Songs about numbers for children - the best selection

Songs about numbers for children - the best selection

Learning numbers with kids will be easy to use our selection. In it, we collected many songs - short and long, for memorizing mathematical numbers. Next, you will find words and videos with music for songs about numbers.


Songs about the number 0 - Text

Songs about the number 0 - Text
Songs about the number "0" - Text

Songs about the number "0" - Text:

Zero - number, not emptiness,
Strength in it and beauty.
Zero always rounds everything
And it affects the numbers so

What is from a unit frail
Ten can turn out
If you add six zeros,
It will suddenly become a million stake -

Lencing numbers
Zero, like a number, very quickly.
But there is no different zero -
A man with him is not a hero,

Anyone who is cowardly is insignificant
He is very similar with zero -
Zero without a stick, dummy,
Unknown, even too much.

If they say "you are zero"
This is worse than enemy bullets.
Be at least a unit
And after her, put a string

A few zeros in a row,
And then you yourself will be glad
That you haven't become empty and round,
Like that loner zero.


Zero and zero are the same.
Zero, like a number - emptiness!
Zero to feel everyone can,
Try yourself, please!

Take a closer look at the bicycle
He has two zeros.
I will go to the river on zero
Through grove and fields.

I twist the hulahup with my hands.
Look here.
Taliy twisted, legs
The hoop, like the number is zero.


Zero, remember, children, -
Only from the bagel of the hole.
The bagel was made from the dough.
So we wrote him.
The result is an empty place,
There was nothing left.
There is nothing, in fact.
Zero cannot be counted.
With this bagel, what they ate,
We will designate zero.


This is zero or nothing.
Listen to a fairy tale about him.
Said a cheerful, round zero
Divine neighbor:

- Let it be next to it
Stand on the page!
She gave him
An angry, proud look:

“You, zero, are not worth anything.”
Do not stand with me!
Zero answered: - I admit,
That I don't stand anything

But you can become ten
Kohl I will be with you.
So lonely you are now
Small and fan

But you will be ten times more
When I get on the right.
They think in vain that zero
Plays a small role.

We’ll turn a deuce into twenty.
From triples and four
We can, if we want
Make thirty, forty.

Let them say that we are nothing -
With two zero together
A hundred will come out of the one,
From a deuce - as much as two hundred!

And yesterday girlfriends came,
They brought me the bagels
Babliks are large, drying -
All edible zeros!

There are zeros around. May be,
And there are other numbers.
I am more pleasant to me.
Nulik-pound can be eaten.

And there is no zero, I do not argue,
I saw zero at sea.
Ships walk along the sea
And they have a zero-shuttle.

There is a "shoe" at the car.
I am glad to these nolics.
Zero - four tires -
Whole? So, we are going to the garden!

Video: We learn to count together. Figures for babies from 1 to 10. Children's songs for kids

Songs about the number 1 - Text

Songs about the number 1 - Text
Songs about the number 1 - Text

Songs about the number 1 - Text:

Unit, unit -
The figure is thin as a spoke.
She is very slim
Everyone and everyone is visible.
The first song sings,
The first to dance always goes.
From this figure every day
We are counting all things.
There is a great motto, children,
That one for everything is responsible,
Musketeers honor him,
They are torn into battle for one.


Long -nosic unit
At home, does not sit in the line!
- I want to travel
I’ll fly to a two!
I will collect a suitcase
I will put one glass
One thick book, one
I will wrap the brush with soap,
I'll take one nesting doll
And one big spoon.
Bright red orange
I'll take one with me.
Milk is one bag
And one bag of sweets!
I have not forgotten anything?
Oh! I haven't put myself!


Like a unit soldier.
She can't sit in any way:
She stands at the post.
The nose always looks to the left.
Where will we meet units?
The beak is alone for each bird,
There is one tail of a dolphin,
And one tail at the peacock,
The trunk of the elephant is one,
The steering wheel is one for all cars
The ground has one moon,
She is visible to us in the night.
The unit is like a hook,
Or maybe on a broken knot.
I drew a unit
It turned out well and well!
Real rocket
For flight to the moon.
As an arrow I rush into the sky,
Where never before me
No boy was.
I will be the very first!


They lived in a task book
One yes one.
They went to fight
One on one.

But soon alone
Crossed one.
And now there is no
Nothing from them.

And if you were friends
They are between them,
That would have lived for a long time
And there would be two of them!

Video: Developing Multfilm Song-Learn numbers from 1 to 10

Songs about the number 2 - Text

Songs about the number 2 - Text
Songs about the number 2 - Text

Songs about the number 2 - Text:

Where are there deuces? You know? Not?
Remember the bike!
This is not miracles -
He has two wheels.
There are two eyes of the marten,
Two wings of each bird.
Remember that a person
There are two eyes and two centuries.

Two arms and two legs ...
What else? Help me!
Near the house is a meadow.
Look sooner, my friend:
Vanya on a meadow lies,
He sleeps tightly in the soft grass!
The pens are hidden in the grass!
Two and two! There are two of them!

Lies Vanya n and back
Smiles in a dream!
The legs are hidden in the grass!
Two and two! There are two of them too!
Then our Vanyusha woke up -
Mom Vanya calls to eat!
Vanya ran home
Turns a red head!
There is only one head,
In Konopushechki she!


By the river in Sedom Bor
The deuce cried Bobra:
- I do not dare to enter the water,
I don’t know how to swim!

Two sands whisper her:
- You are sad, girlfriend, in vain!
Two dragonflies arrived:
-Wipe the deuce of the tear!

Two chanterelles came running
The deuce was combined together:
- You look like a swan
So you can swim too!

The deuce sighed joyfully
She shook her neck long
I went into the water warm
And how swan swam!

Video: Figures from 1 to 10 - Children's songs for the smallest from Baby Boom liters

Songs about the number 3 - Text

Songs about the number 3 - Text
Songs about the number 3 - Text

Songs about the number 3 - Text:

Before us is the number three.
Look more closely.
Draw, my friend, while
Two flower petals.
The petals look to the right:
Do not hold your hands.
Stop a pencil!
The number three turned out!


Three worms crawled along the road
Three caps found on the road,
They began to decide how to be with caps,
So as not to be known as fools.
Three spiders were weaved,
Three pryaks were found in the cracks,
They began to judge how to be with the heel,
So as not to be known as fools.
Thought the Duma all day worms,
We decided: why caps caps?
Better, perhaps, all three caps
Sell \u200b\u200bspiders for three piles.
It is said - done: three caps
They exchanged for three heel.
Of three worms and three spiders
How many fools have become now?


