Why does the left side hurt? Women and men in the left side of the left side

Why does the left side hurt? Women and men in the left side of the left side

Pain in the left side is a symptom of many pathologies, some of them can be life -threatening. The article describes the symptoms and causes of pain in the left side.

Pain in the left side may appear due to a banal spasm, or maybe because of inflammation, blockage, rupture of internal organs, which is fraught with death.

The cause of pain on the left can be the spleen, intestines, organs of the genitourinary system, blood vessels, cartilage, lymph nodes, pelvic nerves. Sometimes the pain is projected by the pancreas, stomach, and respiratory organs.

The causes of pain in the left side in men

Pain on the left usually cause diseases:

  • hearts - heart attack, ischemia, angina pectoris
  • left part of the diaphragm - hernia
  • stomach - ulcer, gastritis, functional dyspepsia caused by the sensitivity of the walls of the stomach to stretching, tumor
  • intestines - inflammation, ulcer, oncology, obstruction
  • spleen - mononucleosis, injury, inflammation, heart attack, inversion
  • pancreas - pancreatitis, inflammation
  • kidneys - pyelonephritis, colic. Pain can manifest itself from the back and on the sides
  • the genitourinary system - prostatitis, inflammation of the genitals, urolithiasis, tumor, delay in the outflow of urine
  • lung diseases - pneumonia
  • helminths
  • psychological overloads, fears

A preliminary diagnosis is made by the nature of pain, time of occurrence, as well as related symptoms: vomiting, burning, weakness, pulse, etc. The final diagnosis is made after the tests, an ultrasound.

Organs that cause pain on the left
Organs that cause pain on the left

The causes of pain in the left side of women

In addition to the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, kidneys and other organs of the pelvic belt, pain on the left below the woman provoke:

The causes of pain on the left of a woman
The causes of pain on the left of a woman
  • ovarian cyst
  • inflammation of the appendages, acute form - adnexitis, salpingoophorite
  • ectopic pregnancy, pipe rupture at the same time accompanied by acute pain in the groin
  • after a medical examination due to the shift of the cervix, irritation of delicate tissues in the process
  • endometriosis - the growth of the endometrium in the uterus, is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle
  • inflammation of the genitals
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes is accompanied by an increase in temperature, sharp pains below, left and right
  • gap, ovary shock is accompanied by severe pain, vomiting, nausea
  • violations of the endocrine system - begin with barely noticeable pain under the ribs, which may be accompanied by vomiting and tingling

The reasons in the upper left sides are the same as in men.

Abdominal pain is dangerous
Abdominal pain is dangerous

Why does the left side hurt during pregnancy?

Any non -characteristic condition of a pregnant woman needs to control a doctor, including pain on the left. The pain can be a simple reaction to the growth of the fetus (increased growth of the uterus and the displacement of internal organs), and it can be a signal of pathologies.

Urgent contacting the doctor is required:

  • if the intensity of pain intensifies
  • if a general condition worsens: weakness, loss of consciousness, pallor, discharge with blood from the vagina
  • if the pain is sharp and causeless
  • the pain lasts longer than 15 minutes

The pain on the left often signals the development of serious pathologies, up to premature termination of pregnancy, so it is impossible to neglect it.

Pain on the left can appear in any person
Pain on the left can appear in any person

What are pain and burning in the left side of?

Burning, pain speaks of problems hearts,if it manifests itself in the upper part of the hypochondrium:

  • cardiomyopathy, in which the pulse becomes uneven, is felt weak, fatigue
  • ischemia, which, in addition to burning and pain, is accompanied by severity in the chest
  • myocardial infarction, which is characterized by the strongest pain that begins in the hypochondrium and exciting left hand, scapula, neck. In this case, a person feels chills, increases sweating, darkens in his eyes
Heart disease is very dangerous
Heart disease is very dangerous

With problems in the digestive organs burning is felt in diseases:

