The first teeth in a child: how to anesthetize teething, how to alleviate pain to the baby? Drugs and drugs to relieve pain when tearing teeth in infants

The first teeth in a child: how to anesthetize teething, how to alleviate pain to the baby? Drugs and drugs to relieve pain when tearing teeth in infants

The article describes fixed assets that facilitate the process of teething of the first teeth, including an overview of drugs, and a list of some folk methods of helping infants is given.

The first year of the baby is the most difficult period in the life of his parents. Before we had time to relax from sleepless nights because of colic, and the first teeth are already allowed to know about themselves. In most cases, this event falls on the period between 4 and 8 months.

Each child is individual, respectively, the age of the appearance of milk teeth, the order and soreness with which they are cut will also differ in different children. But it is believed that these processes are laid down at the genetic level. Therefore, to find out when and what to expect from the first teeth of the baby, ask your parents how your milk teeth climbed.

Interesting: the child is born with a full set of milk teeth, they only wait for their time to cut out.

There may be a situation when happy parents learn about the first tooth of their child when he smiles at him in the morning, or accidentally hear a characteristic sound from a metal spoon, which ended up in his mouth in a baby. At the same time, the child will not show noticeable changes in behavior.

But more often, parents know about the intention of the tooth through the gum in advance. The pain that the baby experiences when teething is unbearable and cause it not small discomfort. Loss of appetite, poor sleep, whims and hysteria, stomach disorder and temperature are only part of the list of potential troubles accompanying the appearance of teeth.

The natural desire of parents is to help the baby in all possible ways to survive this painful period.

How to anesthetize teething?

There are different options for relief of pain that can be combined into 3 groups:

  • special and "home" rejectors
  • medications
  • folk remedies

In stores, you can find a huge number of retectacles from latex, silicone, rubber, plastic and even wood. In addition, the teethers are characterized by shape, color and additional functions.

For example, some of them contain holes for ointments and gels, which allows the medicine to get on the gums imperceptibly for the child, some contain water or special liquid for cooling in the refrigerator. A universal type of rejected that suits all children does not exist. It all depends on the preferences of the baby. There are children who do not recognize such devices at all.

As an alternative to children who do not yet have a single tooth, you can offer the so -called “home” eruptions: carrots, apple, cracker, drying, etc.

Important: if a child is an allergy sufferer, you should not give him carrots, since it belongs to a group of allergen products.

Your finger can also be performed by your finger, massaging inflamed gums from time to time.

Most often, cold helps to calm the pain in the gums for kids. It can be a cold spoon, cool apple puree, frozen drying or a banana, a cooling tear, a cold rag.

IMPORTANT: Do not give kids ice cubes from the freezer so as not to injure the gums, and prevent frostbite.

Drugs when teeth teething

If the teeth are cut so painfully that both the child and parents are tormented by insomnia, the baby constantly cries, or he has additional symptoms: temperature, snot, ears, coughing, etc., you can not do without the help of drugs.

Important: Before you opt for a particular medicine, consult a pediatrician, especially in the presence of other symptoms. Perhaps the child simultaneously occurs some kind of disease, the signs of which you take for teething.

Modern medicine offers a large range of drugs with analgesic and anti -inflammatory effect: ointments, gels, drops, candles and tablets. They can be distinguished in separate groups:

  1. Local painkillers that apply to the gums: kamistad, Kalgel, Holisal, Dentinins.
  2. Antipyretic in suppositories and syrup: cEFONE D, Nurofen, Panadol.
  3. Homeopathic remedies based on herbs: viburkol, Dantinorm Baby, dentokind, ointment traumel S.

Gels when teething in children: Kamistad, Kalgel, Holisal, Dentinins


  • Composition: lidocaine + chamomile extract.
  • Action: Lidocaine - local anesthesia, chamomile - anti -inflammatory action.
  • Application in children: Perhaps.
  • Method of application: rub 5 mm gel into the gum, where the teeth is cut, but not more than 3 times a day.

Important: in different instructions to the drug as contraindications, children are younger than three months and age up to 12 years. Therefore, carefully study the instructions before use.


