Why itching, itching back every day: the reasons and their elimination

Why itching, itching back every day: the reasons and their elimination

If you are itching, itching your back, then this can be a symptom of different diseases or other health deviations. Read the article.

Often people feel itching and discomfort on the skin in the back and abdomen. Sometimes it is accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, by burning the skin or small rashes. In any case, a person needs to understand the main reasons leading to such a state, and what should be done in the first place. Read more below.

The reasons why it scratches, itching back every day?

The back scratches
The back scratches

The spinal itch is quite a common problem because of which people turn to a dermatologist. If you start to understand this problem on your own, then the common problems are the following factors:

Problem with body hygiene:

  • Most often this is abundant sweat.
  • In order to avoid this, you only need to not allow generation on your body, and if this can not be avoided, move in a less hot place and, if possible, take a shower or wipe the body with a wet towel (napkin).

Clothing is made of synthetics:

  • Your skin does not breathe and a rash appears.
  • Swea corrodes the epidermal, which is why itching appears.


  • Another reason is more found in young children, but an adult can also affect.
  • It is connected with washing powder, or with a shower gel. The composition of these funds includes alkali.
  • Not all people react equally to the components of these funds, so it is necessary to carefully approach their choice.

There are also people who can influence how environmentally friendly the air surrounds them. It will be very difficult to adapt to people sensitive to dirty air.

Another fact: most people who have allergies do not know about this until a certain age, and suffer from discomfort, they scratch their backs, itchs. An allergy is a disease, and it may not appear immediately. And just in this case, discomfort can occur in different parts of the body. In any case, you need to go to the doctor’s doctor. Only he can identify disorders in health and establish the true causes of discomfort.

Treatment of constant itching of the back, skin on the back: Methods

The back scratches
The back scratches

Constant itching of the skin of the back can turn into a serious and painful problem. To avoid or facilitate it, it is enough to know several ways to quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom:

  • Flapping and tapping in the itching area can calm down, but in no case scratching.
  • Attach a cool compress to the irritated area.
  • A cool shower should be taken.
  • Do not put on clothes made of synthetic, woolen materials. They can irritate the skin.
  • Resort to the help of moisturizers for dry and peeling skin.
  • Antihistamines and steroid creams are also released in the pharmacy, which will help alleviate itching.

Important: If the itching on the back is constant, as well as if there are additional symptoms (rashes, increase in body temperature, headache), you should consult a therapist or a dermatologist. It is important to determine the root cause.

Three groups of reasons can be distinguished conditionally:

  1. General (insect bites, dry skin, insufficient hygiene, high sweating, allergies, infection, hormonal changes).
  2. Dermatological.
  3. Associated with various pathologies.

Depending on what is the cause of your itch, you can be directed to a profile specialist for further evaluation and specific treatment. And for those who want to help themselves now and eliminate itching, you can use the best advice from herbal medicines:

  • Rub sandalwood oil into the skin. It cools and soothes the skin.
  • You can rub your back with Menovazin. Mint oil, which is part of the product, has a good soothing agent.
  • Experts also recommend drinking a few drops of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach in the morning. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin cells.
  • Effectively helps lotion made of linseed oil and lemon juice - 1 part of lemon juice and 3 part of linseed oil, mix and rub.
  • It is useful to apply cream with chamomile or calendula to the affected areas.

These ingredients have anti -inflammatory properties that can reduce skin edema, as well as rash and cones and help the healing process.

For a year now it has been scratching: reasons, elimination

The back scratches
The back scratches

Itching skin is discomfort, which can be associated with both skin diseases and deviations in the liver, kidneys and other organs. Itching is a symptom known to almost everyone. It is estimated that this applies to 12-20 percent of the population. Such a feeling can appear periodically, for example, in the case of sensitization or irritation of the skin, or continue for a long time and increase. What are the causes of itching if the back has been itching for a year now? Look for an answer below.

Skin itching is an annoying feeling that makes you constantly scratch your body in the place of discomfort. Depending on the cause, itchy skin may look completely normal or can be rough and red, with convex and blisters on its surface.

  • Constant scratches from scratching on the skin can lead to a deterioration in its condition and an increase in the itch.
  • Strong scratches often lead to wounds, bleeding and infections, which further exacerbates the situation.

