visual impairment
  • Worms. When worms infected, nutrients from food are not absorbed in the intestines, so the nervous system needs vitamins and trace elements
  • Cardiovascular dystonia. This ailment is infrequently observed in children. It is provoked by disorders in the nervous system

What to do if the lower or upper eyelids twitch?

If twitching occurs infrequently, you can independently try to cope with the problem. First of all, review your daily routine. If you do not want to quit prestigious work, learn to relax in a noisy environment.

Rest every hour for 5 minutes. You can go out onto the smoke breaks, but do not smoke. From time to time, make gymnastics of the eye. Close your eyes and draw in a circle with eyeballs. You can massage your eyes with your fingertips.

There is a special set of exercises. It is not necessary to do all classes in a row, distribute them for several minutes during the day.

Try to relax more after work. You can sign up for swimming or fitness. Visit the sauna more often. Go to the massage or beauty salon.

The eyelid twitches: treatment

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of my chimicia. If, along with twitching, there is a swelling of the eyelids and tearfulness, consult an optometrist. Perhaps you have conjunctivitis. But if there are no visible symptoms of eye diseases, you should turn to a neurologist. With nervous tica, sedatives are usually prescribed:

  • Glycycked or glycine. They improve the brain and have a sedative effect. True, the drug can provoke drowsiness, respectively, drivers and drivers of trams cannot be taken by such drugs
  • Persen. This is a plant drug on herbs. It contains mint and lemon balm. They gently relax and contribute to calm
  • Motherwort tincture. This medicine can be taken even to children. The tincture is gently soothing and promotes relaxation
  • Vitamins. In spring and autumn, be sure to use vitamins, since vitamin deficiency also contributes to nervous tick. He copes with the nervous tick of magnesium B6 excellently
  • Valerian tincture. An old and proven drug to calm the nerves. Can be used for nervous tick in children
  • Essential oil baths. Usually, geranium oil and lavender oil are added to warm water. These herbs are well soothing

If even after taking sedatives, your eyes are still twitting, be sure to contact a neurologist. Look especially carefully about the condition of the child. Often constant nervous tics develop into serious ailments.

Video: Reasons for grunting the eyes

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Comments K. article

  1. I can’t say anything about children ... The nervous system is still not formed. But in adults, this can often be just a banal lack of magnesium. I began to take a heart rate better, there are no tingling and no twitching either. I like, by the way, Magnesium Helat Evalar. He does not cause side effects and quality has already proven himself. I advise you to try.

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