The cat scratched - irritation, inflammation and suppuration of scratches: how to treat? Why do bites and scratches heal from a cat heal for a long time? Why are cat scratches dangerous for humans? Ointments from cat bites and scratches: list, instructions for use

The cat scratched - irritation, inflammation and suppuration of scratches: how to treat? Why do bites and scratches heal from a cat heal for a long time? Why are cat scratches dangerous for humans? Ointments from cat bites and scratches: list, instructions for use

Possible dangerous infection through cat scratches.

A cat is one of the most beloved pets. Many owners find them full and full family members. But in our being there are a lot of homeless animals that live on the street and can show aggression. Classes or bites of such a cat, in some cases, carry a serious danger to humans. The manifestation of aggression is sometimes found in pets.

Why are cat scratches dangerous for humans?

  • The traces of the owner’s body with cute cat claws are not so harmless
  • Their consequences can lead to a serious ailment called cat scratches - "BCC"
  • A cat patient with felinosis, biting, scratching or licked a person, can “reward” him with this bacterial disease
  • The bent claws of the pets violate the protective layer of the epiderma, which contributes to the spread of pathogenic bacteria around the affected area
  • As the disease develops, a painful increase in lymph nodes occurs
The consequences of cat aggression

Video: The most dangerous scratches

Why do bites and scratches heal from a cat heal for a long time?

  • Unlike other skin lesions, cat scratches penetrate deep into the skin, tearing several layers of the skin at once.
  • Torn wounds heal harder, and are much more painful to be tolerated by a person than even.
  • A deep scratch forms closed damage, in which bacteria and microbes accumulated by dirty nails of a cat accumulate - this makes the wound difficult to use and treatment.
  • The damaged area must not only be infected with a new tissue, but also cleaned of infection, dirt, and when the pus is formed, the body will have to fight with it.

How to quickly heal bites and scratches from a cat, cat's claws?

Modern pharmaceuticals from bites and scratches of domestic animals are produced in the form of sprinkles, ointments, liquids. Some of them help faster, others slower. In many ways, healing depends on the characteristics of the skin and the human body in aggregate.
One of the speed healing conditions is timely processing of the resulting damage.
The simplest and most effective tool is hydrogen peroxide.

  • It is enough immediately, after receiving an injury, to apply this tool to the wound, the process of neutralizing harmful bacteria and blood coagulation will somehow begin.
  • In addition, peroxide at the cellular level heals the wound and quickly restores the epiderma.
  • Thanks to these properties, the damaged area heals very quickly. A few days after use from the scratch there is no trace.

Is it possible to become infected with rabies, HIV through a CARAPINA of a cat?

  1. Rabies are transmitted only from a sick animal. When the virus is propagated, this disease becomes aggressive, saliva is pouring with a stream from the oral cavity. It is she who contains rabies virus. Through the claws of the animal it is impossible to become infected, the virus can spread only with a bite or when the infected saliva on the scratch enters.
  2. HIV infection through a cat scratch perhaps, but it is significantly small. This can only happen if:
  • The cat is scratched with claws stained with fresh blood of the patient, within 8 minutes after blood from the immunodeficiency virus on cat claws. Since it is such a period of time that the virus lives outside the carrier
  • According to experts, cat HIV is not transmitted to a person in any form

The cat scratched - irritation, inflammation and suppuration of scratches: how to treat?

Possible complications

If you do not process the scratch in time and correctly, after 1.5-2 hours, the inflammatory process begins.

If visible symptoms of inflammation are detected, we take urgent measures:

  1. The affected places are disinfected by chlorhexidine or miramistin
  2. We apply a gauze bandage with Levomekol
  3. 3-4 days after reducing edema and redness, we stop treatment with levomekol. We begin to lubricate the wounds with Solcoseryl ointment, at least 5 times a day
  4. After another 7 days, on the remaining scars we apply “contractubex” or “Medermma”. Righten 2-3 times a day until complete healing

Important: with severe inflammation, edema, fever, the appearance of pus, a few days later, we turn to the doctor.

How to process bites and scratches from a cat?

