Joint plasmolifting: order of conduct, testimony, contraindications, reviews

Joint plasmolifting: order of conduct, testimony, contraindications, reviews

Indications and contraindications to the joint plasmolifting, description of the procedure.

Plasmolifting has been widely used in cosmetology for a long time. This is a great method that helps improve the condition of the skin, remove some defects. In this article, we will tell you how plasmolifting can improve the work of the joints.

What is joint plasmolifting and how is it carried out?

Diseases of the supporting motor apparatus are quite difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that if degenerative, destructive processes flourish, then the joint is destroyed in the knees or some other parts of the body, the strength of the bone and cartilaginous tissue itself decreases. Accordingly, this requires prolonged treatment, and is also accompanied by significant pain. Sometimes patients are lame, they cannot straighten the knee normally, so they have to use crutches, sometimes mobility comes down to almost zero. Such people can move only within the apartment, which negatively affects the quality of human life.

Plasmolifting is a procedure that has been used for a long time in orthopedics, and oddly enough it was developed by the Moscow Doctor. Manipulation is nothing more than the introduction of the patient himself in the directly sore joint of blood plasma.

Blood selection
Blood selection

Please note that before the procedure, a consultation of an orthopedist or traumatologist is required. The fact is that such procedures are never carried out if there is no way to take a blood test for biochemical studies directly. This is necessary in order to determine whether there are any infectious diseases, acute processes. In such cases, if a person is sick with something, he has an infection, the procedure is postponed to a complete recovery. Because such plasma is unsuitable for introducing into the knee joint.

In addition, additional cost may increase if it is necessary to use an ultrasound of the apparatus for the accuracy of administration. Although experienced experts often make injections in the joint and without the use of ultrasound of the devices. It is also not worth completely abandoning conservative methods. The most effective are the combined methods. This is taking medications, injections, anti -inflammatory ointments, as well as plasmolifting. All these procedures will lead to a complete cure if the disease is not launched.


Procedure procedure:

  • Accordingly, before manipulation, a person is taken from 10 to 50 ml of blood, which are placed in a centrifuge and, with constant shake, is exfoliated by the plasma, which is selected with a syringe. After that, the liquid is administered directly into the joint.

Many patients note that the manipulation is absolutely painless, so there is no need to do some painkillers. The procedure is carried out using a conventional needle, and the pain is the same as with ordinary intramuscular injection. What does plasma do when it enters the joint? The fact is that blood contains certain cells that improve tissue regeneration.

Accordingly, after the introduction of plasma, the joint recovery rate increases 5 times. Therefore, the recovery period is significantly reduced. In this case, the technique is characterized by an almost complete absence of contraindications. The fact is that this is not a medicine, practically does not affect the work of the liver, kidneys or other human organs. Accordingly, this is an almost completely safe method that can be used with the exception of some cases.


Indication for joint plasmolifting

What diseases are the joint plasmolifting?


  • Bursitis
  • Tendonite
  • Arthritis
  • Arthrosis 1-2 degrees
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Heel spur

Plasmolifting helps to improve the nutrition of the joints, makes them more mobile, flexible relieves pain. Most importantly, it does not relieve the symptoms of the disease, but is completely engaged in the treatment and elimination of the cause, which led to the occurrence of pain. That is, this is a method of not relieving symptoms, for which non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, a variety of painkillers are usually used. This is actually a treatment that can restore the joints and return to them the previous strength, flexibility.

Joint restoration
Joint restoration

Contraindications to joint plasmolifting

Even with serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as in diabetes mellitus, this method of treating joints is the safest and most effective. Of course, like most treatment methods, even the most modern and harmless, there are contraindications.


  • Blood disease
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Oncological diseases
  • Malignant tumors
  • Pregnancy
  • Acute infections
Sick joints
Sick joints

Advantages of joint plasmolifting

The most interesting thing is that after the procedure, patients practical after the first session noticed improvements. When plasma enters the joint, the pain almost completely disappears, since the regeneration process is launched. For full recovery, approximately 3-7 injections are required. As for people who constantly suffer from arthritis and arthrosis, they are shown therapy once every six months in the amount of 5-7 injections.

Throughout the course, the injection is done once in about 3-5 days. After that, it is repeated again, until the required amount of manipulations achieved. On average, you will have to spend about a month to forget about joint pain. This kind of manipulation is prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis 1, 2 to degree. If these are severe degenerative destruction, it is impossible to cure them in this way.

Joint pain
Joint pain

Many patients note that indeed plasmolifting has saved many of the upcoming operation. Destruction of the joint can occur quite rapidly. Plasmolifting allows you to restore the structure of the joint itself, bone and cartilage, improve the condition, mobility, and also remove pain. This is especially important in elderly patients who have a huge number of contraindications for taking a variety of drugs and medications.

Accordingly, the load on the body, on processing and excretory organs, is also reduced, which is also important for elderly patients. Therefore, there is no need to drink supporting drugs so that the liver and kidneys work well.


Joint plasmolifting: reviews

Reviews after the procedure are mostly positive. They differ significantly depending on the stage of the disease and a particular case.


Tatyana, Moscow, 57 years old. I have been suffering from arthritis of the knee joint for more than 10 years. I spent a lot of money on the treatment and purchase of chondroprotectors, a variety of ointments and blockade. Nothing helped me. Recently, the knee practically did not bend, went with a wand. After 7 plasmolifting procedures, the situation improved significantly: the knee finally began to bend. Now I can walk without crutches and sticks.

Evgeny, Pylovo, 28 years old. I actively play sports, participate in competitions, the load on the knee joints all the time is very high. Sometimes knees hurt after serious competitions. Also, injuries contribute to this. He used plasmolifting after rupture of the ligaments and damage to the joint, after falling. The procedure helped, after 5 manipulations I really got better, now nothing hurts almost completely and I can return to training.

Oleg, Yekaterinburg, 43 years old. I work in the mine, respectively, I constantly feel heavy physical activity on my joints. Recently, it has been very much breaking the back. 2 weeks lay in the hospital, practically did not help, the classic treatment was useless, despite the high cost. The doctor in a paid clinic advised plasmolifting and the condition really improved. Now I can bend normally and bend, returned to work.

The back hurts
The back hurts


The main advantage of joint plasmolifting is high efficiency, almost complete absence of contraindications, as well as an affordable price. The fact is that this is not a medicine, and it is not necessary to purchase it. The plasma is separated from the blood using a medical centrifuge and introduced directly into the joint. Therefore, the cost of such treatment will cost much cheaper than serious intervention using drugs. Having spent on such a procedure, you will save money on the purchase of painkillers, as well as anti -inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors.

Video: joints plasmolifting

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