Food soda for stones in the gall and bladder, kidneys: readings and contraindications. How does baking soda looshe and dissolve oxalate stones in the kidneys, bile and bladder?

Food soda for stones in the gall and bladder, kidneys: readings and contraindications. How does baking soda looshe and dissolve oxalate stones in the kidneys, bile and bladder?

The article describes the methods of treating baking soda in kidneys, urinary and gall bladder. See the useful tips of folk healers.

Stones in the gall, bladder, kidneys, unfortunately, a common phenomenon. The reasons for their occurrence are different. In particular, stones may form in children due to excessive activity immediately after the meal, and in the elderly, as a result of a violation of the exchange of the gastrointestinal tract and improper intestinal operation. But it will not be about the causes of the disease, but about how this disease can be cured with ordinary soda.

Beneficial properties of baking soda from oxalate stones in the body

A sedentary lifestyle, smoking, the use of strong drinks negatively affects the body and contributes to the development of urolithiasis. In addition, stones in urinary and biliary can develop as a result of infectious processes, mechanical injuries of the lower back and hereditary predisposition. The stones that are formed in the patient’s body can be of various types:

  • Urates
  • Struvites
  • Oksalates
  • Phosphates
  • Carbonates
Kidneys - oxalate. How to treat soda?
Kidneys - oxalate. How to treat soda?

To get rid of stones, as a rule, soda is taken inside. Soda is most effective when dissolving oxalate, urate stones. They are formed in a neutral-acid and acidic environment, respectively. Using soda solution, you can restore the acid-base environment. Thereby prevent the formation of stones.

How does baking soda looshe and dissolve oxalate stones in the kidneys, bile and bladder?

Oxalate "harmful" stones contain salts of oxalic acid. They have a solid structure. Oksalates look like tuberous, yellow or black. These stones are difficult to treat. In addition, even after surgery, they are able to appear again, if you do not observe the correct food supply, do not exclude various products with sorrel acid content from the diet.

Treatment of oxote stones soda
Treatment of oxalate stones soda

As mentioned above, the treatment of oxalats is perhaps the most not simple. They are difficult to be crushed, and the disease in an advanced stage brings a lot of suffering to the patient. In such cases, you can not do without surgery.

Folk healers advise getting rid of these stones by taking soda inside. Due to its alkaline effects on oxalate, these substances turn into sand and come out naturally.

How to treat baking soda in kidneys, gall and bladder: folk recipes of solutions

In order to dissolve the stones in the kidneys, in the urinary system, the gall bladder, do the following:

  • Pour 180 ml of freshly squeezed strawberry juice into the jar.
  • Pour 3.7 g of ordinary soda there, which can be bought in a supermarket or grocery store.
  • Before each meal, take 1 tbsp. This consistency for 20 days.
Treatment with strawberry juice and soda in the kidneys
Treatment with strawberry juice and soda in the kidneys

Also, soda solution is used to dissolve oxolates and urates, only it should be taken according to the scheme and with caution. You need to start with a small amount of soda (1/3 tsp in a cup of water), and gradually increase soda to 1 tsp. Read more:

  • Dissolve 1/3-1 tsp. Soda in hot water (200 ml.)
  • Wait until the solution has cooled a little
  • Drink before meals
  • A day should be drunk at least twice such a soda solution - in the morning, in the evening
  • When you notice that the sand leaves the body, continue treatment, but already a decoction of potatoes
  • To do this, wash the potatoes under running water
  • Place in a large container
  • Pour water - 6 l
  • Boil and chop the blender without cleansing the peel
  • Separate the upper, clean layer, leave the sediment at the bottom of the container
  • Place in the refrigerator
  • This broth also drink on an empty stomach of 2 tbsp. Half an hour before the meal (3 times a day)
  • Treatment period - 40 days
Treatment of soda stones
Treatment of soda stones

The stones that are formed in an acidic environment are crushed if they are treated according to the following scheme:

  • Mix 125 g of aspen bark and 125 ml of honey in a container
  • Heat the contents in a water bath
  • When honey becomes liquid, do not stop cooking for another 15 minutes
  • Add 1/2 tsp to the mixture. soda
  • Stir the mass thoroughly
  • Use the drug at least three times a day after eating
Treatment of stones with soda, honey, aspen bark
Treatment of stones with soda, honey, aspen bark

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that people with low acidity, with gastrointestinal diseases and intestines, with exacerbation of ulcerative pathology and diabetes, should not be taken.

Video: How to drink soda?

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t know about this, and I would not really like to use soda for such purposes, when I was discovered in the biliary, they said an operation, and I was afraid to be afraid, I decided to try to drink dandelion juice, and it worked, I managed to get rid of the stone and Now I regularly drink Owing to maintain the outflow of bile and prevent stones)

  2. Soda cannot be dissolved in hot water, it is calcified and turns into a non -food one.

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