We warn possible dangerous consequences

To reduce the consequences of feline bites and scratches, to prevent further inflammation and edema is possible with proper and timely processing of the damaged place.

  • Firstly, we wash the scar with cleaned water with soapy solution, preferably household.
  • Next, we process a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. We repeat the procedure several times.
  • Then lubricate the edges with any alcohol -containing agent:
  1. Iodine
  2. Focurzin
  3. Diamond greens
  • Alcohol solutions should not get inside the abrasions, as this can lead to a burn.

Video: A cat scratched a hand - what to do?

Ointments from cat bites and scratches: list, instructions for use

List of the most spectacular ointments
  • Miramistin - It has an antiseptic property. It is considered an ideal tool for preventing the inflammatory process and the formation of pus in scratches applied by a cat. Apply the drug directly to the damaged area or on a sterile bandage 1-2 times a day. Application per day should not exceed 100 g. The duration of therapy depends on the condition of the affected area.
  • Levomekol - It has an antibacterial effect. The ointment contains an antibiotic that promotes the rapid healing of scratches and enhances the regeneration of the epidermal. Apply in the presence of suppuration or pathogens. Apply with a thin layer on the abrasion, cover with a sterile bandage. Repeat the procedure from one to three times a day.
  • Rescuer - The most famous and popular balm for the treatment of any scratches.
    The drug, in addition to accelerating the wound scarring process, is well anesthetized. Distribute directly to the damaged area at least 3 times a day. In the absence of allergies to the product, it can be used as necessary without restriction.
  • Solcoseryl - Beautiful, quickly healing cat scratches, remedy. Helps to absorb oxygen with epidermal cells, initiates the exchange process in the damaged area, activating its recovery. A special advantage is the ability to increase the synthesis of collagen, which has a huge impact on the without a trace of deep scratches.
    Use the ointment, only for a dried wound in the healing stage. Since it does not have an antimicrobial effect, it cannot be applied to not disinfected purulent inflammation. Apply a small amount to the treated wound, close the sterile bandage. The dressing is enough to do once a day.
  • Actovegin - An effective drug to combat inflammatory processes of the skin. Perfectly treats even very large and deep scratches. Apply directly to the wound, bandage with a sterile bandage. Repeat the procedure until completely healing 1 time per day.

To avoid serious consequences after scratches from a cat, follow preventive measures for pets:

  1. Visit a regular veterinarian regularly in order to control the state of health
  2. Make all the necessary vaccinations in a timely manner
  3. Inspect the pet on the presence of fleas
  4. Put the cat clate with a dot

If it scratched homeless cat:

  1. Process the wound, according to the proposed method
  2. Immediately contact the emergency room for anti -rabid therapy

Video: Feline scratch disease

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon everyone. The cat scratched me a lot, what should I do?

  2. Diana, well, first, you need to rinse the scratches, and then it is necessary to process it. For example, I am all abrasions, scratches, cuts with ointment based on silver ions - sulfargin is called. I have never failed the ointment in its action, and fighting wounds heal great with it.

  3. Thank you very much, a very meaningful article about scratches and first aid

  4. Zemfira, I completely agree with you. If I have a child falls and an abrasion comes from a walk, immediately after washing, I apply a sulfargin. It’s just that this ointment has already established itself well in our family as an antibacterial, healing agent.

  5. and if I did not process the peroxide, but only with iodine smeared and I still apply Sinaflan ointment -re -quench should continue to be processed, because The cut of the cat's cat is not tightened. The scratch on a very uncomfortable place on the index finger and often falls under water -it can be the reason for the long healing -when pressed, the cut hurts very much. How to accelerate healing -can cover with a patch after peroxide and iodine? and take a patch at night? Just a cut very deep as a knife erupted.

  6. As for the claws, this is not to my cat -it is difficult to comb yourself. Waywards. Childhood played rudely he and used to it -if they play you can scratch it, the little one was not joking, but it grew up -it feels like it was already felt, it became more close. Now I don’t even stroke, he begins to play, not understanding that there is no need to bite and scratch. Although the word is not and doesn’t eat, he understands, but the animal instinct works.

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