The number is three small,
But everywhere it is needed.
There are three lights in the traffic light,
And there are three horses in the harness.
There are three fat men in fairy tales, three girls
And Ivan jumped for three days
In the forests and in the fields.
In the thirtieth state
He found the princess.
In the picture of Vasnetsov
We see three heroes again.
And in proverbs, riddles
The number three sounds in guesses.
Only at school not always
And not everyone needs it.
We want an assessment of “five”
Instead of three to receive.


Troika does not sit idle,
The three construction is being started.
Three chief commander,
And the foreman and the foreman!
Three funny mosquitoes
Three buckets are dragging paints,
Three rooks saw the boards,
The wolf carries three bricks.
Three kitten with hammers,
Nails wear three ducklings.
Three moles are digging a trench,
Three bears are covered with a roof.
Three goats folded the stove,
Three sheep paint the windows.
Each beast came, helped:
It turned out to be a tower!

Video: Counting for children! Figures from 1 to 10 in Russian! Learn the numbers in the song fun

Songs about the number 4 - Text

Songs about the number 4 - Text
Songs about the number 4 - Text

Songs about the number 4 - Text:

What is this cloud
Like a chair turned upside down?
This is four doll,
Everyone knows in this world.

So many legs have all animals
And at my furniture.
How I get four,
I will do what I want!

Mom and dad will be happy
They will give me a reward for my work:
Scooter, soccer ball
And another puppy in addition!

Once in the winter of the four
I was about to go on the hill.
In warm mittens, in the earflaps,
Behind him, he drags sledges.

On a plastic plate
Four proteins go down.
And four partridges
They play hide and seek under the mountain.

There are four mice on the mountain
Confused all the skis,
And hedgehogs, four brothers,
They helped them figure it out!

Four legs
With a warm cap on the horns
On the road, the snow stomped,
I rolled on the sleigh of animals!


On an ordinary old chair
I look in the apartment.
He took it, turned it over, -
I got four!
The fork was somehow dropped,
One clove broke off.

This fork in the whole world
Called "four".
Someone at night old chair
He turned down his back down.
And now in our apartment
He became a digital 4!

Very strange four.
Angular and not twisted.
Leaned down,
Raising the leg up.

Video: Song about numbers from 1 to 100

Songs about the number 5 - Text

Songs about the number 5 - Text
Songs about the number 5 - Text

Songs about the number 5 - Text:

The number is five - with a large abdomen,
He wears a cap with a visor.
At school, this figure is five
Children love to receive.

On the chest of the vest,
With a visor, a cap.
Sailors should know:
It is called five.

Five fingers on one hand,
I found Piglet in the sand.
And if I find a ring
Then I’ll go to Svetka.

Look at the number five.
Taking a five -handed man by the handle,
You can draw like a bucket,
Water and sand-rally.


Again flaunts in a notebook
The number is five, as in the parade.
There are five numbers in a person
You can immediately see:
Five fingers on the hands,
Five fingers on the legs.
On a five -pointed star
Five corners shine forever.
I love the number five
We receive in a notebook.
This means you are an excellent student
And you behave decently.
This figure is just a class!
Very pleasing to all of us.


What is the case of the five?
She has cleaning!
Five beavers wear water,
The windows are washed five cows.
Five mice carry a panicle,
Five goslings repair her shelf,
Five kittens are erased
Dust is wiped everywhere,
Five funny mosquitoes
They knock out dust from carpets,
Five green frogs
They hurry to the rescue to the rescue.
Wash the five hedgehogs.
It became purely - just a miracle!
Then they sat at the table,
They drank tea and buns ate!


This figure is not simple
Like the spring curled.
But this is not a trouble.
Everyone would need with her guys,
Make friends forever.
The five dances
The handkerchief waves.
And how is she bending
Smiles at us cheerfully.
"Five" in the diary it turns out
If the student works.
If five stands in a notebook,
This means everything is in order.
And then went to dance
There is five on paper.
She extended her hand to the right
The leg curved abruptly.


Kidsariki - number 5

One, two, three, four, five,
We don't want to miss.
We will study numbers,
One, two, three, four, five,
One, two, three, four, five.
We are lucky today
We study the number.
And it's time to call it -
Meet, this is five.
Come on girls, well, boys,
We count the fingers as soon as possible.
One, two, three, four, five,
And try again.
One, two, three, four, five,
It is fun to count, bend your fingers,
In chorus, sing a song about five,
About five, five.

Video: Cartoons about a cheerful train - teach numbers, children's songs

Songs about the number 6 - Text

Songs about the number 6 - Text
Songs about the number 6 - Text

Songs about the number 6 - Text:

6 - Sounds briefly and compressed,
6 - solves immediately and in full.
6 - life, work and luck,
6 - master of life, nature.
6 - Labor that created a person!
6 - a world manifested by the Creator.
6 - man, and with him a planet,
Which becomes a palace.
6 - a person that changes the world,
Introduces its affairs to life,
He plows, builds, creates,
And life changes for centuries.
6 - labor, poems, dreams in a notebook,
6 - Druck creating on the ground,
Gardens, flowers, fields and beds,
Blooming everywhere and everywhere.
6 - peace, creation, path,
Dreams that have become a moment.
6 - life, the birth of a baby,
Family, relatives next to us.
6 - Make a choice for us,
Where is your work, what to direct?
Live for people, create for them,
Or how is it so to leave everything?
6 - goal, work and success.
6 - creativity, love, insight.
6 - Reason, thoughts, man,
6 - labor and affairs of the Earth's accomplishment.


Six sitting at the table.
In front of her are the cookies.
Six huge chocolates,
Six transparent marmalades,
Six boxes of marshmallows,
Six bottles of kefir.
I ate all the six, I got up,
And then stuck in the doorway!
- Ah, - sighs
- Apparently, we need to eat less!
Six mice laughs at her,
Six bumblebees curl over the number!
- Hey, six, your stomach
The door will definitely not pass!
To climb this door,
You have to sit on a diet!


The number six is \u200b\u200bthe door lock,
In the guard day and night.
Once they hung on the door
The beast is not terrible.
And you also need to know
Likes to meet six guests.
Six plates, spoons, forks,
Six glasses, six bottles
With lemonade and wine.
Everything is placed wisely.
Six elegant cups with tea
And the pie, so as not to be bored.
Six, as we see, are not a lazy person -
Very glorious mistress.

