Rosehip fruits, flowers, roots and leaves: beneficial and healing properties, contraindications for men and women. Rosehip thickens or dilutes blood, diuretic or not, slashes or fasten?

Rosehip fruits, flowers, roots and leaves: beneficial and healing properties, contraindications for men and women. Rosehip thickens or dilutes blood, diuretic or not, slashes or fasten?

Is rose hips useful. What is its composition. What parts of the plant and how to be treated.

A thorny shrub, blooming in May, cute fragrant roses, in August-October, giving oblong dark red or brownish fruits, this is a rosehip. It is known to everyone, an affordable and cheap medicinal plant that is used to treat so many diseases and general strengthening the body.

What are the vitamins in the rosehip? How much vitamin C content?

Usually, for therapeutic purposes, rosehip fruits are used. But other parts are also useful, they are also used in pharmacology for the manufacture of drugs and in folk medicine. This will be discussed below.

Rosehip is a record holder for the content of vitamin C.
Rosehip - a record holder for the content of vitamin C.

The fruits collected in the season are not eaten raw. They are dried in order to use in the future for the manufacture of medicinal infusions, decoctions, extracts, syrups, so on. At home, a proportion is used for the manufacture of tinctures and decoctions: 10 g of berries per 1 liter of water.

Important: the fruits of the plant, including because during processing, they retain the main part of their beneficial properties.

And these properties are due to the unique composition of rosehip fruits. He is represented:

  1. Vitamins B1 and B2, PP, E, K and C
  2. Alpha and beta-carotene, lycopines
  3. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other macro elements
  4. Manganese, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and other trace elements
  5. Sugar: glucose, xylosis, sucrose, fructose
  6. Arahin, lemon, linolevo, linolenic oleic, apple and other organic acids
  7. Essential oils
  8. Flavonoids
  9. Pectin
  10. Tannins
  11. Steroids

Important: in fresh rosehip fruits up to 600 mg of ascorbic acid, in dried - up to 1100 mg per 100 g, and this is ten times more than in oranges or black currants

Rosehip fruits, therapeutic properties and contraindications. What rose hips helps

Previously, various parts of the rosehip plant were used in folk medicine to treat diseases of all organs and systems without exception. Our ancestors believed that tinctures, decoctions with rosehip have a general beneficial effect on the human body. I must say that their opinion was fair. After conducting a number of studies, modern scientists have found that rose hips helps almost from everything. In particular:

  1. The fruits of the plant in one form or another are used to treat liver diseases, since they have choleretic, antioxidant properties
  2. In some diseases of the kidneys, the diuretic properties of rosehips are useful
  3. Plant fruits help stabilize metabolic processes in the body
  4. Take preparations with plants and diseases of the heart, to strengthen blood vessels and improve blood flow, including brain
  5. Rosehip is taken from hypertension
  6. The plant has anti -inflammatory, immunostimulating, antiviral properties, therefore it is a means of colds
  7. Externally decoctions and rose hips are used to accelerate wound healing and treat some skin diseases

Important: rosehip is recommended to be taken for the prevention of anemia and scurvy

Rosehip decoction is a general strengthening and medicinal drink.
Rosehip decoction is a general strengthening and medicinal drink.

But if you use rose hips uncontrollably, for example, without indications or exceeding the dosage, side effects may occur. For example:

  • rosehips in large quantities thickens blood, it is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis
  • tincture of the plant on alcohol increases pressure, it cannot be hypertension
  • the decoction of the plant lowers pressure, it cannot be hypotonic
  • rosehip preparations increase acidity, which is unacceptable for a person with an ulcer or gastritis
  • there can be allergies to rose hips, especially if you use it a lot and for a long time
  • taking plant preparations can cause constipation

Important: before taking drugs based on rosehips, you need to go to the doctor and agree on this issue with him. But there is another way to increase immunity - to prepare delicious rosehip jam and enjoy it in winter

VIDEO: Rosehip - useful properties

Rosehips, beneficial properties and contraindications for men

Sedentary work, malnutrition, bad habits and stresses increasingly make men powerless in sexual terms. Weak erection, premature ejaculation, or impotence completely bring a lot of suffering to a man.

The rosehip decoction can help a man solve the problem of sexual powerlessness.
A rosehip decoction can help a man solve the problem of sexual impotence.