  • gastritis, you also feel bursting. It is often accompanied by belching, vomiting, vomiting. Symptoms usually appear on an empty stomach, since the gastric juice irritates the injured walls of the stomach, and after eating subsides
  • an ulcer of the stomach, intestines in which the pain is acute, and painkillers are of low efficiency. Symptoms are akin to gastritis, there may also be weight loss due to a decrease in appetite. The most acute reaction to fatty, acute and acidic food
  • inflammation of the pancreas. This disease is indicated by the following symptoms: aching pain on the left, burning, pulsation (thick -shaped), severity, diarrhea. Such reactions of the body are characteristic of the inflammatory process, i.e. pancreatitis. Symptoms after eating intensify.
Problems of the digestive system
Problems of the digestive system

If pain and burning are focus on the back, then the disease applies spleen. Acute pain indicates injury/break, you need to see a doctor urgently.

Nausea is a sign of intoxication
Nausea is a sign of intoxication

Nausea and pain in the left side

Nausea is a sign of intoxication of the body. The most common cause of simultaneous pain and nausea is poisoning. In this case, vomiting, chills, weakness, diarrhea are observed, temperature rises. Nausea passes after complete cleansing of the body of poisonous substances.

Also, pain and nausea cause diseases:

  • the stomach ulcer is also accompanied by heartburn, belching, constipation, diarrhea. The pain at the same time can be of different intensity, from aching to sharp
  • gastritis, nausea and pain aggravated during hunger. The nature of the pain is usually aching, after eating is often subsided, if the food does not further irritate the mucous membrane
  • adnexitis - inflammation of the organs of the pelvis of women. Fighting pain, localized in the lower abdomen, is often accompanied by an increase in temperature
  • the diaphragmatic hernia, the pain is sharp, is localized in the upper hypochondrium, accompanied by burning, intensifies with body movements
Pancreatitis is the most common pancreatic disease
Pancreatitis is the most common pancreatic disease
  • problems of the pancreas, are also accompanied by vomiting, dryness, unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • heart attack, if sweating and a feeling of squeezing in the chest are added to nausea and pain
  • kidney diseases: when the kidneys do not filter the blood correctly, the toxic substances are not excreted, but accumulate, which causes nausea. Nausea is not associated with eating, it occurs spontaneously, can provoke vomiting. Often there is an increase in temperature, impaired urination, chills
  • psychological stresses: stress, anxiety, fear, acute experiences
  • pregnancy, especially in the morning or evening. If the pain was severe and occurred 2 weeks after the delay, then there is a chance that the pregnancy is an ectopic
  • overeating
Helminths in the intestine deliver a lot of discomfort
Helminths in the intestine deliver a lot of discomfort
  • helminths, especially often nausea, is observed in the morning, since during this period intoxication from the activity of parasites in the body is especially high. May be accompanied by weight loss, a decrease in appetite
  • after taking some antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins. Nausea passes after the removal of these drugs from the body
Pain during inclination may intensify
Pain during inclination may intensify

Why does pain occur in the left side when tilted?

The reasons for such pain are different:

  • osteochondrosis, rheumatism, hernia of the intervertebral discs - are characterized by numbness of the hands, pain, which intensifies during movement, tilments, walking,
  • spleen bending syndrome - characterized by pain localized in the upper abdomen during inclination, rotation. In a sitting position, the pain intensifies. Accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, gas formation
  • a diaphragmatic hernia, occurs when the muscle is weakened between the abdominal and chest cavity. This entails the loss of the upper part of the stomach, which manifests itself with tilting and changing the position of the body
  • neurological disorders in which nerve endings are pinched or irritated. The pain can be of different intensity, but intensifies when moving: inclination, cough, change in body position, breathing. In this case, sweating, numbness of the chest, pale/redness of the skin increases
Sharp on the left is a sign of a possible danger to life
Sharp pain on the left is a sign of a possible danger to life

Sharp pain in the left side, causes

Sharp acute pain on the left is always the reason for calling an ambulance, since the vast majority of the causes of pain pose a threat to life.