Songs about the number 7 - Text

Songs about the number 7 - Text
Songs about the number 7 - Text

Songs about the number 7 - Text:

I am such a poker
I can’t put it in the stove.
Everyone knows about her
That it is called "seven".
Lady, like a poker,
She has one leg.
The lady is known to everyone
Since this is the number seven.
We will turn seven as a number
And in the morning let's go to the meadow.
Why is the seven not a braid?
So Kosi, while the dew!
Seven - a dashing Cossack with a mustache,
We will recognize him with you.
Just need not to forget
Put the saber on the side.
Here is the seven poker.
She has one leg.


I see the seven
Definitely blows the roof!
The equilibrium of the seven
Two supports would help.
Seven of the rainbow of the tracks,
They paint them seven white cats,
And in the sky in the seventh
Gnomes are dancing all the whole!
Seven goat in their house
Without mom, they sit.
And the wolf sings outside the window
In a goat voice, seven notes.
Seven brown nuts
Squirrel buried in the autumn in the leaflets.
And winter overwhelmed everything with snow -
Until the spring, a squirrel was looking for a nut.


I can't this figure
Work in the meadow.
She looks like a braid
But the grass cannot mow -
Not sharpened at all
And the number 7 does not mow.
To write the seven,
Draw the corner again.
From top to bottom from the corner
The line leads the hand.
Pull her to the end
Drack in the middle.
This figure is the number seven
It’s easy to write at all.


The number seven is a special case:
Melodic and singer.
This is notes for the new song,
Seven miracles are interesting in it.
Seven in proverbs always
Very bright star.
Seven in a week of different days,
Seven on the rainbow rays.
With this figure we are friends,
Because we are a family!


Once the seven walked in the forest:
The basket in the hands and glasses on the nose.
Beauty blossomed in the magical forest,
A void slept in the basket of huge!
The seven hares to the meeting rode a crowd:
- Do you collect mushrooms? We are with you too!
Green hares wandered around the forest
And together with the seven, mushrooms were found!
Seven thick waves in the swamp found,
Seven yellow chanterelles under the Christmas tree grew,
Seven white mushrooms in the clearing are standing,
And next to the family - seven funny mushrooms!
Here are seven rawies, seven slippery oils,
The seven glorious glorious in the shaft are naughty.
Successful mushroom hunting was:
The seven barely raised the basket!

Video: numbers. We count from 1 to 10. Song and cartoon for children

Songs about the number 8 - Text

Songs about the number 8 - Text
Songs about the number 8 - Text

Songs about the number 8 - Text:

The number is eight, the number is eight
We always wear on the nose,
The number eight plus hooks -
Glasses are obtained ...
The number eight is so tasty:
Of the two bagels she is.
Hedgehog has a kindergarten:
Eight small hedgehogs.
Three on the spot is not sitting
Them in the hedgehogs
She has to hold
In order to somehow educate.
We need a strict approach to them.
With the rest - there is no trouble.
Toshi has a nonsense,
Well, just like a number 8.
We folded two bagels
The number was eight!


Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.
Eight wooden dolls,
Chubby and ruddy,
In multi -colored sundresses
We live on the table.
Everyone is called nesting dolls.
The first Tolsta doll,
And inside it is empty.
She is distinguished
To two halves.
Another one lives in it
Doll in the middle.
Open this doll
There will be the third in the second.
Slue the unscruption,
Dense, dull,
And you can find
Fourth doll.
Take it out and look
Who is hiding in it inside.
The fifth is hiding in it
Puppet doll,
And inside is empty.
The sixth lives in it.
And in the sixth
And in the seventh
This doll is the least
A little more than a nut.
Here, put in a row,
The doll sisters are standing.
- How many of you? - We will ask them,
And the dolls will answer: - Eight!

Songs about the number 9 - Text

Songs about the number 9 - Text
Songs about the number 9 - Text

Songs about the number 9 - Text:

Nine is the figure of magic.
Everything is born in it in full.
After all, nine is the figure of perfection,
Desires, joy, bliss.
She is like a compressed spiral
A ball of energies and achievements.
You will achieve everything you wish,
Only having stood his aspirations.
Hope, logic, calculation,
Will fulfill all your desires.
To success, to glory will lead
The purpose of life through understanding.
If you want, happiness will come to the house,
Wealth, things, pleasure.
But life will drag and squeeze,
He will not give freedoms with movement.
You will request strength, skill,
Nine will give you in full.
But without a spiritual path,
You will shoot your strength yours.
If you want people to please
And fulfill their wishes.
You can become a idol of them,
You will get fame and confess.
Nine there is a push and take -off
To a new step of movement,
But only the wise will find
There is a take -off of the soul in it to the liberation.


9 birds in the yard
They sang songs together
9 mice on the grass
They listened obediently

Sparrows sang
Obviously your songs
They sang 9 notes
Their voices are flattering
9 mice were observed
As if freezing
9 birds sang
Voices were so developed.


The number nine was lost,
I'm tired of looking for her
And I don't know what to start,
So that she stands in place!
I will ask her girlfriends
Let them help to find her!
It only got worse:
They can't do anything
Therefore, they refused!
Apparently, this is weak ...
They confessed to me in secret
That the six is \u200b\u200bto blame!
They are twins with a nine,
And always walk together,
And nine can be smooth
On Suiderkino to become a place!
They love to swear too
And always play hide and seek!
And no one can say
Where - six, where - nine!

Video: The developmental cartoon "We count with a hollow." Special package

Songs about the number 10 - Text

Songs about the number 10 - Text
Songs about the number 10 - Text

Songs about the number 10 - Text:

Went a dozen to the store
With a whole pile of baskets.
I bought ten books there,
Ten poppy rugs,
I bought ten cubes,
I did not forget ten mugs,
Ten pink plates
And for some reason ten heats.
Ten ripe juicy pears,
Ten puddles came,
Barely dragged
I almost dropped the good!
She brought the luggage
On the tenth of its floor.
And then she asked herself:
- And why did I buy everything?