  • Ingredients: lidocaine + cutilepyridia chloride.
  • Action: Lidocaine - Local anesthesia, Cylpydinius chloride - Antiseptic.
  • Application in children: possibly from 5 months of age.
  • Method of application: 7.5 mm gel, no more than 6 times a day.


  • Ingredients: Kholina Salicilate + Callicium chloride.
  • Action: Kholina Salicilate - analgesic and pronounced anti -inflammatory effect, stalcoonium chloride is an antiseptic.
  • Application in children: under 12 months - with caution.
  • Method of application: 5 mm gel 2-3 times a day.


  • Composition: lidocaine + chamomile extract + polydocanol.
  • Action: lidocaine - anesthesia, chamomile - anti -inflammatory action, polydocanol - antiseptic.
  • Application in children: under 1 year old - after consulting a doctor.
  • Method of application: a drop of gel 2-3 times a day.


Important: the effect of the gels will be noticeable in a few minutes, but it will not last long. The longest effect (up to 2-3 hours) has a holisal.

  • Separately, it should be mentioned that Kamistad, Calgel and Dentinins, which contain Lidocaine, are undesirable to use in infants, especially before feeding, since they can cause numbness of the oral cavity, lips, tongue, which determines the occurrence of the risk of biting the tongue and the difficulty of swallowing.
  • Kamistad cannot be used in case of stomatitis with damaged areas of the oral mucosa.
  • All four gels cause an increase in salivation, which is unsafe for babies.
  • Among the contraindications are individual intolerance to components and possible allergic reactions.

Ointment when teething

Compared to gels, ointments are worse fixed on the gums and are quickly washed off with saliva, therefore, dental gels are preferred consistency for local use.

Nevertheless, among drugs that facilitate the process of tearing teething, they use the ointment of Traumel S.

  • This is a homeopathic remedy, which contains various herbs: arnica, nails, echinacea, chamomile, Margarita, yarrow, Belladonna.
  • The main area of \u200b\u200buse is the therapy of the musculoskeletal system, the drain of soft tissues after sprains and dislocations.
  • In addition, doctors sometimes prescribe it to relieve inflammation when teething.
  • Among the contraindications specified in the instructions, there is increased sensitivity, as well as the age of up to 3 years due to the lack of relevant studies.

Drops when teething: Dantinorm Baby

The drug French (Boaron) is also a homeopathic remedy, i.e. Made on the basis of natural herbs.

  • Composition: chamomile + Indian ivy + rhubarb.
  • Action: Homeopathic drug to relieve pain when teething.
  • Method of application: one capsule 2-3 times a day is taken orally for 3 days.
  • There are no side effects, as contraindications, only individual sensitivity to the components of the dentinorm is possible.
  • The drug acts quickly.
  • In addition, drops are convenient to use and prevent an overdose risk, since they are produced in plastic containers of 1 ml each, equivalent to a single dose.

Tablets when teething

The drug for tearing the first teeth in the form of tablets is not the most convenient thing, since the baby cannot dissolve the tablet on his own, for this you will have to freeze first, dissolving the tablet in a spoon of water.

Nevertheless, this form of release of medical means to help babies when teeth teething is presented on the market. The most popular are dentokind tablets.

Homeopathy when teething: dentokind

German natural dentokind tablets is another homeopathic remedy to relieve pain in infants and younger children.

  • Composition: Belladonna + chamomile pharmacy + sulfuris cheetra + pulsathyl.
  • Dosage: up to a year - 1 tablet, no more than 6 tablets/day, for children older - 2 tablets, not more than 12 tablets/day, a break between receptions - at least 1 hour.
  • Method of application: a tablet must be absorbed in the mouth, for kids a tablet should be dissolved in water.
  • It is not recommended to be used without preliminary consultation with a pediatrician.
  • Contraindicated for children with allergies to one of the components of substances.
  • The drug acts comprehensively, relieving nervousness, soreness and improving the child's sleep.

Candles during teeth teething: cucon, viburkol.

The most convenient in use in infants are rectal candles. In the period when the teeth are cut in a small child, candles based on vegetable ingredients of Viburkol can provide real assistance, at elevated temperatures, Candle D.


