“Therefore,” how to write together or separately?

“Therefore,” how to write together or separately?

In the Russian language there are a lot of rules and all sorts of difficulties. Even people who speak and write in Russian all their lives still make mistakes both in pronunciation and in writing. Next, consider how to write “this” correctly - together or separately, what options are spelling. When can you write a phrase from the preposition and pronoun, and when the word is written together?

To know how to write correctly "Therefore" or "on this" First, it should be established which part of the speech can be attributed to the word or phrase. How to write “on this” correctly - together or separately, it can be installed only after a brief analysis of the sentence. It happens in some texts that there is also this option: “therefore” is a wrong spelling. Only the alcoholic and separate use in the letter "according to this" is allowed.

To determine the correct spelling of words, you will have to familiarize yourself with the rules of application on the letter of homonyms (similar words by sound, but different in spelling). Confusion and grammatical errors are due to the fact that these words can belong to different parts of speech and have different meanings.

“Therefore,” how to write together or separately?

Write correctly "on this" is together or separately? Such a question may arise due to many values \u200b\u200bof "therefore." Therefore, it is right to use both alcoholic and separate spelling, but you just need to know some conditions for applying “therefore” and “so”.

How to write so?
How to write "therefore"?


  • It was on this facial expression that I realized that he would not leave without explanation.
  • Maybe you are afraid to walk on this bridge?
  • Do you miss this guy?

In these sentences, “according to this” can be replaced with a simple phrase - according to this. And the question is also suitable for the phrase: “By what?” When the preposition and pronoun indicates something, then “according to this” is written separately.

And here are examples when “therefore” is written together:

  • The house became cool, so Vladislav flooded the fireplace.
  • He had a good mood, so his eyes shone.
  • Flowers did not water for a whole week, so they wilted.

In such cases, “therefore” they write together, the adverb serves as a binder word and the question can be applied to it: “why”, and also replace with synonyms, such as because of which, etc.

When compared with English, then “by this” by this is indicated by an indication, and the adverb “therefore” is replaced by the following words, consequenty, so, etc. Much depends on the shades of the concepts of these words.

“For this” - when is the word written together?

So, how is it correct to write “on this” - together or separately? Both options will be true. Much depends on the meaning and what part of the speech is the phrase or word. “Therefore,” they often write in one word, because it is an adverb and acts in the text as a union word. It is used to explain certain circumstances.

How to write correctly why?
How to write correctly why?

Examples of sentences with "therefore":

  • They were late for an hour, so friends began to worry.
  • Tatyana had a lot of incomplete things at home, so she could not go out for a walk today.
  • Yesterday there was rainy weather on the street, so no one went for a walk.

As you can see, in these sentences “therefore” they write together, since it consists of a cause, investigation. And to the second part of these proposals, you can pose a characteristic question: "Why?"

And you can choose the synonyms listed below for the dialect of "therefore":

  • because, since, due to that
  • due to what, due to this
  • due to, as a result, in connection with this
  • in view of what, so, because.

IMPORTANT: In the Russian language, “therefore” is written together, if - this is an adverb in the sentence and the question is suitable for it: why? You can not write "so" through a hyphen.

If the adverb can be replaced with a synonym “because”, then “therefore” is written together:

  • Why did you come, you can’t do without me? - That's why I came.
  • I have poor preparation, and if I do not go through the tests, then that's why.
  • Do you look tired today because of a large amount of work? - Yes.
  • She spoke too quickly, so I did not understand her at all.
  • The child was sleepy, so he was very capricious.
  • The girl was handed a lot of gifts for her birthday, so she was happy.
  • A loved one today made her an offer, so there were no bounds happiness.
  • Now there is quarantine at school, so we are not at school.

When to write "on this" separately?

How to write “therefore” is together or separately - this was generally mentioned earlier. Then we learn in detail when the phrase is written separately. If in the text the preposition and pronoun answer the question: to which? Then it is written “on this” separately.

When to write on this separately?
When to write "on this" separately?


  1. I thought that on this narrow bridge I would not reach the shore.
  2. Almost every day I walk on this avenue in the evening.
  3. You can only prepare for testing on this notes.
  4. Nobody wanted to talk about this, the topic remained open.
  5. A long time ago, in this meadow, they went to a neighboring village.
  6. It turns out interestingly that the material on this matter did not fall into my hands.
  7. How much more will you walk around this circle?
  8. If only to go calmly on this slippery ice home.
  9. I don’t want to go to work on this cold autumn rain.

Thanks to the examples above, it is clearly seen when “on this” is written separately. The phrase answers the question "which one?" And also this phrase (pretext and pronoun) can easily be replaced with the word: “given”.

IMPORTANT:If the word "therefore" is written together (adverb), then it is not necessary to separate it on both sides with commas. It is enough with one comma in front of the dialect, and then put a comma only if the next phrase should be distinguished by punctuation marks. And nothing else.
More on our portal, read articles on similar topics here:
  1. “In a different way”-how to write correctly?
  2. What is an adverb - the rules of the Russian language.

Video: correct spelling "on this"

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