While pharmacists are conducted by advertising companies to promote expensive systematic means for male power, many are convinced of their dubious efficiency and return to the use of proven folk remedies, to which the rosehip also belongs.

There is no secret in the favorable effects of the plant on the male reproductive system:

  1. Firstly, rosehip preparations strengthen the body of a man
  2. Secondly, they favorably affect its genitourinary system (treat inflammations and infections)

Against the inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of a man (including prostatitis), as well as to increase potency, recommend the following:

  1. In a thermos with a volume of 1 liter, put 1 tbsp. spoon of dried rosehip fruits
  2. Pour the fruits with boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours
  3. Take 1 glass twice a day (when the decoction in the glass cools slightly so that it can be drunk, you can add 1 hour of a spoonful of honey to it)

Rose hips, beneficial properties and contraindications for women

Rosehip is a plant that allows women to feel better morally and physically. In addition to the above -described general beneficial effects of plant drugs on the woman’s body, they: they:

  • allow her to feel better during the PMS, as they improve her mood
  • have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, therefore, they are recommended for those who have menstruation painfully
  • have a positive effect on the hair, nails and skin of a woman, eating her body with useful substances from the inside

Important: rosehip is used not only in folk medicine, but also in home cosmetology, using its drugs externally

Tea with rosehips is recommended for pregnant women.
Tea with rosehips is recommended for pregnant women.

Rosehip allergies are extremely rare, but the plants cannot be counted in the beneficial properties. Therefore, it is shown to use pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  1. Plant increases the tone of the body of a woman
  2. Take its drugs for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, anemia, increased pressure and preeclampsia in pregnant women
  3. Rosehip decoction helps to increase lactation
  4. If the remedy -caring or nursing mother does not fit the remedy, she can replace them with rosehip preparations

Important: the benefits of the plant described above do not mean that a pregnant or nursing mother should drink his decoctions with liters. Special provisions require caution in everything regarding nutrition and treatment. Therefore, you need to take rosehips starting with small doses, gradually increasing them to the norm recommended by the doctor

Rosehip roots: beneficial and healing properties, contraindications

The beneficial properties of rosehip roots have not yet been fully studied. It is difficult to compare them with the properties of fruits. But it is proved that in them, in comparison with the same fruits, is much more:

  • flavonoids
  • triterpenoids
  • tannins

These components endow the roots of rose hips with incredibly valuable properties:

  • antitumor
  • neuroprotective
  • anti -inflammatory
  • bactericidal
  • hemostatic


Dry rosehip roots can be bought at a pharmacy.
Dry rosehip roots can be bought at a pharmacy.

Rosehip roots can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. In the second case, it must be remembered that the plant starts a tree-like root of 2-3 meters deep into the earth. This thickness for treatment and healing is not suitable. We need small branched processes. In September or October they are:

  • neatly separated from the main root
  • cleaned from the ground
  • they are thoroughly washed
  • grinded
  • dragged in the open air or in a dryer for fruits and berries
  • placed for storage in small linen bags or glass jars with perforated lids

Here are a few examples of drugs with rosehip roots.

RECIPE To reduce pressure:

  1. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry rhizomes pour 750 ml of water
  2. Boil them for a quarter of an hour
  3. Pour a decoction into a thermos, where they insist at least 2 hours
  4. Filter and drink 100 ml in the morning and evening

RECIPE For women with abundant menstruation or uterine bleeding:

  1. The decoction should be steep, so 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed dry roots are poured with a glass of water and boiled on slow-medal heat for 30 minutes
  2. Insist a decoction in a thermos in time, as in the previous recipe
  3. The filtered decoction is divided into three doses and taken warm during the day

Rosehip root from kidney stones and gall bladder

Formation in the kidneys and gall bladder is a consequence of malnutrition and metabolic disorders. The tasks of treating urolithiasis and gallstone diseases are if possible, dissolve and remove the pebbles that already exist, and prevent the appearance of new ones. And if large formations are excreted from the body only promptly, then small and sand can be handled with drugs based on rosehip roots. At the same time, the metabolism is normalized.