10 kittens were sitting on the path
10 kittens, 10 kittens, 10 kittens
All kittens say to each other
Everyone says all 10 kittens
Moore, Moore, Moore
Moore, Moore, Moore
Moore, Moore, Moore
Moore, Moore, Moore
Suddenly the kittens saw 10 mice
10 mice, 10 mice, mice
But mice are in no hurry to kittens
Oh are not in a hurry, oh are not in a hurry
After all, we know for sure
10 mouse are afraid of kittens
And 10 kittens are waiting
10 mice, 10 mice, 10 mice
But the mice are in no hurry to see
10 kittens, 10 kittens, 10 kittens
And the kittens say to them
They say mice
If you are 10 mice
10 mice, 10 mice, 10 mice
Come to visit us
We are together am, am, am
And 10 mice ran away together
10 mice cleverly escaped
And 10 kittens, 10 kittens, 10 kittens
Waiting again 10 mice

Video: Learn together. Songs about figures and numbers

Funny songs about numbers - Text

Funny songs about numbers - Text
Funny songs about numbers - Text

Funny songs about numbers - Text:

Learning to count
Zero looks like a bun,
He is puzata and round.
A cat looks like him.
If it turns into a ball.
This figure is a unit.
A thin nose, like a knitting needle
Hanging down. Sad,
After all, she is only one.
Bend like a deuce, neck
I probably won't be able to.
Maybe you can? Barely!
They will be able to swan with a number 2.
Troika number as a threat
Sets three splinters,
Three hooks for fishing,
Between them there are two shafts.
Someone at night old chair
He turned down his back down.
And now in our apartment
He became four digital.
Look at the number five.
Taking a five -handed man by the handle,
You can draw like a bucket
Water and sand-rally.
If a hinged lock
Up raises the proboscis,
Then we will see here
Not a lock, but a number six.
I can't this figure
Work in the meadow.
She looks like a braid
But the grass cannot mow -
Not sharpened at all
And the number does not mow seven.
Two bagels together we lay down,
The figure will come out. This is eight!
Eight - two rudders together,
Or two zeros together.
Nine nine - bun?
Or maybe a ball?
This cat Barsik is sleeping,
And the tail lies with a hook.


Qualine quarrel
Everything is in the notebook, on the page
Starting with a unit
In order, quietly in a row
Friendly numbers are worth it.
Once, two, three, then four,
Five, six, seven and eight with them,
The number nine completes
The even system does not violate.
But once, the number is three,
Suddenly take, talk:
I thought friends,
Perhaps I am more important to you
That's where do not look
There will be three numbers everywhere.
Three bears, three kings
In fairy tales, three heroes.
In sports, the number is three-bugs,
The traffic light is three.
And any time of the year
Without looking, for the weather,
Blizzard, rain, or the sun warms,
Three months have.
Then two stood up behind her
I am more important than you, first.
Everyone knows
That without a deuce of life - no.
Two arms, legs, two eyes
We add two ear immediately
Two shoulders and two wings,
Boots - did not call
Two socks and two gloves,
Two knees, elbow, heels,
The cow has two horns,
There are two banks near the river.
Four answered her:
Four oceans in the world!
On the road by the car
Four wheels and tires.
Four legs at the table
Four at the table of the corner.
Square - four sides,
Four sides of the wall.
And all the animals in our world,
FAI have four paws.
But she said eight strictly
Eight legs at the octopus.
Eight paws have cancer,
Scorpio, spider and crab.
I'll remind you
About the most important holiday of mothers,
You ask anyone
How much is it - the eighth.
Here the number six stood
Well, to tell me what is.
After all, the light has six parts,
The snowflake has six rays.
There are six cases in the language,
There are six pencils in the pack.
And of course six legs
Flies, dragonflies and bees too.
Do not continue to continue
Laughing at six, said five.
Anyone will tell you a student
He wants the five in the diary.
Assessment five is always great,
It’s not even decent to argue here.
I’ll give me an example
A five -pointed star.
And after a pause, she said later:
And five fingers, I remind you too.
Seven said after everyone,
I am the best. I am the figure- seven.
Seven days of the week, seven miracles,
And the rainbow looks from heaven
Family with beautiful flowers.
Seven notes we sing in voices.
Seven dwarves, seven heroes
Live in the forest and animals.
A marvelous color-seven-color
Seven desires will give children to children.
There is still a wolf and seven goats,
Measure seven times, proverbs say.
And it's no secret to any of you,
At the age of seven, children walk in first grade.
Here in an instant the number nine came to life:
I am glad that it came to school
The academic year will begin in September,
Ninth! He is a calendar for a month.
And in fairy tales you will probably read
The king lived in high esteem in the distant kingdom,
Tsarevich, behind his narrowed
Dear walked, in three to nine lands.
Now about the main thing, we honor not forgetting
Victory holidays We are celebrating in May,
Number - ninth, in Russia I know everything,
A great day for everyone in the country.
That's the line reached the one.
What do I want to tell you, my sisters,
I'm the first number, and argue with it
Neither parents nor children will become.
To be the first means to be the best
How could you forget about it.
But if you don't believe me suddenly,
I will list part of my merits:
One moon and sun alone
One land, one is the bottom of the bottom
And one head, all of one belly has
And one nose, and one’s mouth is chewing.
One leg of mushrooms, tail one in a bird
There is nothing to argue here, victory is units!
A little more and a quarrel would flare up
But then she intervened in the subject of the conversation,
The number that arose suddenly.
Perhaps consult with me?
In my quantity, let me be zero,
But I really do not like these quarrels.
Here I am, for example, zero, which means emptiness,
But I will only get the number from the tail,
I will increase it ten times!
And who is more important now, I will ask you?
No need to quarrel, do not argue,
Get up nearby, we will build numbers together.
We will find out who is better, there is no reason
Only together we create any values!


Funny dials
NOLLIK - BULLK for the guys,
He will be slightly cooked from the sides.
Tonki unit unit,
Like a spoke or a match.
Two - swan, two wings
Dissolled, swam.
Three, like a seagull flew,
And flies to the right to the left.
And the four - the elbow to the side,
Very sharp elbow.
Five - luxurious and round,
Honor and praise!
The number six is \u200b\u200ba simple icon,
Rod and hook.
Eight is a non -naval
Both tummy and face.
Nine - smart round
The hook closed upstairs.
Ten - do not pour water
Two numbers are one and zero.