  • Composition: chamomile + Belladonna + Pulsitalla + Plantago Major + Calcium Carbonicum + Solyanum Dulkamara.
  • Action: Homeopathic remedy has a sedative effect, can have an antipyretic effect.
  • Application in children: not contraindicated.
  • Method of application: up to 6 months-1 candle 2 times a day, after six months-1 suppository 4-6 times a day.


  • Composition: paracetamol
  • Action: analgesic and antipyretic
  • Application in children: from 1 month
  • Method of application: 10-15 mg of the drug per 1 kg of child weight 2-3 times a day

You can not use Viburkol and Cerafon in the presence of appropriate allergies to drugs.

Panadol when teething

Children's Panadol is similar in action to the candles of Tsecon D, but is produced both in the form of candles and in the form of a syrup. As part of - paracetamol, is used to reduce temperature and pain when teething. Application is possible from 3 months of age.

Which is better to use depends on personal preferences and recommendations of the doctor. Syrups in some children cause vomiting reflexes, so it is more convenient for some to use candles, someone opposite to give the child a syrup.

Is Nurofen possible when teething?

As an antipyretic pediatricians, Nurofen children are often prescribed. Therefore, if the teeth are cut with temperature, this drug takes place.

  • Composition: Ibuprofen.
  • Action: analgesic, anti -inflammatory, antipyretic.
  • Application in children: from 3 months.
  • The drug is available in tablets, candles, in the form of syrup and suspension for oral administration, as well as in the form of ointment and gel for external use.
  • When teething in young children, a suspension with an orange taste is most often prescribed.


  • The dosage depends on the weight of the child.
  • Unlike paracetamol, Ibuprofen, which is the main substance of Nurofen, provides a faster and longer effect.
  • The medicine should not be abused, prolonged use in children up to 6 months is undesirable.
  • The drug has a number of contraindications and side effects, therefore, an independent decision on the use of the drug is not recommended.

Cream when teeth teething

As painkillers, relieving itching and inflammation of local drugs, mainly appropriate gels are used (see above). The cream may be needed to care for the skin around the mouth. When teething, a large salivation is observed, which leads to irritation and the appearance of a small rash in the lips. Children's creams of plant origin will help to cope with this.

First teeth: folk remedies when teething

In addition to medical remedies, young parents have many folk ways to reduce the pain from the first tooths transmitted from generation to generation.

1. Different herbal teas and tinctures taken inward have a sedative effect. For example:

  • chamomile + lemon balm + lavender + kotovnik (pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. A spoonful of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 15-30 minutes)
  • chamomile tea (give the child 1-2 tsp)

2. To relieve pain in the gums of the baby, you can rub:

  • tincture of valerian
  • tincture of burdock root + star
  • clove + almond oil in proportion 2 to 1
  • honey
  • soda (dilute 1 tsp to 1 cup of water, apply with a bandage)

3. The analgesic effect is possessed by amber beads, which are worn on the child’s neck. However, do not forget about the safety of the baby.

Important: the use of folk methods should be reasonable, one should not forget about possible allergic manifestations to certain types of herbs and honey. It is advisable to get a preliminary approval of a doctor.

First teeth: tips and reviews

  • Show patience and maximum concerns in relation to the baby, who only has temporarily turned into a capricious and tearful child.
  • Try to distract the attention of the crumbs with new toys, home objects that are interesting to him, nursery rhymes and songs.
  • Do not give the child aspirin, only ibuprofen and paracetamol are used to reduce temperature in infants (see the types of drugs above).
  • Do not lubricate the gums of the child with alcohol -containing substances.
  • In the case of the baby’s refusal of food, try not to warm up food, but to offer it cool.

  • Make stocks of several types of wolves to choose the most suitable for your child.
  • Have at least two coolants in the presence of at least two coolant: while the child will bite one tear, the second will cool in the refrigerator.
  • If necessary, do not be afraid to use the medicines as necessary, if this facilitates the condition of the baby, and will make it possible to relax to you.