In this case, refusing combing will help to eliminate the feeling of itching. If this feeling is strong, then the unpleasant symptom will eliminate Menovazin. However, do not delay the trip to the doctor to find out the cause of this discomfort.

More reasons:

  • Dry skin - caused by a certain skin disease (for example, psoriasis) or reduced skin moisturizing caused by impaired hormonal process or the skin aging process.
  • Bacterial and fungal infections and diseases caused by animal parasites are skin mycoses, lice, scabies or insect bites.
  • Skin damage - dryness and cracking of the skin, irritation, abrasions, sunburns.
  • Skin tumors - changes that change on the skin, itch, change their volume, bleed.

Advice: If there are unpleasant sensations on the skin, neoplasms, rashes, immediately contact the doctor!

What to do if it scratches, itching the back of a woman, how and how to eliminate itching?

The back scratches
The back scratches

Many women faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as itching. There are a great many potential reasons. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, but some symptoms can suggest the correct direction of thoughts before taking a doctor. Here's what to do if the woman’s back is itch, and how can it be eliminated:

Tightness of the skin and barely noticeable peeling:

  • This is an indicator of excessive dryness of the upper layer of the epiderma.
  • If, before the back began to itch, long walks under the summer sun were preceded, a shower with aggressive cleansing agents or hard water, then attempts to moisten the skin.
  • To eliminate such symptoms, various nutrient and moisturizing foams, lotions and milk are used.

Hormones, stress:

  • If there are no visible manifestations, then stress, a change in the hormonal background (prenatal period, menopause, adolescence), diseases of the nervous or endocrine system can be the cause.
  • If you suspect serious diseases, you need to contact the clinic, where you will be given a direction for diagnosis to narrow -minded specialists.


  • A rash or redness may indicate an allergic reaction.
  • Taking medications, the use of new personal hygiene products, contact with objects that cause irritation of the skin, seasonal allergies, synthetic clothing.
  • Infectious diseases, such as measles, chickenpox, folliculitis, can also be an occasion.
  • For treatment, contact the doctor.

Psoriasis, seborrhea:

  • The formation of large scales and plaques occurs with psoriasis and seborrhea.
  • Such diseases are most often chronic, not infectious, but difficult to be exhausted.
  • To combat symptoms, pharmacy ointments based on antifungal and anti -inflammatory drugs are used.

Bad hygiene, increased sweating:

  • This is the most harmless option that is eliminated quickly and without large financial costs.
  • It is enough to take a shower, treat the skin with an anti -inflammatory and soothing lotion.

Separately, it is worth considering the problem of itching in older people. It is due to the wilting of the skin, in connection with which the ability to hold moisture and provide the right amount of skin fat is lost. Therapy using nutrient ointments and creams should become constant.

What it scratches, itching back on the spine, the upper back, between the shoulder blades, in the lower back: what to do, how to eliminate itching?

The back scratches
The back scratches

Itching is a very unpleasant feeling, especially in hard -to -reach places. Some think that combing the body in these places will reduce itching. The truth is that this is not only inconvenient, but also entails a violation of the skin or infection. In addition, after subside, the feeling of scabies may appear again. It is necessary to detect the true cause and cope with discomfort as soon as possible.

What can your back scratch? Here's the answer:

  • The back is itchy - a sure sign of manifestation of an allergic reaction: on dust mites, chocolate, cosmetics.
  • It can itch too dry or oily, dirty skin.
  • Carcasses, chickenpox, insect bites cause scabies.
  • Poor clothes or some materials irritate the skin and itching also appears.

Why the back is itching on the spine:

  • When the back is itch constantly, and this does not pass for days, it is better to sign up for examination, radiography.
  • The fact is that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vertebral column there are intertwined nerve roots. They can be compressed with different pathologies in which the size of the cartilage of the vertebrae is reduced.
  • The feeling of numbness, irritation and itching on the body along the vertebral column is often one of the signs of osteochondrosis and neoplasms inside the intervertebral discs.