Funny account
Zero looks like a letter o,
He does not mean anything.
But any digit
It will increase ten times.
There is a one
Looks like a match.
She's just a dash
With a little bang.
The water glides barely
Like a swan, the number is two.
She arched her neck with an arc
Rocks the waves behind him.
Two hooks, look,
The number three turned out.
But on these two hooks
Do not plant a worm.
The fork was somehow dropped,
One clove broke off.
This fork in the whole world
Called "four".
The number is five - with a large abdomen,
He wears a cap with a visor.
At school, this figure is five
Children love to receive.
What a cherry, friend,
Will the stalk bend up?
You try to eat it
This cherry is six.
I am such a poker
I can’t put it in the stove.
Everyone knows about her
That it is called "seven".
The rope curled up, curled
Two loops floated.
"What is the number?" - We ask mom.
Mom will answer us: "Eight."
The wind was strong and blew,
The cherry turned over.
The number is six, tell me the mercy,
Nine turned into a number.
Like an older sister
Nolik is a unit.
They just stepped together,
Ten steled at once.


Numerical family
I now know all the numbers
I will count everyone at home.
The red cat lives with us
The lazy cat is once.
I think without error
Two - in the aquarium fish.
Three - beloved granny
Knitts mittens in a chair.
Dad walks around the apartment
It will be with us - four.
Well, mom is five,
How not to count it?
Who sings the songs to us loudly?
Six, I think my sister.
Grandfather with a newspaper is seven,
He fell asleep in a chair at all.
My sister and I ask for a dog.
If they buy, there will be eight.
Well, nine is me,
That's my whole family.


The hedgehog has work -
At night, count the stars at night
On the plain of the sky -
One, two, three, four, five.
If five hang in place,
We will count again:
Six seven eight nine ten,
And we’ll finish the score.
A lot of stars in the sky
Not calculated again -
Just a hedgehog does not know how to
Further ten to count ...


Alice's song about numbers

Everyone should up to one
Know numbers to the number five, -
Well, at least for
To distinguish the marks.

Someone came home there,
And he is afraid to raise his eyes:
This is once, this is a stake,
This is a unit.
I barely stepped on the threshold
And to him - the cephalopods:
So, "couple", these are two
Or just a deuce.

Eh, once again!
We have one head
Well, in this head -
The ear is two and two thoughts,
So the people are teasing
And laughs deafly:
“Look, here is
The head is two ears!
Head, head, head - three ears! "

Look forward good!
But first you need to know
Correct starting account:
One, two, three, four, five…

You answer somehow
It’s hard to sigh at the boards -
Both Troyak and Troyak -
With a minus, with a stretch!
You read the verse by heart
But a little bit of a tongue twister-
Clap! - Four, - well, let it!
Solid four!


Eh, one, two, three!
We ran to the bet,
They overtook Troyaka
Four metric!
Here is a quadruple runs
Fast, lighter than fluff,
The triacass sniffs from behind,
Head - three ears,
Head, head, head - three ears! ..

To a million far,
But first you need to know
What is simple and easy:
One, two, three, four, five…

There are five - but not that,
Kohl to the dash will move, -
After all, the devil is not a devil:
This is just a minus.

I'm afraid of cons
And fix them in a hurry -
I will cross out and a plus will come out:
The cross is a plus.

Eh, once again!
We have a five.
Hands - two, legs - two,
A lot of thoughts in the head!
And the people do not tease -
There is not enough spirit
And no one will call:
“The head is two ears.
Head, head, head - two ears! "

Song about numbers for children in Russian - words

Song about numbers for children in Russian - words
Song about numbers for children in Russian - words

Song about numbers for children in Russian - words:

One, two, three, four, five.
Ninka came out for a walk ....
I have already forgotten six to the development
Seven - just swam.

Eight, where is far ....
Ten toe high ...
And the nine was lost
I tried to find it all.

Not in any way
The number is nine, that's how it is!
I climbed everything, and for nothing,
The figure of steam evaporated.

What to do, poor Nina?
How to be now?
The number six said to her:
- I'm on behalf of friends ....

Wipe tears, dear,
Sending young.
I'll endure everything here
That's why I love.

And you do not revise roar,
Tears, dear, wipe.
You open the holy eyes-
Believe me, there is no fairy tale.

Ninka opened her eye -
The truth was a miracle to her.
The number is six on the head.
Yes, nine, where is it?

Ninka smiled at the world
Like a cute picture.
Looks for her nine rushes.
Well, this happens!

She ran into the store.
I was looking for all the flowers.
Shot, chose ...
After all, after all, it has not disappeared.

And fragrant flowers ....
Nina, Ninka, what are you ...?
- These tears are pouring again
Tears of happiness - Ay Love Yu!


They lived in a task book
One yes one.
They went to fight
One on one.
But soon alone
Crossed one.
And now there is no
Nothing from them.
And if you were friends
They are between them,
That would have lived for a long time
And there would be two of them!

Two sisters - two hands
Chop, build, dig,
Tear out weeds on the bed
And they wash each other.
Month dough two hands -
Left and right,
Water and rivers
Road, swimming.

The traffic lights have three colors,
They are understandable for the driver:
Red color -
There is no passage.
Yellow -
Be ready to the way
And the green light is Katya!

Four in the room of the corner.
Four legs at the table.
And four legs
The mouse and the cat.
Four wheels are running,
Rubber shod.
That you will pass in two hours,
They are in two minutes.

Before you - five brothers,
They are all without dresses at home
And on the street but
Every coat needs.

There is
They want.
Give them porridge with milk.
Let them varnish with your tongue
Because cats
Do not eat from a spoon.

Seven nights and days in a week.
Seven things in your portfolio:
Blind and notebook,
And a pen to write
And elastic to stains
She was cleaned carefully,
And the pencil case and pencil,
And the primer is your friend.

Eight wooden dolls,
Chubby and ruddy,
In multi -colored sundresses
We live on the table.
Everyone is called nesting dolls.
The first Tolsta doll,
And inside it is empty.
She is distinguished
To two halves.
Another one lives in it
Doll in the middle.
Open this doll -
There will be the third in the second.
Slue the unscruption,
Dense, to the rubble, -
And you can find
Fourth doll.


Here is one, or unit,
Very thin, like a spoke.
But this is two.
Admire what:
Bends a deuce neck,
The tail is dragging behind it.
And behind a deuce - look -
The number is three.
Three - the third of the icons -
It consists of two hooks.
There are four for three,
Sharp elbow of the protrusion.
And then went to dance
There is five on paper.
She extended her hand to the right
The leg curved abruptly.
Number six - door lock:
Above is a hook, a circle below.
Here is the seven - a poker.
She has one leg.
Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.
The number is nine, or nine, - -
Digital acrobat:
If it stands on your head,
Six nine will be the number.
The number like the letter o -
This is zero, or nothing.
The round zero is so pretty
But nothing means nothing!
If on the left, next to him
Unit by the post,
He will weigh more
Because it is ten.
These numbers are in order
Write down in your notebook.
I'm talking about each now
I will compose a story to you.