Reviews Some mothers about the drugs that helped their children at the first teeth:

  • “... We bought Dentinins gel based on chamomile extract. Helps the baby very much ... "
  • "Saved Kalgel, Nurofen"
  • "Only Holisal helps us ..."
  • “When the teeth begin to cut, and it becomes very difficult, we put a candle for the night of the vibrucol, and if tolerant, we give only dentocyind (homeopathy). So far, he is saving "
  • “Kamistad helped us well. Although dentists do not advise all these gels "
  • “Dantinorm Baby. Only by this we are saving ... This is a homeopathic drug. It is taken for three days, and then a break ... and also cooler teeters. "

Thus, for everyone there is a way to survive the time of teething with milk teeth, the most suitable and effective for a particular child.

Video: first teeth - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. In my bobrenka, the first four teeth were cut out with a bang. And on the following she and he was hazardous, saliva hail, the Desna was trying to scratch about everything, tried to give cooling rodents, but they annoyed the association even more. And if before that I did not want to use all sorts of means to facilitate the teething, I realized that I was enough to mock my child and decided to buy something for the gums. On a tip, a girlfriend immediately bought Gengigel Tizing. The most important thing is that there are no harmfulnesses in it, otherwise I don’t want to start stuffing the child with chemistry from infancy, and when I smoke, by the behavior of the child it is very noticeable how he begins to act. And it is also very cool that he, like a booth with a film, covers the gum and does not wash off right away.

  2. From all of the above, we tried dentins and to this day we use. I agree that the ointments do not hold at all, and dentinx directly sticks to the gum and does not wash off the saliva quickly. I immediately decided to refuse the pills, too much trouble, crush, dilute, etc. When the child cries or has already hysteria, I want to help him calm down as soon as possible. Homeopathy also does not anesthetize, it's like drinking tea. It’s better then to just feed it naturally. There is lidocaine in Dentinoks, which really has an anesthetic effect, and not just mum grass)) The dose of lidocaine is safe for the child, verified! Consulted with our doctor.

  3. I didn’t give tablets either, the gel is most conveniently applied to the gums. We were saved by Holisalu, for me it turned out to be the most effective. The child became more calm, slept tightly and did not tremble in a dream from pain, as before. For two months, probably this period lasted, the first crawled out, we are waiting for the next “party”)))

  4. We also use dentins. To anoint with your finger, wait a couple of minutes, and the problem is solved, crying and psychos stop. A pleasant kuus, sometimes there are enough packaging for a month, sometimes for several months, depending on the elaboration frequency. The child likes and I am satisfied. In addition to the teething, they have already learned to cope with the lambs.

  5. Here, of course, everyone has his own. For example, I choose a tool without lidocaine in the composition.

  6. Regina, here I am the same. Therefore, she stopped at the Holisal Gel. The composition just does not have lidocaine, but at the same time, pain, inflammation, this remedy does not reduce badly with its action. True, she used a dentinorm before him, but when she found out that it was homeopathy, and even without antibacterial action, she abandoned it.

  7. When his son's teeth began to climb, he was direct restless. I consulted with the pediatrician and decided to use the Holisal gel. Lidocaine is not in the composition, this is good, since this component is not desirable to use in children. After the gel, the baby became better, it was visible in behavior.

  8. Thank you for the article. Now the teeth were just climbing with my daughter, oh, sometimes we almost do not sleep at all.

  9. I agree about the holisal, when my daughter's teeth climbed, this gel greatly made life easier for us. I applied it to the place on the gum where the teeth was expected and the child calmed down, the pain, see, subsided. At night they began to sleep better, as they began to use this tool.

  10. It is necessary to select such a tool so that there is also safe for the child.

  11. Arina, that is why I use Holisal when teeth teeth in my child. The product does not contain lidocaine. And this is good, since it is even dangerous for adults, not to mention children.

  12. We all do not sleep, even our neighbors do not sleep, since the teeth are apparently cut for everyone.

  13. Lera, that’s why I holisal gel to the child on the gum and apply) so that the pain, inflammation, this tool reduces, and we and my neighbors spilled out well.

  14. Many mothers participate in a conversation, I will recommend that I read the article on that teeth teething And how to alleviate this period to the baby.

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