A decoction of rosehip roots helps to dissolve and remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.
A decoction of rosehip roots helps to dissolve and remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

RECIPE from kidney stones or gall bladder

  1. For 15 minutes in an enameled pan of 0.6 liters of water, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dry roots
  2. The decoction is cooled, filtered through a gauze folded 6 times
  3. Drink 200 ml at about the same time intervals

Rosehip leaves, therapeutic properties and contraindications

Rosehip leaves are also rich in ascorbic acid and are used, first of all, from viral diseases and colds. But, if the fruits of the plant with gastritis are contraindicated, the leaves, on the contrary, help.

Rosehip leaves are used to prepare hematopoietic agents.
Rosehip leaves are used to prepare hematopoietic agents.

Important: in the leaves of the "wild rose" there are many Tanins with astringent properties. Tea or tincture with these leaves are antidiarein and hemostatic agents

By the way, the leaves can not only be brewed, but also added raw.

For use, both fresh and dried raw materials are suitable. To prepare leaflets, they are collected by young, during the flowering period of rosehips.

Important: it is better not to make a workpiece after rain or in raw weather: the leaves that are nourished moisture can rot, not dry

The raw materials collected in an environmentally friendly place are laid out in one layer on the canvas, placed in the open air, but in the shade. Like fruits, during storage, dry rosehip leaves should “breathe”.

There are very few contraindications for the use of decoctions and teas with roving leaves. They can only be attributed to them:

  • thick blood
  • teenage to constipation
  • individual intolerance
  • allergies

Rosehip flowers, therapeutic properties and contraindications

Rose, blooming on rosehip bushes, have not only decorative properties. They are a natural "ascorbic" (like other parts of the plant), as well as if you drink a decoction or tincture:

  • dissolve stones in bile and kidneys
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • increase appetite
  • salting
  • relieve pain with renal or liver colic
  • improve the process of hematopoiesis
  • improve metabolism
  • improve digestion and digestibility of nutrients consumed by humans
  • improve sleep

Important: rosehip roses are used in home -made procedures as an effective anti -aging agent

Rosehip flowers are also useful.
Rosehip flowers are also useful.

Rosehip flowers condensate blood, so they cannot be used by those who have problems with blood coagulation and a tendency to thrombosis. Also, an allergic reaction to this plant drug is possible.

VIDEO: How to brew rosehip?

Does the rosehip thicken or dilute blood?

Already several times it was mentioned that rosehips cannot be with thick blood. So he thickens blood? The answer is not so unambiguous.

  1. If you take the Wild Rose preparations in excess of the dose, too long or to people who have blood and so thick, then yes. The situation will worsen, there will be a risk of heart attack, stroke, thromboembolism, more. Because absolutely in all parts of the plant in an excess of thrombic forming vitamin C, as well as tannins and tannins
  2. If you take rosehip preparations, dosed, according to indications, it, on the contrary, dilutes blood. Because it contains vitamins, acts strengthening on the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, so on. Also, in addition to ascorbin, the “wild rose” also contains citric acid, that’s why it lifers blood
Rosehip both thickens and dilutes blood. It all depends on the concentration and quantity.
Rosehip both thickens and dilutes blood. It all depends on the concentration and quantity.

Cleaning liver and kidneys with rose hips according to Neumyvakin

Representatives of official medicine argue about the scientificity of such a thing as detoxification of the body to this day. Some consider the cleansing of the body of “slags” frank delirium, others say that, with the current environmental situation and the lifestyle of a modern person, it is necessary to help the body self -clean.

Rosehip infusion is used for detoxification of the liver and kidneys.
Rosehip infusion is used for detoxification of the liver and kidneys.

Detoxication according to the I.P. method is very popular. Neumyvakina, which uses the infusion of rosehips on the water.

  1. Detoxication is carried out once a month. The liver and kidneys are cleaned (their work on natural cleansing of the body is improved)
  2. In the evening of the day before detoxification, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines with magnesia. The drug is prepared from 1 package of magnesia and 1 cup of water. Half a dose is drunk in the evening
  3. Also in the evening for the on the eve of the procedure, rosehip decoction is prepared: dried “wild rose” fruits are turned into powder, passing through a coffee grinder, take 5 tbsp. tablespoons and pour 750 ml of boiling water, steam in thermos until the morning
  4. In the morning on the day of cleaning, I drink the second half of the dose of magnesia
  5. After a quarter of an hour, filter the infusion of rosehips, cast a glass and add 2 teaspoons of sorbiti (sugracel for diabetics)
  6. Drink the infusion of rosehips
  7. Lie down on the right side, put a heating pad under the liver, lie half an hour
  8. Drink a second glass of rosehip infusion with sorbitol
  9. Lying for another half an hour
  10. Drink the last glass of rosehip infusion with sorbitis
  11. After half an hour, the procedure is considered completed
According to Neumyvakin, after consuming the infusion of rosehip fruits, a heating pad is placed on the liver.
According to Neumyvakin, after consuming the infusion of rosehip fruits, a heating pad is placed on the liver.