Causes of sharp pain:

  • rupture of the spleen
  • rupture of the renal pelvis
  • perforation of the walls of the stomach
  • perforation of the loops of the small intestine
  • dangerous for life damage to internal organs, if pain is felt when inhale, and pain after injury has appeared
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes, pipe rupture
Frequent pain on the left is the reason to visit a doctor
Frequent pain on the left is the reason to visit a doctor

What do frequent pain in the left side say?

  • Stitching frequent pain usually occurs with an ulcer
  • If painful pain, then this is a sign of chronic pathologies, such as gastritis, pancreatitis
  • An increase in the spleen can provoke frequent pains, and the acuity and intensity in this case characterize the course of the disease. In the chronic process, pain is frequent, but can be weak and pulling
  • If you are in a stressful state for a long time, then frequent pains may be caused by spasm of internal organs. Spasm causes psychological overstrain
  • Aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen often signal the chronic problems of the genitourinary system
Examination of the patient
Examination of the patient

How to treat pain in the left side?

Pain is not a disease, but a symptom. The elimination of pain with painkillers and antispasmodic drugs gives temporary relief. Therefore, always with pain in the left side, be sure to determine the root cause and treat it. If you definitely know the problem, then you can apply the appropriate treatment:

  • with small severity poisoning: sorbents, plentiful drink, bed rest. Then - restoring measures: Creon, to maintain the pancreas, bacteria, to restore intestinal microflora
  • when overeating - adjust the diet, install a diet - only healthy diet in small portions
  • with stresses, overloads: a complex of vitamins, glycine, sedatives (valerian, motherwort, apobasol, etc.), No-shpa (for removing spasm). If pain is really psychological nature, and such events do not help for a month, then be sure to seem to the therapist, since the process has gone far
If the side hurts, it is better to undergo an examination
If it hurts the side, it is better to undergo an examination

For other causes of pain, get a consultation with doctors:

  • gastroenterologist
  • surgeon
  • gynecologist
  • proctologist
  • urologist
  • infectious disease specialist
  • traumatologist

It is not recommended to be treated yourself if you are not sure 100% in your own diagnosis. Many symptoms are very similar: an ulcer or cancer can be confused with gastritis, a hernia of diaphragms with heart disease, and the problems of the genitourinary system and kidneys can be interconnected and they must be treated in a complex. The pain may not be given at all in the place where the problem is.

Antispasmodics can relieve pain
Antispasmodics can relieve pain

What to do if the left side hurts: tips and reviews

If the pain is acute, sharp, lasts more than 30-40 minutes, it is urgent to call an ambulance. The probability that only surgical intervention can help is very great.

  • At the same time, you can not drink analgesics, painkillers, because by the doctor’s arrival the picture may be distorted.
  • Cannot be warm and rubbed, since internal abscesses can break through
  • It is necessary to calm down, you can accept No-Shpa, Spasmalgon, Papaverin
  • Go to bed

If the pain is not acute, but repeated, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, then the doctor must seem to be preferably, preferably in the near future, since the neglected process is treated longer and more difficult.

Side pain often occurs suddenly
Side pain often occurs suddenly

Marina, 40 years old

My son had a lot of stomach when worms were found. Although, it seems, we observe the sanitation. The doctor prescribed the special. drugs. Then he recommended to clean the intestines with enterosgel. After these events, the condition improved quickly.

Christina, 36 years old:

My stomach was sick, regularly sick on an empty stomach, felt weak. She did not go to the doctor, thought stress, ate something wrong. When it became very sick, I went to the doctor, it turned out-gastritis because of the bacteria Helicobacter. The doctor prescribed Helinorm, diet, mode. Health improved quickly enough.

Denis, 45 years old:

If the stomach hurts, I drink no-shpu or activated carbon. If he doesn’t let go, I go to the doctor.

Video: pain in the side. Pancreatitis

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Comments K. article

  1. Hi all!! I already have a week my left side hurts, what could it be? Which doctor to go? Or what to buy in a pharmacy to let go?

  2. Christina, I had similar problems with the gastrointestinal tract, only the right side was more disturbed. I remember the only drug helped me, the intestinal antibiotic Alpha Normix is \u200b\u200bgood. Study information about it, a good drug.

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