Why is the upper back itching between the shoulder blades:

  • The desire to scratch the upper back can be explained by violations of the organs.
  • This is also often associated with the metabolic process, metabolism.
  • Dryness of the skin may also be accompanied by the desire to scratch this part of the body.
  • Itching in the scapular zone will become a signal for the pathologies of the liver only if at first itching affects the palms, soles and intensifies by night.
  • It can indicate blood diseases, tumors.
  • Itching sensations, accompanied by burning and tingling, can become signs of increasing blood glucose.
  • The feeling of irritation between the shoulder blades can be caused by a lack of vitamin D, iron and other trace elements.

Why the back is itching in the lower back area:

  • Prolonged itching in the lower back itself is not a disease, but it will become a signal for the development of diseases.
  • Scabies causes urolithiasis, as stones irritate the epithelium of the ureters.
  • An unpleasant sensation of itching can be caused by intestinal, inflammatory, fungal diseases, diseases of the stomach and liver, ulcers.

What to do, how to eliminate itching? Tips:

  • Go to the shower regularly.
  • As soon as it felt itching, wash your back: use brushes, washcloths, shampoos, soap.
  • Change clothes, perhaps it rubs or is made of synthetic fabric.
  • An hour before bed, moisturize the skin with cream.
  • To determine the reaction of the body to the product, exclude it from the diet for a month.
  • In pharmacies, ointments that reduce itching are sold. But before use it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Folk methods will help: salt baths, a decoction of chamomile. Treatment of itching caused by serious diseases should be under medical control.

As you can see, there are plenty of tips, treatment methods. But it is important to make adequate decisions and first consult a doctor, and then supplement the main treatment of constant itching of the back with phytotherapists or other methods. Good luck!

Video: Skin itching

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, there can be many reasons, see if there is a focal with peeling of the skin, if there is then it may well be lichen, I just had a lichen on my back and was also terribly scratching it constantly, though it cured it quite easily, smeared the amazed place and for the period and for the period I tried not to wet the treatment, I recommend that everyone has the same problem)

  2. Doctors of Russia will never receive specifics, that is, there is no specific reason, there are a lot of assumptions and advice. Our medicine does not know, so something. It was necessary to advise leading a healthy lifestyle and engaging in physical education.

  3. We can see that write about it. Clay, spots. And if the back is clean? The shower will not say every day. It will not say, medicine is weak, and the doctors are indifferent to the patient, and unprofessional. Summies, of course, go off the way.

  4. I agree with my grandfather. Our medicine leaves much to be desired. I have it under my shoulder blade for the third year periodically itching, and prescribed drugs for allergies.

  5. Good evening! Maybe someone will help my article. First, the head was combed out, then the priests began to appear on the head. I went to a paid doctor, said that an alergic dermatitis. I have not eaten tangerines for 7 months, I thought because of them. Itching did not pass, the whole body began to itch. I went to the CVD, there
    It was 2 times, they wrote out the ointment and took an AIDS analysis. Itching was so strong that I again went to another paid clinic, where I was given an injection, after which after 3 days everything calmed down. My joy was not for long. The head and body itch again. I went to the local clinic, passed tests - there are no allergies. Itching does not pass. I went back to a paid clinic, the doctor suggested rubella. I passed the tests for a fee revealed herpes, although I never had it. In general, on all tests, medicines, ointments, doctors spent about 20,000 thousand. I calmly want to live, not itching. But the one didn’t go through the body ... I read the article, about rubbing with Menovazin, I bought 2 bottles, one costs 20 rubles. Grunted 5 days. Today I have never combed anywhere!
    I myself am in shock, I have a joy that everything has passed. So I decided to share my story with you.

  6. I read comments and almost cry! It’s not ashamed to read the doctors themselves? They disgraced all the medicine! Or they live on the principle, when they sold conscience, I stood behind arrogance-! I have been tormented by itching back for many years! I have no sense from our medicine! I am 65 years old ! I remember how it was treated in good Soviet times! Heaven and earth with this time!

  7. In Germany, I went to the doctor with pain in the right hypochondrium, the liver area and blood showed a small error, but the doctor said, ah, this is nonsense !!! Maybe before donating blood they ate what, but pain, this can hurt the spine! Discussed ... And she went home! Those. With pain .... 😁

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