Video: Learning numbers. Learning to count from 1 to 20 with a hedgehog

Original songs about memorizing numbers

Original songs about memorizing numbers
Original songs about memorizing numbers

Original songs about the numbers for memorizing:

A fairy tale with numbers
One beautiful princess
I looked into the distance without interest.

Suddenly I saw two horses.
Two princes jump straight to her.
A three -headed one came out to meet
Dragon, ferocious and healthy.

And princes - fight, in combat
Four grabbing the sword.
But the dragon is strong, a villain!
On each paw - five claws!

The princess is watching, all trembling
To battle from the sixth floor.
Seven long days and seven nights
There was a roar and clang of swords.

And the horses do not stand still
They beat together with the owners.
The enemy will scare be healthy
All eight forged horseshoes.

Dragon from the onslaught of this
Tired of spin stupidly
And he said nine times: "Hind!"
Three times each head.

He said and disappeared into the forest.
The princess went down from the tower down,
I ran to the beautiful princes
And she shook her hands ten times!
They were able to save her!


You guys listen
I want to tell you;
We had kittens - we had kittens -
There are exactly five of them.

We decided, we wondered:
How can we call kittens?
Finally we called them:
One two three four five.
Once - the kitten is the most white,
Two - the kitten is the most courageous,
Three - the kitten is the most intelligent,
And four are the most noisy.
Five - similar to three and two -
The same tail and head
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

We have good kittens -
One two three four five!
Come to us guys,
View and count.


One is a wand, a small tail,
And two are a swan floating to visit you.
Three camel humps are so similar,
Four - a flag, a poker with a stick too.

Five - excellent super -certification.
It will not replace it with a change either.
Six - a ring, a small tail from above.
The whole account is interesting, but not at all simple.

Seven - a scythe that the cows of grass
Always briskly mows in the summer meadow.
Eight - from the balls of two snowmen,
But he wilted a little without carrots.

Nine - six, but only upside down,
And zero - he is an oval that stands in front of us.
Funny numbers are our friends.
We cannot count anything without them.

Short songwriters with numbers for preschoolers

Short songwriters with numbers for preschoolers
Short songwriters with numbers for preschoolers

Short songwriters with numbers for preschoolers:

We had kittens:
One, two, three, four, five,
Come to us guys
View and count.
Since the kitten is the whiteest
Two kitten is the most daring
Three kitten is the smartest
And four are the most noisy
Five looks three and two
The same tail and head
Also a spot on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
We have good kittens
One, two, three, four, five
Come to us guys
See and count!


One, two, three, four, five,
A bunny came out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out
He shoots right at the bunny.
Bang Bang! Oh oh oh!
My bunny dies.
They brought him to the hospital,
He stole a mitten there,
They brought him to the ward
He stole chocolate there.
They brought him to the roof
He stole Uncle Misha there.
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.


Once - the judge whistles in a whistle
Two - an athlete with the ball is worth
Three - Kosim's scythe sedge.
For four - wearing hay.
Five - creaks in the garden.
Six - a snail on the leaves.
Seven - a grasshopper in the bushes.
Eight - pass the sheep sheep.
Nine - evening comes
Ten - Sasha falls asleep.


Once - the bus brought us.
Two - gnawing bone barbos.
Three - Sveta has a jump rope.
For four - Galka jumps.
Five - a badger for a straw crest.
Six - a neighbor sowing beets.
Seven - the dog drinks from a bowl.
Eight - pussy eats sausages.
Nine - the sun sits down.
Ten - the marmot lies to sleep.


Once - the elephant is building a bridge.
Two - the owl has a short tail.
Three - tore off the donkey flower.
Four - ate a flower
Five - the woodpecker has a sharp nose.
Six - an weed on a flowerbed grew.
Seven - the fox sits in the forest.
Eight - juice in a glass is poured.
Nine - it will soon become quiet.
Ten - Tanya had a dream.


Once - the call rings in the hallway.
Two - Seryozha came to me.
Three - I made a riddle.
Four - guessed.
Five - Zina has a hairpin.
Six - the snake crawls to the basket.
Seven - bunches gnawing.
Eight - the mistress is angry here.
Nine - sunset is approaching
Ten - the calls are called the guys.


Once - a cat is scratched.
Two - acacia blooms.
Three - the chicken has an egg.
For four - my face.
Five - princess on the porch.
Six are a blush on the face.
Seven - the palace is big.
Eight - the king sits in the center.
Nine - a messenger with a letter to us.
Ten - fairy tales are the end.


Once - a mouse rustling in the closet.
Two - in the tubs of a frog.
Three - the jackal went to the reeds.
And four - in the hat, the mouse.
Five - we will write at the school "Bump".
Six - naughty, a monkey rustles.
Seven - our cat on the roof.
Eight - bumblebee flew into the window.
Nine - a hat sews a seamstress.
Ten - I walked along the sleepers.


Once - two girlfriends whispered.
Two - a cuckoo on the edge.
Three - I wear toys in a hut.
For four - my ears.
Five - bought dasha checkers
Six - eat millet porridge.
Seven are three potatoes in Lukoshka.
Eight - crumbs in the palm.
Nine - stain the shoe.
Ten - keep a step wider


One - the puppy chews a clothespin.
Two - the bloodhound is looking for a sliver.
Three - Spring in the cabbage soup.
For four - the mouse squeaks.
Five - dandy chirping in the more one.
Six - I clean the baby raincoat.
Seven - we caught bream.
Eight - borsch of vegetables.
Nine - the racer went to the square.
Ten - the horse drags things.


Once - lacked the cat milk.
Two - deer far away.
Three - put the noodles in the bowls.
For four - they took spoons.
Five - Oleg broke glass.
Six - the broth in the boiler cooled down.
Seven - there are few pins in the shop.
Eight - a blanket of a blanket.
Nine - the cracker slammed.
Ten - the frog croaked.


Once - Volodya went to school.
Two - pulled the cart.
Three - the wolf tied the knot.
Four - untied.
Five - there was a white bun.
Six - a ball fell under a chair.
Seven - the horse ran.
Eight - the squirrel galloped.
Nine - a falcon in the clouds.
Ten - bees in the meadows.


Once - carrots in the garden.
Two - Yegor fence fits.
Three - at sea a steamer.
For four - quick move.
Five are a crow on the threshold.
Six are nettles along the road.
Seven - draw a still life.
Eight - cut a sandwich.
Nine - the mole is digging a hole.
Ten beetle gnaws a bark.


