Plastic surgery of Russian stars: photo before and after

Plastic surgery of Russian stars: photo before and after

In this article, we will consider the transformations of Russian stars with the help of plastic.

What kind of victims do domestic stars do not agree to the sake of their career and glory. Someone torments himself with exhausting diets, someone from morning to night is in the gym, and someone completely lays “under the knife”. Today, the world of show biza is obsessed with beauty standards, and all celebrities massively begin to adjust their facial features and bodies under them. For example, in addition to increasing lips, breasts and rhinoplastics, recently it has become popular to delete Bisha lumps. Far from always the operations of Russian stars have a successful result, but in any case, they become an object for disputes and discussions of fans.

Plastic transformation and operations of Russian stars: Comparative photos of natural beauty and surgical result

Operations of Russian stars:

  • The star of the show "Comedy Women" and the famous TV presenter Ekaterina Barnabas, I ended up at the epicenter of gossip and discussions after I radically changed its appearance. She had always been spectacular with outstanding forms that attracted attention from the time of KVN. Thanks to such a bright appearance and high growth, the girl very quickly climbed the career staircase with really long legs.
    • During her work in the show, Catherine lost a good weight, increased her lips and worked on her image. But the first most noticeable changes began in 2015. She became completely unrecognizable: she lost even more, changed her face shape, removing Bisha lumps. And attentive paparazzi also measured the length of the nose! Many fans claim that Barnabas also made blepharoplasty, which made her gaze more expressive and open. Although the star itself claims that she did not resort to the service of the surgeon after her lips were increased.
Indeed, the point is precisely in the color of the hair and correctly selected lenses
Indeed, the point is precisely in the color of the hair and correctly selected lenses
  • In an incredible voice, she was transformed beyond recognition Polina Gagarina. If some considered her excess weight a problem, then for many - it was a sweet devil, which did not do it like everyone else! The star categorically denies any plastic interventions, which is not surprising. After all, the fault of her lightning -fast weight loss at 40 g in six months is childbirth. Perhaps many lose weight after the birth of the baby. But this is if GV and tedious regime literally exhaust young mothers who do not have a nanny in reserve.
    • But then the sunken cheeks after cute and puffy cheeks from simple weight loss will definitely not arise. All this - again, the operation to remove the innocent lumps of Bish. The emphasis is now in the eyes - they mowed a little by the celebrity. This insignificant defect is also eliminated. In addition, the purity of her skin depends on radio frequency lifting. But even such relatively insignificant changes turned a girl with cute and puffy cheeks into a typical blonde, with sunk cheeks and chubby lips. By the way, Polina’s just their own, natural ones!
She became very beautiful, but lost her unique
She became very beautiful, but lost her unique
  • "Girl without age" - so often called the famous TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtsev. Unlike many celebrities, Lera does not completely deny that she resorted to plastic surgery. Even more - it is absolutely not shy about her desire to look good! Lera was always a workaholic and worked a lot, she had to constantly apply makeup, which negatively affected the condition of the skin. The TV presenter was forced to resort to injection cosmetology and various operations to improve the condition of the skin of the face.
    • She enlarged and pulled her breasts after the birth of her son. And the position of the star obliged to have a beautiful figure and a magnificent bust. Also, by nature, the girl has a wide nose, which she carefully tried to hide with makeup, but the lighting during the shooting made a curvature obvious. And Lera decided on rhinoplasty.
    • The star made cheloplasty, and surgical intervention is constantly supported by the injections of a biodegradable gel. After all, the lips look in the photographs, then more chubby, then less voluminous.
    • Judging by the fact that even in her 46 years, the TV presenter looks like a young girl, she clearly did a shelling of her face and more than once. All these manipulations do not make a star worse, even vice versa - it always looks brilliant, fresh and twists novels with men much younger than her.
With age, it only blooms
With age, it only blooms
  • Never hides and Masha Malinovskaya, What has repeatedly turned to surgeons for help to improve her appearance. She is just crazy about plastic procedures. According to the star itself, since childhood it has many complexes that have disappeared over time after obvious changes in appearance. Masha’s breast was most corrected. After the birth of her son, the star made her lift, but the operation was unsuccessful. And the girl again lay down under the knife, making herself the 5th size, with which she passed for a long time. But over time, I decided to reduce the chest to 3 sizes.
    • Malinovskaya always wanted a thin and neat nose, so she also made its correction. The star’s lips were also subjected to multiple operations. In addition to the fact that Masha pumped hyaluronic acid in them, she did an operation called “Cupid Luke”, after which her upper lip became pronounced.
    • The star also adjusted her gaze, with the help of blepharoplasty. And she pulled out her chin with fillers, so today the girl has a very neat and elongated oval of her face. Now many are discussing Malinovskaya, criticizing numerous operations, but the star does not pay any attention to this, because her appearance completely suits her.
The more, the better - apparently, such a rule is guided by Masha
Unsuccessful consequences still managed to fix
  • Actress Anna Khilkevich he denies any suspicions of plastic. Fans have long been discussing a sharp -grown bust of the girl, chubby lips and an even nose. Anna even posted a whole photo collage from the old photos and the former, but she failed to convince the fans: the operations of the Russian star is evident.
    • Also, if you look closely at the photo, it is very clear how the oval of the face changed, and the puffy cheeks disappeared without a trace. Previously, many accused the girl of excessive thinness, but do not stop accusing plastic surgery. In any case, even minor surgical interventions did not harm at all and did not disfigure the "university" star. The girl is still recognized by fans and do not confuse with other celebrities.