Cleaning liver with sorbitim and rosehip - tube

There is another option for cleaning the liver infusion of rosehips and sorbiti - six -stage. It is held six times with an interval of three days.

For a tablet in the infusion of rosehips, sorbitol is added.
For a tablet in the infusion of rosehips, sorbitol is added.
  1. In thermos, three tbsp. tablespoons of dry fruits of the "wild rose", flooded 0.5 liters of water during the night
  2. In the morning, after an enema, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sorbitol, drink a drink

Rosehip is diuretic or not? Diuretic rose hips with cystitis

Rosehip is a diuretic, bactericidal and anti -inflammatory agent. It is recommended to be taken with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Rosehip decoction has a diuretic property.
Rosehip decoction has a diuretic property.

RECIPE inflammation of rosehips from inflammation of the bladder:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the fruits of the "wild rose" are interpreted and poured with boiled water cooled to 90 degrees in a volume of 1 liter
  • 3 hours insist the drug
  • 200 ml of ready-made infusion is drunk every 3-4 hours

Rosehip with pancreatitis

The decoction of rosehips (10 g of berries is poured with a liter of water and insisted for 2-3 hours) helps relieve inflammation of the pancreas, improves the outflow of bile, and anesthesia. In the acute period of pancreatitis, you can drink up to 400 ml of decoction per day.

Rosehip for gastritis with high acidity

For gastritis with increased acidity, it is better to take measles or rosehip flowers. The decoction of the roots of the "wild rose" and the roots of Tsikoria helps very well. They are taken 2 tbsp. tablespoons and 1 tbsp. tablespoons, respectively, 300 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour and drink like tea (possibly with honey) twice a day.

VIDEO: We are treated with rosehips

Does the rose hip slack or fasten?

Rosehip fruits are mildly slaughter, unlike attaching leaves.

Important: if the baby does not go to the toilet “by and large” for two days, the mother, who breastfeeding, is recommended to drink tea with rosehips. After 6 months, unconditioned seagulls after consulting a doctor can be given the crumb itself

If a nursing mother drinks tea with rosehips, the baby will not have constipation.
If a nursing mother drinks tea with rosehips, the baby will not have constipation.

Does the rosehip lower or increase the pressure?

RECIPE For hypertension:

  1. To lower the pressure, a rosehip decoction of 1 t
  2. Take the drink an hour after eating

RecipeT for hypotension:

  1. Raises the pressure of the rosehip on vodka
  2. Dry berries are passed through a meat grinder and poured for two weeks 0.5 liters of vodka
  3. 25 drops of tincture are taken half an hour before meals

Rosehip for immunity

It must be remembered that vitamin C in the body does not accumulate. It needs to be obtained constantly. During the flu orz rampage period, in spring and autumn, a vitamin drink from rosehips and black currants is recommended for 3 weeks.

  1. In equal shares (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) take dry rosehip berries and currants
  2. Pour them with a liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours and filter
  3. Twice a day they drink 100 ml of vitamin drink

Rosehip from jaundice in newborns

The rosehip decoction is given to infants to remove the jaundice.
The rosehip decoction is given to infants to remove the jaundice.

Usually, pediatricians recommend starting to give breed children a rosehip decoction, starting from 6 months. But if in a newborn jaundice, the drug based on a “wild rose” is recommended to him to reduce the level of bilirubin, which gives the baby the baby yellowish.

Rosehip with diabetes

Diabetics who are not the majority of fruits and vegetables are practically nowhere to take such vitamins they need. Fortunately, the rosehip is not contraindicated for them. They can drink a classic decoction of plant fruits for 3 weeks (and 3 weeks of break) 3 times a day 20 minutes before the main meals.

VIDEO: Rose hip

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