Once - in the trough, grunt food.
Two - Narweat parsley soon.
Three - fry potatoes together.
For four - cook fish.
Five - snowdrifts in the yard.
Six - firewood burn in the stake.
Seven - thunder rumbles into a thunderstorm.
Eight - builds Roma House.
Nine - we load a truck.
Ten - Borovik grew up.

Video: kids - smart songs, learn to count until 5

Mathematical songs with numbers and numbers for children

Mathematical songs with numbers and numbers for children
Mathematical songs with numbers and numbers for children

Mathematical songs with numbers and numbers for children:

Counting Pinocchio (from 1 to 10)
Pinocchio goes to school.
Here he is a funny lesson -
To this school along the way
Count up to ten:
“There is one sun in the sky,
There is a moon at the bottom of the well
And one has a head
On which there are two earlier.
And there are also three tankers,
Three roads in the field is clean.
And they go for them not in vain
As many as three heroes.
Waiting for them after these lines
North West South East!
Legs - four in the dog,
The cat and Makaki have,
But the fifth leg
I can't attach them.
The star has five rays,
Five frogs near the water,
Five fives in diary
And five fingers on the arm.
As many as six continents
And six legs at the beetles.
Seven in a week long days,
And the dwarves have seven lights,
Seven magic petals
And at the rainbow of flowers.
Eight legs in two cows,
Eight blowing winds,
Nine? .. Well, why nine?
Nine stars in the constellation swan!
Arrows all fly to the top ten,
Ten blitches in my notebook,
Ten minutes
And they probably wait for me.
Oh, I'm tired today
Everything that I could, I counted! "


From the heavenly window
The full moon is watching
In hide and seek with clouds plays
And he considers dozens.
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty!
And the dawn is not soon.
Fifty and sixty!
In the sky, the stars hang.
Seventy! We were lucky -
UFOs flew.
Eighty! From a plate
Hedgehogs and squirrels came out.
Ninety! With them Vanya!
Where are the aliens?
Counted for a reason
We are dozens up to a hundred!
To make everything clear
We will count back.
One hundred! We asked the squirrel:
"Is there anyone else in the plate?"
It is not easy to figure it out here.
Let's say in chorus: "Ninety!"
If who comes out of the darkness,
"Eighty!" - Let's say we.
Seventy and sixty!
Two piglets came out.
Fifty! - They said:
“Together with Vanya, we flew
On a distant planet.
There are sweets everywhere! "
Forty, thirty, twenty, ten!
It is urgent to weigh Vanya.
Maybe Vanin took the appearance
Evil alien?
After all, we know about them that
They are harder than a hundred times more!
Vanya hedgehogs and squirrels
Weighed together with a plate
It turned out he weighs
As many as one hundred and twelve tons!


The fox has a housewarming
Waiting for guests in the forest fun.
The first guest learned about this
And a raccoon with a bouquet came.
Wolf with a fox of Kumovya:
"My gift is me!"
The first wolf wanted to come,
Yes, hesitated on the way.
“Here you have a feast with a mountain.
Am I the second one? "
The third is the bunny of the mischievous
Dragging the teapot of the custard
Here the fox will be glad-
She needs to treat guests.
Tea will brew strong, mint
Very tasty, fragrant.
Who is the fourth guest with us?
Aunt the mouse will come now.
“I was at the fair,
Brought a book of fairy tales
Read the children for the night,
The children will sleep stronger "
The fifth guest was touched by Mishka
Very small topty.
What about the gift? What's the question?
Bear brought sweet honey.
Wedgeegehole - guest sixth
- I ran into a thick forest.
There, I scored mushrooms a little
And he brought Lisa Lukoshko.
Gray donkey - Guest Seventh
Returns home.
He was thoughtful in the morning
And the gift forgot.
At home, right at the door:
"I'll run after him!"
The guest eighth to the fox goes -
A very important red cat.
The cat brings her a samovar
What sparkles as if heat.
"Guest Lisonka meet
Yes, pour stronger tea! "
And the ninth ball dog
He brought the accordion to the fox.
"Hello Lisonka-Setrix,
Is it time for us to put up?
- We went across yesterday
At the master's court.
You came to the chicken coop in our
Well, and I am the master's guard! "
Get to know the tenth guest
This is a striped tiger.
He promised not to bite
Do not rush to the beasts
The fox has a housewarming.
Let us let the tiger be fun?


From ten to twenty,
It is not at all difficult to consider.
Funny, easy to find
You can always for children.
Eleven on the shore
Zaychat with the ball plays.
Twelve months a year,
There are no thirteen.
Fourteen geese are flying,
Fifteen rest.
Sixteen days rain drizzles
And floods the earth.
Seventeen Vasya ate sweets,
And later chocolate.
He wanted to eat eighteen,
But it was too sweet.
And the swarm of bee flew in,
The bees were nineteen.
Twenty times the boy regretted ...
You can’t fight with a bee!


The brothers played for months, gave nicknames to themselves.
One - January - leader. He is the first!
Two - February. He is the white.
Three - spring will be March,
And April-Capel-four.
May became the closing.
He is the fifth, don't forget.
We go to the account of the summer.
Six - June. He is a young man.
Seven - July. He is berry.
August - sadness, summer leaves.
Only autumn comes,
And the ninth is considered.
He is September - school ringing.
October - gold chervonets.
November Write the word and
Find eleven.
So autumn ended.
And what about the twelfth?
He brings us winter.
Let's call him December
Br! How cold in the nose.


One two three four,
Who is in our apartment?
Two mouse, two kittens,
Three ducklings, three children!
How many of them, tell me?
Ten! And now drive

Before we go to bed,
You need to count the dolls:
Once - lies on a chest,
Two - in a green cap,
Three - sat down on the pillow,
And four - on a frog,
Five and six are sitting in a chair
Seven has already fell asleep for a long time.
Eight hid in the corner,
Nine is just on the floor.
And the tenth is not nowhere
You will look for everywhere!

One, two, three, four, five,
Mice are asked to count:
How many cats are in the apartment?
One two three four.
- And add kittens to add!
Five, six, seven, eight.
We add plush cats,
Nine, ten - we get.

We began to consider hares:
One, two, three, four, five!
Six and seven climbed into the mink,
Eight - hid on the hill.
Here are two more, how many of them?
Ten! And the song is finished.