She is still dear
She is still dear
  • Russian "Kim Kardashian" nicknamed the model Anastasia Kvitko. Of course, the girl does not like such a nickname at all, because she claims that her appearance is the gift of nature, which she protects and improves in every possible way with the help of a healthy lifestyle and sports. But when comparing the photos before and after the arrival of glory, one can notice how she “grew up” her priest, as if on yeast. The operations of the Russian star were clearly. And it sounds unconvincing that this is the merit of squats. Attention to the pronounced line where the back ends and the buttocks begin, which cannot be achieved by ordinary exercises. This also applies to the chest, which she increased with the help of implants.
    • From time to time, Nastya makes an increase in her lips, it is easy to see in photographs, where she has either too puffed lips or no. Nevertheless, this is not a standard “Duck Face” that went out of fashion a few years ago, the girl’s lips, although they became more, did not cross the unsteady face of beauty and ugliness. Kvitko also made a resection, according to many experts. Her waist was not so thin and elegant as in new photographs. And proper nutrition and campaigns in the gym will not give such an effect. But the model violently claims that he monitors food and works in the gym before the seventh sweat.
How much to squat need for such a figure?
How much to squat need for such a figure?
  • Member of the Tattoo group Julia Volkova she always loved to experiment with her appearance, and having become the mother of two children, she completely changed her image and became practically unrecognizable. By the way, the girl’s experiments continue! Some add her decades, and some - nevertheless, made a woman out of her rebellious teenager. Its main advantage is the 4th size of the breast, on which the singer decided after the second birth.
    • At first, the singer heated her lips strongly with silicone, which looked ridiculous. And the addiction to Julia's bright lipsticks only aggravated the situation. Only in 2013, she decided to pump out silicone. Then the girl made a tattoo of eyebrows, which was discussed by fans. Only the lazy did not criticize bright eyebrows. Therefore, it is difficult to call all the reincarnations of the girl really successful. But still, the Russian star recognizes its operations.
The difference is obvious
The difference is obvious
  • Model from Tyumen, Excrete Timati and Instagram star Alyona Shishkova the owner of perfect and refined appearance. Of course, the girl achieved such a result thanks to plastic surgery. Although the faces of many are changing in themselves over time, most experts claim that the model has repeatedly turned to surgeons for help.
    • At a minimum, the star removed the hump on the nose and increased her lips with hyaluronic acid. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks, failures are visible, and the cheekbones have become more expressive. There are two options: either she removed Bisha’s lumps, or increased her cheekbones with fillers. Alena made an endoscopic lining of her forehead, because Her eyebrows were located below, and her gaze after the operation became more expressive and open.
    • The girl repeatedly adjusted her appearance with injection methods and resorted to the service of the surgeon, which radically transformed her face. But thanks to such a bright and slightly unusual appearance, Alena discovered many opportunities and became very popular.
Another clone of fashion
Another clone of fashion
  • Natural cute image of the singer Alex i loved the audience very much at the Stars Factory. A pleasant appearance, sensitive voice and vulnerability distinguished the girl among other contestants. It becomes popular and concludes contracts either with one producer, then with another. But as soon as the career of Alexa went to the decline, and with her its former popularity, the girl sharply changes the image and resorts to plastic surgery.
    • Despite the fact that the singer’s lips are naturally chubby by nature, she nevertheless decided on the contour operation of the lips. Which, to put it mildly, was unsuccessful: the gel was distributed unevenly, and left small seals. And, accordingly, such large lips looked alien to such a young face.
    • Then the girl tried to return her former lips for a long time, but she failed. And soon the singer’s subscribers saw her completely new image. The star itself does not comment on its changes, but it is very noticeable from the photographs that Alex was running to plastic. Tal's nose is smaller and without a hump, cheekbones and chin became more expressive, and the lips acquired a natural shape. Now the girl is literally not recognized.
The natural image practically did not remain
The natural image practically did not remain
  • Young and very popular Russian actress Elizabeth Boyarskaya the owner of an elegant and peculiar appearance. But between the star fans there are disputes about her attractiveness, and many are brewing doubts and suspicions of plastic surgery. The star itself denies all guesses and rumors. But, nevertheless, many experts, evaluating her appearance, claim that the star turned to surgeons and more than once, the Russian star still had operations.
    • Boyarskaya made rhinoplasty and not one. The first operation was not entirely successful, so the girl decided on the second plastic. Previously, the nose of the star was much wider and with a hump. Also, the cheekbones of the actress became more expressive than in early photos. Many say that the star made the correction of the lips, in particular the upper lip, but so far these are only rumors. Even if the actress resorted to surgery, in any case, this did not harm her. The girl looks natural and fresh, and her appearance is valid unique, for which she fell in love with the viewer.
She always looks fresh!
She always looks fresh!

This is not to say that all the plastic operations of Russian stars were unsuccessful. Of course, many and even most of them have transformed into beautiful, sexy and feminine girls all depending on age. With an even nose, an ideal oval of face and chubby lips. Now add the right lighting, lenses and get copies of each other. Despite the good options for surgical transformations, the main attractive feature is lost - this is uniqueness!

Video: Plastic surgery of Russian stars up to 30

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