In kindergarten, kids -
All such huts.
Children went out for a walk.
One - rushing from the hill Petya.
Two - Vanyusha flies behind him.
Three - on the carousel of Ksyusha.
And four are in Kolya's house.
Five - stands with the bucket of Olya.
Six - Mitya plays with the ball.
Seven - Vitya gets off the horse.
Eight - with a puppet Natasha.
Nine - Masha jumps nearby.
Ten - along the path of Fedya
Riding a bike.
And now the opposite:
Ten - on a bicycle
Fedya rides along the path.
Nine - Boyko rides Masha.
Eight - with a puppet of Natasha.
Seven - Vitya gets off the horse.
Six - throws Mitya's ball.
Five - Olya waves a bucket.
And four are in Kolya's house.
Three - on the carousel of Ksyusha.
Two - Vanyusha flies from the mountain.
Once - Petya laughs below.
There are no friendly guys in the world.

Children's songs about numbers and numbers - words

Children's songs about numbers and numbers - words
Children's songs about numbers and numbers - words

Children's songs about numbers and numbers - words:

Funny account
1. I learned to count, 1-2-3-4-5,
I count up to 5, but I can up to 10.
I counted the kittens at the cat,
On the table are plates, spoons,
I counted flowers in a vase,
All the bushes are near the house.

2. I learned to count, 1-2-3-4-5,
I count up to 5, but I can up to 10.
Counted my toys,
There are all pillows on the couch
I began to count sweets
- A tooth was getting sick again

3. I learned to count, 1-2-3-4-5,
I count up to 5, but I can up to 10.
And when I become an adult
I will count the stars in the sky,
And I’ll tell you, friends, you are directly
I will give her one name "Mom".


Funny account 2 ″
Everything that I see in the yard,
Everything that I see in the way
I can, I can
Count to ten.
I'm going with my mother in the zoo
And I think everything is in a row.
Runes the porcupine
This is once.
Cleans the feathers of the owl,
These are two.
The third was Wolverine,
And the fourth is a turtle.
The gray wolf went to bed,
It's five.
The parrot in the foliage is thick,
He is the sixth.
Here is a moose next to the moose,
It will be seven and eight.
Nine is a hippo:
Mouth - like a grandmother's chest of drawers.
A lion space walks in the cage,
He is the last, he is the tenth.
I can’t count further -
We must start again!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.


Two by two is four

Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world.
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world.
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not three, not five,
You should know it!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not six, not seven,
This is clear to everyone!
Three times three times forever - nine,
There is nothing to do here.
And it is easy to count
How much five five will be.
Five five to twenty -five.
Five -five to twenty -five,
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world.
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world.
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,

And not three, not five,
You should know it!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not six, not seven,
This is clear to everyone!
Who, friends, will not ask
Six eight - forty -eight.
Six six - please take into account
Invariably thirty six!
Six six to thirty -six.
Six six - thirty -six,
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world.
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
Everyone knows this in the whole world.
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not three, not five,
You should know it!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not six, not seven,
This is clear to everyone!


It is good to be able to count!
This is better than flying!
It's great and fun!

If you want, you can
Count your dreams
And their friends, and songs!

The numbers are all easy and simple
Build children in height:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six seven eight nine ten!
Now let's go together
We will count everything around!

How many forks, spoons, mugs,
How many chairs and toys
How many mice, birds, bunnies,

How many stars shines in the sky,
How many bread crumbs in bread,
How many girls and boys.

We need to remember the numbers,
Sake a chorus together:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six seven eight nine ten!
This little song
Everyone should know in the world!

There are no more honest numbers in the world
They have all the answers to all
And they will tell us

How much crocodiles weigh
Lions, giraffes and gorillas,
And the fat man hippo!

We need to remember the numbers,
Sake a chorus together:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six seven eight nine ten!
This little song
Everyone should know in the world!

Video: Song Arabic numbers

Song about Rumyanova's numbers - words

Song about Rumyanova's numbers - words
Song about Rumyanova's numbers - words

Everyone should know up to one number to the number five,
Well, at least in order to distinguish the marks.
Someone came home there and is afraid to raise his eyes,
This time is a stake, this is a unit.
Out of the threshold, he barely stepped, and to him - the header,
So the “couple” is two or just a deuce.

Eh, once, once again, we have one head,
Well, in this head there are two and two thoughts.
So the people tease and laughs deafly:
“Look, there is a head - two ears,
Head, head, head - two ears. "

It's good to look forward, but first you need to know
Correct initial account: one, two, three, four, five.
You answer somehow, sighing it on the board.
And “Troyak” and “Troyak” with a minus, with a stretch.
You read the verse by heart, but a little with a tongue twister.
Clap! Four, well, let it be a hard four.

Eh, one, two, three, ran to the bet,
They overtook the Troyaka for four heels.
Here is a quadruple runs, quickly, lighter than fluff,
Behind the three -sopa cape, the head - three ears,
Head, head, head - three ears.

Everyone should know firmly up to one to the number five,
Well, at least in order to distinguish the marks.
Someone came home there and is afraid to raise his eyes
This is very good, it is a unit.
Out of the threshold, he barely stepped, and to him - the header,
So there are two legs upside down - a hard five.

Eh, five, three, once, one head with us,
Well, in this head, two mouths and two ears.
Only a slap in the face will be able to confuse his head,
There is a head on the five legs - two ears,
Head, head, head - two ears.

"Angel Baby" - a song about numbers

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five.
We begin to count.
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
Repeat the numbers together.

Here is a cheerful gentleman,
He stands completely alone.

At the shirt - sleeves,
How many are there? One and ... two.

The three rushes. Look.
Horses jump. Once. Two. Three.

The cat is sitting. And all in kefir
Paws. Once. Two. Three. Four.

It is necessary to count the fingers.
There are exactly five on the arm.

And we have a guitar.
How many strings? We count. Six.

The rainbow shines to everyone.
In it we will see seven flowers.

"How much tentacles?" - We will ask.
The octopus will answer: "Eight."

The house is tall, how to measure?
Floors in that house are nine.

And put for order
After nine ten.

That's all. We can count.
Started ten times smarter.

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five.
We begin to count.
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
Repeat the numbers together.

That's all. We can count.
Started ten times smarter.

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five.
We begin to count.
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
Better not about the numbers of songs.

Kesha's song about numbers from the cartoon "Mi-Mi-Mim"-video

And in the conclusion of our article, we offer you a video of Kesha's songs about numbers from the cartoon "Mi-Mi-Mim".

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